On Wed, 7 Sep 2011 13:27:16 +0530, saurabh khandelwal 
<sourabhkhandelwal...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Hello Group,
>                  For Maintenance reason I want to create B set for
>mainframe z/OS system. So that I will have two set of RES volume called A
>set and B set.
>                  My Idea is to run z/OS system from A set and apply
>Maintenance on B set. Once Maintenance applied successfully, I can switch
>over my z/OS from A set to B set and run z/OS.
>                  Can you please guide me the way to do this.

I did it that way on smaller systems in the past when DASD was really
at a premium and not as "cheap".     I'm sure there are posts in
the archives that talk about it.  

In the Jobs/Doc section of my web site (URL below)  is a cloning example,
CLONERSO, that was based on an A / B set like you are asking about.
Back then there was only a single OMVS root, so the sample would
have to be modified (also see CLONERES which is more current).  You 
clone from the live system, mount the cloned unix root (and other
cloned file systems associated with the sysres set) at a service mount
point, and apply maintenance.  After you are done you can IPL from
the new set.   That all assumes your DDDEFs use volsers to point to 
the alternate sysres volume(s) and that the  unix paths use a service
mount point.   And of course all your sysres data sets do need to be
indirectly cataloged before you IPL from that new sysres before  (as was
already discussed).

The other cloning example - CLONERES is based on always having 
a sysres set for maintenance and then cloning to the A or B set 
(or more if you have a need).  I much prefer that if you have DASD
available to do so and suggest you attempt to do it that way if at all

I saw someone already offered you a program to aid in indirect
cataloging.  I also have something on my web site that is
REXX based - INDIRECR.   However, it doesn't read the 
VTOC.  You can take an ISPF 3.4 dsn list of a volume and
then feed that into INDIRECR to create your IDCAMS
statements (remove VTOCIX and VVDS if they exist).

As far as a general overview of how you prepare your system
for maintenance, including indirect cataloging etc., you really
should review the z/OS Planning for Installation manual for
the z/OS release you are running.   In the one I'm looking
at right now (z/OS 1.11), the details are in chapter 6 - 
"Preparing for future installations".


Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS       
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html 
Systems Programming expert at http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/

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