On 7/12/07, Linux Lingam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> apple has probably done 'a hostile takeover' of the CUPS project, by
> 'buying' the author.
> http://www.computerworld.com.au/index.php/id;1249882244;fp;16;fpid;1
> the community thinks this is to safeguard apple from issues with gpl3,
> as apple's printing-engine relies on CUPS. maybe, maybe not.
> apple also bought the GPL-ed software similarly, that was the
> precursor to 'shake' its video-compositing app.
> can we expect several more of such similar 'hostile' take-overs of
> GPL-ed software where a lead-programmer essentially has the right to
> revoke the GPL license for whatever motivations?
> HP, that relies on CUPS to keep its printers compatible with GnuLinux,
> has yet to respond or issue a statement.
> could this have an impact on our GPL-ed ability to 'print-to-pdf' using CUPS?
> ?
> niyam

>From the source: http://www.cups.org/articles.php?L475

It seems to be fine and nothing to fork etc. over. Hostile takeover
etc. seems to be an over-reaction.  Also:


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