--- Linux Lingam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> apple has probably done 'a hostile takeover' of the
> CUPS project, by
> 'buying' the author.
> apple also bought the GPL-ed software similarly,
> that was the
> precursor to 'shake' its video-compositing app.
> can we expect several more of such similar 'hostile'
> take-overs of
> GPL-ed software where a lead-programmer essentially
> has the right to
> revoke the GPL license for whatever motivations?

 I dont think cups is project driven by single
programmer. Apple hiring lead programmer presents no
threat to the project as long as lead programmer is
dedicated to the project. 
 If lead programmer joining Apple is a 'takeover' then
Google has taken over python long ago and M$ has taken
over couple OSS projects. 
 On the other hand if the project is run by a team of
programmers then lead programmer can no way revoke the
license of the software unless all the code
contributors agree to revoke the license. 


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