On 13-Jul-07, at 9:41 AM, Raj Mathur wrote:

>> GPL-ed software where a lead-programmer essentially has the right to
>> revoke the GPL license for whatever motivations?
> Note that there's a difference between ``lead programmer'' and ``only
> programmer''.  If Foo is the only programmer of a project, she can
> choose to change to whatever license she wants at any time.  If she's
> the lead programmer, however, she has to get permission from ALL
> programmers who've contributed even one byte to the code before she  
> can
> change the license.  Alternatively, she can go back to the pristine
> source which she originally single-handedly created and re-license
> that, but she loses all the innovation that the community made, and  
> the
> community product remains under GPL anyway.

or she can remove the code contributed by those programmers who dont  
agree. Or, like mysql does, refuse to accept any code unless the  
copyright is handed over


Kenneth Gonsalves
Associate, NRC-FOSS

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