Am 30.07.2015 um 15:51 schrieb kp kirchdoerfer:
Hi Erich;

Am Mittwoch, 29. Juli 2015, 10:01:42 schrieb Erich Titl:

Am 25.07.2015 um 18:15 schrieb kp kirchdoerfer:

Ok, I'll try to add option to init/hwdetect util in some days. I think
that by default we shouldn't save probed modules to moddb.

What about this one?
Do you have time to add the code soon?

I'd like to have it before we are doing another rc release for 5.2.

To tellyou the truth, I don't like the idea of an option, it just adds
complexity and changes to the init process and that one is rotten enough
as it is now.

I would like the current behaviour be kept as the default, new stuff can
be added as optional, thus users don't have to worry about the settings
of the boot process.

It depends what you define as "current behaviour".

Put it that way, no changes in boor config files, e.g. syslinux.conf or menu.lst (for grub)

The current behaviour in 5.2-rc2 is that modules are probed from modules.sqfs
during boot, copied to /lib/mdoules and loaded.
This is extremly convenient if you have (boot) time and space.

OK current for me is not the _beta_ behaviour :-)

Also updating a kernel requires to replace the kernel, initmod and

This one should _not_ be a dependency. At least to me that is a nice add_on but it must not be required to build a working system.

New dependencies will be resolved with next boot.

The drawback is, that it is not possible to delete the 9MB modules.sqfs and
that it always probe, copies and load modules.sqfs.

That is bad, it should not be this way.

The idea is to have a parameter in leaf.cfg to save the probed modules to
moddb, which is a lot smaller and to speed up boottime using moddb instead of
moduels.sqfs. I believe this is inline with your arguments for small machines.

I don't like the idea to have additional parameters for something I don't like anyway :-(

The code to save to and use moddb isn't really working yet, at least for me.
But I think we should have that ready when releasing the next rc with
modules.sqfs insteasd of modules.tgz.

To me it does not make a difference if it is a tgz file or sqfs, I won't use it anyway except for upgrade and then be done with it. I prefer moddb.lrp. I don't like the idea of a parameter because it adds complexity.

IMHO it should be

- load kernel and an absolute minimum of device drivers for the architecture, I _believe_ initmod is overcharged.
- load drivers as defined in moddb and /etc/modules
- if modules.sqfs exists, use it to load additional modules
- _don't_ touch the modules backup logic in any case



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