26.07.2015 18:09, kp kirchdoerfer пишет:
> Hi Andrew;
> Am Samstag, 25. Juli 2015, 19:32:10 schrieb Andrew:
>> Hi.
>> I'll try to add it at this weekend.
> I've updated config.lrp and initrd.lrp and it seems to work regarding saving
> modules.
> But it seems there is a problem when removing modules.sqfs.
> While I do have saved the modules to moddb.lrp, it seems modules saved in
> moddb.lrp are not loaded  (modules.sqfs has been deleted/removed).
Strange, fallback code should work OK. I'll test it
> In addition we should make shure for updates that modules.sqfs overwrites
> moddb.lrp  - "if modules.sqfs is available, do not load moddb.lrp"
> kp
I'm not sure that it's a good idea. At least - moddb may be leaved for 
user drivers/fresh versions of drivers.

Currently we:
0) probing drivers from initmod
1) trying to probe drivers from moddb
2) trying to probe drivers from sqfs and copy missed drivers to /lib/modules

>> 25.07.2015 19:15, kp kirchdoerfer пишет:
>>> Hi Andrew;
>>> Am Samstag, 4. Juli 2015, 16:00:24 schrieb Andrew:
>>>> 04.07.2015 15:45, kp kirchdoerfer пишет:
>>>>> Am Samstag, 4. Juli 2015, 15:31:40 schrieb Andrew:
>>>>>> 04.07.2015 15:14, kp kirchdoerfer пишет:
>>>>>>> Hi;
>>>>>>> I almost agree with Erich :)
>>>>>>> Am Samstag, 4. Juli 2015, 14:56:33 schrieb Andrew:
>>>>>>>> 04.07.2015 11:34, Erich Titl пишет:
>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>> Am 04.07.2015 um 09:50 schrieb Andrew:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>>>>>> In most cases probing from squashfs is preferred over loading from
>>>>>>>>>> moddb
>>>>>>>>>> - at least, this will not break system after update if it'll
>>>>>>>>>> require
>>>>>>>>>> some modules that aren't in moddb (for ex., some ethernet driver).
>>>>>>>>>> We may add some option to use legacy behavior with sqfs, or we may
>>>>>>>>>> add
>>>>>>>>>> fallback behavior with tgz package for hwdetect.
>>>>>>>>> This would IMHO be a very ugly behaviour. I belived and still
>>>>>>>>> believe
>>>>>>>>> that the sqfs was a more elegant replacement for modules.tgz, and it
>>>>>>>>> is. You decided to use it also on startup with hwdetect, which makes
>>>>>>>>> IMHO most of the modules in initmod completely redundant.
>>>>>>>> This makes moddb completely redundant, and this is leaved only for
>>>>>>>> systems with small storage + rare cases like custom modules. Initmod
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> needed anycase - it's mounted with rootfs, and requires loaded
>>>>>>>> storage-related modules.
>>>>>>> Indeed; if we empty moddb, we have to make shure most of the modules
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> referenced in /etc/modules, so they'll be loaded by hwdtect during
>>>>>>> boot
>>>>>>> from sqfs.
>>>>>> No, they'll be loaded like with filled moddb.
>>>>>>>      Will free about 1.8MB on the images, but I believe requires more
>>>>>>> maintenance cvause we need to keep /etc/modules in sync with kernel
>>>>>>> modules
>>>>>>> (netfilter etc). Don't know if wildcards are suppported in
>>>>>>> /etc/modules.
>>>>>> netfilter/iptables/shaper modules are in .depend list of corresponding
>>>>>> packages (<DependsOn> section, lines like 'Module = ipt_*' - yes, with
>>>>>> wildcards; algorithm earlier was used in getdep.sh).
>>>>> Seems I saw it, but forgot the changes you've made. So we can start to
>>>>> work
>>>>> with an empty moddb, but keep it for saving modules after hwdetect or
>>>>> added by the user?
>>>> Right. On my 5.2 boxes there's no moddb at all.
>>>>>>>>> To me all this looks like we have no clear policy for module
>>>>>>>>> handling,
>>>>>>>>> at least in a transition phase. Just using the sqfs looks like a
>>>>>>>>> regression to me.
>>>>>>>>> Reducing the size or even making initmod redundant would be great if
>>>>>>>>> we could achieve that. I believe with the inclusion of sqfs support
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> the kernel this is possible. We should only do hwdetect if sqfs is
>>>>>>>>> present and definitely not inhibit saving modules in moddb.
>>>>>>>>> I don't want to run hwdetect at each and every boot and there should
>>>>>>>>> be a boot time selection either just by the presence of sqfs or a
>>>>>>>>> command line switch.
>>>>>>>> Will it be enough good to add legacy .tgz handling to hwdetect (so
>>>>>>>> systems with tgz instead of sqfs will have same behavior as earlier)?
>>>>>>> I don't think it's necessary to revive tgz; it will just waste
>>>>>>> disk-space
>>>>>>> adds code etc..
>>>>>>> Saving modules in modbd and get rid of modules.sqfs  later and until
>>>>>>> next
>>>>>>> update works if I remoce /var/lib/lrpkg/sqfs.modules (the
>>>>>>> "blacklist").
>>>>>>> An idea could be to add configuration option in /etc/lrp.conf (like
>>>>>>> lrp_SAVE_MODULES) and if set to "yes" hwdetect does not write the
>>>>>>> modules
>>>>>>> loaded into the blacklist - waht dou you think?
>>>>>>> kp
>>>>>> Ok, we may do this. This shouldn't be too complex. Where this option
>>>>>> should be (leaf.cfg, kernel boot line, /etc/lrp.conf or somewhere
>>>>>> else?).
>>>>> I think leaf.cfg would be the most obvious place.
>>>>> kp
>>>> Ok, I'll try to add option to init/hwdetect util in some days. I think
>>>> that by default we shouldn't save probed modules to moddb.
>>> What about this one?
>>> Do you have time to add the code soon?
>>> I'd like to have it before we are doing another rc release for 5.2.
>>> kp
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