I don't use Dropbox for Legacy, but I do use it for Zoot XT, an 
information processor.  The solution there is to set up a dummy folder on each 
computer for Zoot to save to as well as it's own folder databases.  Then the 
dummy folder is put on Dropbox.  What is saved to Zoot is smart foldered to the 
dummy.  Dropbox syncs then only with the dummy folder, affecting the live Zoot 
folders/databases only after syncing is complete.
Zoot XT is a set of very flexible smart databases on a stable engine Legacy 
developers might take a look at.

        My Legacy has only about 1400 records so easy to back up when doing 
regular drive backups, but for Bob's or other's much larger number of records 
it would be much faster and safer to backup just Legacy to Dropbox and forget 

Prescott Smith

From: Sherry/Support [she...@legacyfamilytree.com]
Sent: Thursday, 16 October, 2014 11:02 AM
To: legacyusergroup@legacyusers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy not syncing in Dropbox

My suggestion would be to back up to the hard drive or your external
backup drive when you're finished working in the file.

I've not had any problems with working in Dropbox but then I'm the
only one who can access my file there.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 8:49 AM, Bob Austen wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> I totally agree about not having the live file on the Cloud. I have only a
> copy of my legacy file on Dropbox. I do have the larger .fdb file on
> Dropbox and then I can simply copy my Legacy file to my Dropbox folder for a
> backup at any time, even with the file open on Legacy. That takes about 5
> seconds to copy (2+ hours to sync!), so I will do that before attempting
> anything other than data entry on Legacy - much quicker than using Legacy's
> backup feature. Of course one could do that type of backup to any other
> folder on their computer.
> It seems that many do have there working/live files on Dropbox, I hope they
> keep a very up to date copy on their own computer.
> Bob
> From: Ron Taylor [mailto:doit4...@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 7:22 AM
> To: legacyusergroup@LegacyUsers.com
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy not syncing in Dropbox
> It is not advisable to have your live file in Dropbox or Google Drive or any
> of the other cloud based storage systems. What you can do reliably is to
> place the zipped backup files in the cloud drive and then restore the file
> as needed on another computer from the cloud storage. Using the live file
> on a cloud device requires a method to insure that the file has been sync'ed
> completely before accessing it. With a zip file, it will not open unless it
> is intact so a partial zip file should not open. Side benefit is that the
> zipped files will be smaller than the live database and the other associated
> files that Legacy uses. I agree with other comments that the problem is not
> with differences between Windows XP, Vista, 7, and 8. I regularly use my
> Legacy data on all those Windows versions without any problems and move the
> database by placing the zip backup files in Google Drive.

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