On Maw, 2003-07-29 at 19:10, Fargusson.Alan wrote:
> At one time I did a lot of work with Unix, and I never had any problems with
> multiple processes corrupting the memory of other processes.  Have there
> been some bugs introduced into Unix recently?

Not that I've noticed. Multiuser has gone out of fashion

 19:31:25  up 10 days, 21:32, 53 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.07, 0.05

but it still works (reboot from upgrading the kernel)

Spreading load across a lot of PC's gets you colossal amounts of CPU
power but at management cost. The big trick is becoming solving that
management problem - replicated system filestores, capacity management,
session dump/restore etc.

You can run 100 sessions on a 390 but I don't think you get the
equivalent of 300Ghz of CPU power.

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