On Tue, 2003-07-29 at 13:30, Alan Cox wrote:
> You can run 100 sessions on a 390 but I don't think you get the
> equivalent of 300Ghz of CPU power.

Of course you don't.  But you might well get enough CPU to keep your
users happy, depending on what they're doing.

Also of course, the dirty little secret of the PC world is that you have
vastly gross overabundance of CPU for most "real computing" tasks.
Serving web pages or delivering email doesn't take much CPU.

Reading email shouldn't take much CPU, although if you insist on doing
it inside UltraWhizzy
K/Gnome/Mozilla/MultiMediaMailReaderNowWithGratuitousAnimation!!! then
it can find a way, I'm sure, to burn CPU.  Still, interactive users
spend most of their time just sitting around, as you show:

> 53 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.07, 0.05

Playing Unreal Tournament, now, *that* takes quite a bit of CPU.

If you're trying to consolidate a CPU-heavy workload, S/390 is
definitely not the platform for you.


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