Alan wrote:

"You can run 100 sessions on a 390 but I don't think
you get the equivalent of 300Ghz of CPU power."

With the new TREXX, you're probably talking 20-30Ghz,
assuming 1.2 Ghz engines x 32.

One of the driving factors of either the multiple
virtual machines or the multiple user model is that,
in most applications, most of the time, a single user
is idle and your 300Ghz of power is mostly idle.

And a lot of time in most apps is waiting on I/O.
(Just listen to your PC disk click away when you're
starting an app, saving data, or moving from app to
app on the desktop).

With the multi-user model, when the user really does
wake up, he has access to multiple gigahertz

And those 300 small machines would probably only
access 9 TB of data cut up into 30GB pieces.

Jim Sibley
Implementor of Linux on zSeries in the beautiful Silicon Valley

"Computer are useless.They can only give answers." Pablo Picasso

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