Quoting Nadav Har'El, from the post of Sat, 11 Jan:
> I don't know what your "basic disagreements" are (I guess I'll have to buy
> you a beer to find out :))

I think Oleg has put it very clearly in a post here, he's against the
basic ideals of freedom, and therefore the fact that they are
objectively important and global. (If I got it wrong, Oleg, DO correct
me, because the issue is already on the table, and I don't want to wait
till we get to a pub. I don't see any reason you should hide your
opinions, unless you are ashamed of them for some reason. we are
intrigued to know what they are)

I have no idea how to even reply to such a statement from a guy that had
actually experianced since birth what the lack of freedom begets in the
eastern bloc.

> I don't believe that Freedom is the only value that should be mentioned
> in this regard. In my essays (sorry for the usual plug: [1]) I explained why
> I believe that two other values should be stressed as well when discussing
> the moral advantages of free software: Equality and Fraternity. 

and my guess is, Oleg will not agree on these either. (again, I'm trying
to provoke an answer from him about this :)

> The Amuta's name has "free software and open source", right? Let's
> understand it as "ideological issues and practical issues", and act
> accordingly.  Neither should be stessed over the other.

exactly. that's why I was hurt by Oleg's suggestion that we 'drop the
"freedom" issue from the main pages of the amuta'. and as I said, you
wouldn't see me asking to drop the issue of the openness of the source,
so what gives? Why all of our care not to include commercial companies
as members? Afterall if "Freedom" is not that important, Sun can man our
vaad and IBM the critics comitee...

so you see, Oleg, it is VERY important to me that you explain your views
and objection to the use of the word "freedom", as my compatriat in the
founders team, I'd REALLY like to know, since I do find this a core

We don't need no thought control
Ira Abramov

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