Dear Alexander,

   I certainly did not mean to give the impression that you had suggested
   the Tenier picture had anything to do with Italian guitars of the
   period - it was purely my mistake which I tried to correct. But clearly
   clumsily and I'm sorry for not making it clearer.

   But I do like the pilaster representation   - thank you again for it.


   --- On Tue, 29/1/13, Alexander Batov
   <> wrote:

     From: Alexander Batov <>
     Subject: [LUTE] Re: 4 course guitar in Italy
     To: "Martyn Hodgson" <>
     Cc: "Lute Dmth" <>
     Date: Tuesday, 29 January, 2013, 13:15

   Hello Martyn,
   I understand perfectly well that the Tenier's picture has nothing to do
   with the 'Italian representation', and I'd never meant to represent it
   that way. That particular set of the pictures, as well as the other one
   further down the page ('anjo com viola' from Abrantes, Portugal), are
   only (mostly!) there just to illustrate how widespread such
   organological feature as asymmetrical arrangement of pegs was from
   country to country. So, in a way, it serves the opposite purpose to
   what you tried to extract from it! Perhaps you've got confused by my
   wording "in the context" next to the second link that I gave, which was
   supposed to mean "in the context of the article" describing that
   particular feature, not in the topic of our discussion, sorry about
   On 29/01/2013 10:56, Martyn Hodgson wrote:
   >     Further to the below, on reflection I may be mistaken to describe
   >     Teniers picture as an Italian representation - whilst he worked
   >     in a part of the Hapsburg dominions I think a link to Italy is a
   >     too speculative.  But the pilaster representation is very clearly
   >     Italian
   >     regards,
   >     Martyn
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