Le 15/07/2017 à 18:55, Christian Ridderström a écrit :
In my opinion, if we don't reach consensus easily on formatting issues, we should at least for now refrain from using a .clang-format.

This is probably what is going to take too much time... I am not sure that we should have such a debate now.

Also regarding formatting, the available versions of clang-format might [*] Having done a few diffs when testing with clang-format I do find the use of TAB for indentation annoying. The reason is that sometimes the diff output in my terminal isn't aligned properly, i.e. what in reality is nicely aligned isn't aligned in my terminal. This was even after I configured Git to invoke 'less' with a tab size of width 4. So for this reason I'd actually prefer spaces to be used for indentation, but as tabs are what's currently used, that's a strong reason to stay with tabs.

The trick is to avoid using tabs for space alignment, like emacs' smart-tabs-mode does:

I have to admit that I have not done it yes, and therefore I do that by hand currently.


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