John Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| On Sat, Jan 08, 2005 at 08:35:11PM +0100, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
>> Reasons:
>> First I just wanted to update the documentation for LyX QT 1.3.x and 
>> make a bit more platform independent. But while working on the 
>> UserGuide, I realized that it is really out of date. The last complete 
>> rework was done in 2000 for the LyX 1.0.x series. In the meantime many 
>> updates and new sections were added. But the documentation still misses 
>> many informations and doesn't follow a structured concept.
| Doesn't follow a strucutred concept, eh?
| Maybe you should read the mailling list archives before insulting me.

Come on... 

| <sarcasm>
| ...because *everyone* is German and therefore uses a German-centric
| LaTeX class like koma-script.
| </sarcasm>

We don't need it.


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