On Thu, Jan 13, 2005 at 10:07:27AM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Uwe" == Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Uwe> John Weiss wrote:
> >> Doesn't follow a strucutred concept, eh? Maybe you should read the
> >> mailling list archives before insulting me.
> Uwe> Sorry I wouldn't harm anybody. I didn't know that there is an
> Uwe> active doc maintainer. I asked that on the docs- list a year ago
> Uwe> and nobody replied. Are you the current doc maintainer?
> You are right that there is no active documentation maintainer, and it
> has been so for several years. John takes offense at the fact that you
> described his cherished baby as 'not structured'...

No, more that he's saying no structure exists, when historical
evidence (and my own memory of all that work!) points to the contrary.

> So the conclusion is that your activity on the docs is much needed and
> very appreciated, but you should not criticize John's work, at least
> in public ;)

Not at all!  If my original design plan for the docs has drifted too
far from present needs, then by all means, Refactor Away!  Which is
exactly what we do with the code itself.

Just be sure not to repeat the Mistakes of the Past as you change
things.  *That* drives me nutz.  <grrrr>  ;)

John Weiss

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