OTOH, if you're really serious about taking on updating the docs, Uwe,
I have some suggestions.

First, see where we've been.  I've written copious bytes describing
the design and goals of the docs.  It'd be foolish not to look at
that.  Wanna know why some part of the docs is the way it is?  Ask me;
I may even remember. :D

Second, take a page from the latest hot programming technique:
Refactor, Refactor, Refactor.  Do small incremental changes, with
frequent reviews in-between.  And by "reviews," I mean the user base
(as in the user's mailing list).

Third, let the user's mailing list guide changes in organization,
layout, and underlying design.  Get a consensus for changes, both
just-completed and planned, from the community at large.  Most of the
developers (and, soon, me as well) won't have the time to do more than
give changes a cursory glance.

Fourth, Beware Wannaponies!

A "Wannaponie":  Think of a little girl, jumping up and down,
shouting, "I Wanna Ponie! I WANNA PONIE!!!"

If you ask people, "what do you want in the docs?" you'll get all
sorts of hairbrained Wannaponies, most of them conflicting each
others' goals.  Remember, docs have a design, too.  You'll need to
ignore those suggestions that conflict with the design.

Just like Lars has to reject patches that conflict with the code

Fifth, I forget fifth.  Vielleicht erinnere ich mich daran spïter...

John Weiss

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