This is the point, it seemed to have had zero priority for anyone on this list!

Actually, some of us don't like to ask for things when we know that people are donating their time. We simply silently wait for things.

I remember having some sort of frustration with the whole standalone issue which may be why I stayed at MC/Rev 4.0 and did not move forward. I don't recall if I had to build with the engine from 3.5 or if 4.0 was okay. I just know that the whole thing was such a frustration that I took a break and worked on things that would not require builds for awhile in the hopes that the kinks would find resolutions later on.

Now I am afraid to move forward because I keep seeing discussions on the Rev list about bugs in things that have been solid for a decade. I don't know if the whole Rev code was rewritten and is now not as solid as before, or if the discussions refer to special versions for iOs and so forth only. If you don't catch the beginning and jump into the middle, it's a bit distressing to see bug after bug listed.

I know the standalone issue will revisit me soon as I'm working on something actively right now. I dread that moment.

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