On 3/31/11 11:10 AM, Shari wrote:

I remember having some sort of frustration with the whole standalone
issue which may be why I stayed at MC/Rev 4.0 and did not move forward.
I don't recall if I had to build with the engine from 3.5 or if 4.0 was
okay. I just know that the whole thing was such a frustration that I
took a break and worked on things that would not require builds for
awhile in the hopes that the kinks would find resolutions later on.

As far as I know, you're the only one who couldn't make it work. I suspect for your stacks you only need to deal with password protection and embedded MC resources. Also, possibly, you may be having trouble if you haven't set the HCAddressing property to false, if your stacks are imported HC stacks.

Now I am afraid to move forward because I keep seeing discussions on the
Rev list about bugs in things that have been solid for a decade.

Version 4.6 is very solid. Are you sure the bugs you noticed aren't for mobile? The desktop build is very good. Can you remember any bugs you've seen that impact desktop work?

I know the standalone issue will revisit me soon as I'm working on
something actively right now. I dread that moment.

You'll be left in the dust if you don't upgrade, especially if the MC IDE ports the SB from LiveCode with just a few tweaks. I believe that's the plan.

I'm still willing to work with you on the standalone issue. I'm not aware of anyone else having trouble. The LiveCode tech queue hasn't had a single inquiry about it for at least the last several years.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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