On Sat, May 11, 2024 at 08:45:45AM +0200, Peter J. Philipp wrote:
> If you want some used books, I'm moving across the Atlantic soon and I can't
> take my books along.  In total the new value of them was 8000 odd EUR.  If
> I send three books to kyrgystan and it's under 2 kg, I checked with DHL
> it will cost under 20 EUR.  If I send all these books out in batches of three
> it will cost 1000 odd EUR, which I don't have.  So I ask you pay shipping if
> you want any of these.  They are all dear to me, however I tried donating them
> to local clubs, libraries and noone wants them, and I can't take them along.
> Even if you don't like what you're getting (or you don't like used books.. I
> know I don't) you can pass them on to someone who doesn't mind.  However you
> can also just request three books, in order to look into them and if you like
> them you can repurchase them.  I know in some locations it's very hard to get
> a peek into a book.
> So willing to end out 53-54 batches of 3 books to people who want some of
> these.  Very little of these I got used but they are all mostly 5 years+
> old.  Some were purchased in Canada and most were purchased in Germany while
> I had work.
> Here is the booklist:  https://mainrechner.de/Buecher2024/
> Contact me privately if you would like a batch with what you like.  I'll
> make note on that webpage of what's given away.  Offer ends July 1st of this
> year.

Wow, thanks for the 4 people who got some books already!  They come from all
over the world, Australia, Germany, Finland, and United States.

Just to clarify, anyone can get around 3 books.  Look at the book chart of
mine if you see a country flag beside the title it's taken.  I thank you
all for taking this off my hands (like said I can't take them along on the
plane, they don't fit in a suitcase).

I'm happy to be mailing out a batch of 10 parcels per week give or take a few.
More I can probably not handle before July 1st.

Lux, get a book or three, sorry to be hijacking your thread here, I mean well.


** all info about me:  lynx https://callpeter.tel, dig loc delphinusdns.org **

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