> Alexander V. Voinov [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote
>I've come across a real example, which contains an accidental in
>parenthesis (don't know [the English for] its musical name). 

cautionary accidental

>I found a hack, which temporarily
>turns a (half) note to a zbreve, 

!?  how did \zbreve enter the picture???

>May I ask somebody to help me write one or two macros which I would use,

Suppose (in PMX syntax) you have the input "cn44" and you want to convert
the natural to a cautionary natural.  First you ought to look in the
unaltered TeX source to check which MusiXTeX command is being used to place
the original natural.  Suppose it's \bigna{...} .  Then to replace the
natural by a cautionary natural you would use (again, in PMX syntax)

"\let\bignat\bigna\def\bigna#1{\cna{#1}\let\bigna\bignat}\ cn44"

If you want to define a macro, you could use


at the top of the input file, then

"\cautna\ cn44"

in the body.  I haven't tested any of these but I think they'll be OK.
There could still be problems with horizontal spacing if the line is
crowded, because PMX will think there's a natural there, and \cna might be a
little bit wider.  In that case you would need to insert extra horizontal
space with X...

--Don Simons

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