Werner Icking [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote

>The PMX equivalent is "oen"/"oes"/"oef" as "ornament". This display the 
>cautionary accidental on top of the note or on top of the staff whatever
>ist higher.

As I use the terms, there is a difference between cautionary accidentals and
editorial accidentals.  The pmx commands "oen", "oen?", etc are editorial
accidentals, which are placed above the staff, without parentheses, and with
or without a "?".  A cautionary accidental is placed in the staff with
parentheses, and never includes a "?".  There is no PMX command for
cautionary accidentals (although there probably should be one :)) The
posting I just made shows how I would write a general macro to replace an
ordinary accidental with a cautionary one.  

Again, as *I* use the terms, there is a very clear difference between
editorial and cautionary accidentals.  Editorial ones are where the editor
is convinced that the composer did not enter an accidental where he should
have, or entered one where he shouldn't have.  The "?" may be appended to
the editorial accidental if the editor is not quite 100% certain that the
composer made a mistake.

On the other hand, cautionary accidentals never affect whether an accidental
should or should not be played.  They are simply warnings to the player to
be careful and follow the usual rules.  If all players always followed the
usual rules then cautionary accidentals would be unnecessary.  

The PMX MIDI file generator ignores all inline TeX and it ignores all
editorial accidentals.  If cautionary accidentals are entered using the
macro I defined in my earlier posting, the MIDI will observe the accidental
because PMX will see it as an ordinary accidental.  But according to what I
wrote in the previous paragraph, the note should already have an "inherited"
accidental from earlier in the bar, so even without any explicit accidental
the MIDI processor--which does know the usual rules--would handle it

Finally, let me mention that I recently introduced a "MIDI-only" accidental
into PMX.  One situation this is good for is where an editor has inserted an
editorial accidental and wants it to be observed in the MIDI file.  In order
to get the MIDI processor to include the accidental, you could code for
example "cni44 oen".  The natural would not be printed beside the note,
would appear above the note, and would be observed in the MIDI.

--Don Simons

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