Lemonnier, Erwan said:

Hi you all!

Tobias could get us some support from Stockholm's university, a bit like the Oslo workshop did. We could probably get access to their conference rooms for free/cheap, in exchange for giving the workshop an orientation that would interest students and teachers.

That might work very well. If you know of someone working at any of the uni IT departments there (including at KTH :), then that's even better!

An other idea would be to make a bridge between the hacker community around Perl6/Parrot and the academic world. [snip]

Sounds like a wonderful idea. :)

Giving the workshop some content that is relevant to courses at Stockholm's university could also bring us lots of students as attendees. At least we seem to have the right contacts to make this happen.

What do you all think of that?

I'd go for it :)

- Salve

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'2!--"5-(50P%$PL,!0X354UC-PP%/0\`'."\n"));eval "&{'@_'}";   __END__ is near! :)

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