 I hate jerkhoffs like that ~ if you don't know what to do , _STOP_ and go find 
out , it's not that difficult . 
 Damaging Customers cars is never acceptable .
 At least you're enjoying the car .
 Is you old garage place in Hotazona still going ? maybe they can sort it out .
 I'l never understand how anyone can't easily fix old vehicles , they're dead 
simple .
          Charlie Wrote :

 I didn't realize they were going to touch the carby.  I am in AZ, the garage 
is in Iowa.  I axted them to only inspect the suspicious installation of my $90 
Fifth Avenue Antique Auto Parts gear driven fuel pump and reinstall it 
correctly.    It had been hung on the side of the spare tire well and wired to 
the starter push button and the car was stalling.  The garage removed, instead 
of fixing the electric fuel pump, installed a new mechanical fuel pump and 
rebuilt the carby.   The carby failed, the car vapor locked and I am currently 
disputing the $753.41 bill, with my credit card company,  I paid that garage to 
totally screw up a very nice running Chevy.


 I now have a leaking carby and a brand new electric $90 fuel pump in a box.  
But, I still really like my 1950 More Door.

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