RE: [PEN-L:31261] Re: RE: what is science?
----- Original Message -----
From: Devine, James

said I:
> >BTW, I still want to know what the alternative is to scientific
> >(logical-empirical) thinking.

> I'd say intuition, but that's only a hunch :)


of course, contrary to scientistic/positivistic propaganda, intuition is
part of science. What was Einstein, if not intuitive? (I'm told that his
math wasn't very good.) Scientists use their intuition all the time. But
then the products of intution that can't be validated logically or
empirically fall by the wayside.



What's the difference between intuition and guess? What's the difference
between intuition and analysis? When does the one process leave off and the
other begin in the dynamics of cognition and emotion? From which of the
contrasting and possibly complementary terms/processes do we make the
distinction[s]? And are these differences connected in any way to our
individual and group abilities to perceive/conceive randomness and patterns
within our bodies, societies and space-time?

If I recall correctly, several mathematicians thought Eisntein would have
made an excellent mathematician and geometer.

Rohrshach blotter...I mean blots, anyone,


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