On Tue, Aug 03, 2004 at 11:32:33PM +0100, Alex Gough wrote:
> For what it's worth, I checked a parrot out for the first time in ages
> a couple of days ago (the Shub-tuit gives, as the Shub-tuit takes
> away...), but got all stuck failing to work out how to get icu not to
> be a problem, and so get something built to play with.

while this isn't constructive to the discussion

1: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh
   I can't even build parrot on AIX because we don't have the IBM C++ compiler
   Game over there.

2: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh
   It took the best part of a day, and a custom hacked up perl compile, and
   some extreme bodging to get parrot to build on Solaris, because the ICU
   we have defaults to causing the system headers to #error, forced a 64 bit
   compiler, and something other gotcha that I forget.

And given that their default config on AIX puts an IBM compiler specific
optimisation flag into the Makefile, I think it will be really uphill making
the ICU we have portable, as it appears to be written with defaults per
"platform" (ie OS/arch/compiler combination) rather than the perl approach
(conservative, figure things out)

But I am biased because I bear the mental scars.

Nicholas Clark

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