On  Sat, 11 Dec 2004 at 14:50:12, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

>> What rumours?
>> Self-certification for CE is build into the rules.
>Well, I remember reading in IQLR that this was the reason for the
>discontinuation of the (very popular to the US users) QXL card... I
>don't  know who started it but I remember seeing an advertisment for
>the the PC  card that was supposed to use the SuperGold Card and it
>said something to  that effect...
>Maybe it was S.H's way to reduce residual effects from people learning
>about the financial situation created by QXL's design and launch..
>> Nothing says that you have to pay for expensive lab work.
>> BTW Sturat put a QL outfit in a PC case I set up through the emissions
>> test when he worked for a testing company.
>> It passed emissions.
>> He did not try the lightning strike test!
>> A standard QL, even the US one, does not stand a chance.
>> I wish we had the US version.
US version of the CE I meant (as you rightly assumed).
>> You simply have to stick a label on to
>> say it might cause interference.
>It's a little more complicated than that nowadays... actually it is
>more  strict than the CE mark and in any case IIRC in Europe
>interference  compliance doesn't involve individual parts just a
>complete appliance...
Indeed. Has the FC 'Might cause interference" declaration gone then?
Pity.  It was very realistic - users could decide for themselves.

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