At 07:29 11/12/2004 +0000, you wrote:

Are you surprised?  If you ask a vague question then you must expect to
get irrelevant advice (8-)#

The question was narrow, how to do the equivalent of SBYTES, the why and the where not important.

I am only guessing, but I suspect there is no such thing as a fixed
memory location for general data, as on a QL.

Agreed as far as SYSVARS are concerned, but as a matter of FACT there are fixed locations in the CMOS for many parameters. O have no later edition of "repair & upgrade PC" that 12th edition, before temperature and voltages were stored.

>Did not Miracle founder to a large extent on account of the costs of
>Brussel's approval ?
No. The QXL failed.   He overestimated the demand.

There is no requirement to certify for "Brussels".  Self-certification
is fine, for CE specifically.
Was the rumour around at the time, emissions compliance.

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