Wolfgang writes:

> > Toolkits will often be grouped for special purposes, such as array
> > manipulation, string parsing, or to manipulate some low-level object
> > (such as a database or timer, etc). Wouldnt it be more logical and
> > aesthetically pleasing to use prefixes such as MAT_, STR_, DB_, CLK_,
> > etc rather than WL_ or PJW_ ?
> Two things:
> 1 - don't forget the author's vanity :-)

Maybe we should make the copyright symbol a legal S*Basic character, then we
could have

    WLİ_ASEARCH  - ? ;)

> 2 - What if two people write similar keywords for the same thing?

Youre right, but the chances of a clash are further reduced, and your list
would still help things along. Besides, I think a name or mnemonic should be
helpful in reminding us what it does rather than who did it. Dont you?


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