Re: Docs on standard protocols

2012-11-26 Thread Stuart Sierra
Unfortunately, I am not aware of any comprehensive documentation for the 
internal Java implementation of Clojure's core data types. The source code 
is the only definitive resource.

Introspection can help. For example, to get a list of everything you need 
to implement to support map-like behavior:

user= (ancestors (class {}))
#{clojure.lang.IObj clojure.lang.Seqable clojure.lang.IHashEq 
clojure.lang.IMeta java.util.concurrent.Callable clojure.lang.IFn clojure.lang.IEditableCollection 
clojure.lang.APersistentMap clojure.lang.Associative java.util.Map 
clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection java.lang.Object clojure.lang.AFn 
java.lang.Runnable clojure.lang.Counted clojure.lang.MapEquivalence 
java.lang.Iterable clojure.lang.IPersistentMap clojure.lang.ILookup}


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Re: Clojure expression benchmarks

2012-11-25 Thread Stuart Sierra
Thanks for putting this together, Andy! It's great to have this data.

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Re: printing for non-human consumption but want *read-eval* false

2012-11-20 Thread Stuart Sierra
*print-dup* tries to preserve type information. That's why it emits 
constructor functions with #=.

You can still use 'pr' with *print-dup* set to false, which is the default. 
You get machine-readable data of the correct abstract type, e.g. 
list/vector/map/set, but you lose type information like whether it's a 
hash-map or a sorted-map.


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Re: [ANN] new book: ClojureScript: Up and Running

2012-11-20 Thread Stuart Sierra
`lein trampoline` was required to permit the CLJS REPL process to grab 
STDIN/STDOUT. According to a recent thread on the Leiningen mailing list, 
this may have been fixed in the Git master branch of Leiningen.


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Re: printing for non-human consumption but want *read-eval* false

2012-11-20 Thread Stuart Sierra
`spit` calls `str` on its argument, which has the same behavior as `print` 
or `println` with regard to quoting strings:

user= (println I say, \Hello, World!\)
I say, Hello, World!

To preserve data in its `read`able form, you need `pr` or `prn`:

user= (prn I say, \Hello, World!\)
I say, \Hello, World!\

Note that with `prn` the string is enclosed in double-quotes and quotation 
marks inside the string are backslash-escaped.

You can still use `spit` as you were before, just call `pr-str` on the data 

user= (pr-str I say, \Hello, World!\)
\I say, \\\Hello, World!


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Re: Idiomatic equivalent for double dispatch in clojure?

2012-11-19 Thread Stuart Sierra
A long time ago I posted some macros to do double-dispatch with protocols 
and records. The link was but it no longer 

The basic idea is you dispatch on the first argument to an intermediate 
type that then dispatches on the second argument. It's complicated, but 
essentially mechanical.

Clojure multimethods have built-in multi-argument dispatch.


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Re: explicit progression-of-time constructs? (wikipedia)

2012-11-18 Thread Stuart Sierra
I expect the Wikipedia article is referring to Clojure's mutable reference 
types -- Ref, Atom, Agent, Var -- which help to manage state that changes 
over time.

See also and


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Re: Are agents suitable for c10k concurrency?

2012-11-18 Thread Stuart Sierra
What matters is the I/O framework. You'll want to use a non-blocking 
network library, then you should be able to use `send` rather than 
`send-off`. `send` uses a fixed-size thread pool for all Agents in the 

That said, while I believe Agents are a suitable solution to this problem, 
they have not been extensively tested at high load in production 
applications. I recommend profiling and benchmarking with your expected 
workload to see if Agents will provide the features you need.


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Re: CLJS-418: Unspecified dependency on google-closure-library-third-party

2012-11-17 Thread Stuart Sierra
The real question I'm hoping somebody can answer is: what changed to cause 
this? The G.Closure library or ClojureScript?


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Re: [ANN] ClojureScript release 0.0-1535 with G.Closure 0.0-2029

2012-11-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
Tracking this at


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CLJS-418: Unspecified dependency on google-closure-library-third-party

2012-11-16 Thread Stuart Sierra

We currently distribute the Google Closure Library in two separate JARs: 
the main library and the third-party extensions. We do this because the 
third-party extensions are covered by different licenses.

But, as it turns out, various classes in the main library have explicit 
dependencies on things in the third-party extensions. See See also this 
G.Closure mailing list discussion:

As a result, the ClojureScript browser-connected REPL has a transitive 
dependency on the Google Closure Library third-party extensions. This 
manifests as an error in script/cljsc and a NullPointerException in 

It seems that the dependency on third-party extensions is unavoidable. 
There are several possible fixes:

1. Release a new G.Closure Library JAR with a *declared dependency* on the 
third-party extensions JAR. This best reflects the *actual* dependency 

2. Release a new G.Closure Library JAR with the third-party extensions 
included in the JAR. This would make it harder to exclude the 
third-party-licensed code from projects which do not actually require it.

3. Release a new version of ClojureScript with a declared dependency on the 
third-party extensions JAR. This makes the dependency more visible to 
ClojureScript developers.

Regardless of the approach taken, developers can always use explicit 
dependencies/exclusions to choose which version of the G.Closure library to 
include in their projects.

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Re: CLJS-418: Unspecified dependency on google-closure-library-third-party

2012-11-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
I should mention, there's an easy temporary fix: just add the third-party 
library as a dependency in your project:

;; In :dependencies vector of Leiningen's project.clj
[org.clojure/google-closure-library-third-party 0.0-2029]


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Re: freeing resources while generating lazy sequences

2012-11-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
Lazy sequences do not interact well with resources that need to be closed. 
This is a long-standing issue, and no universal solution has been found.

The usual recommendation is to manage the resource in a higher scope than 
the process that uses it. In your case, rather than creating the iterator 
and seq in the same function, create the iterator higher up the call stack 
where it can be managed by 'with-open' or an equivalent. Then create the 
lazy seq where you need it.

As to why iterator-seq doesn't work, your code appears to be using an 
Iterator interface (peekNext) which is different from Java's standard 


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Re: [ANN] ClojureScript release 0.0-1535 with G.Closure 0.0-2029

2012-11-13 Thread Stuart Sierra
My original reason for splitting the third-party JAR was the licensing: the 
main G.Closure library is under the Apache license; the third-party 
libraries are under a variety of different licenses.

One simple solution would be to make ClojureScript itself have a dependency 
on the third-party libs in addition to the core G.Closure libraries. Then 
users would still have the option of excluding the third-party extensions 
from their projects.


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Re: How to get the namespace for an unqualified symbol?

2012-11-12 Thread Stuart Sierra
Assuming the symbol is bound to a Var, you can do this:

(name (ns-name (:ns (meta (resolve 'x)


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Re: lein-midje-lazytest

2012-11-11 Thread Stuart Sierra

I have not continued development of Lazytest, but I took most of the 
code-reloading parts and refactored them into tools.namespace 0.2.x:

tools.namespace might make a better foundation for a development tool.

Thanks for your interest in Lazytest.


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[ANN] ClojureScript release 0.0-1535 with G.Closure 0.0-2029

2012-11-09 Thread Stuart Sierra
ClojureScript release 0.0-1535 is out. Get it in Leiningen:

[org.clojure/clojurescript 0.0-1535]

Change log for this release:

This release depends on the latest version of the Google Closure Library, 
r2029. You can also depend on it explicitly:

[org.clojure/google-closure-library 0.0-2029]

ClojureScript does NOT depend directly on the Google Closure Library 
third-party extensions, but you can get it:

 [org.clojure/google-closure-library-third-party 0.0-2029]

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Re: [ANN] new book: ClojureScript: Up and Running

2012-11-09 Thread Stuart Sierra
On Thursday, November 8, 2012 4:14:03 PM UTC-5, Robert Pitts wrote:

 Awesome. Would you say that this is essentially a completed work? Growing 
 weary or reading and re-reading beta books lately.

Yes, the book is finished and out of beta.

There may still be periodic updates and bug fixes to the eBook in the 


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Re: gen-class with :extend and overloaded methods in superclass

2012-11-07 Thread Stuart Sierra
Hi Bartek,

In this case, I don't think `gen-class` has any part to play at all. All 
`gen-class` does is generate a class with stub methods that dispatch to 
Clojure functions by name.

What matters is an expression like `(.f this a)`. If the Clojure compiler 
can statically determine the types of `this` and `a`, it will emit bytecode 
to invoke the correct method directly. If it CANNOT determine the types, it 
will emit bytecode that uses Java's reflection APIs to find the appropriate 
method at runtime.

The Clojure compiler will never call the WRONG method, but the reflective 
version is much slower. You can check for reflection by running:

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

in the REPL before loading/compiling your code. To prevent the reflection 
warning, you can add type hints to the symbols.


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Re: with-open and line-seq

2012-11-07 Thread Stuart Sierra
On Wednesday, November 7, 2012 2:29:06 PM UTC-5, Jim wrote:

 This is exactly the approach I'm taking...'doall' retains the head so 
 with massive files it will break...'doseq' will not. at least this is my 

That is correct. `doall` retains the head because it returns the entire 
sequence. `doseq` and `dorun` do not retain the head, both return nil.


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[ANN] new book: ClojureScript: Up and Running

2012-11-07 Thread Stuart Sierra
Not to toot our own horn, but people have been asking about getting started 
with ClojureScript, so here's our contribution, just released in book form:

ClojureScript: Up and Running
by Stuart Sierra and Luke VanderHart
published by O'Reilly in paper, eBook, and Safari


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Re: Java-to-Clojure source translation?

2012-11-05 Thread Stuart Sierra
On Sunday, November 4, 2012 4:18:27 PM UTC-5, Vladimir Tsichevski wrote:

  That's why I'm looking for means which could HELP me rewrite my code base 
 to Clojure, not to produce compilable and runnable code. Just parse Java 
 syntax tree and pretty-print it back as Clojure-like text.

Even if such a converter existed, I believe the output would be almost 
meaningless. Sure, you could represent Java source code in S-expressions, 
but it wouldn't be any closer to usable Clojure code than the original Java 
source was.


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Re: impossible to create classes for non-closure environment

2012-11-04 Thread Stuart Sierra

Clojure (by the way, it is not spelled closure) is not really designed to 
generate pure-Java classes. `gen-class` is slightly more flexible than 
`deftype`, but it will still generate references to Clojure classes.

If the structure of your Java classes is defined by interfaces, `deftype` 
can implement those interfaces. But if the structure of the Java classes is 
very regular, you may find it easier to generate Java source code as 
strings. That's how all the primitive interfaces in clojure.lang.IFn were 


On Sunday, November 4, 2012 4:43:59 AM UTC-5, Vladimir Tsichevski wrote:

 Thank you Stephen,

 the problem is that it is impossible to create create a Java class using 
 closure with the following characteristics:

 1) all methods must match given Java signature. For example, if I need a 

 public String getSomeString();

 all I get is

 public Object getSomeString();

 closure ignores my String hints and always uses Object instead.

 2) must be no references to any closure classes. Now the closure compiler 
 unconditionally creates at least one extra method

 public static IPersistentVector getBasis()

 which references several classes from closure runtime.


 On Sat, 2012-11-03 at 13:57 -0700, Vladimir Tsichevski wrote: 
  In one of my purely Java project I have to create hundreds of java 
  with repeatable structure, so the task is an excellent candidate for 
  automation. I hoped I will be able to create these classes with the 
  closure, using the 'deftype' construct. 

 If you know all the details of classes to create at compile time, you 
 can use macros instead, which are perfectly well able to output deftype 
 forms.  Untested: 

 (defmacro defrefs 
   Make a bunch of :x boxes. 
   [ names] 
   `(do ~@(map (fn [name] `(defrecord ~name [~'x])) names))) 

 ;; makes classes foo, bar, baz, qux, quux, all with the :x field. 
 (defrefs foo bar baz qux quux) 

 Stephen Compall 
 ^aCollection allSatisfy: [:each|aCondition]: less is better 

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Re: Java-to-Clojure source translation?

2012-11-04 Thread Stuart Sierra

It is not really possible to make a direct translation from Java to 
Clojure. Java has mutable variables and imperative flow-control, for which 
there is no equivalent in Clojure.


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Re: Clojure CA over email thread on clojure-dev

2012-10-31 Thread Stuart Sierra
The discussion on the clojure-dev list is not about *if* CAs will be 
accepted electronically, but *how*. Stuart Halloway requested help finding 
examples of the processes that other organizations have developed for 
receiving contributor agreements. In particular, he wanted to know if some 
large open-source organization has already done the appropriate legal 

We already know the paper CA process is a pain. We're trying to make it 


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Re: requires more clicks now

2012-10-28 Thread Stuart Sierra
Hello Heinz,

I'm sorry you're finding navigation difficult on I agree that 
fewer clicks are better, but we (me, Stuart Halloway, and a few others) 
felt that the site was getting cluttered with too many links, which was 
confusing to newcomers.

It would be nice if the Documentation link in the left-side column could 
expand into a list of sub-sections, but I don't know if the technology 
behind the site (Wikispaces) can support that right now.


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Re: with-open and line-seq

2012-10-28 Thread Stuart Sierra
On Friday, October 26, 2012 11:11:48 PM UTC-4, daveray wrote:

 I guess I looking for a magical line-seq that closes the file correctly 
 even if you consume part of the sequence, is resilient to exceptions, 
 etc, etc. I realize that it might be impossible, so I asked. :) 

It's been discussed extensively in the past, but no one has come up with a 
solution that adequately solves the general problem. See for examples of some 

The best approach I've found is to manage resources like files farther up 
the stack. Instead of having a 'with-open' block that returns a sequence, 
put the 'with-open' block at a higher level, so that it encompasses the 
entire scope in which the file will be used.


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ANN: data.json 0.2.1 and tools.namespace 0.2.1

2012-10-27 Thread Stuart Sierra
[org.clojure/data.json 0.2.1]
  * restores deprecated API functions from 0.1.x releases
  * recommended over 0.2.0, which broke code that depended on the old API

[org.clojure/tools.namespace 0.2.1]
  * minor bugfix
  * restores deprecated API functions from 0.1.x releases
  * recommended over 0.2.0, which broke code that depended on the old API
  * still may not work alongside other code-reloading tools, see

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Re: ANN: data.json 0.2.0

2012-10-26 Thread Stuart Sierra
It is done. data.json 0.2.1 coming to a repository near you.


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Re: ANN: data.json 0.2.0

2012-10-25 Thread Stuart Sierra
I am not opposed to having a shim to support an API compatible with older 
releases. It's not even particularly difficult:

I certainly did not anticipate this release causing significant problems 
for application or library developers, and if it did then I apologize.

However, I will stand by the decision to update the API. data.json 0.1.x 
suffered from what I consider, in retrospect, to be poor design decisions. 
Those were decisions I made over two years ago in a hasty effort to please 
too many people who had conflicting goals:

  - Converting field names to keywords by default can create invalid 

  - Keywordization is controlled by a bare boolean argument with little 
indication of its function.

  - Inconsistent styles of optional arguments: read-json and write-json 
take booleans as bare arguments, json-str and print-json use keyword-value 

  - Parsing a string and parsing from a stream -- two very different 
operations -- are conflated in a single function.

  - Functions are not consistently named: json-str, read-json, write-json

  - Function names repeat the name of the library, rather than using 

It was impossible to solve some of these problems without introducing 
breaking changes.

Looking at the Clojure Library Coding Standards[1], data.json 0.2.0 does a 
better job at Use good names and Unroll optional named arguments. It 
fails at Java's commitment to not break existing code. In this instance, 
I believe the tradeoff is worthwhile because the new API can be more easily 
extended with additional arguments. This also opened up a place to add new 
features such as customizable conversion functions, the 
most-commonly-requested feature for this library.

Per Rich's directive[2], I cannot yet make a 1.0.0 release. Therefore, 
0.1.3 to 0.2.0 is the largest version bump I can make and the best 
indication I can give of breaking changes. I hope that these improvements 
to the API bring this library closer to a 1.0.0-ready state.

I'm not trying to make anyone's life more difficult, just trying to provide 
useful tools.



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Re: ANN: data.json 0.2.0

2012-10-25 Thread Stuart Sierra
I'm sorry for causing people extra work. How's this for a solution:

This allows the 0.2.x code to pass all the tests for data.json 0.1.3.

I can't retract the 0.2.0 release, but if I push this out as 0.2.1 the 
compatibility issues should be at a minimum.


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Re: [ANN] nrepl.el 0.1.5 released

2012-10-24 Thread Stuart Sierra
Thanks so much for working on nREPL.el, Tim.

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ANN: data.json 0.2.0

2012-10-19 Thread Stuart Sierra

- New API
- Customizable type conversion functions
- big int and big decimal support
- Performance improvements

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ANN: ClojureScript release 0.0-1513

2012-10-19 Thread Stuart Sierra
ClojureScript release 0.0-1513 is on its way to the Maven Central 



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Re: Replacing nested let statements with assignments

2012-10-18 Thread Stuart Sierra
It's slightly different, but libraries such as Flow or Prismatic's Graph 
can be used to achieve a similar effect.


Example using Flow:

(def the-flow
  (flow b ([a] (println This is a: a) 2)
c ([b] (println This is b: b) 3)
out ([a b c]
   (println This is c: c)
   (+ a b c

(def the-fn (flow-fn the-flow [a] out))

(the-fn 1)
;; This is a: 1
;; This is b: 2
;; This is c: 3
;;= 6

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Re: Correct usage of data-readers

2012-10-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
- is it appropriate to include data_readers.clj in a library - given that 
file is in the root?

No. data_readers.clj is intended for application developers. Libraries may 
define data reader functions and suggest tags for consumers of that library.


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Re: Smarter code reloading with tools.namespace 0.2.0

2012-10-16 Thread Stuart Sierra

 #FileNotFoundException Could not locate 
 clojure/tools/namespace__init.class or *clojure/tools/namespace.clj* on 

 Now, somewhere in the code, something is looking for But that's just a directory in the 
 I can't see anywhere in the codebase that tries to use or require that 

Something must be trying to load '', which was a 
real namespace in the tools.namespace 0.1.x releases. Perhaps something in 
Ritz is trying to load it.


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Re: Correct usage of data-readers

2012-10-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
One data_readers.clj file can't override another: it's an error if they 
contain the same tags with different functions. So if a library defines its 
data reader tags, you can't override them *at read-time* in your app.

You can always override readers dynamically at run-time by binding 


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Re: Smarter code reloading with tools.namespace 0.2.0

2012-10-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
'ring-devel' depends on 'ns-tracker', which uses tools.namespace 0.1.3:

Dependency resolution will only allow one version of the library, so your 
project gets tools.namespace 0.2.0, not 0.1.3. The two releases are not 
compatible, which is documented in the README.

This will have to be fixed in ring-devel and/or ns-tracker.


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Re: where is pvmap?

2012-10-14 Thread Stuart Sierra
pvmap never made it into the main branch. The new 'reducers' library in 
Clojure 1.5 takes its place.

On Saturday, October 13, 2012 9:50:23 AM UTC-4, Jim wrote:

 I am struggling to find the namespace in which 'pvmap' lives! Can anyone 


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ANN: ClojureScript release 0.0-1503

2012-10-14 Thread Stuart Sierra
Available in the Maven Central Repositories:

Complete change log:

Leiningen dependency information:

[org.clojure/clojurescript 0.0-1503]


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Re: Intern a var from outside namespace

2012-10-12 Thread Stuart Sierra
Sounds like a load-order issue. Make sure the code *creating* the 
namespaces/vars is loaded before the code *using* them.

But better yet, just don't do it. :)


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Re: Bug in printing futures

2012-10-12 Thread Stuart Sierra
Patch welcome.

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Re: Question on mandatory arguments for - and - macros

2012-10-12 Thread Stuart Sierra
Thank you, especially thanks for tagging it an enhancement.

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Re: concat files after pmap

2012-10-12 Thread Stuart Sierra
You could use

(require [ :as io])

(defn cat-files [output-file  input-files]
  (with-open [stream (io/output-stream output-file)]
(doseq [file input-files]
  (io/copy (io/file file) stream


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Re: bug in clojure.lang.ASeq

2012-10-10 Thread Stuart Sierra
I would recommend serializing as strings via pr/read over Java 
serialization, but this still sounds like a legitimate bug.


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Re: understanding 'binding' use in

2012-10-10 Thread Stuart Sierra

On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 10:25:05 PM UTC-4, Sean Corfield wrote:

 This is why c.j.jdbc is getting an API overall that will expose functions 
 that accept the connection or the db-spec directly (and the old API will be 
 rewritten in terms of the new one for compatibility).


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Re: adding clojure.test/assert-expr methods

2012-10-09 Thread Stuart Sierra
clojure.test is weird (my fault) but I don't think it's that weird.

Your 'defmethod' is correct, but it shouldn't need the 'binding' around it. 
This works for me:

user= (require '[clojure.test :as t])

user= (defmethod t/assert-expr 'fail [msg form]
`(t/do-report {:type :fail :expected nil :actual nil :message 
#MultiFn clojure.lang.MultiFn@418bdc7a

user= (t/deftest a-test (t/is (fail) Failure))

user= (a-test)

FAIL in (a-test) (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
expected: nil
  actual: nil

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Re: File endings proposal for easier cross-compiling

2012-10-08 Thread Stuart Sierra
Feature Expressions provide an escape from file extensions.

Everything could become a .clj file. Sources dedicated to different targets 
would live in different directories.


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Re: Smarter code reloading with tools.namespace 0.2.0

2012-10-07 Thread Stuart Sierra
Hi Mika,

Due to the current governing process of the Clojure contributor agreement, 
I cannot accept GitHub pull requests, only patches submitted via

My intent is for the functions in to be a 
high-level API for direct invocation by users. All the components are 
exposed in the namespaces c.t.n.track, c.t.n.files, etc. You should be able 
to compose the various pieces for different use cases. If you encounter a 
place where this is not possible, let me know and I will look into it.


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Re: cli latency

2012-10-07 Thread Stuart Sierra
JVM startup time has always been issue. Various tricks help: client mode, 
smaller heaps, tiered compilation (available in Java 7). Clojure adds 
another layer, which can be partially mitigated with AOT-compilation. But 
you'll never get the kind of instant command-line response that C can give 

The JVM doesn't support saving and restoring an image of memory like some 

One workaround is to write your command-line tools to run within a 
dedicated shell that only has to be started once. Like writing your own 
REPL, but customized for your users.

Also consider alternative backends: ClojureScript can emit code for 
Node.JS, and I think there is an experimental port that compiles to native 
code (via Scheme).


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Re: Preferred business rules engines in or used by Clojure?

2012-10-07 Thread Stuart Sierra
Hi Grant,

I am not aware of a rules engine written in Clojure, unless you are willing 
to consider a logic language like Datalog (Datomic) or Prolog (core.logic).

Various rule-based systems exist for Java, but I would expect them to be 
very Java-centric.


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Smarter code reloading with tools.namespace 0.2.0

2012-10-05 Thread Stuart Sierra
Announcing... tools.namespace 0.2.0. Just released, it will reach
Maven Central in a few hours.

Short summary: reload code in the REPL with greater accuracy and
awareness of dependencies.

Full documentation in the README:

This is my latest attempt at making REPL development more convenient,
building on work that reaches back to Lazytest and some of my earliest

It is hopefully a step towards Never Close a REPL:

Have fun, let me know how it goes!

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Re: Meaning of =

2012-10-05 Thread Stuart Sierra
On Wednesday, October 3, 2012 1:56:19 PM UTC-4, Warren Lynn wrote:

 Out of curiosity, if we want to check if two collections has the same 
 structure/type and elements, namely if I want 
 (my-equal  [1 2 3 4 '(5)]  [1 2 3 4 [5]]) = false
 (my-equal  [1 2 3 4 [5]]  [1 2 3 4 [5]]) = true

 Is there any convenient way to do that?

Not really. You would have to define your own equality function. Then you 
have to make all the decisions about what should be considered equal. For 
example, lists versus sequences, hash-maps versus array-maps.


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Re: maplist for core?

2012-09-30 Thread Stuart Sierra
Never had a use for such a thing, myself, but it sounds like a reasonable 
candidate for at least.

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Re: google-closure-library 2029

2012-09-28 Thread Stuart Sierra
I made the G.Closure library artifacts and manually uploaded them to Maven 
Central. I haven't had time to do the latest G.Closure library release.

Can somebody confirm that ClojureScript works 100% with the rev. 2029 
release of the Closure Library?


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Re: clojurescript: *ns*, all-ns, ns-map, ns-publics, ns-* ?

2012-09-26 Thread Stuart Sierra
Some of this information exists in the CLJS compiler, although it's not 

For example, the cljs.analyzer namespace has *cljs-ns* and `namespaces`. 
You could examine these Vars at the Clojure (not ClojureScript) REPL.

Vars and namespaces do not exist at all in compiled CLJS code, so you can't 
access them from CLJS. This is unlikely to change.

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Re: how do we go about promoting new clojure libraries?

2012-09-26 Thread Stuart Sierra is unorganized and out 
of date - volunteers welcome.

James Reeves created


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Re: how do we go about promoting new clojure libraries?

2012-09-26 Thread Stuart Sierra
On Wednesday, September 26, 2012 3:05:08 PM UTC-4, Mayank Jain wrote:

 I am interested in keeping the clojure libraries up to date. Can you give 
 me some ideas what are the tasks that needs to be done? So that I have some 
 idea about it.

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Re: JSON serialization with unknown types

2012-09-26 Thread Stuart Sierra
I'm working on a new version of data.json that supports conversions:

Feedback welcome on the API.

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Re: Request to create new contrib: data.dependency

2012-09-18 Thread Stuart Sierra
It's open source. You can do whatever you want, under the terms of the EPL.

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Re: Request to create new contrib: data.dependency

2012-09-18 Thread Stuart Sierra
I didn't get approval to create data.dependency, so instead I've merged 
that work into tools.namespace, currently available as 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.


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Re: Can't start Rhino repl for ClojureScript

2012-09-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
Leiningen works under Windows (as lein.bat). I'm not sure if it works under 

I've encountered problems in the past with Cygwin because the Java 
executable is the Windows version, using Windows path-separator characters, 
but scripts expect Unix-style path separators.

Try downloading Leiningen for Windows and running from the Windows shell.


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Re: Why do Clojure collections have (seq) rather than supporting the ISeq interface directly?

2012-09-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
Mostly efficiency. A Seq generally gives you access to `first` and `rest` 
in constant time. Vectors, to take one example, cannot give you `rest` 
efficiently, but a Seq backed by the vector can.

Clojure lists are implemented as singly-linked lists, which do have 
first/rest pointers, so they implement ISeq directly.

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Re: A Performance Comparison of SBCL Clojure

2012-09-07 Thread Stuart Sierra
Just wanted to say thanks for putting in all the work on the shootout 
programs, Andy.

On Friday, September 7, 2012 1:12:44 AM UTC-7, Andy Fingerhut wrote:
 All Clojure programs within 4x the run time of the
 corresponding Java programs, averaging around 2.5x the run
 time of Java.

That's pretty darn good.

 Lesson I've learned: If you've got an inner loop of your
 program that you really really need to run faster, code it
 in Java, C, or even assembler. Use profiling tools to find
 those spots, rather than guessing where you think they
 might be. 



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Re: redefining multimethods at the repl

2012-09-05 Thread Stuart Sierra
This is what I started working on tools.namespace to solve.

I came to the conclusion that it's impossible to make something that works 
in 100% of all cases, but I'm hoping to get to 90%.

I added some notes to the wiki page too.

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Re: [emacs over ssh limitations]

2012-08-28 Thread Stuart Sierra
SSH in iTerm 2 from an OS X machine to a Linux server. $TERM is 
xterm-256color at both ends. We use this for pair-programming, so X and 
tramp are not helpful.

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Re: A Performance Comparison of SBCL Clojure

2012-08-27 Thread Stuart Sierra
Maybe my impressions are out of date. Personally, I have neither the time 
nor the interest, but optimizers do your stuff!


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Re: [emacs over ssh limitations]

2012-08-27 Thread Stuart Sierra
It's easy enough to test: fire up a small EC2 instance and use Emacs over 
an SSH+tmux session. You could also try using your own local Emacs that way 
by SSH'ing to localhost.

In my experience, commands don't work in a terminal if they use modifier 
keys (Control, Meta, Shift) AND non-letter keys (arrows, ENTER, some 
punctuation). I assume it has something to do with how those combinations 
get encoded for the terminal emulator.

You can always work around it with M-x, or by rebinding the command to a 
different key. It's mildly annoying, but not a showstopper.

One consistently annoying thing is that PageUp, PageDown, and Delete don't 
work in clojure-mode buffers with Paredit in Emacs in a terminal. They 
insert weird characters like ^[ instead. I would very much like to have a 
fix for that!


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Re: A Performance Comparison of SBCL Clojure

2012-08-25 Thread Stuart Sierra
The Alioth benchmarks are somewhat unfair to JVM languages because they 
include startup time for the JVM itself and often don't run enough 
iterations to engage the optimizer.

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Raymond de Lacaze 
  Here’s a performance benchmark comparison of SBCL and Clojure.

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Re: Performance of concatenating two vectors

2012-08-24 Thread Stuart Sierra
I haven't read the paper, but Clojure's PersistentVector doesn't really 
have a concatenate operation. The `concat` function creates a lazy 
sequence. The closest to vector concatenation is probably `into`, which is 
implemented in terms of `reduce`.


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Re: [viewing clojure datastructures] Is there something better than clojure.inspector?

2012-08-23 Thread Stuart Sierra
Somewhat-related, I started working on a graphical pretty-printer library 
for ClojureScript:

Here's a screenshot:


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Re: Central screwup

2012-08-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
Just want to make this is clear: no one on the Clojure mailing list (or 
IRC) has any direct control over the major public repositories.

The Maven Central Repository ( is managed by the Apache 
Foundation with help from Sonatype, Inc. See

The Sonatype Open-Source repository ( is managed by 
Sonatype, Inc.  It syncs with the Maven Central Repository every few hours.

Only Clojars ( is managed by the Clojure community.


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Re: Central screwup

2012-08-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
Thanks, Phil,

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Re: clojure.logic project.clj file

2012-08-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
On Wednesday, August 15, 2012 9:39:21 PM UTC-4, Chas Emerick wrote:

 I'd hope to see this change once the final missing pieces fall into place 
 (in particular, automation of promotion of releases through Nexus' API 
 corresponding to or surpassing what nexus-maven-plugin provides).

Me too. Once Leiningen can do a fully automated build-sign-deploy-promote 
we can look into switching.

There would still be a significant amount of work to change how we use 
Hudson ( because all the job configurations assume Maven. 
It could be done, just would need someone to do it.


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Re: basic question , clojure io

2012-08-09 Thread Stuart Sierra
No, there is no language-level distinction between pure functions and 
functions which perform side effects. In practice, it is a good idea to 
keep them separate.

On Tuesday, August 7, 2012 9:37:31 AM UTC-4, centaurian_slug wrote:

 does clojure have a strict split between side-effects and pure functions 
 like haskell;
 I guess what i have in my head is a rigorous split between effectfull 
 'procedures' and pure 'functions',the latter cannot call the former; 
 although i know thats' implemented through the more general mechanism of 
 monads in haskell.

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Re: How to add an URL into the classpath?

2012-07-29 Thread Stuart Sierra
You can't. The dynamic classloader is an internal implementation detail of 
Clojure; you can't rely on it being available anywhere.

If you're interested in runtime control over the the Java classpath, look 


On Sunday, July 29, 2012 2:05:00 PM UTC-4, Yoshinori Kohyama wrote:

 Hello programmers,

 Hi, Sierra.  Thank you replying.

 O.K. I can not always contol the classloader of the whole JVM.

 Then, how can I get the dynamic classloader for my current code/thread?
 Or can't I?

 Yoshinori Kohyama

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Re: How to add an URL into the classpath?

2012-07-27 Thread Stuart Sierra
Hello Yoshinori,

In general, you cannot modify the JVM classpath at runtime. Clojure uses 
its own classloader to do dynamic code generation, but you cannot rely on 
being able to control the classloader which is running the whole JVM.


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Re: slurp on over slow HTTP crashes clojure?

2012-07-20 Thread Stuart Sierra
The 'slurp' function on a URL dispatches to, 
which is pretty primitive as HTTP clients go. If you need to handle slow 
sites or large responses, you'll probably be better off with a real HTTP 
client library.


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Re: Tagged literals: undefined tags blow up reader

2012-07-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
Hi Kovas,

I considered the problem of what to do with undefined tags when I 
implemented this, but I didn't have a clear idea of what the result type 
should be, so I ignored it.

I also didn't know what to do with the metadata. For example, on the JVM, 
you can't put metadata on Java types like String or Date. If there's 
metadata on the tagged type, do you try to preserve it? For that matter, 
what does the reader do now if you try to put metadata on a tagged literal 
that evaluates to a type which doesn't accept metadata? I assume the reader 
blows up there too.

Other similar tagging systems allow undefined tags to be passed through, 
and I think this is the right approach. You can represent any tagged 
literal as a symbol, data pair, and this pair deserves its own type. I'd 
call it TaggedData. It should implement the interface that handles metadata 
(IObj in Clojure on the JVM I think).

I like the idea of being able to define how tagged literals should be 
emitted without mucking about with strings. At first glance, your approach 
seems reasonable.

Are you on Clojure/dev? To move this forward, you can put a design proposal 
on Keep in mind that tagged literals went through months 
of discussion before the implementation:

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Re: Central screwup

2012-06-14 Thread Stuart Sierra

 Is there anyone on the Clojure/core team with a contact among those 
 who run Central who could get them to look into this? 

I'm on the Sonatype OSSRH mailing list:
(mailing list addresses at the bottom)

There was no mention of this issue there, but I'll ask about it. 

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Re: Problems resolving dependencies due to maven central repo fail

2012-06-13 Thread Stuart Sierra
Hi Craig,

I can't reproduce the problem you're seeing. Right now, when I visit I get 
the the same list as Article A in your original post.

Is it possible that the maven-metadata-central.xml file in your local Maven 
cache is corrupted? You can try deleting 
~/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/ and see if the problem persists.


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Re: clashing methods between 2 different protocols???

2012-06-13 Thread Stuart Sierra
I see you have found that you can override Object.toString in defrecord by 
including Object in your defrecord. However, Object is a special case, 
since every Java class extends Object. 

You *can* have two protocols with the same method name, but they must be in 
*different* namespaces.

Every protocol method *also* defines a function in the current namespace, 
so code like this:

(defprotocol Baz (theMethod [x]))
(defprotocol Quux (theMethod [x]))

Is defining the function *twice*.


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Re: [PATCH] RFC: Add Functions `tabify` And `untabify`

2012-06-09 Thread Stuart Sierra
On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 5:55 PM, OGINO Masanori wrote:
 There are many negative votes for the proposal and the main doubt is
 do you need to make them in closure.string?

Hi Ogino,

Please don't misinterpret my comments as saying you're wasting time.
By all means, keep working on this. `tabify` and functions like it
could be useful to others, I just don't know yet.

If you can demonstrate an improvement to clojure.repl by adding these
functions, then I think that's enough justification to add them --
maybe first as private fns in clojure.repl. Later on, if they seem
generally useful, we can incorporate them into clojure.string.


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Re: Is still idiomatic the ant simulation code?

2012-06-08 Thread Stuart Sierra
The ants demo is definitely dated. It's not terrible, but the code could 
use some polishing/simplifying using newer additions to the language.

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Re: [PATCH] RFC: Add Functions `tabify` And `untabify`

2012-06-08 Thread Stuart Sierra
Seems like a fairly specialized function. No harm in including it where 
it's needed, but does it need to go in clojure.string?

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Re: Deserialization of a Record

2012-06-08 Thread Stuart Sierra
Can you post a standalone example that doesn't require seesaw? Otherwise 
it's hard to reproduce the problem.

If the problem is class visibility on the EDT, there are a couple of 

1. Bind *use-context-classloader* to false in your event handler. This 
might work.

2. Have the event handler invoke a Clojure Agent to do the actual work.


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Re: Why does (send a f) hang in this code, if f returns an agent?

2012-06-08 Thread Stuart Sierra
I'm not sure why it hangs, but my guess is that your actions are throwing 
exceptions, breaking the loop and preventing the SynchronousQueue from ever 
being filled.

By the way, the `time` you're measuring will dominated by `pprint`, not 
your actual test.


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Re: [PATCH] RFC: Add Functions `tabify` And `untabify`

2012-06-08 Thread Stuart Sierra
Stuart Halloway wrote:
 Whatever we do let's make sure we think about how to make it available in
 all Clojure dialects.

Yes. When it comes to adding stuff to clojure.string, I'd like to focus
less on adding single-purpose functions like dasherize and more on
making sure that it's possible to *write* functions like dasherize in
a platform-neutral way, that is, not relying on interop or particular
features of the host platform (such as regex implementations).


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Re: [PATCH] RFC: Add Functions `tabify` And `untabify`

2012-06-08 Thread Stuart Sierra
On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 2:13 PM, Andy Fingerhut wrote:
 Are you concerned that there are differences in regex implementations between 
 host platforms?


 Or are you hoping that someone develops a portable-between-Clojure-hosts 
 regex implementation and adds that to clojure.string?

No. Definitely not.

The point I was trying to make, gently, is this: what NEEDS to go to
clojure.string and what can work just fine in an independent library?

Ideally, additions to clojure.string should focus on the things you
need in order to write functions like 'dasherize.' Let's get those
done first, then it's easy to write a cross-platform string munging
library containing things like dasherize, camel-case, etc. Once that
library exists, and has been around long enough to stabilize, and has
proven so essential that most Clojure programs end up needing it, THEN
we can put it in clojure.string.


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Re: Avoid duplicate computation in commute?

2012-05-17 Thread Stuart Sierra
I think the point with `commute` is to allow for more concurrency at the 
expense of more computation.

If you want assurance that your function is only called once, you can use 

Keep in mind that *any* code in a Ref transaction has the potential to be 
called more than once if there's a conflict.

All this doesn't mean that it's impossible to avoid the duplicate 
computation on `commute`. The code to study would be here:


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Re: Assuring avalaibility of ring web apps

2012-05-17 Thread Stuart Sierra
This is probably outside the scope of what Lein and Clojure do, but it's a 
well-studied problem for JVM apps.

AWS itself has a variety of solutions, such as Elastic Beanstalk and Cloud 

At the OS-level, there's monit and its kin.


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Re: does delay in calling clojure from java happen only once ?

2012-05-17 Thread Stuart Sierra
Yes, Clojure has a runtime which is initialized the first time you call 
any Clojure code. 

The initialization never happens more than once.


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Re: docstrings of if-let and when-let incorrect

2012-05-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
How would multiple bindings for if-let or when-let work? Should every 
binding be testedd? Should they be and-ed together? Should it short-circuit 
if the first is false?

I don't think there are obvious answers to those questions.

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[ANN] ClojureScript release 0.0-1236

2012-05-16 Thread Stuart Sierra


- Reducers
- Dependencies on latest Google Closure Compiler and Library
- Partial support for of data reader functions (tagged literals)

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[ANN] New Google Closure Library JARs (incl third-party)

2012-05-16 Thread Stuart Sierra

I have pushed out new releases of the Google Closure Library JARs.  You can 
now get these dependencies directly from Maven Central:

[org.clojure/google-closure-library 0.0-1376]
[org.clojure/google-closure-library-third-party 0.0-1376]

The third-party JAR contains the third-party extensions to the Google 
Closure Library. These are kept separate from the main library because they 
contain code ported from other projects under different licenses.

ClojureScript does NOT depend on the third-party JAR; if you want to use it 
in your projects you must declare it explicitly.


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Re: Idiomatic usage of partial

2012-05-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
Every literal instance of `fn` or `#()` compiles to a new class definition. 
This is only at compile time: once the code is running, each execution of 
the `fn` expression merely creates an instance of that class.

partial is implemented in terms of `fn`, so every usage of `partial` merely 
creates an instance of a class that already exists. So using `partial` 
instead of `fn` or `#()` saves a small amount of memory.


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Request to create new contrib: data.dependency

2012-05-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
As part of my long-delayed effort to get namespace dependency parsing into 
Contrib, I offer the library:

This is wholly my own work. I give permission to release it under the 
Clojure Contributor Agreement.


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Re: defrecord serialization and *data-readers*

2012-05-15 Thread Stuart Sierra
Data reader literals are not intended to replace record serialization. If 
you want the flexibility to change your record types, I think you need to 
use data reader literals from the beginning, and have them deserialize as 
the appropriate record type.


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Re: docstrings of if-let and when-let incorrect

2012-05-15 Thread Stuart Sierra
Reasonable enough. Patch welcome.

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