Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] Wireless access for all? Google plan would offer free Internet throughout SF]

2005-10-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 2:58 PM +0200 10/1/05, Eugen Leitl wrote:
But will they block Tor?
Google plan would offer free Internet throughout SF

More to the point, is it finally time to short Google?



R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] Wireless access for all? Google plan would offer free Internet throughout SF]

2005-10-01 Thread Eugen Leitl

But will they block Tor?

- Forwarded message from David Farber [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

From: David Farber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2005 08:46:00 -0400
To: Ip Ip
Subject: [IP] Wireless access for all? Google plan would offer free Internet 
throughout SF
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.734)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Dewayne Hendricks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: September 30, 2005 9:44:43 PM EDT
To: Dewayne-Net Technology List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Dewayne-Net] Wireless access for all? Google plan would  
offer free Internet throughout SF

Wireless access for all?
Google plan would offer free Internet throughout SF
- Verne Kopytoff and Ryan Kim, Chronicle Staff Writers
Friday, September 30, 2005
Google Inc. has proposed to blanket San Francisco with free wireless  
Internet access, placing a marquee name behind Mayor Gavin Newsom's  
effort to get all residents online whether they are at home, in a  
park or in a cafe.

The offer by the Mountain View search engine was one of many  
competing bids received by the city before its deadline Friday.  
Officials will now review the submissions and make a decision about  
which, if any, of the candidates get the green light for so-called Wi- 
Fi service.

In joining the competition, Google is showing yet another sign of its  
boundless ambition. In the past few months, the company has released  
a succession of new products including instant messaging and  
telephone service that take it further from its search engine roots.

The proposal furthers existing speculation that Google intends to  
create a free national Wi-Fi network. If so, it could pose a serious  
challenge to existing Internet service providers, such as SBC-Yahoo,  
Earthlink, Comcast and America Online, which charge subscriptions for  
wire connections.

This is a great opportunity to provide a community service to the  
Bay Area, said Chris Sacca, who oversaw Google's wireless Internet  
bid in San Francisco. This furthers the goal of providing access to  
all residents and visitors on as wide a scale as possible.

Mayor Newsom unveiled a goal of a free, city-wide Wi-Fi network last  
year as part of his state of the city address. Since then, officials  
have been weighing how to carry out despite a tight budget, finally  
asking for proposals from over the summer.

As part of its proposal, Google said it could do the job without  
charge to either the city or residents.

Google is a neophyte in wireless Internet access. It's experience is  
limited to tests at a gym and cafe near its headquarters and at  
Bryant Park, in New York City.

Separately, Google sponsors free Wi-Fi service in San Francisco's  
Union Square in conjunction with a local start-up, Feeva.

Competitors who submitted responses to the city's request for  
comments said Google's proposal is not entirely surprising. But they  
questioned the company's ability to follow through on its plans.

Donald Berryman, EVP and president of municipal networks for  
Earthlink, questioned if Google had the know-how to be an Internet  
service provider. He said providing the deal for free is also not  
sustainable in the long run.

We've looked into free service and we haven't found a model where  
free works, said Berryman. At some point free becomes less  
sustainable because there's no way to upgrade service and the  
networks when no one's paying for it.

Chuck Haas, CEO of MetroFi, which runs two wi-fi networks in  
Cupertino and Santa Clara, wondered if Google would be meet the  
city's goals for coverage.

But he said the idea of free service is not entirely far-fetched. He  
said his company submitted a proposal in which wireless broadband  
would be free across San Francisco but would be paid for with ads and  
would have no technical support or services for users. For $19.99 a  
month, subscribers would get enhanced service with no ads and  
customer support.

I believe we'll have enough people that want full security and  
customer support with no ads that we could make money, Haas said.  
But no matter who the city chooses, I don't think the city will have  
to pay for this network.

SBC spokesman John Britton said his company encourages competition,  
but feels that governments should seek greater investment from  
private companies to increase broadband service. He said in San  
Francisco's case, the city is already served by SBC and enjoys more  
than 400 free wi-fi hotspots, more than any other in the country.

We feel there is already widespread broadband available today,  
Britton said.

Vince Vasquez, a policy fellow with the Pacific Research Institute,  
which receives funding from SBC, said there has never been a company  
willing to volunteer this kind of a network. But even if it's free,  
it might represent too much involvement by the city in a sector that  
should left to private industries, he said.

Our concern

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] Wireless access for all? Google plan would offer free Internet throughout SF]

2005-10-01 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 2:58 PM +0200 10/1/05, Eugen Leitl wrote:
But will they block Tor?
Google plan would offer free Internet throughout SF

More to the point, is it finally time to short Google?



R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Data, Net tax plan divides Republicans

2005-02-10 Thread R.A. Hettinga


 Data, Net tax plan divides Republicans

 By Declan McCullagh

A recent congressional report saying that new taxes could be levied on all
Internet and data connections is pitting two influential groups of
Republicans against each other.

Sixteen members of Congress have slammed a suggestion from Congress' Joint
Committee on Taxation that a tax originally created to pay for the
Spanish-American War could be extended to all Internet and data connections
this year.

 In a letter to the committee sent Tuesday, the House members said they
were perplexed that the committee would gratuitously suggest tax
increases that would slow the growth of the U.S. economy. The committee is
headed by two Republicans, Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa and Rep. William
Thomas of California.

 Consumers who now enjoy freedom from regressive taxes on Internet access
are not tax cheats, the letter says. It charges the committee with finding
ways to justify tax hikes when its report was supposed to be about
identifying people who were dodging taxes.

 I think the problem lies not with the senators but with staff that is
involving itself gratuitously in proposals to raise taxes on the Internet,
Rep. Chris Cox, a California Republican who signed the letter, said in a
telephone interview with CNET

 George Yin, the tax committee's chief of staff, was not immediately
available for comment.

 Currently, the 3 percent excise tax applies only to traditional telephone
service. But because of technological convergence and the dropping
popularity of landlines, the Joint Committee on Taxation said extending the
century-old tax to broadband and data links was an option.

 The committee's report, published in late January, said that tax law could
be rewritten so the telecommunications levy would cover all data
communications services to end users, including broadband; dial-up; fiber;
cable modems; cellular; voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and DSL, or
digital subscriber line, links. Another option it listed was extending the
tax only to VoIP providers, including Internet-only ones like Skype.

 Congress enacted the so-called luxury excise tax at 1 cent a phone call
to pay for the Spanish-American War back in 1898, when only a few thousand
phone lines existed in the country. It was repealed in 1902, but was
reimposed at 1 cent a call in 1914 to pay for World War I and eventually
became permanent at a rate of 3 percent in 1990.

Republicans signing the letter to the tax committee include Chris Cannon,
R-Utah; Walter Jones, R-N.C.; Chip Pickering, R-Miss.; Ron Paul, R-Texas;
Jeff Miller, R-Fla.; Mark Foley, R-Fla.; Mike Rogers, R-Mich.; Fred Upton,
R-Mich; Patrick McHenry, R-N.C.; Jerry Weller, R-Ill.; Rob Simmons,
R-Conn.; Charles Bass, R-N.H.; and Vito Fossella, R-N.Y.

 Two Democrats, John Lewis, D-Ga. and Anna Eshoo, D-Calif. also signed the

 Members of the Joint Committee on Taxation include Orrin Hatch, R-Utah;
Max Baucus, D-Mont.; John Rockefeller, D-W.Va.; and representatives Bill
Thomas, R-Calif.; and Charles Rangel, D-N.Y.

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

A Plan for Liberty

2004-12-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga

A Plan for Liberty

 We yearn to experience a zero-government society (ZGS.) But how can we
cause it to happen?

 Opinions differ quite widely, and that suggests nobody really knows. Given
that it would be unique in human experience, that's unsurprising. Proposals
tend to group into four:

1.   Enjoy life and do nothing, confident that eventually the State
will implode of its own accord, by the inexorable laws of economics
2.   Work to reduce the State gradually, by any of a variety of 
such as political activism, tax and other resistance
3.   Found a free society beyond a frontier, where no existing State
is operating
4.   Educate opinion leaders, so that they will help us change our
existing society.

 I'm not convinced about #1, because the laws of economics have operated
for thousands of years but as far as we know have never yet caused a State
to implode. They did, it's true, pull the props from under the Soviet one,
but only because its leaders were so dumb as to flout them deliberately,
for the first time ever; other governments have been smart enough to allow
cows to live, in order to milk them. Thus, this option could involve a very
long wait.

 Option #2 is praiseworthy, but to my mind takes too little account of the
awesome power of government to close down any resistance as soon as it
shows promise of success. We're familiar with the political freeze-out, for
example; very skilfully, Libertarians are prevented from getting elected.
Those who lead tax revolts are silenced.

 Option #3 would be great, except that no frontiers exist any more, or not
on this Planet except for regions so barren and cold that normal life would
hardly be feasible. Additionally even if a ZGS were to prosper in
Antarctica, for example, what is to stop those States most shamed by its
success and appeal from nuking it out of existence? Fears of melted ice?

 Option #4 holds more promise, but so far has made very modest headway and
suffers from one flaw: no plan exists (to my knowledge) to bring about an
intellectual conversion of everyone in society - only of the leaders. The
usually-unspoken assumption is that once the elite sees the way to go, they
will take everyone else along; by force (eg by a majority-vote plebiscite)
if necessary. I have in the past made just such a proposal. Somehow,
though, that seems to sit ill with our self-ownership, no-force axiom.

 So this paper proposes a new and ambitious variation on Option 4:
universal re-education which will result in a fully anarchist America by
the year 2027. It rests upon the following assumptions:
1.   All humans are rational, thus open to reasoned persuasion
2.   The free market (market anarchism) is the only rational system
3.   A thorough yet simple course can be designed, to teach such a
system on line
4.   Once he understands it, every new anarchist will want to help
teach it to others
 Those assumptions should be checked. All are critical, but  here are
remarks about the first two.

The Nature of a ZGS
 A free society would consist only of people who wish to belong to it - who
transact with other people only by means of contracts they wish to make.

 Therefore, everyone - not just some - must be shown its virtues, and
desire them. Given that the first ZGS must occupy some geographic area
currently in control of a government, only two alternatives exist:

 (i) 100% of that population be re-educated so everyone volunteers, or

 (ii) Some volunteer and the rest are made to move out! - a step hardly
consistent with our nonagression axiom.

 I wondered about that possibility that a very small residue of ineducable
statists remained, intransigent. Must they be forced out? - I think not.
Nobody in the free society would (being well-educated) elect to trade with
them except under the terms of proper contracts, and so they would either
sign those contracts (to use somebody's road, for example, or to buy
someone's potatoes) or leave of their own accord. It would be possible to
live as a hermit with a veggie garden and no human interaction, but
statists are not made of such hardy stuff so I predict it would never

 So it seems to me our aim should be for 100%, and that is a new
proposition, a higher aim than anarchists have previously proposed.

 Society is Not an Onion
 It's often observed that a cultural or intellectual change needs to be
made by approaching society as if it were an onion; convert the outer (most
open-minded, leader-thinker) layer first, then peel off the next, and so on
until no further persuasion is possible. Certainly, we may suppose that
somewhere in there is to be found a hard, resistant core of government
junkies who would starve rather than work for their own living; and
certainly, everyday experience tells us that some listen better than others.

 However, a satisfactory plan for moving

Cyber Fears On Fed's Web Plan

2004-08-15 Thread R. A. Hettinga

The New York Post


 Email Archives
 Print Reprint

August 15, 2004 --  With little fanfare, the Federal Reserve will begin
transferring the nation's money supply over an Internet-based system this
month - a move critics say could open the U.S.'s banking system to cyber

 The Fed moves about $1.8 trillion a day on a closed, stand-alone computer
network. But soon it will switch to a system called FedLine Advantage, a
Web-based technology.

 Proponents say the system is more efficient and flexible. The current
system is outdated, using DOS - Microsoft's predecessor to the Windows
operating system.

 But security experts say the threat of outside access is too big a risk.

 The Fed is now going to be vulnerable in two distinct ways. A hacker
could break in to the Fed's network and have full access to the system, or
a hacker might not have complete access but enough to cause a denial or
disruptions of service, said George Kurtz, co-author of Hacking Exposed
and CEO of Foundstone, an Internet security company.

 If a security breach strikes the very heart of the financial world and
money stops moving around, then our financial system will literally start
to collapse and chaos will ensue.

 FedLine is expected to move massive amounts of money. Currently, Fedwire
transfers large-dollar payments averaging $3.5 million per transaction
among Federal Reserve offices, financial institutions and federal
government agencies.

 Patti Lorenzen, a spokeswoman for the Federal Reserve, said the agency is
taking every precaution.

 Of course, we will not discuss the specifics of our security measures for
obvious reasons, she said. We feel confident that this system adheres to
the highest standards of security. Without disclosing the specifics, it is
important to note that our security controls include authentication,
encryption, firewalls, intru sion detection and Federal Reserve conducted

 Ron Gula, president of Tenable Network Security and a specialist in
government cyber security, said he's sure the Fed is taking every
precaution. But no system is 100 percent foolproof.

 If the motive was to manipulate the money transferring, there are Tom
Clancy scenarios where there are ways to subvert underlying technologies,
Gula said. For example, a malicious programmer can put something in the
Fed's network to cause the system to self-destruct or to wire them money.

 The biggest concern isn't the 13-year-old who hacks into the Fedwire and
sends himself some money - it's terrorism.

 On July 22, the Department of Homeland Security released an internal
report saying a cyber attack could result in widespread disruption of
essential services ... damag(ing) our economy and put(ting) public safety
at risk.

 But the Fed's undertaking of this massive overhaul is considered a necessity.

 Our strategy is to move to Web-based technology because there are
inherent limitations with DOS based technology and our goal is to provide
better and robust product offerings to meet our customers' needs, said
Laura Hughes, vice president of national marketing at the Chicago Fed,
which has spearheaded this program.

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

This is the plan for you!

2004-02-05 Thread Quentin Reeder
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2004-01-08 Thread No Medical Exams
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2003-11-22 Thread Barbra Mckee
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cypherpunks, Higher Education Plan

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Haven’t you been waiting long enough?

Is Priceline Founder Walker's Plan To Police Sites Genius or Just Goofy?

2003-06-29 Thread R. A. Hettinga,,SB10569205648909100,00.html

Wall Street Journal

June 30, 2003 


Is Priceline
Founder Walker's Plan 
To Police Sites Genius or Just Goofy? 

Jay Walker,
who made a fortune with Priceline , the name-your-price airline ticket
company, describes himself less as a businessman than an inventor, using
the Internet to rethink how things work. Having helped remake the way the
country buys plane tickets, Mr. Walker is now working on changing the way
it fights terrorists. 

His USHomeGuard, a for-profit company that Mr.
Walker and associates are now talking up in Washington and elsewhere, is
one of those ideas that will either leave you applauding its cleverness and
ambition, or cringing at its kookiness and opportunism. 

I think Mr.
Walker is on to something, though not in quite the same way he probably

As do most other terrorism entrepreneurs, Mr. Walker begins by
noting that there are tens of thousands of pieces of unprotected
infrastructure in the country: power plants, gas tanks, petroleum
refineries and the like. 

USHomeGuard would point Webcams at all of them.
Those photographs would then be distributed over the Internet to the home
PCs of Americans who have signed up to earn money -- an estimated $10 an
hour -- working as what Mr. Walker calls citizen spotters. Most of us
would just call them security guards. 

These spotters would be shown still
pictures, one after another, selected randomly from somewhere around the
country. If everything in the picture looks OK, they'd press the equivalent
of an All Clear button. If something seems out of the ordinary -- a vehicle
is parked where it isn't supposed to be -- they'd press a second button.

Mr. Walker explains that since these are places no one is supposed to be,
it would be easy to detect an interloper. 

When a spotter spots a
potential problem, a central facility gets notified. USHomeGuard employees
would then be able to talk with the intruder over a loudspeaker. If they
weren't satisfied with his answers, they'd call the police. 

To make sure
the citizen spotters were paying attention, every now and then, the system
would send out a staged photo, purporting to show some sort of intrusion.
Spotters would be required to recognize these as potential problems -- or
else be briefly suspended from duty. 

It's easy to find flaws in all this.
The bad guys in USHomeGuard's publicity material skulk around otherwise
empty sites carrying satchels. In real life, they tend to drive trucks with
bombs or board planes carrying box cutters. 

It's also unclear how someone
not intimately familiar with a facility would know that the fellow in the
truck parked next to a big gas tank, who can't hear the loudspeaker because
of a passing rainstorm, isn't a terrorist, but rather Al, the maintenance
guy, on his weekly rounds. 

Mr. Walker says he's come up with a highly
effective way of preventing terrorism. It seems to me that he has come up
with a minimally effective way of preventing a bunch of high-school kids
from parking their van by the reservoir and getting stoned. And a likely
side effect is an epidemic of false alarms, like the ones that happen with
all those high-tech security systems in Beverly Hills. 

What I think Mr.
Walker has done right, though, is the manner in which he has again
recognized the transformational nature of the Internet, just as he did with
Priceline. I can't imagine a remote monitoring system like USHomeGuard
being used to protect anything truly critical. But for second-tier locales
-- the infrastructure equivalents of the unsold airplane tickets that
Priceline sells -- why not? Maybe one day soon, that reservoir will indeed
be guarded by someone at a PC far away. 

But USHomeGuard isn't taking the
economic and technical logic of the Internet to its logical conclusions. As
Americans by the hundreds of thousands are learning, if a job can be done
at a keyboard and monitor, chances are good it can be done anywhere in the

In the publicity material for USHomeGuard, the citizen spotters
look just like folks you see in a Charles Schwab brochure: earnest
middle-class types wearing Lands' End sweaters, absorbed in their Dells.

But there's no reason to pay citizen spotters even $10 an hour when the
work can be done for a tenth or twentieth of that overseas. And I mean
seriously overseas: the polite English-speaking programmers and help desk
attendants of Bangalore, India, are vastly overqualified for this kind of
work. You don't need English skills, or many skills at all, to know whether
a truck is, or is not, in a TV picture. And they are no more or less
handicapped at recognizing Al, the maintenance guy. Also, the safeguards
used to prevent snoozing spotters in the U.S. would work equally well

The real value of Mr. Walker's proposal is in the way it reminds
us about the easy exportability of labor in the 21st century, if not for

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2003-06-22 Thread teamoneeagm

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Practice to Deceive Chaos in the Middle East is not the Bush hawks' nightmare scenario--it's their plan.

2003-03-29 Thread Steve Schear
... the administration sees the invasion as only the first move in a wider 
effort to reorder the power structure of the entire Middle East. Prior to 
the war, the president himself never quite said this openly. But hawkish 
neo-conservatives within his administration gave strong hints. In February, 
Undersecretary of State John Bolton told Israeli officials that after 
defeating Iraq, the United States would deal with Iran, Syria, and North 
Korea. Meanwhile, neo-conservative journalists have been channeling the 
administration's thinking. Late last month, The Weekly Standard's Jeffrey 
Bell reported that the administration has in mind a world war between the 
United States and a political wing of Islamic fundamentalism ... a war of 
such reach and magnitude [that] the invasion of Iraq, or the capture of top 
al Qaeda commanders, should be seen as tactical events in a series of moves 
and countermoves stretching well into the future. date, every time a Western or non-Muslim country has put troops into 
Arab lands to stamp out violence and terror, it has awakened entire new 
terrorist organizations and a generation of recruits.

... a worst-case scenario that would involve the United States occupying 
the Saudi's oil fields and administering them as a trust for the people of 
the region.

As one former Army officer with long experience with the Iraq file 
explains it, the physical analogy to Saddam Hussein's regime is a steel 
beam in compression. Give it one good hit, and you'll get a violent 
explosion. One hundred thousand U.S. troops may be able to keep a lid on 
all the pent-up hatred. But we may soon find that it's unwise to hand off 
power to the fractious Iraqis. To invoke the ugly but apt metaphor which 
Jefferson used to describe the American dilemma of slavery, we will have 
the wolf by the ears. You want to let go. But you dare not.


War is just a racket ... something that is not what it seems to the 
majority of people. Only a small group knows what its about. It is 
conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the 
masses.  --- Major General Smedley Butler, 1933

Re: Practice to Deceive Chaos in the Middle East is not the Bush hawks' nightmare scenario--it's their plan.

2003-03-29 Thread James A. Donald
For a long time, the west has been exporting its most evil
ideologies and most disastrous economic policies to the middle
east.  Saddam is not Islamic fundamentalism, rather, Baathism
is a mixture of Communism and Nazism.   Even Bin Laden owes
more to Heidegger than Mohammed, though he denies it.

The bush plan is to export our more desirable ideolgy and
economic order, the order and ideology of the Glorious
Revolution, by force, as we forced on Napoleon's france,
Hitler's Germany, and Japan.

Of course there is something rather self contradictory in
attempting to export that program by aggressive imperial war,
and the practical effect so far has been to make America less
free, rather than Iraq more free, Perhaps a more subtle means
would be more likely to succeed, but exporting that program by
some means is a sound plan

 James A. Donald

Practice to Deceive Chaos in the Middle East is not the Bush hawks' nightmare scenario--it's their plan.

2003-03-28 Thread Steve Schear
... the administration sees the invasion as only the first move in a wider 
effort to reorder the power structure of the entire Middle East. Prior to 
the war, the president himself never quite said this openly. But hawkish 
neo-conservatives within his administration gave strong hints. In February, 
Undersecretary of State John Bolton told Israeli officials that after 
defeating Iraq, the United States would deal with Iran, Syria, and North 
Korea. Meanwhile, neo-conservative journalists have been channeling the 
administration's thinking. Late last month, The Weekly Standard's Jeffrey 
Bell reported that the administration has in mind a world war between the 
United States and a political wing of Islamic fundamentalism ... a war of 
such reach and magnitude [that] the invasion of Iraq, or the capture of top 
al Qaeda commanders, should be seen as tactical events in a series of moves 
and countermoves stretching well into the future. date, every time a Western or non-Muslim country has put troops into 
Arab lands to stamp out violence and terror, it has awakened entire new 
terrorist organizations and a generation of recruits.

... a worst-case scenario that would involve the United States occupying 
the Saudi's oil fields and administering them as a trust for the people of 
the region.

As one former Army officer with long experience with the Iraq file 
explains it, the physical analogy to Saddam Hussein's regime is a steel 
beam in compression. Give it one good hit, and you'll get a violent 
explosion. One hundred thousand U.S. troops may be able to keep a lid on 
all the pent-up hatred. But we may soon find that it's unwise to hand off 
power to the fractious Iraqis. To invoke the ugly but apt metaphor which 
Jefferson used to describe the American dilemma of slavery, we will have 
the wolf by the ears. You want to let go. But you dare not.


War is just a racket ... something that is not what it seems to the 
majority of people. Only a small group knows what its about. It is 
conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the 
masses.  --- Major General Smedley Butler, 1933, U.S. Government Recommends You Have Survival Kit Plan

2003-03-26 Thread Survival Store








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Regarding your email: 401K-Plan and Stock Options

2003-03-23 Thread Patty Crazon
Please review/forward
Regarding your email, please see the link:
Protect your privacy against false values, manifested continuously and accelerating 
through a form of reverse psychology, ravaging our collective consciousness and 
preparing a
new way for us to jail our own minds and let us be ruled by tyrannists, 
dis-personified by a global bureaucratization, whose leading players are the 
Those corporations are the vehicle for the mass-mind-gaming, fear-and horror-producers 
of previous fascist regimes !  

Buy American and anti-abortion claws in US Vultures Plan Iraq.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
how long does US analysts expect iraq to be completely
 occupied by US and allied troops?
No definite plans, but Rumsfeld is thinking of an occupation
force of several for 75 000 years.
Homeland Security 'brown alert' camera's...

Clarke Plan to freak out Saddam.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
To understand this bureaucratic mindset, consider that--while at the U.S. 
State Department in the mid-1980s--Clarke concocted a zany plan to incite a 
coup against Moammar Gadhafi to punish the Libyan strongman for embracing 
terrorism. Clarke's suggestion: SR-71 spy planes would buzz Libya, creating 
sonic booms that would appear to herald an invasion, thus unnerving 
Gadhafi. Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy would fake hostilities off the coast and 
the State Department would encourage speculation about likely Gadhafi 
successors, according to a memo coauthored by Clarke. After news of the 
plan leaked, an embarrassed Reagan White House unceremoniously ditched it. 
The New York Times' William Safire dubbed the scheme stupid and venal.

Re: Your FREE Cell Phone - and the Wireless Plan That is Right for You?

2003-03-18 Thread Customer Svc.
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Affordable Health Coverage Plan For Everyone

2003-03-17 Thread Uninsured
Health Care Protection For Everyone! 

Health Care is a major problem in the U.S.
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U.S. Government Recommends You Have Survival Kit Plan

2003-03-13 Thread Survival Store
Title: U.S. Government Recommends You Have Survival Kit & Plan

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Food & 
  water for 3 days
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prepared for:Tornados, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Terrorist 


  Perfect for: Home, Office, 
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Iran and North Korea plan nuclear tests.

2003-03-07 Thread professor rat
Disarm and get invaded. Develope a credible military detertant like North 
Korea has, and the Bushies back down and politely ask the Chinese to broker 
negociations. Welcome to the new global arms race.

U.S. has photos of secret Iran nuclear sites
From David Ensor
WASHINGTON (CNN) --The United States has evidence that Iran has secretly 
been building large nuclear facilities -- sites that could possibly be used 
to make nuclear weapons, senior U.S. officials tell CNN.

Commercial satellite photographs taken in September show a nuclear facility 
near the town of Natanz and another one near Arak, the officials said. 
(View map)

But Iran's foreign ministry spokesman said the country's only nuclear 
activity is of a peaceful nature, and its facilities have been regularly 
and frequently inspected by the International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA.

Iran hasn't committed any acts that can be considered against 
international rules, and will not do so in the future, Hamid Reza Assefi 
told CNN. At the same time, no country could, for its own political 
objectives, prevent Iran from achieving its own goals.

A spokesman at the IAEA in Vienna, Austria confirms the agency is seeking 
access to the two sites and has so far been put off by Iran.

The vice chairman of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said the 
development was disturbing news.

We don't need another nuclear power -- not with Iran sponsoring terrorism 
that it has in the past, said Sen. Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican. 
The fact that they are seemingly pursuing an avenue to build nuclear 
weapons should be disturbing to everybody.

Assefi said the United States was trying to start a negative publicity 
campaign to divert attention from other issues.

This kind of publicity is not new, Assefi said. Certain circles within 
the United States are trying to create tensions and poison the 
international atmosphere, and to avert international public opinions away 
from the real regional danger, which is Israel.

Iranian dissidents have long contended that Iran has been working on 
nuclear capabilities. But the new satellite photographs and the conclusions 
drawn from them by nuclear experts are the first evidence to support such 

Nuclear expert David Albright said the size and secrecy of the program 
suggest Iran might be working toward building nuclear weapons.

Albright is head of the Institute for Science and International Security 
(ISIS), which identified the photographs. The non-profit, non-partisan ISIS 
focuses on stopping the spread of nuclear weapons.

The satellite picture of the facility near Arak concerns nuclear experts.

Corey Hinderstein, also of ISIS, said the site resembles heavy water plants 
found in Pakistan and contains a similar Z-shaped structure.

The large facility at Natanz appears to U.S. intelligence officials to be a 
uranium-enrichment plant, and civilian experts, including Hinderstein, agree.

Iran has a declared nuclear program at Bushehr that is designed to produce 
nuclear power for electricity only, according to the country's U.N. 

I can categorically tell you that Iran does not have a nuclear weapons 
program, Mohammed Javad Zarif said in an interview with CNN. Any facility 
we have ... if it is dealing with nuclear technology, it is within the 
purview of our peaceful nuclear program. (Transcript of interview)

Iranian officials say a visit by senior IAEA officials is expected in 
February. IAEA officials say they want to visit Arak and Natanz on that trip.

IAEA officials also point out that nothing Iran is known to have done has 
violated international law.

Bush labeled Iran part of an axis of evil, along with Iraq and North 
Korea, in his State of the Union address this year. 

thirty year plan

2003-03-05 Thread david
Here's a link to an interesting article about the US plan to 
control the world's oil supply.  It points put the hazard of 
inviting the wolves to watch your henhouse for you.

David Neilson

thirty year plan

2003-03-05 Thread david
Here's a link to an interesting article about the US plan to 
control the world's oil supply.  It points put the hazard of 
inviting the wolves to watch your henhouse for you.

David Neilson

Plan Australistan

2003-03-04 Thread professor rat
Plan indefensible


LAST week confirmed the Howard Government failed utterly to foresee any of 
the security crises that have erupted around us in the past three years.

This has been a serious lapse in analysis and judgment by the Government 
and its top security officials.
Yet to this day we have not been told how our experts got it so wrong. Or 
how they'll do better.

Less than three years ago, the Howard Government unveiled what it bragged 
was the most specific and detailed defence plan in more than 25 years.

Its Defence 2000 White Paper would set Australia's strategic policy over 
the next decade.

Next decade? This 10-year plan lasted less than a year, before the 
September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States blasted it to bits.

Let me whiz you through just some of its lowlights.

Defence 2000 mentioned the word terrorism in just two fleeting sentences 
in its 123 pages, listing it merely a potential problem, and suggesting not 
one response.

Since then, of course, al-Qaida and its allies have struck around the 
world, and 88 Australians have been blown up in Bali.

Defence 2000 suggested North Korea was calming down and that reconciliation 
with South Korea seems closer now than for many years.

Since then, North Korea has unveiled its secret nuclear weapons program, 
told its people to prepare for war, fired a warning missile and warned it 
will scrap its armistice with South Korea.

Defence 2000 didn't mention Iraq once. Or Afghanistan. It even predicted 
that if we had to fight outside the Asia Pacific, we'd send only a 
relatively modest contribution, because the further away a crisis, the 
less threatening it probably was.

Since then, our soldiers have fought in Afghanistan, and we've sent ships, 
planes and 2000 troops to deal with Iraq. Crucially, we have tragically 
learned that globalisation makes distance no defence to terrorists.

Defence 2000 said that in any action, we would more likely involve air or 
naval forces than land forces.

Since then, our soldiers have been called upon most to fight, with our 
special operations forces alone needing 305 more men.

Defence 2000 declared the main job of our armed forces was to defend 
Australia without relying on the combat forces of other countries, and 
that they should be equipped and organised specifically for that role.

Since then, our armed forces have been used exclusively overseas, and as a 
junior partner to the United States -- the ally which ultimately guarantees 
our security. Moreover, it hasn't had all the equipment it needs to wage 
these distant coalition wars.

Defence 2000 said weapons of mass destruction (WMD) were horrors, and we 
must remain vigilant about the missiles which could deliver them, but it 
was very unlikely we'd be attacked with them.

Since then, we've learned that North Korea, for one, is building missiles 
which could reach Australia, and groups like al-Qaida, which lists us as a 
target, have worked on biological and nuclear weapons. We've had to rush in 
smallpox vaccine.

Defence 2000 claimed the United Nations has become more active and 
effective in taming rogue states.

Since then we've found it cannot be counted on even to disarm genocidal Iraq.

These are just some of the blunders in this plan that was supposed to 
safeguard our security until 2010 and beyond. It could hardly have been 
more wrong.

Yes, no one predicted the September 11 attacks, which changed everything. 
But we pay a lot of spies, analysts, strategists and politicians to see 
into our security future. Instead, they've stared at out past.

You'd think having misjudged something so critical the Government would at 
least root out those responsible.

Instead, some of the same people behind our now dated defence plans have 
fought hard to stop Defence Minister Robert Hill from rewriting them to 
adapt to the bloody new realities.

Twice they sent him a draft rewrite which seemed to treat terrorism as just 
a little hiccup with few implications for our armed forces. Twice Hill tore 
it up.

Last week he finally got what he wanted, an almost alarmist document titled 
Australia's National Security: A Defence Update 2003.

It warned that although the threat of a direct military attack on us was 
very remote, we faced terrorist groups that had demonstrated both 
willingness and capability to inflict massive casualties on civilian 
targets as a strategic end.

There was now a great risk that these groups had set their sights 
higher, possibly including the acquisition and use of WMD. They could buy 
these weapons from rogue states such as North Korea, which was developing 
nuclear weapons, plus ballistic missiles able to spear them at targets 
thousands of kilometres away.

The threats of terrorism and WMD are real and immediate, the report said.

More importantly, we had to accept that the war on terrorism was a global 
conflict, and we must be prepared to fight anywhere.

There were also frank warnings that failing

Finally, a diet plan that fits your schedule!

2003-02-25 Thread
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Which wireless plan is right for you?

2003-02-19 Thread Free Phone
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Reduce 60-percent dental bills, join dental care plan.

2003-02-17 Thread ADCM 758151
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Tired of 40 X 40 X 40 Plan? 1674

2003-02-17 Thread Katherine
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Finally a diet plan that fits your schedule!

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I've got under Plan 9 r4

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate


Just a quick note that I've finally got Plan 9 to load without a lot of
hassle (eg some temporary DOS partition w/ a image). It now sees the CD on
install. So, I'm ready to do the demo next Thu. We are hot and online
people, finally ;)

After that I'll put my energy into getting the Auth functionality working.
At that point we'll bring the 9P file server online (ie
It will be 80G.

After that I'll get igor (ie general purpose anonymizing remailer under
Plan 9) working so we can move all the mailing lists and such over
(that's going to take a little longer). In the interim I'll get a irc
server and webpage going on saucer. I should have much ready in the
next 2-3 weeks. At that point I'll be in a position to start managing
keys for other sites w/ respect to namespace/resource access. We need
somebody who can do graphics, for the webpage. All work would be
contributed in some sort of Open Source license (which we'll have
to work out).

We need machines with dedicated and reasonably high speed (= 128kb ISDN)
connections. Process serves are probably needed first. I'd suggest that
anyone interested create their own public (and private) namespace and then
we can transitively mount it through any of them. It would also be nice
if anyone has the resources if we could keep a 'lazy update' going so
nobody would lose anything in the namespace (at least that stuff that is
reasonable to back up). Several archive sites would be even sweeter.

With respect to the number of connections per node, we're trying to make
this a 'small worlds' network architecture. That means that each node
should have ln(n) connections (this is backbone connections as compared to
users accessing via a server. Each pair of nodes on a connection should
act to minimize common connections.

Regarding the irc server we'll have the following channels:


We can make other channels on request, provided they seem

If you're receiving this it means that you're on a mailing list which is
set to be moved in the near future to a Plan 9 based server. If you're
intrested in Plan 9 then please visit:

ps If there are any musicians out there, I'm interested in having a
   demo where muscians pipe their data via Plan 9 servers from
   distant sites where they each share the n-1 hardware feeds in
   parallel from the other sites.this means that any listener
   would mount the outgoing feeds under /dev/* and then dump them to
   their local sound card.


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, Plan 9 from Outer Space


Plan American.

2003-02-07 Thread professor rat
Harare - Former Israeli intelligence agent Ari Ben-Menashe has claimed that 
the United States Central Intelligence Agency was going to help Zimbabwe's 
opposition Movement for Democratic Change assassinate President Robert Mugabe.

Ben-Menashe made the claim in the Harare High Court on Wednesday, the third 
day of the treason trial of MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai and two of his 
senior lieutenants.

Ben-Menashe, the state's star witness, testified that Tsvangirai and his 
men asked his Canadian political consultancy, Dickens and Madson, for 
advice about a plan to assassinate Mugabe and topple his government in a coup.

The state's case is resting on an almost inaudible videotape secretly 
recorded by Ben-Menashe. It is purported to reveal Tsvangirai discussing 
the assassination plan at a meeting in the boardroom of Dickens and Madson 
in Montreal on December 4, 2001.

Ben-Menashe said one of the men sitting in the room at that meeting had 
introduced himself as Simms and said that he worked for Team America.

Asked by deputy attorney-general Bharat Patel what Team America was, Ben 
Menashe said, In the lingo, that's the CIA.

His company had brought Simms in to assist with Mugabe's elimination.

Tsvangirai's counsel, human rights lawyer George Bizos, has asked Justice 
Paddington Garwe to rule the tape inadmissible as evidence because it is 

Judge Garwe rejected the plea. The hearing continues on Thursday. - 
Independent Foreign Service

Bush's new plan for wealth transfer

2003-02-05 Thread Declan McCullagh

  I am pleased to transmit a legislative proposal to establish the 
Millennium Challenge Account and the Millennium Challenge Corporation. Also 
transmitted is a section-by-section analysis.

  The Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) represents a new approach to 
providing and delivering development assistance. This new compact for 
development breaks with the past by tying increased assistance to 
performance and creating new accountability for all nations.  This proposal 
implements my commitment to increase current levels of core development 
assistance by 50 percent over the next 3 years, thus providing an annual 
increase of $5 billion by fiscal year 2006. To be eligible for this new 
assistance, countries must demonstrate commitment to three standards -- 
ruling justly, investing in their people, and encouraging economic freedom. 
Given this commitment, and the link between financial accountability and 
development success, special attention will be given to fighting corruption.

  The goal of the Millennium Challenge Account initiative is to reduce 
poverty by significantly increasing economic growth in recipient countries 
through a variety of targeted investments. The MCA will be administered by 
a new, small Government corporation, called the Millennium Challenge 
Corporation, designed to support innovative strategies and to ensure 
accountability for measurable results. The Corporation will be supervised 
by a Board of Directors chaired by the Secretary of State and composed of 
other Cabinet-level officials.  The Corporation will be led by a Chief 
Executive Officer appointed by the President, by and with the advice and 
consent of the Senate. This proposal provides the Corporation with flexible 
authorities to optimize program implementation, contracting, and personnel 
selection while pursuing innovative strategies.

  The Millennium Challenge Account initiative recognizes the need for 
country ownership, financial oversight, and accountability for results to 
ensure effective assistance.  We cannot accept permanent poverty in a world 
of progress.  The MCA will provide people in developing nations the tools 
they need to seize the opportunities of the global economy.  I urge the 
prompt and favorable consideration of this legislation.


Some details on Bush's Bioshield plan

2003-02-03 Thread Declan McCullagh
The  White House
Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate 
February 3, 2003

Project BioShield

  X In his State of the Union Address, President Bush announced 
Project BioShield -- a comprehensive effort to develop and make available 
modern, effective drugs and vaccines to protect against attack by 
biological and chemical weapons or other dangerous pathogens. Project 
BioShield will:
  o  Ensure that resources are available to pay for next-generation 
medical countermeasures. Project BioShield will allow the government to buy 
improved vaccines or drugs for smallpox, anthrax, and botulinum toxin. Use 
of this authority is currently estimated to be $6 billion over ten years. 
Funds would also be available to buy countermeasures to protect against 
other dangerous pathogens, such as Ebola and plague, as soon as scientists 
verify the safety and effectiveness of these products. o  Strengthen 
NIH development capabilities by speeding research and development on 
medical countermeasures based on the most promising recent scientific 
discoveries; and o  Give FDA the ability to make promising treatments 
quickly available in emergency situations  this tightly controlled new 
authority can make the newest treatments widely available to patients who 
need it in a crisis.

  X Today, the country is better prepared than ever to meet the threat 
of terrorist attack with a biological, chemical, radiological or nuclear 
agent. The national stockpile of medical countermeasures is more extensive 
and can be accessed more rapidly than ever, and additional diagnostic 
tests, drugs, and vaccines are under development.
  X But, the possibility of the intentional use of biological or other 
dangerous pathogens represents a threat to our society.  Unfortunately, the 
medical treatments available for some types of terrorist attacks have 
improved little in decades, while there has been tremendous and rapid 
progress in the treatment of many serious naturally-occurring diseases.
  o  The smallpox vaccines available today are not much different than 
those last used by the public in the 1960s. Some treatments for radiation 
and chemical exposure have not changed much since the 1970s.   o  In 
contrast, since the 1960s, the treatment of the vast majority of 
naturally-occurring illnesses has changed dramatically as a result of 
ongoing innovations from biomedical research and development.  Heart 
attacks were often fatal in the 1970s, but they are much less so today. 
Better detection and therapeutic options have significantly increased 
survival rates for many kinds of cancer over the last 20 years.
  X The President believes that, by bringing researchers, medical 
experts, and the biomedical industry together in a new and focused way, our 
Nation can achieve the same kind of treatment breakthroughs for 
bio-terrorism and other threats that have significantly reduced the threat 
of heart disease, cancer, and many other serious illnesses. The Presidents 
Project BioShield has three major components:

 Spending Authority for the Delivery of Next-Generation Medical 
Countermeasures. The President proposed the creation of a permanent 
indefinite funding authority to spur development of medical 
countermeasures. This authority will enable the government to purchase 
vaccines and other therapies as soon as experts believe that they can be 
made safe and effective, ensuring that the private sector devotes efforts 
to developing the countermeasures. o  The Secretary of Homeland 
Security and the Secretary of Health and Human Services will collaborate in 
identifying critical medical countermeasures by evaluating likely threats, 
new opportunities in biomedical research and development, and public health 

 New NIH Programs to Speed Research and Development on Medical 
Countermeasures. The President proposed to give the NIH new authorities to 
speed research and development in promising areas of medical countermeasure 
development. NIHs usual methods for supporting research and development on 
conventional diseases have been extremely effective in those areas but may 
not always be suited to meet the urgent demands posed by the risk of 
terrorism. The new authorities would apply only to support research and 
development on bioterrorism threat agents and include the following features:

  o  The Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious 
Diseases would have increased authority and flexibility to award contracts 
and grants for research and development of medical 
countermeasures.  Funding awards would remain subject to rigorous 
scientific peer review, but expedited peer review procedures could be used 
when appropriate. o  This authority would also permit more rapid hiring 
of technical experts, and would allow NIH to quickly procure items 
necessary for research.

New FDA 

Some details on Bush's Bioshield plan

2003-02-03 Thread Declan McCullagh
The  White House
Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate 
February 3, 2003

Project BioShield

  X In his State of the Union Address, President Bush announced 
Project BioShield -- a comprehensive effort to develop and make available 
modern, effective drugs and vaccines to protect against attack by 
biological and chemical weapons or other dangerous pathogens. Project 
BioShield will:
  o  Ensure that resources are available to pay for next-generation 
medical countermeasures. Project BioShield will allow the government to buy 
improved vaccines or drugs for smallpox, anthrax, and botulinum toxin. Use 
of this authority is currently estimated to be $6 billion over ten years. 
Funds would also be available to buy countermeasures to protect against 
other dangerous pathogens, such as Ebola and plague, as soon as scientists 
verify the safety and effectiveness of these products. o  Strengthen 
NIH development capabilities by speeding research and development on 
medical countermeasures based on the most promising recent scientific 
discoveries; and o  Give FDA the ability to make promising treatments 
quickly available in emergency situations  this tightly controlled new 
authority can make the newest treatments widely available to patients who 
need it in a crisis.

  X Today, the country is better prepared than ever to meet the threat 
of terrorist attack with a biological, chemical, radiological or nuclear 
agent. The national stockpile of medical countermeasures is more extensive 
and can be accessed more rapidly than ever, and additional diagnostic 
tests, drugs, and vaccines are under development.
  X But, the possibility of the intentional use of biological or other 
dangerous pathogens represents a threat to our society.  Unfortunately, the 
medical treatments available for some types of terrorist attacks have 
improved little in decades, while there has been tremendous and rapid 
progress in the treatment of many serious naturally-occurring diseases.
  o  The smallpox vaccines available today are not much different than 
those last used by the public in the 1960s. Some treatments for radiation 
and chemical exposure have not changed much since the 1970s.   o  In 
contrast, since the 1960s, the treatment of the vast majority of 
naturally-occurring illnesses has changed dramatically as a result of 
ongoing innovations from biomedical research and development.  Heart 
attacks were often fatal in the 1970s, but they are much less so today. 
Better detection and therapeutic options have significantly increased 
survival rates for many kinds of cancer over the last 20 years.
  X The President believes that, by bringing researchers, medical 
experts, and the biomedical industry together in a new and focused way, our 
Nation can achieve the same kind of treatment breakthroughs for 
bio-terrorism and other threats that have significantly reduced the threat 
of heart disease, cancer, and many other serious illnesses. The Presidents 
Project BioShield has three major components:

 Spending Authority for the Delivery of Next-Generation Medical 
Countermeasures. The President proposed the creation of a permanent 
indefinite funding authority to spur development of medical 
countermeasures. This authority will enable the government to purchase 
vaccines and other therapies as soon as experts believe that they can be 
made safe and effective, ensuring that the private sector devotes efforts 
to developing the countermeasures. o  The Secretary of Homeland 
Security and the Secretary of Health and Human Services will collaborate in 
identifying critical medical countermeasures by evaluating likely threats, 
new opportunities in biomedical research and development, and public health 

 New NIH Programs to Speed Research and Development on Medical 
Countermeasures. The President proposed to give the NIH new authorities to 
speed research and development in promising areas of medical countermeasure 
development. NIHs usual methods for supporting research and development on 
conventional diseases have been extremely effective in those areas but may 
not always be suited to meet the urgent demands posed by the risk of 
terrorism. The new authorities would apply only to support research and 
development on bioterrorism threat agents and include the following features:

  o  The Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious 
Diseases would have increased authority and flexibility to award contracts 
and grants for research and development of medical 
countermeasures.  Funding awards would remain subject to rigorous 
scientific peer review, but expedited peer review procedures could be used 
when appropriate. o  This authority would also permit more rapid hiring 
of technical experts, and would allow NIH to quickly procure items 
necessary for research.

New FDA 

Plan Colombia at work.

2003-01-23 Thread Matthew X

Translated by ASEJ/ACERCA
From La Prensa, Panama 1/21/03

Fear and Pain in Paya, Attack Leaves Four Dead

Four Kuna indigenous authorities were assassinated this weekend
and two US and one Canadian reporter were kidnapped by a Colombian
paramilitary group that attacked the villages of Paya and Pucuro, in the
Darien, this past weekend.
A group of 150 paramilitaries assassinated the leaders of the
Kuna Paya village Ernesto Ayala, mayor; San Pascual Ayala, second mayor,
and Luis Enrique Mart**nez, village commissioner. One of the US reporters
is Robert Pelton of the Discovery Channel.

According to local witness Luis Caicedo, We found three corpses
chopped up by machetes with bullets in their head in the mountains so we
couldn't take the corpses back because the land was still being guarded
by the paramilitaries.

Gilberto Vasquez, mayor of Vasquez, was also murdered. His body
was found with a bullet in the back of his head inside his house in the

This same paramilitary brigade had captured, just hours before,
the US Discovery Channel reporter Robert Pelton and two other reporters,
Marc Wedever of Canada, and another US journalist that is unidentified.

Migdonio Batista, a correspondent for the radio station Voices
without Borders of the Darien, who resides in Paya indicated that the
paramilitaries, in addition to killing the village authorities, robbed
all of the belongings of the only radio station office in the village.
He also said that the armed paramilitaries robbed the chickens, ducks
and pigs and murdered the dogs. Upon leaving the village they dropped
explosives in local trucks so that they could get away without being

Another resident, Victor Maritinez, explained that since last
Saturday afternoon, when they were attacked by the Colombian
paramilitaries, the residents have not eaten anything and have only
drank water from the river. Also, as of 48 hours after the weekends
murders the National Police had not arrived with any help or protection.
The Prensa newspaper confirmed that as of two days after the attack
there was still no response from the border patrol.

Isidro Ayala, whose father was assassinated in this attack,
explained that the indigenous had to confront the paramilitaries with
bows and arrows and with wooden beams to defend their property and
families because there hasn't been any police in this place for two

Paya is a community with 530 indigenous residents located in the
mountains of Pinogana and about 2 hours from the Colombian border. After
the attack, there was only 50 residents remaining in Paya. The rest of
the town was seeking refuge in the Boca de Cupe community or in the
nearby mountains. Pucuro, a close by village, was entirely abandoned by
its 20 residents. The paramilitaries arrived in Pucuro, burnt 5 houses
down, and after finding no residents assassinated Gilberto Vasquez, who
had been taken prisoner in Paya.

ACERCA/ASEJ received this action alert from The Kuna Youth
Indigenous Movement asking for international solidarity to conndemn the
violence of Plan Colombia that has contributed to this murder of
indigenous leaders in Panama. We translated the artilce from

What you can do?
1) Please circulate this article far and wide to inform people
of this violence of Plan Colombia leading to the death of 4 Kuna
Indigenous Leaders in Panama.
2) Stay tuned for follow-up messages and action alerts
3) Stop the violence in Colombia, by getting involved with the
March 23rd/24th Colombia Mobilization
( and the April 10th-15th Latin
American Solidarity Coalition (

Affordable Health Coverage Plan For Everyone!

2003-01-13 Thread WeCare
Title: Affordable Health Coverage Plan

Affordable Health Coverage Plan For Everyone!!!

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A Sample Of The Many Benefits Included:

$3000 Accident Coverage
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Save up to 80% on medical services.
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Prescription Drugs up to 80% off!

Finally Become A Member of the Same PPO Groups That 
Insurance Companies Provide Without The High Monthly Charges!

Get A FREE Health Coverage Consultation
Click Here For More Information

To unsubscribe please Click Here. (replying to this email WILL NOT unsubscribe you). 


Cops spy on Denver citizens, now plan to create a database []

2002-12-22 Thread Major Variola (ret)
From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FC: Cops spy on Denver citizens, now plan to create a database
X-URL: Politech is at
X-Author: Declan McCullagh is at
X-News-Site: Cluebot is at


From: Danny Yavuzkurt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Yet another...
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2002 06:24:14 -0500

Here's another article in a seemingly endless series of disclosures of
government snooping, this one about the (well-deserved) embarrassment
Denver Police Department has suffered after it began sharing secretly
collected data it's been keeping since the 50s.. seems some 3,400 files
being kept (on index cards, in a file cabinet) on people the PD defined
being 'suspicious', including the Nobel-prizewinning American Friends
Service Committee (classified as 'criminal extremists'), supposedly
'troubled' students in local public schools (minors who had committed no

crimes - I wonder if in future questioning the war on terror will
one as 'troubled'?), humanitarian nun groups, and, shamefully enough, a
Japanese-American citizen who was detained in WWII - I guess the
just couldn't let the poor woman alone, given her *suspicious ancestry*
*habit of going to protests* (as if she didn't have more than enough
to already!)

And though the PD had specific guidelines prohibiting such spying on
'ordinary citizens not suspected of criminal wrongdoing,' they were
put into effect.. and presumably, the surveillance would have continued
unabated had the Denver PD not made the mistake of beginning to share
data with other nearby PDs with less questionable morals - some
whistleblower (no pun intended) dropped a printout of some of these
records off at a coffee shop (before an Amnesty International meeting,
coincidentally enough), for a local man who, along with his wife, was
wrongfully surveilled - and, sure enough, he took the docs to the ACLU
sued.. which started turning up skeletons in the closet dating waaay

Also, as the article points out, it was only recently that the Denver PD

decided to start filing their data electronically (since, literally,
cabinet of illegally obtained data was overflowing..) - and here's
connection to the federal government - they bought a system from Orion
Scientific Systems ( - their motto should be
for the sky,' not 'reach for the stars') *which got its start developing

software for DARPA 20 years ago*.. the article says the software they
peddled to PDs was a 'revamped version' of what they'd developed for the

Pentagon, with DARPA's help.. and I wouldn't be surprised if some of
software, with 'criminal extremists' as one of the default
for records, was being used by other departments around the country
already.. in fact, the article says NYC just paid almost $750K for a new

version of OSS's software.. according to Orion's website, the software
is a
database application which provides the investigator with a
analytic tool for tracking and analyzing crimes based on information
collected about Events, Groups, Individuals, and Vehicles that are
to a crime scene.. but apparently it's just as useful for filing data
people whether or not they're related to crimes.. just like many tools,
sure this is useful and beneficial in the right hands, but I'm not sure
police of Denver - or New York, and certainly not LA - are those 'right
hands', given their track records..

Finally, I think we should note that this kind of surveillance may
more widespread in future, as more and more police departments are
to change the laws and guidelines that prohibit them from collecting
data on
people not suspected of existing crimes.. as noted in the New York Times

almost two weeks ago
(, I think I
this before..)



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Amazing profit plan...immediate $500 to $5000 per week

2002-12-11 Thread dwtwood
.Not MLM! Not Gifting!.A proven and reliable system whereyou can earn an immediate $500 to $5000 per week.Be in a positive cash flow within 48 hrs.Learn how to become a "recruitingmachine".We do 99.99% of the work and YOU get paid
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PS. I'm not thrilled with the global situation, are you?Continued layoffs, weakening in the manufacturing sector, bankruptcies, the Stock Market. Me? I'm not waiting around for crunch time. I'm getting mine now while the getting is good!!

To be removed from future mailings, please send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]with Remove as the subject.

The best health care plan for every family. ($69.99/month)

2002-11-05 Thread we care plan
Title: Affordable Health Care for All


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third-party offers contained in this email are the sole responsibility of the offer




Shrubs 2 step plan to really screw the economy.

2002-08-25 Thread Matthew X

1) Keep doing all the stupid evil shit his whole families so expert at.
2) Make Space a military free fire zone and fill it up with highly 
toxic,highly dangerous,highly expensive junk plus some extremely dangerous 
ray guns.
Killing him is only simple self defence.(my 2c)
Then it was back in front of the fireplace to finish reading Lou Dobbs' 
new book, Space : The Next Business Frontier. I suspect many of us think of 
space as being mostly about government related programs like NASA or 
possibly the global positioning system (GPS), or perhaps directTV. Lou 
makes the point in his book that space is about a lot more than that. The 
focus of his book is that space is more and more about space business. In 
addition to a lot of interesting information about space shuttles and 
satellite launches, he talks about the hundreds of corporate players -- 
including some of the world's largest organizations -- which are already 
generating billions of dollars in revenue. He convinced me that space is 
headed toward becoming a new business revolution. FROM

Washington DC evacuation plan... for federal employees

2002-08-12 Thread Declan McCullagh

1. Government creates new Washington evacuation plan
By Jason Peckenpaugh

The federal government has created a new procedure for evacuating federal 
employees in Washington in the case of possible terrorist attacks on the 
nation's capital.

The protocol, which took effect in May, tells who can decide to evacuate 
federal employees from agencies and how the government will communicate the 
decision to employees and to city and state agencies that would be affected 
by a mass exodus of civil servants from Washington. It is an attempt to 
improve on the ad hoc process used on Sept. 11, when the Office of 
Personnel Management closed federal agencies without first notifying state 
and transit officials in the Washington area.

Basically the only emergency plan that was available that this area had 
[on Sept. 11] was the snow emergency plan, said Scott Hatch, OPM's 
director of communications. The new protocol was designed to handle federal 
evacuations in Washington, but could be used to make evacuation decisions 
for civil servants in other cities, he said.

Full story:

Return to Top

Re: Saving money - this is the plan for you RHUHLOFQ

2002-08-12 Thread Diana Burnell
Dear HOMEOWNER,Shop hundreds of lenders at the click of a mouse!Interest rates are at their lowest point in 40 years! We help you find the best rate for your situation by matching your needs with hundreds of lenders! Home Improvement, Refinance, Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loans, and More! Even with less than perfect credit!  Click Here for a Free Quote!Save the time and hassle of shopping for a new loan!NO OBLIGATIONFREE CONSULTATIONALL CREDIT GRADES ACCEPTED Rates won't stay this low forever!Click for your Free Quote, NOW!  Apply now and one of our lending partners will get back to you within 48 hours.  Further transmissions to you by the sender of this email may be stopped at no cost to you by "Clicking Here" .

Rum plan for global death squads.

2002-08-12 Thread Matthew X
...United States special forces may be sent to operate under cover 
throughout the world, under proposals being discussed by the Defence 
Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, and senior military officers.
Mr Rumsfeld is anxious to expand the role of Special Operations...
Battlefield prep.
The plans could lead Special Operations units to get more deeply involved 
in long-term covert operations in countries where the US is not at war and, 
in some cases, where the local government is not informed of their presence.
This expansion of the military's involvement in clandestine activities 
could be justified, Pentagon officials said, by defining it as preparation 
of the battlefield
(the plans)...may at some point conflict with the presidential ban on 
  With a stealthy, mercurial adversary like al-Qaeda, which learnt quickly 
and adapted its tactics to the US response, the military had to be allowed 
to react just as quickly, a senior administration official said.
The head of the Special Operations Command, General Charles Holland, has 
briefed Mr Rumsfeld and a small group of senior Defence Department and 
military officers on initial proposals.
Assassination politics? Why should they have all the fun?
Hired killer refuses to murder
A Czech hired killer known as 'The Lemon' has turned himself in to police 
so he would not kill his latest target, an investigative journalist and her 
young son. He was paid about $11,600 to blow them up after she uncovered 
shady government property deals. more
Gay-hate murders 'done as sport'
By Ruth Pollard
August 13 2002
Many gay-hate murderers were exceptionally brutal, surprisingly young, and 
killed to support a society they believed approved of their actions, a 
report released yesterday says.
APster; reach out and kill someone.Everybodies doin' it.

Washington DC evacuation plan... for federal employees

2002-08-12 Thread Declan McCullagh

1. Government creates new Washington evacuation plan
By Jason Peckenpaugh

The federal government has created a new procedure for evacuating federal 
employees in Washington in the case of possible terrorist attacks on the 
nation's capital.

The protocol, which took effect in May, tells who can decide to evacuate 
federal employees from agencies and how the government will communicate the 
decision to employees and to city and state agencies that would be affected 
by a mass exodus of civil servants from Washington. It is an attempt to 
improve on the ad hoc process used on Sept. 11, when the Office of 
Personnel Management closed federal agencies without first notifying state 
and transit officials in the Washington area.

Basically the only emergency plan that was available that this area had 
[on Sept. 11] was the snow emergency plan, said Scott Hatch, OPM's 
director of communications. The new protocol was designed to handle federal 
evacuations in Washington, but could be used to make evacuation decisions 
for civil servants in other cities, he said.

Full story:

Return to Top

Fw: The money saving plan we spoke of MQ

2002-08-01 Thread CHERRY STEIN
Dear HOMEOWNER,Shop hundreds of lenders at the click of a mouse!Interest rates are at their lowest point in 40 years! We help you find the best rate for your situation by matching your needs with hundreds of lenders! Home Improvement, Refinance, Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loans, and More! Even with less than perfect credit!  Click Here for a Free Quote!Save the time and hassle of shopping for a new loan!NO OBLIGATIONFREE CONSULTATIONALL CREDIT GRADES ACCEPTED Rates won't stay this low forever!Click for your Free Quote, NOW!  Apply now and one of our lending partners will get back to you within 48 hours.  

Re: Mortgage problems - this is the plan for you. 9013

2002-07-26 Thread Graciela Weesner
 Compare Now Online + Save! Dear Homeowner,"Now is the time to take advantage of falling interest rates!There is no advantage in waiting any longer."Refinance or consolidate high interest credit card debt into a low interest mortgage. Mortgage interest is tax deductible, whereas credit card interest is not.You can save thousands of dollars over the course of your loan with just a 0.25% drop in your rate!Our nationwide network of lenders have hundreds of different loan programs to fit your current situation: RefinanceSecond MortgageDebt ConsolidationHome ImprovementPurchase"Let us do the shopping for you...IT IS FREE!CLICK HERE"Please CLICK HERE to fill out a quick form. Your request will be transmitted to our network of mortgage specialists who will respond with up to three independent offers.This service is 100% free to home owners and new home buyers without any obligation.Data Flow National AveragesProgramRate30Year Fixed6.375%15Year Fixed5.750%5Year Balloon5.250%1/1Arm4.250%5/1Arm5.625%FHA30 Year Fixed6.500%VA 30 Year Fixed6.500%"You did all the shopping for me. Thank you!-T N. Cap.Beach, CA"...You helped me finance a new home and I got a very good deal.- R H. H.Beach, CA" was easy, and quick...!-V S. N.P.Beach, WA 

Re: Do we need a national ID plan?

2002-07-23 Thread Bill Stewart

At 05:22 PM 07/22/2002 -0700, Steve Schear wrote:
In  this article 
you said:
That's a reasonable position: The White House has never made an 
unequivocal statement against the scheme, and it's possible that America 
could edge toward a situation where the federal government devises an ID 
and orders everyone to carry it at all times. Most European countries 
already require just that.

Wouldn't this requirement violate the probable cause requirement for 
seizures of a person which been defined by a series of cases, beginning 
with Terry v. Ohio , 392 U.S. 1, 88 S.Ct. 1868, 20 L.Ed.2d 889 (1968)?

Of course it would.  That's why we'll probably never have a
National ID Card - we'll just have a driver's license that's
technically enhanced with personal data and biometrics
and forgery resistance and gets used for everything that a
national ID card would be used for if we had such things
(except that kids won't be required to carry them,
unless they want to drive, drink, go to government schools,
or be out after dark, and we'll probably see increased use of
Student ID Cards with pictures, SSNs, and biometrica.)

Do we need a national ID plan?

2002-07-22 Thread Steve Schear

In  this article you 
That's a reasonable position: The White House has never made an 
unequivocal statement against the scheme, and it's possible that America 
could edge toward a situation where the federal government devises an ID 
and orders everyone to carry it at all times. Most European countries 
already require just that.

Wouldn't this requirement violate the probable cause requirement for 
seizures of a person which been defined by a series of cases, beginning 
with Terry v. Ohio , 392 U.S. 1, 88 S.Ct. 1868, 20 L.Ed.2d 889 (1968)?


Re: Do we need a national ID plan?

2002-07-22 Thread Anonymous

On Mon, 22 Jul 2002 17:22:34 -0700, you wrote:

 Wouldn't this requirement violate the probable cause requirement for seizures
 of a person which been defined by a series of cases, beginning with Terry v. Ohio
 , 392 U.S. 1, 88 S.Ct. 1868, 20 L.Ed.2d 889 (1968)?


You are quite idealistic. Neither the Constitution nor case law matters. Neither 
constrains the 
behavior of law enforcement.

ACLU of CO Sues Federal and State Law Enforcement

Agencies Over Illegal SWAT Raid on Family
ednesday, February 20, 2002

DENVER--The American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado filed a lawsuit today alleging 
that federal 
and state law enforcement agents violated the constitutional rights of a Pueblo family 
when they 
conducted an illegal SWAT-type raid on the family's home with no warrant or other 
legal authority.

Once again, the war on drugs misses the target and instead scores a direct hit on the 
Constitution, said Mark Silverstein, Legal Director of the ACLU of Colorado. These 
agents had no search warrant, no arrest warrant, and no lawful authority whatsoever.

They carried out this armed home invasion in flagrant disregard of the Fourth 
Amendment, which 
forbids unreasonable searches and arrests without probable cause.

According to the ACLU lawsuit, which was filed on behalf of Dan and Rosa Unis and 
their two 
college-aged sons, on August 19, 2000, the family was peacefully enjoying the privacy 
of their 
home when black-masked, black-helmeted men brandishing automatic weapons and wearing 
uniforms with no insignias suddenly burst into the house unannounced, kicked the 
family's dog 
across the floor and ordered the entire family to get on the fucking floor.  

Don't forget to be patriotic.

Re: Do we need a national ID plan?

2002-07-22 Thread Anonymous

On Mon, 22 Jul 2002 17:22:34 -0700, you wrote:

 Wouldn't this requirement violate the probable cause requirement for seizures
 of a person which been defined by a series of cases, beginning with Terry v. Ohio
 , 392 U.S. 1, 88 S.Ct. 1868, 20 L.Ed.2d 889 (1968)?


You are quite idealistic. Neither the Constitution nor case law matters. Neither 
constrains the 
behavior of law enforcement.

ACLU of CO Sues Federal and State Law Enforcement

Agencies Over Illegal SWAT Raid on Family
ednesday, February 20, 2002

DENVER--The American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado filed a lawsuit today alleging 
that federal 
and state law enforcement agents violated the constitutional rights of a Pueblo family 
when they 
conducted an illegal SWAT-type raid on the family's home with no warrant or other 
legal authority.

Once again, the war on drugs misses the target and instead scores a direct hit on the 
Constitution, said Mark Silverstein, Legal Director of the ACLU of Colorado. These 
agents had no search warrant, no arrest warrant, and no lawful authority whatsoever.

They carried out this armed home invasion in flagrant disregard of the Fourth 
Amendment, which 
forbids unreasonable searches and arrests without probable cause.

According to the ACLU lawsuit, which was filed on behalf of Dan and Rosa Unis and 
their two 
college-aged sons, on August 19, 2000, the family was peacefully enjoying the privacy 
of their 
home when black-masked, black-helmeted men brandishing automatic weapons and wearing 
uniforms with no insignias suddenly burst into the house unannounced, kicked the 
family's dog 
across the floor and ordered the entire family to get on the fucking floor.  

Don't forget to be patriotic.

Do we need a national ID plan?

2002-07-22 Thread Steve Schear

In  this article you 
That's a reasonable position: The White House has never made an 
unequivocal statement against the scheme, and it's possible that America 
could edge toward a situation where the federal government devises an ID 
and orders everyone to carry it at all times. Most European countries 
already require just that.

Wouldn't this requirement violate the probable cause requirement for 
seizures of a person which been defined by a series of cases, beginning 
with Terry v. Ohio , 392 U.S. 1, 88 S.Ct. 1868, 20 L.Ed.2d 889 (1968)?

steve - PCs part of national cyberspace protection plan - July 18, 2002 (fwd)

2002-07-18 Thread Jim Choate


  When I die, I would like to be born again as me.

Hugh Hefner

Choosing the Right Health Plan for Your Business

2002-05-11 Thread Aura

I need your help. 

Who in your company should I talk to about 

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and increasing employee benefits during this downturn in the economy?

I would like to offer them a FREE REPORT:
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Thank You In Advance


 We don't want anybody to receive our mailings who does not wish to receive them. 
To be removed email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with REMOVE in the Subject line.

3149XLYs7-435WSyZ5848oYAz2-201QOIn5961VzNR0-593kGRf125l51 - Webcasters plan further royalty protests - May 9, 2002 (fwd)

2002-05-09 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Feds plan crackdown on identity theft - May 2, 2002

2002-05-02 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

[9fans] Fourth Release of Plan 9 Now Available (fwd)

2002-04-29 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 12:35:56 -0400
From: rob pike, esq. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [9fans] Fourth Release of Plan 9 Now Available

The Fourth Edition of Plan 9 may now be downloaded from

As usual, this is an open source release.  The release
notes summarize the changes; a copy is attached but
they are available in other formats at:

   Plan 9 From Bell Labs
   Fourth Release Notes
   April, 2002

  Copyright (C) 2002 Lucent Technologies Inc.
All Rights Reserved

The fourth release of the Plan 9 operating system from Bell
Labs packages a major overhaul of the system at every level.
From the underlying file system protocol, 9P, through the
kernel, libraries, and applications, almost everything has
been modified and, in many cases, redesigned or rewritten.

The most significant change is that 9P has been redesigned
to address a number of shortcomings, most important, its
previous inability to handle long file names.  Unfortu-
nately, squeezing long names onto the disks of existing file
servers is a messy business that we're still grappling with,
so at the moment fs(4) and kfs(4) can't yet handle long
names, although they do talk the new protocol.  (In fact,
they talk both old and new, as required, to ease transi-
tion.) In the meantime, there is a workaround - lnfs(4) -
and many of the other file servers such as ramfs(4) and
u9fs(4) work just fine with long names.  It's only the stan-
dard disk-resident file servers that don't, and as soon we
have versions that do, we'll release them.

The following is a partial list of the major changes
throughout the system.

* The file system protocol, 9P, has been reworked.  It now
has variable-length names, so it can handle long names but
also is more compact when handling short ones.  It uses a
different format that is easily parsed, eliminating the need
for the old aux/fcall utility, and delegates its authenti-
cation duties to an external agent, factotum.

* Security has been a focus of attention.  A new security
agent, factotum(4), manages passwords and other secrets
and, coupled with a new secure file store secstore(4),
enables secure single sign-on.

* Cpu, import, and exportfs all encrypt their connections
now, and since they use the new 9P they also use new network
port numbers.  A new service aan(1) is used by import to
make its network connections more reliable in the face of
network outages.  The old ports still work, through the
agency of a protocol conversion filter srvold9p(4).

* We are phasing out the IL protocol since it doesn't handle
long-distance connections well (and long-distance networks
don't handle it well, either).  IL is still used by fs(4)
(in time, that too will change) but TCP has become the stan-
dard protocol for all other services.

* The software for the new network-resident secure block
store, venti(8), is included with this distribution.  We
are in the process of reworking fs(4) to use Venti rather
than a WORM as its permanent block repository/backup medium,
but that code is only in the design stage and is not
included in this release.

* The need to handle longer file names triggered a rethink-
ing of the way the system handles strings in general.  The
kernel is now more explanatory when it gives an error mes-
sage and more consistent in how it handles strings such as
commands to devices.  The interfaces to many of the system
calls, such as errstr(2) and wait(2) all had to change as
a result, as did the library interface to read directories,
stat(2) and its relatives.

* The formatted I/O package described in print(2) and
fmtinstall(2) has been redesigned.  Although the basic
interface is unchanged, it now runs without locks and has an
internal buffer management mechanism that means print no
longer needs a large on-stack buffer.  The interface for
writing custom print verbs and custom formatted I/O routines
has also been greatly improved.

* The thread library thread(2) has been completely rewrit-
ten.  The main visible change is that, coupled with the
changes to printing, threadprint is gone; you can just use
print or fprint at will.

* Support for electronic mail has been extended in many ways
and now includes some new spam filtering tools, much better
(and more standard) handling of MIME messages, the ability
to render incoming HTML mail, and much more.

There are so many changes to the programming interfaces of
the system that they are described in a separate document,
entitled Changes to the Programming Environment in the
Fourth Release of Plan 9.  Please read it before you start
updating your own software to run under the new system.

The installation method has - UK city begins smart card e-government plan - April 26, 2002 (fwd)

2002-04-29 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

World Report: U.S. has completed 'basics' of plan to attack Iraq (fwd)

2002-04-19 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

CNA Bonus Plan

2002-04-02 Thread MO Marketing
Title: CNA Bonus Plan






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CNA Plan or CLAC

2002-04-02 Thread Jim Choate

 Next Stop...Cash 
Jump on the Money TrainEarn an extra $75 Cash BonusDon't foret about our 'Super Heaped 
 for every paid CNA Life or LTC application

 Call or e-mail us today! 
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 There is less in this than meets the eye.

  Tellulah Bankhead


Affordable dental plan. $4/week !!! LRZUFPNO

2002-03-17 Thread coconut02129

 Affordable Dental Care

 Individual Plans - Family Plans - Group Plans
 Our Dental Plan runs approximately $3 a week for an individual and $4 a week for the 
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Services Also Include: Orthodontics, Cosmetic Dentistry, Specialists,and More... 

For more information



The Ultimate Annuity Rescue Plan

2002-03-17 Thread NFG
Title: The Ultimate Annuity Rescue Plan



The Future Protector Life Insurance product provides:
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*Up to $250,000 maximum; $25,000 must remain in policy after this benefit 
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Series (policy form ISWL-1, ISWL-5, ISWL-7, ISWL-21, ISWL-25, ISWL-210) 
is underwritten by Monumental Life Insurance Company. Rider costs and 
features vary according to state. FOR BROKER USE ONLY. Not approved 
for use with the general public as advertisement for purchase of annuity 
or insurance coverage.
  We are against 
spam and don't want anybody to receive our mailings who does not wish 
to receive them. This is not spam. This is professional communication 
sent to insurance professionals. To be removed from this mailing list, 
DO NOT REPLY to this message. Instead, go here: 


[9fans] [reminder] pointer to Plan 9 FAQ (fwd)

2002-03-14 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 00:01:03 -0500
From: Steve Kotsopoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [9fans] [reminder] pointer to Plan 9 FAQ

The Plan 9 faq is posted to comp.os.plan9 at the beginning of each month.
It is also at news.answers archive sites, look for comp-os/plan9-faq

The latest hypertext version of the faq is available at url

Nuclear Posture Review: Secret Plan Outlines the Unthinkable

2002-03-09 Thread Faustine

Hash: SHA1

Secret Plan Outlines the Unthinkable

A secret policy review of the nations nuclear policy puts forth chilling new
contingencies for nuclear war.

LA Times

WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration, in a secret policy review completed
early this year, has ordered the Pentagon to draft contingency plans for the
use of nuclear weapons against at least seven countries, naming not only Russia
and the axis of evil--Iraq, Iran, and North Korea--but also China, Libya and

In addition, the U.S. Defense Department has been told to prepare for the
possibility that nuclear weapons may be required in some future Arab-Israeli
crisis. And, it is to develop plans for using nuclear weapons to retaliate
against chemical or biological attacks, as well as surprising military
developments of an unspecified nature.

These and a host of other directives, including calls for developing bunker
- -busting mini-nukes and nuclear weapons that reduce collateral damage, are
contained in a still-classified document called the Nuclear Posture Review
(NPR), which was delivered to Congress on Jan. 8.

Like all such documents since the dawning of the Atomic Age more than a half
- -century ago, this NPR offers a chilling glimpse into the world of nuclear-war 
planners: With a Strangelovian genius, they cover every conceivable
circumstance in which a president might wish to use nuclear weapons--planning
in great detail for a war they hope never to wage.

In this top-secret domain, there has always been an inconsistency between
America's diplomatic objectives of reducing nuclear arsenals and preventing the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, on the one hand, and the military
imperative to prepare for the unthinkable, on the other.

Nevertheless, the Bush administration plan reverses an almost two-decade-long
trend of relegating nuclear weapons to the category of weapons of last resort.
It also redefines nuclear requirements in hurried post-Sept. 11 terms.

In these and other ways, the still-secret document offers insights into the
evolving views of nuclear strategists in Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's Defense

While downgrading the threat from Russia and publicly emphasizing their
commitment to reducing the number of long-range nuclear weapons, Defense
Department strategists promote tactical and so-called adaptive nuclear
capabilities to deal with contingencies where large nuclear arsenals are not

They seek a host of new weapons and support systems, including conventional
military and cyber warfare capabilities integrated with nuclear warfare. The
end product is a now-familiar post-Afghanistan model--with nuclear capability
added. It combines precision weapons, long-range strikes, and special and
covert operations.

But the NPR's call for development of new nuclear weapons that
reduce collateral damage myopically ignores the political, moral and military
implications--short-term and long--of crossing the nuclear threshold.

Under what circumstances might nuclear weapons be used under the new posture?
The NPR says they could be employed against targets able to withstand
nonnuclear attack, or in retaliation for the use of nuclear, biological, or
chemical weapons, or in the event of surprising military developments.

Planning nuclear-strike capabilities, it says, involves the recognition
of immediate, potential or unexpected contingencies. North Korea, Iraq, 
Iran, Syria and Libya are named as countries that could be involved in all
three kinds of threat. All have long-standing hostility towards the United
States and its security partners. All sponsor or harbor terrorists, and have
active WMD [weapons of mass destruction] and missile programs.

China, because of its nuclear forces and developing strategic objectives, is
listed as a country that could be involved in an immediate or potential
contingency. Specifically, the NPR lists a military confrontation over the
status of Taiwan as one of the scenarios that could lead Washington to use
nuclear weapons.

Other listed scenarios for nuclear conflict are a North Korean attack on South
Korea and an Iraqi assault on Israel or its neighbors.

The second important insight the NPR offers into Pentagon thinking about
nuclear policy is the extent to which the Bush administration's strategic
planners were shaken by last September's terrorist attacks on the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon. Though Congress directed the new administration to
conduct a comprehensive review of U.S. nuclear forces before the events of
Sept. 11, the final study is striking for its single-minded reaction to those

Heretofore, nuclear strategy tended to exist as something apart from the
ordinary challenges of foreign policy and military affairs. Nuclear weapons
were not just the option of last resort, they were the option reserved for

Stroessner needs the Samoza plan.

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11

Paraguay uncovers new 'archive of terror' 
The Paraguayan authorities say they
have uncovered tonnes of confidential documents belonging to the feared
secret police of the former military leader, Alfredo Stroessner. 
A Paraguayan judge ordered raids on several police stations in the
capital, Asuncion, where they found information on the clandestine
activities of the police during the later stages of the 35-year
Stroessner rule. 
Mr Stroessner, who has been in exile in Brazil since he was overthrown in
1989, has been charged with human rights abuses. 
Twelve years ago the Paraguayan authorities found another collection -
dubbed the Archive of Terror - containing thousands of documents on the
torture and disappearance of political prisoners. 
Never to old to be APstered,If it hurts,your doing it

New al Qaeda leader reported to plan more U.S. raids

2002-02-14 Thread Jim Choate


James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

It's a simple and easy-to-follow plan and EVERY website will want this service

2002-02-06 Thread World of Dollars





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Rep. Culberson drums up Hill votes for trusted traveler plan

2002-02-04 Thread Jei

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 11:31:44 -0800 (PST)
From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FC: Rep. Culberson drums up Hill votes for trusted traveler plan

[Rep. John Culberson is a first-term Republican from Texas, just west of
Houston. See
also: --Declan]

Culberson Letter Regarding the Trusted Traveler Program

January 29, 2002

Support a Trusted Traveler Program in America

Dear Colleague:

Please join me in sending the following letter to Under Secretary for 
Transportation Security John Magaw encouraging him to implement a trusted 
traveler program in the United States:

We are writing to express our support for the immediate implementation of 
a trusted traveler program authorized by the Aviation and Transportation 
Security Act and modeled after the successful Israeli program.  The 
National Air Transportation Association is working with Lockheed Martin, 
Microsoft, and other high tech companies to develop identification cards 
with encoded biometric data (such as fingerprints) for certain 
passengers.  These plastic smart cards would allow law-abiding U.S. 
citizens who travel frequently to become trusted travelers and be 
subjected to less rigorous screening procedures than other 
passengers.  The program would allow airport security and law enforcement 
personnel to focus their attention and resources on passengers who pose a 
legitimate hijacking threat, and would help the Transportation Security 
Administration achieve its stated goal of screening passengers and baggage 
with no passenger delays greater than 10 minutes.

Section 109(a)(3) of the recently enacted Aviation and Transportation 
Security Act authorizes the Under Secretary of Transportation Security 
to: establish requirements to implement trusted passenger programs and use 
available technologies to expedite the security screening of passengers 
who participate in such programs, thereby allowing security screening 
personnel to focus on those passengers who should be subject to more 
extensive screening.  We encourage the Administration to establish these 
requirements in a timely manner and to work closely with the National Air 
Transportation Association to oversee the development of passenger 
identification smart cards.  Finally, we would like to know what, if 
any, specific plans the Administration has to implement a trusted traveler 

Thank you in advance for your consideration of this matter, and we look 
forward to your response.

Please contact Tony Essalih of my staff at 5-2571 if you have any 
questions or would like to co-sign this letter.  The deadline for 
signatures is Wednesday, February 6th.

John Culberson  Member of Congress
Tony Essalih
Senior Legislative Assistant
Congressman John Culberson (TX-07)
(202) 225-2571

Slashdot | Feds Undertaking Massive Passenger Profiling Plan

2002-02-01 Thread Jim Choate


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Content protection plan targets wireless home networks

2002-01-15 Thread xganon

Valenti  other mafioso worried about wireless 
(consumer fair use) broadcasting

Content protection plan targets wireless home networks

Re: Content protection plan targets wireless home networks

2002-01-15 Thread Steve Schear

At 01:02 PM 1/15/2002 -0600, xganon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Valenti  other mafioso worried about wireless
(consumer fair use) broadcasting

Content protection plan targets wireless home networks

Valenti's mob will try to use trademarks and patents to prevent licensing 
of open communication systems connected to entertainment HW.  Except for 
burnings at the stake the script is pretty much following the Catholic 
Church vs. The Press.  The end result will likely be similar: a new balance 
of power and liberties will be struck, probably with the consumer coming up 
on top.


Re: Hillary style health plan to save US

2001-12-23 Thread D.Popkin


mattd [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 AU has a national health scheme,I used it to have a graft on my eardrum 
 several years back.Didnt cost a cent.
 There are gaps in the system such as long waiting lists and poor dental 
 cover,its also under pressure from the economic
 'rationalists' esp in the liberal party.The only reason I mention such a 
 creation of the hated state is that it could  soon be a matter of life or 
 death for many septic tanks.The foot and mouth outbreak in Britain would 
 have been nipped in the bud a lot quicker had computerized tags been 
 used.There's some scrambling around now in the US to shore up sagging 
 public health infrastructure.What's probably really needed is something 
 like I seem to remember Lady C proposing.I'm boosting 2 things here that on 
 the surface may seem anathema to anarchists.IDs for all and socialized 
 medicine.Am I wrong to?

You sure as hell are.

This is the source of the power of the State: popular demand for its

AP all the politicians and bureaucrats, and it would be those like
yourself who assert entitlement to government benefits who would be
stumbling over each other to erect new politicians and bureaucrats in
order to provide those services.

AP all the self-righteous claimants to entitlements, like yourself,
and the State would dry up and blow away.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: Hillary style health plan to save US

2001-12-23 Thread mattd

 I'm boosting 2 things here that on  the surface may seem anathema to 
anarchists.IDs for all and socialized  medicine.Am I wrong to?
  You sure as hell are. This is the source of the power of the State: 
popular demand for its services. 

Thanks for clearing that up.I thought it was the enormous militarized 
systems of oppression/repression.And theres a demand for ID's?I had no idea.

 AP all the politicians and bureaucrats, and it would be those like 
yourself who assert entitlement to government benefits who would be 
stumbling over each other to erect new politicians and bureaucrats in order 
to provide those services.

Actually Id be down to the selfmanaged metalstorm factory to work and 
studying flying part-time.(Im not supposed to fly a plane at the moment) 
Its nice someone else here believes in APster,thanks.

 AP all the self-righteous claimants to entitlements, like yourself, and 
the State would dry up and blow away.

True,jim seems to anticipate this with the car thieves scenario.No reason 
it couldn't apply to welfare Queens.The state needs to be shown that its 
powerless against APster.Im volunteering to die,just be careful that I'm 
really dead.Sandy Sandfort see's a way to rip off the APsters here.I think 
he should be APped.

Re: Hillary style health plan to save US

2001-12-22 Thread anonymous

mattd wrote:

 AU has a national health scheme,I used it to have a graft on my eardrum
 several years back.Didnt cost a cent.
 There are gaps in the system such as long waiting lists and poor dental
 cover,its also under pressure from the economic
 'rationalists' esp in the liberal party.The only reason I mention such a
 creation of the hated state is that it could  soon be a matter of life or
 death for many septic tanks.The foot and mouth outbreak in Britain would
 have been nipped in the bud a lot quicker had computerized tags been
 used.There's some scrambling around now in the US to shore up sagging
 public health infrastructure.What's probably really needed is something
 like I seem to remember Lady C proposing.I'm boosting 2 things here that
 on the surface may seem anathema to anarchists.IDs for all and
 socialized medicine. Am I wrong to?

YES, you are. The aims don't justify the means (initiatory-force regulation
of healthcare which is what will happen). Besides that you're not going to
reach the aims anyways. Look at what is happening on europe: all
insurances are forced on the government standard -- politicians dictate
what medicine should be used, prohibiting expensive and alternative
products and therapies. The REAL price ultimately includes 
governmentalisation and bureauratization of practiced medicine. People
have to pay more and more for public healthcare tax because the public
insurance (and the gov's healthcare standard to which all insurances
have to adhere) isn't rentable.

Public healthcare was Hillary's masterpiece of economic destruction
back then. Be happy that it didn't come to it. Please don't fall for
those lawyer-type destructions and antiindivdualistic intrusions for
Mrs C's often-cited, very own social good.

Hillary style health plan to save US

2001-12-21 Thread mattd

AU has a national health scheme,I used it to have a graft on my eardrum 
several years back.Didnt cost a cent.
There are gaps in the system such as long waiting lists and poor dental 
cover,its also under pressure from the economic
'rationalists' esp in the liberal party.The only reason I mention such a 
creation of the hated state is that it could  soon be a matter of life or 
death for many septic tanks.The foot and mouth outbreak in Britain would 
have been nipped in the bud a lot quicker had computerized tags been 
used.There's some scrambling around now in the US to shore up sagging 
public health infrastructure.What's probably really needed is something 
like I seem to remember Lady C proposing.I'm boosting 2 things here that on 
the surface may seem anathema to anarchists.IDs for all and socialized 
medicine.Am I wrong to?

DRUDGE REPORT 2001® - USA debates new war plan for Iraq, troops; possible participation of Iran

2001-12-16 Thread Jim Choate


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

MI5 Plan to detect terrorists

2001-11-22 Thread measl

Right out of a Monty Python piece... 

MI5's secret plan to recruit gerbils as spycatchers
By Michael Smith, Defence Correspondent
(Filed: 30/06/2001)
MI5 considered using a team of highly-trained gerbils to detect spies and
terrorists flying into Britain during the 1970s, Sir Stephen Lander, the
service's director-general, revealed yesterday.
The plan was based on the ability of gerbils to detect a rise in adrenalin
from changes in the scent of human sweat. Sir Stephen said the Israelis
had put the idea into practice, placing gerbil cages to the side of
security checks for travellers at Tel Aviv airport. A suitably placed fan
wafted the scent of the suspect's sweat into the cage.
The gerbils were trained by Pavlovian response to press a lever if they
detected increased adrenalin, receiving food as a reward. The system was
never put into practice by MI5 because the Israelis were forced to abandon
it after they found that the gerbil could not tell the difference between
terrorists and passengers who were scared of flying.
Speaking at a conference at the Public Record Office in Kew, Sir Stephen
said MI5 archives contained a complete volume on the idea - which was
based on Canadian research for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police - written
in the 1970s.
Although Dame Stella Rimington made a practice of speaking publicly in an
attempt to change MI5, yesterday's Missing Dimension conference was only
the second occasion that Sir Stephen has done so.
The conference marks a new PRO exhibition on espionage, Shaken Not
Stirred, starting today, which includes exhibits on a number of spies
including Mata Hari and a spy paid the equivalent of 6.5 million by King
George I to spy on the Stuarts.
The Missing Dimension refers to the fact that most histories are written
before intelligence files have been released and so omit a crucial element
of what occurred and why. Sir Stephen admitted that it would be a long
time before MI5 would be able to release details of its Cold War

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Tired of the 40 X 40 Plan? 6020

2001-11-18 Thread alvey468

Tired of the 40 X 40 X 40 Plan? You know: 

Work 40 hours per week for someone else for 40 years, then receive a 40% reduction in 

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To be removed from future mailings, simple click reply and submit.

Tired of the 40 X 40 Plan? 6571

2001-11-18 Thread bordelon275

Tired of the 40 X 40 X 40 Plan? You know: 

Work 40 hours per week for someone else for 40 years, then receive a 40% reduction in 

Is working for a boss too demeaning and unrewarding? 

Are you sick of depending on a job with too little pay and too many hours with no 
personal reward and even less future?

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NO SPECIAL SKILLS OR EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. We will give you all the training and 
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This LEGITIMATE HOME-BASED INCOME OPPORTUNITY can put you back in Control of your 
Time, Your Finances, and Your Life!

If you've tried other opportunities in the past that have failed to live up to their 




1-800-675-7009 (Free, 24 hour, 2 minute recorded message)


 The moment you commit an quit holding back, all sorts of unforseen incidents, 
meetings and material assistance will
rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help. - 
Napoleon Hill

To be removed from future mailings, simple click reply and submit.

..his business plan

2001-11-15 Thread info
Dear Friend,

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A Simple Plan ( Re: explosives )

2001-11-09 Thread mmotyka

matt . [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :

Science project? omg shut the hell up.  For all we know, your probably some 
crazed arab going on a suicide spree

By the name perhaps a Basque Separatist is more likely.

From: coretta fontenot [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How can I make an explosive? its cause that's my science project

It's a fairly simple process really.

1) read about many types
2) choose one
3) get the materials
4) make it
5) turn the material in to your watch commander
6) blame everyone that you found to be of assistance during your project
of providing material assistance to terrorists

#6 is all too likely to be true because some terrorists wear uniforms
and some hold public office.

Re: A Simple Plan ( Re: explosives )

2001-11-09 Thread Dr. Evil

 From: coretta fontenot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 How can I make an explosive? its cause that's my science project
 It's a fairly simple process really.

I have an even simpler process:

1. Go to the supermarket.  You will need the following it: Five large
   cans of refried beans, a piece of cheesecloth, and a cigarette
   lighter or some long matches.

2. Eat the beans.  All of them.

3. After a sufficient quantity of explosive gas has formed, moisten
   the cheesecloth.

4. Remove your outer and underwear.

5. Lay on your back, and drape the wet cheesecloth (don't forget, it
   needs to be wet!) in such a way as to protect yourself from fiery
   harm.  With the other hand, hold the lighter and ignite the gas as
   you release it.

6. You have created an explosion!

The Cypherpunks is always a helpful list!

States Devising Plan for High-Tech National Identification Cards (

2001-11-04 Thread Jim Choate

I believe the Constitution requires the Feds to be in charge of inter-state
commerce (see definition 2 of that word if you're confused)...



 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Why Plan-9?

2001-10-26 Thread Jim Choate

On Thu, 25 Oct 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:

  Being 'first' doesn't imply they were 'alone'. You misrepresent
  reality to your own end.
 Define your market or relevant niche, with specificity.

Computers intended for single-user interactive processing. When looking at
cost/performance/feature for the OS'es current in the late 60's none were
really effective (I'm excluding Language-in-ROM machines - not that any of
them were stellar in performance). What would one day become engineering
workstations and personal computers (which are the same thing today).

A new class of machines was coming out (my first machine was a PDP 8e
running BASIC) and while there were plenty of tools they tended to be
vertical in intent or else not general purpose enough for this sort of
computing. Look at the first couple of years of Byte or Dr. Dobb's for
more specific examples (remember Godbout?) in the personal computer

Which happens to be one of the primary reasons Unix was developed, there
were no realistic choices in the market for this paradigm. So a solution
can trotting along.

We're facing the same sort of thing today with respect to 'grid computing'
and such. All the current OS'es (Linux incl.) are focused on the old style
of solutions. We'll also find that our current views of what IP means will
be found to be as antiquated.


 The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.

 Edmund Burke (1784)

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: [9fans] What makes Plan 9 unique? (fwd)

2001-10-26 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 20:03:13 -0500 (CDT)
From: Jim Choate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Hangar 18: Re: [9fans] What makes Plan 9 unique? (fwd)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 07:56:49 -0400
Subject: Re: [9fans] What makes Plan 9 unique?

Why Plan 9?

Why Plan 9 indeed.  Isn't Plan 9 just another Unix clone?  Who cares?

First, Plan 9 presents a consistent and easy to use interface.  Once
you've settled in, there are very few surprises here, whereas Windows
still surprises me once in a while (though, to its credit, not as much
as older versions did).  After I switched to Linux from Windows 3.1, I
noticed all manner of inconsistent behavior in Windows 3.1 that Linux
did not have.  Switching to Plan 9 from Linux highlighted just as much
in Linux.

One reason Plan 9 can do this is that the Plan 9 group has had the
luxury of having an entire system, so problems can be fixed and
features added where they belong, rather than where they can be.  For
example, there is no tty driver in the kernel.  The window system
handles the nuances of terminal input.

If Plan 9 were just a really clean Unix clone, it might be worth
using, or it might not.  The neat things start happening with
user-level file servers and per-process namespace.  Recall that in
Unix, /dev/tty refers to the current window's output device, and means
different things to different processes.  This is a special hack
enabled by the kernel for a single file.  Plan 9 provides full-blown
per-process namespaces.  Thus, in Plan 9 /dev/cons also refers to the
current window's output device, and means different things to
different processes, but the window system (or telnet daemon, or ssh
daemon, or whoever) arranges this, and does the same for /dev/mouse,
/dev/text (the contents of the current window), etc.

Since pieces of file tree can be provided by user-level servers the
kernel need not know about things like DOS's FAT file system or
Linux's EXT2 file system or NFS, etc.  Instead, user-level servers
provide this functionality when desired.  In Plan 9, even FTP is
provided as a file server: you run ftpfs and the files on the server
appear in /n/ftp.

We need not stop at physical file systems, though.  Other file servers
synthesize files that represent other resources.  For example, upas/fs
presents your mail box as a file tree at /mail/fs/mbox.  This models
the recursive structure of MIME messages especially well.

As another example, cdfs presents an audio or data CD as a file
system, one file per track.  If it's a writable CD, copying new files
into the /mnt/cd/wa or /mnt/cd/wd directories creates new audio or
data tracks.  Want to fixate the CD as audio or data?  Remove one of
the directories.

Finally, Plan 9 fits well with a networked environment.  Since files
or directory trees can be imported from other machines, and all
resources are files or directory trees, it's easy to share resources.
Want to use a different machine's sound card?  Import its /dev/audio.
Want to debug processes that run on another machine?  Import its
/proc.  Want to use a network interface on another machine?  Import
its /net.  And so on.

Re: Why Plan-9?

2001-10-26 Thread Karsten M. Self

on Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 08:35:36PM -0500, Jim Choate ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Thu, 25 Oct 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:
   Being 'first' doesn't imply they were 'alone'. You misrepresent
   reality to your own end.
  Define your market or relevant niche, with specificity.
 Computers intended for single-user interactive processing. 

The problem I've got with this response is that Unix and GNU/Linux
aren't computers, they're operating systems.  Unix was written to run on
those computers that didn't exist, largely the PDP 7 and 11.

I was seeing the market as the *operating systems* running on these
computers.  While I'll concede that Unix and GNU/Linux probably drove
hardware, the fact is that both emerged in environments where there were
existing OSs running, almost always preinstalled, on the hardware of
choice for each system:  RSX-11D, TWENEX, VMS.  The Jargon file has
TWENEX users migrating to Unix in the 1980s.  For larger systms, VM/CMS
still has its fans.

I guess the question would be:  what other OSs were popular in research
environments at the time?  What benefits did Unix offer?  What timeframe
are we discussing?  Again, public availability of Unix seems to have
come after 1974.

 A new class of machines was coming out (my first machine was a PDP 8e
 running BASIC) and while there were plenty of tools they tended to be
 vertical in intent or else not general purpose enough for this sort of
 computing. Look at the first couple of years of Byte or Dr. Dobb's for
 more specific examples (remember Godbout?) in the personal computer

As I've indicated, I'm not as old as you think I am.  Unix and I are
close to the same age.  My real awareness starts in the early to mid
1980s, some exceptions.

Incidentally, if you want to remenisce, there's a DEC timeline here:

 Which happens to be one of the primary reasons Unix was developed,
 there were no realistic choices in the market for this paradigm. So a
 solution can trotting along.

I'm unconvinced.

Again, the PDP series, notably the '7  '11, as well as the HP 3000,
stand out in searches as significant mini systems of the day.  I have to
assume they included operating systems.

And again, GNU/Linux emerged in a universe of PC operating systems:
DOS, Macintosh, OS/2, Xenix, Minix, BSDi.  

In both cases, the newcomer (Unix/Linux) emerged as a technically
inferior system, but (rapidly or otherwise) outpaced its competition due
to architecture, licensing, and social factors.

Regarding your comment (two posts back) that Linux was coincident with
the Internet:  yes, I agree that this was a formative factor.  I have no
doubt that if Linus hadn't come along, another solution would have
emerged, the time was ripe.  GNU/Linux happened to be best-of-breed.

 We're facing the same sort of thing today with respect to 'grid
 computing' and such. All the current OS'es (Linux incl.) are focused
 on the old style of solutions. We'll also find that our current views
 of what IP means will be found to be as antiquated.


 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? Home of the brave   Land of the free
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

 PGP signature

Re: Why Plan-9?

2001-10-26 Thread Jim Choate

On Fri, 26 Oct 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:

 The problem I've got with this response is that Unix and GNU/Linux
 aren't computers, they're operating systems.  Unix was written to run on
 those computers that didn't exist, largely the PDP 7 and 11.

An OS without a computer is worthless. What drives the architecture of
OS'es (other than mental mastrubation) is applications and applications
environments. In the very late 60's there was a growth in the
computers::person ratio coupled with a great increase in #_computers as a
whole. This led to a problem of scale and scope. Problems that Unix was
able to resolve in a usable way (as 30 years of use will attest). Most
other OS'es weren't. Not that Unix was the only alternative (eg C/PM).
However, the sorts of problems used in a day to day business/activity
creates a 'natural' schism. That is based around the distinctions between
design/engineering and business-home/industry. Unix found a first home in
the first. The 'smaller' OS'es found homes in the second. Each expanded
into the others realm until today. Whence we have several set of originaly
niche market solutions. These solutions have now saturated the market.
However, there are forces that are changing the market radicaly. Moving
from a real 'network is the computer' model. The reality is that the four
horsemen of the network (software, hardware, infrastructure, law) are
going to be replaced in the next 5 or so years with an almost completely
different model. These differences will serve to amplify the current
stresses and schisms in our societies.


 The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.

 Edmund Burke (1784)

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Why Plan-9?

2001-10-25 Thread Jim Choate

On Thu, 25 Oct 2001, Sunder wrote:

 On Sun, 21 Oct 2001, Jim Choate wrote:
  Transitive means that A mounts B, C mounts A and gets B free. Plan 9 does
  this, managed by a set of authorization layers for fine control, native.
 This could be bad.  Say B doesn't want to allow access to C for its file
 systems. Then what?  Any mechanisms to prevent A from resharing it?  It's
 also bad depending on how it's implemented.


 The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.

 Edmund Burke (1784)

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Why Plan-9?

2001-10-24 Thread Jim Choate

This entire view misses the(!) one most important component of Unix's (and
Linux's) success, they were first.

There was NO credible competition. The same thing can be said for Apache
and BIND and many other apps. It isn't that they were the best, they were
simply the first - and get to reap market inertia as a result.

However, and it's a doozy, this won't last. As the Open Source market
expands and takes over pretty much completely you'll see this dominance
begin to decrease.


Because of the component nature of the software.

On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:

[Long standard history of Unix deleted]


 The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.

 Edmund Burke (1784)

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Why Plan-9?

2001-10-24 Thread Karsten M. Self

on Wed, Oct 24, 2001 at 09:53:35PM -0500, Jim Choate ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 This entire view misses the(!) one most important component of Unix's (and
 Linux's) success, they were first.

Not hardly.

I wasn't keeping notes when KR were designing their gaming platform,
but history seems to recall OS/360, Multics, TICO, ITS, VMS.  A bit of
quick Googling suggests the PDP-7 had its own native operating system
(the PDP-11 certainly did), certainly more than what a couple of guys
hanging around a broom closet could hammer out in a few days.

Throughout the 1970s and 80s, Ken Olsen was selling VAXs running VMS and
complaining bitterly about snake oil (I guess there's a bunch of snakes
out there).  However, to quote someone's response to Tim May in this
list recently, I'm just one of the dilettants posting here out of
ignorance for some free research on the part of the rest of you.
Someone who was around at the time is going to have a better answer than

When Linus started Linux, he was bootstrapping with Minix, and trying to
get around its limitations.  For PC Unix, there was alread Xenix and one
or more of the very forgettably named SCO products (not Xenix).  The
Jolitzesi were wresting BSD from Berkeley.  FSF had been working on the
HURD since 1983 (originally as TRIX), in fits and starts.  By the time
Larry McVoy wrote The Sourceware Operating System Proposal in 1993, it
still wasn't clear whether or not FreeBSD or Linux was the cart to hitch
the horse to.

The ultimate success of Linux doesn't have a single factor -- it meets
most of the marks set in the exerpt I posted from KP, I'd argue that
licensing played a role, as did the fact it wasn't encumbered by the
ATT/UCB lawsuits, and most people give Linus himself strong credits for
his project management skills and personality.  Topics covered
extensively elsewhere.


 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? Home of the brave   Land of the free
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

 PGP signature

Re: Why Plan-9 licensing?

2001-10-23 Thread Jim Choate

On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:

 The trend in free software licensing has been strong reluctance to
 accepting novel licenses.

Right, that's why there are so many of them out there...

  Interaction for who, the author or the user? 
 Interaction between licenses.  It's more overhead for the developer to
 deal with. 

Interaction between licenses for who?...

You're using a flawed model. There are three 'roles'; author, distributor,
user. Any license must interact with all three roles. The fact is that the
license doesn't effect the developer nearly as much as the distributor and
the end user. You're only looking at a single layer of interactions.

There is another aspect you're completely ignoring, unless one license
prohibits(!) use with another license the interaction (outside of Can I
make money off it?) is nil - both for developers and users.

  All license start out in the minority. It's a competition in a way.
 What are you competing for? What characteristic of a license will win
 the competition?

Utility, which license brings the maximum benefit to all three roles.

 This isn't software domination,

Yes, it is.

 it's more a protocol for collaborative development. Once you've got that 
 nailed down, stop dicking with the damned lawyers, and start writing code.

One shoe doesn't fit all.


 The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.

 Edmund Burke (1784)

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Why Plan-9 licensing?

2001-10-22 Thread Karsten M. Self

on Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 08:30:19PM -0500, Jim Choate ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Sun, 21 Oct 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:
  Summer, June/July, IIRC.  I've done a couple of look-ups since.  There's
  been little additional news or information (I'm not saying none, I'm
  saying little).  OpenBSD, a relatively little-known free 'nix, gets
  rather more press and community coverage.
 You need to be on the mailing list. There is almost constant changes.
 You can also visit the wiki link at Bell Labs for the most current

I'll stop by.

  proposed licenses and terms.  I'm rather convinced that novelty, all
  else being equal, is bad.
 Can't disagree more.

Care to expand (off list if you wish).  It's an area of interest.

Nutshell argument:  license interactions are factorial.  Interaction
complexity reduces overall value of a codebase, and tends to marginalize
minority licenses.

By various methods (Debian package listings, Sourceforge projects), the
GPL or LPGL are applied to some 84% of free software.  A tally from
January of this year:

Of the roughly 8,800 listed projects with a license on SourceForge:
8,384 are based on an OSI approved license.  
  208 are based on an other or proprietary license. 
  235 are public domain.  

Of the OSI licenses, the breakdown is as follows (note that results may
vary daily as projects are added and removed):

GNU GPL:6,178   74%
GNP LGPL: 844   10%
BSD:  4806%
Artistic: 3024%
MIT:  1101%
QPL:   601%
zlib/libpng:   461%

As mentioned, 84% of projects are licensed under the GPL.  Compatibly
licensed projects include software under the BSD (revised) terms, MIT,
Artistic, and Python (most recent) licenses.  Major QPL projects are
licensed compatibly with the GPL.  Major MozPL projects are licensed
compatibly with the GPL.  Given some room for variance (there are
non-compatible BSD, and MozPL projects), some 90-95% of projects are
likely licensed under terms compatible with the GNU GPL.
Noncompatibility puts you in a rather small mindshare camp, with a
serious sacrifice of network effects (Metcalfe's Law).

This does assume that a project's intent is to become relatively widely
used and supported by broad mindshare.  As these are among the principle
technical advantages offered by free software / open source, it's not an
advantage to discard lightly.

Per the FSF's analysis, Plan 9 is, again, not open source, free
software, or GPL compatible.  This is a significant strategic handicap.
Moreover, the bulk of terms in the Plan 9 license serve the corporate
interests of the software's owner -- there's little quid pro quo for the
developer or community.  This is typical of corporate licenses,
particularly first drafts.  The evolution of IBM's own Jikes licensing
is instructive.

If the code exists for its own purposes, it may not matter.  From a
broader community perspective, you could do better.


 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? Home of the brave   Land of the free
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

 PGP signature

Plan 9 Products

2001-10-22 Thread Jim Choate


 The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.

 Edmund Burke (1784)

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Why Plan-9 licensing?

2001-10-22 Thread Jim Choate

On Sun, 21 Oct 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:

 Nutshell argument:  license interactions are factorial.

How so? Proof?

 Interaction complexity reduces overall value of a codebase, and tends to 
 marginalize minority licenses.

Interaction for who, the author or the user? All license start out in the
minority. It's a competition in a way. I've also got some question about
exactly which of the Plan 9 licenses the reviews were for. There have been
several over the last couple of years. As objections have been raised
they've been addressed. I'll send a URL along to the list...


 The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.

 Edmund Burke (1784)

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Why Plan-9 licensing?

2001-10-22 Thread Karsten M. Self

on Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 02:20:34AM -0500, Jim Choate ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Sun, 21 Oct 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:
  Nutshell argument:  license interactions are factorial.
 How so? Proof?

Sorry.  Combinatorial.  Not quite as extreme.  From a legal standpoint,
interactions of all combinations of licenses must be considered.  The
interesting cases usually reduce to a much smaller number.  

The trend in free software licensing has been strong reluctance to
accepting novel licenses.  A strong case for benefit is generally
requested, many licenses boil down to ego, corporate politics, or
failure to understand free software / open source concepts -- the
licenses simply aren't either, again, Plan 9 is a case in point.

There's also been a tendency among major projects to seek compatibility
(usually through dual or multiple licensing) with the GPL, Sun and
Mozilla being two cases in point.

  Interaction complexity reduces overall value of a codebase, and
  tends to marginalize minority licenses.
 Interaction for who, the author or the user? 

Interaction between licenses.  It's more overhead for the developer to
deal with. 

Case in point:  Tom's Root/Boot.  GNU/Linux on a floppy, 1.77 MB.
Licenses themselves comprised some 50KB, significant for this task.
Terms for compliance that require license and binary to occupy the same
media in use are not acceptable for the technical task (fortunately none
of the major free software licenses require this).  OpenBSD has
eliminated several packages from Donald J. Bernstein due to his
licensing clauses, despite their being technically excellent (if non
standards compliant) software.  Any number of proposals cross the OSI's
door which exclude specific types of use or transfer.

It's too much overhead for developers to consider most of these, they'll
stick to a half-dozen or so known (or highly similar) licenses.  Again,
GPL, LGPL, BSD/MIT, and Mozilla cover a broad range of strategic

 All license start out in the minority. It's a competition in a way.

What are you competing for?  What characteristics of a license will
win the competition?  This isn't software domination, it's more a
protocol for collaborative development.  Once you've got that nailed
down, stop dicking with the damned lawyers, and start writing code.


 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? Home of the brave   Land of the free
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

 PGP signature

Re: Why Plan-9?

2001-10-22 Thread Dr. Evil

  Built-in crypto is a big overstatement for OpenBSD.  Unfortunately,
  Win 2000 has more built-in crypto than OpenBSD does.  Hint: Try to
  create an encrypted FS on OpenBSD.  Now try on Windows 2000.
 You trust Win2k's encryption? Are you CRAZY?

No and no.

 You're trusting a closed source product to do what it advertizes to do,
 every time? And does do encrypt the swap, does it? Excuse me -- professes
 to do.

I didn't say I trust it.  I just said it's there, and it isn't there
in OpenBSD.  Why doesn't OpenBSD support such a basic thing as an
encrypted FS?  There's encryption built-in everywhere else except the
one place which makes all the difference if the machine itself is

I think there are Two Great Encryption Tabboos: Encrypted voice and
encrypted FS.  I would like to see OpenBSD support the encrypted FS in
its default kernel, thus making it the first OS with such a feature (I
don't count hacks such as loopback FS).

 Thanks for wetting my keyboard with beer via nasal passage.

Beer is precious.  Don't waste it on your keyboard.

Re: Why Plan-9?

2001-10-22 Thread zem

On 22 Oct 2001, Dr. Evil wrote:

 Built-in crypto is a big overstatement for OpenBSD.  Unfortunately,
 Win 2000 has more built-in crypto than OpenBSD does.  Hint: Try to
 create an encrypted FS on OpenBSD.  [...]

dd if=/dev/zero of=diskimage bs=1024k count=1024
vnconfig -ck svnd0 diskimage
[enter a passphrase]
newfs /dev/svnd0c
mount /dev/svnd0c /mnt

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] F289 2BDB 1DA0 F4C4 DC87 EC36 B2E3 4E75 C853 FD93 I'm invisible, I'm invisible, I'm invisible..

Re: Why Plan-9?

2001-10-22 Thread Dr. Evil

  Built-in crypto is a big overstatement for OpenBSD.  Unfortunately,
  Win 2000 has more built-in crypto than OpenBSD does.  Hint: Try to
  create an encrypted FS on OpenBSD.  [...]
 dd if=/dev/zero of=diskimage bs=1024k count=1024
 vnconfig -ck svnd0 diskimage
 [enter a passphrase]
 newfs /dev/svnd0c
 mount /dev/svnd0c /mnt

I am aware of that, but it's a hack, and it doesn't work well.  For
example, it has no way of detecting when you enter an incorrect
password.  Anyway, for an OS which prides itself on built-in crypto,
why do we have to mess around with loopback?  There are many FS
features, such as being able to change read, write end execute perms
for owner, group and root, which don't require a loopback FS.  How is
this any different from that?  If it were really integrated crypto, I
would be able to do 

mount -k /dev/sd0c

and it would do the right thing.  Even better, I would be prompted for
a password during boot so it could boot from an encrypted fs.

This is a glaring hole in OpenBSD's crypt-everywhere mantra.

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