les consoles xwindows no fan wrap

2012-04-16 Thread Pere Nubiola Radigales
A les darreres actualitzacions de la sid les consoles xvindows (kconsole ,
xterm, uxterm) en comptes de fer wrap allargant la línia com ho fa el nano.
En aquest últim cas no es massa important però en el cas de les consoles es
incomodo sobre tot quant estàs a un directori profund. Algú sap si hi ha
algun lloc on això es pugui configurar.

Pere Nubiola Radigales
Telf: +34 656316974
e-mail: p...@nubiola.cat

[SOLUCIONADO] clonar una ventana en Xwindows

2011-10-02 Thread Luis Felipe Tabera
On Saturday October 1 2011, Carlos Zuniga carlos@gmail.com wrote:
 2011/9/30 Luis Felipe Tabera lftab...@yahoo.es:
  Tengo un problema que no se muy bien como resolver en un aula. Tengo un
  ordenador conectado a un proyector externo. Actualmente uso kde4 con
  debian testing. El sistema reconoce automáticamente el monitor externo y
  puedo trabajar con ambos monitores a la vez sin problemas. Bien clonando
  la imagen o con un escritorio virtual abarcando las dos pantallas.
  Lo que me gustaría hacer es conseguir que algunas ventanas elegidas por
  mi se vean en las dos pantallas y otras solo en la pantalla del

 Una solución simple es usar el programa xzoom con un zoom de 1 (-mag 1).
 Puedes jugar con las opciones -geometry y -xy para que al abrirlo se
 ubique en la posición correcta y copie la parte de la pantalla que

Gracias por la idea, lo he probado y para algunas configuraciones sería útil. 
El problema es que xzoom copia todo el escritorio. Por lo que si solapo mi 
ventana privada sobre la ventana que quiero presentar se vería mi ventana 
provada en el proyector.

Una solución similar al xzoom también la tenemos con el propio xrandr. Jugando 
con las configuraciones de los dos monitores. Por ejemplo, proyector externo 
con resolución 800x600 y monitor interno con resolución 1366x768 y que se 
solapen los escritorios (clone). Las ventanas públicas irían en ese área 
800x600 común y tendría un área de 500x758 para ventanas privadas.

Los que usamos kde tenemos una interfaz gráfica muy cómoda para jugar con el 
xrandr en systemsettings  Hardware  display and monitor, que a mi 
personalmente me funciona muy bien (tarjeta integrada intel hd3000).

Con esta solución tenemos el mismo problema que con el xzoom. Hay un área en 
la pantalla privada que no podemos usar.

Lo que he hecho es lo siguiente:

Instalé un servidor y un visor vnc

# aptitude install tightvncserver xtightvncviewer

Si no instalamos los paquetes recomendados, instalamos también algunas 
fuentes, pero lo marcamos como instalado automáticamente.

# aptitude install xfonts-base+M

Tengo problemas si tengo un escritorio kde y una sesión vnc con kde. Al abrir 
programas en la sesión vnc el programa casca. Por lo que he decidido usar una 
sesión ligera en la sesión vnc. Por ejemplo fluxbox que es muy cómodo pues 
puedes manejar las ventanas con el ratón (esto será importante).

# aptitude install fluxbox

Nos leemos algún manual vnc, una forma de empezar:

usuario@computer$ man vncserver
usuario@computer$ man vncviewer

Podemos ejecutar una vez vncserver para que nos cree los ficheros de 
configuración de usuario.

luisfe@mychabol$ vncserver :1

Nos pedirá una contraseña para la sesión, escogemos una apropiada.

Cerramos la sesión 

luisfe@mychabol$ vncserver -kill :1

Ahora tendremos un directorio .vnc vamos a editar el fichero 
$HOME/.vnc/xstartup para que vnc arranque una sesión de fluxbox

En el fichero $HOME/.vnc/xstartup reemplazamos la línea 


Por la línea


Ahora ya podemos usar el vnc. Para que la visión sea cómoda elijo configurar 
el monitor externo y el interno con resoluciones distintas pero con la misma 
resolución vertical. Además, conviene que el monitor interno tenga al menos la 
misma resolución horizontal. En mi caso:

proyector externo - 1024x768
monitor interno - 1366x768
proyector externo a la izquierda del monitor interno.

Ahora, lanzamos una sesión vnc con resolución igual a la del monitor externo.

luisfe@mychabol:~$ vncserver :1 -geometry 1024x768 -localhost

Ahora abrimos un visor vnc

luisfe@mychabol:~$ vncviewer :1

Nos pedirá la contraseña que hemos introducido más arriba. Deberíamos ver una 
ventana xon un escritorio de fluxbox. Esta ventana la movemos al monitor 
externo y usamos las opciones de nuestro window manager para poner la ventana 
del visor a pantalla completa, maximizada, sin borde y sin borde superior. De 
esta manera, en el monitor externo solo de debe ver el escritorio de fluxbox 

Abrimos otro visor vnc. Necesitaremos un display libre. En mi caso :1

luisfe@mychabol:~$ vncviewer :1

Este lo dejamos en el monitor interno. Ahora, en este visor podemos 
interacturar con la sesión vnc y lanzar la presentación que tengamos preparada 
o cualquier otra aplicación. Además, podemos abrir cualquier otra ventana en 
el monitor interno y distribuirlas como queramos.

Como nota adicional, el ordenador que uso es un portatil thinkpad, que trae 
dos ratones. Un touchpad y un trackpoint. En cualquier otro ordenador se puede 
hacer lo siguiente siempre que tengamos dos ratones físicos (puede ser dos 
ratones usb p. ej).

Podemos usar el programa xinput para que el touchpad y el trackpad sean 
punteros independientes del ratón. Búsquese algún tutorial por internet. 
Podemos ver el id de cada ratón con la orden

luisfe@mychabol:~$xinput list

En mi caso, el ratón trackpoint 

Re: clonar una ventana en Xwindows

2011-10-01 Thread Javier Barroso
2011/9/30 Luis Felipe Tabera lftab...@yahoo.es:
 Hola lista,

 Tengo un problema que no se muy bien como resolver en un aula. Tengo un
 ordenador conectado a un proyector externo. Actualmente uso kde4 con debian
 testing. El sistema reconoce automáticamente el monitor externo y puedo
 trabajar con ambos monitores a la vez sin problemas. Bien clonando la imagen o
 con un escritorio virtual abarcando las dos pantallas.

 Lo que me gustaría hacer es conseguir que algunas ventanas elegidas por mi se
 vean en las dos pantallas y otras solo en la pantalla del ordenador.

 Por ejemplo, puedo tener un pdf compilado con latex en el proyector y el
 fichero tex en el otro de manera que compile el tex en tiempo real.
 Actualmente, o todo el mundo ve mi edición o, si yo quier ver el resultado del
 pdf, tengo que girar la cabeza y mirar el proyector.

 Otro uso. Tengo una ventana con un programa interactivo y tengo otra ventana
 con notas que voy tomando de las respuestas de los alumnos. Como no quiero que
 vean mis notas, me obligan a usar un escritorio abarcando las dos pantallas.
 Pero de esta manera, no puedo interactuar cómodamente con el programa que está
 solo en el proyector.

 ¿Hay alguna forma de hacer esto? Se me ha ocurrido buscar si hay algún
 programa para X11 que permita clonar una ventana. Se tiene que poder hacer,
 porque veo ventanas duplicadas con las miniaturas de la barra de tareas. Otra
 solución sería conseguir que las dos pantallas fueran escritorios virtuales
 independientes de la misma sesión. De esta manera, podría elegir la opción
 ver en todos los escritorios en las ventanas que me interesan. No he
 conseguido ninguna de las dos opciones. ¿A alguien se le ocurre algo?

Pues había un programita xzibit [1] que prometía hacer eso. Lo
permitía hacer por red, pero imagino que también del mismo equipo al
mismo equipo (poniendo localhost). Pero el programa creo que se ha
quedado parado e incluso el repositorio ya no está, igual podrías
preguntarle al autor [2].

La idea es compartir por VNC pero sólo ventanas de X

Un saludo
[1] http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/Xzibit
[2] http://marnanel.dreamwidth.org/156378.html

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Re: clonar una ventana en Xwindows

2011-10-01 Thread Carlos Zuniga
2011/9/30 Luis Felipe Tabera lftab...@yahoo.es:
 Hola lista,

 Tengo un problema que no se muy bien como resolver en un aula. Tengo un
 ordenador conectado a un proyector externo. Actualmente uso kde4 con debian
 testing. El sistema reconoce automáticamente el monitor externo y puedo
 trabajar con ambos monitores a la vez sin problemas. Bien clonando la imagen o
 con un escritorio virtual abarcando las dos pantallas.

 Lo que me gustaría hacer es conseguir que algunas ventanas elegidas por mi se
 vean en las dos pantallas y otras solo en la pantalla del ordenador.

 Por ejemplo, puedo tener un pdf compilado con latex en el proyector y el
 fichero tex en el otro de manera que compile el tex en tiempo real.
 Actualmente, o todo el mundo ve mi edición o, si yo quier ver el resultado del
 pdf, tengo que girar la cabeza y mirar el proyector.

 Otro uso. Tengo una ventana con un programa interactivo y tengo otra ventana
 con notas que voy tomando de las respuestas de los alumnos. Como no quiero que
 vean mis notas, me obligan a usar un escritorio abarcando las dos pantallas.
 Pero de esta manera, no puedo interactuar cómodamente con el programa que está
 solo en el proyector.

 ¿Hay alguna forma de hacer esto? Se me ha ocurrido buscar si hay algún
 programa para X11 que permita clonar una ventana. Se tiene que poder hacer,
 porque veo ventanas duplicadas con las miniaturas de la barra de tareas. Otra
 solución sería conseguir que las dos pantallas fueran escritorios virtuales
 independientes de la misma sesión. De esta manera, podría elegir la opción
 ver en todos los escritorios en las ventanas que me interesan. No he
 conseguido ninguna de las dos opciones. ¿A alguien se le ocurre algo?

Una solución simple es usar el programa xzoom con un zoom de 1 (-mag 1).
Puedes jugar con las opciones -geometry y -xy para que al abrirlo se
ubique en la posición correcta y copie la parte de la pantalla que

Linux Registered User # 386081
A menudo unas pocas horas de Prueba y error podrán ahorrarte minutos
de leer manuales.

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clonar una ventana en Xwindows

2011-09-30 Thread Luis Felipe Tabera
Hola lista,

Tengo un problema que no se muy bien como resolver en un aula. Tengo un 
ordenador conectado a un proyector externo. Actualmente uso kde4 con debian 
testing. El sistema reconoce automáticamente el monitor externo y puedo 
trabajar con ambos monitores a la vez sin problemas. Bien clonando la imagen o 
con un escritorio virtual abarcando las dos pantallas.

Lo que me gustaría hacer es conseguir que algunas ventanas elegidas por mi se 
vean en las dos pantallas y otras solo en la pantalla del ordenador.

Por ejemplo, puedo tener un pdf compilado con latex en el proyector y el 
fichero tex en el otro de manera que compile el tex en tiempo real. 
Actualmente, o todo el mundo ve mi edición o, si yo quier ver el resultado del 
pdf, tengo que girar la cabeza y mirar el proyector.

Otro uso. Tengo una ventana con un programa interactivo y tengo otra ventana 
con notas que voy tomando de las respuestas de los alumnos. Como no quiero que 
vean mis notas, me obligan a usar un escritorio abarcando las dos pantallas. 
Pero de esta manera, no puedo interactuar cómodamente con el programa que está 
solo en el proyector.

¿Hay alguna forma de hacer esto? Se me ha ocurrido buscar si hay algún 
programa para X11 que permita clonar una ventana. Se tiene que poder hacer, 
porque veo ventanas duplicadas con las miniaturas de la barra de tareas. Otra 
solución sería conseguir que las dos pantallas fueran escritorios virtuales 
independientes de la misma sesión. De esta manera, podría elegir la opción 
ver en todos los escritorios en las ventanas que me interesan. No he 
conseguido ninguna de las dos opciones. ¿A alguien se le ocurre algo?



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Re: clonar una ventana en Xwindows

2011-09-30 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 30 Sep 2011 14:27:11 +0200, Luis Felipe Tabera escribió:

 Tengo un problema que no se muy bien como resolver en un aula. Tengo un
 ordenador conectado a un proyector externo. Actualmente uso kde4 con
 debian testing. El sistema reconoce automáticamente el monitor externo y
 puedo trabajar con ambos monitores a la vez sin problemas. Bien clonando
 la imagen o con un escritorio virtual abarcando las dos pantallas.
 Lo que me gustaría hacer es conseguir que algunas ventanas elegidas por
 mi se vean en las dos pantallas y otras solo en la pantalla del


No conozco nada parecido, ni siquiera para windows :-?

Como haya algún plugin o extensión que permita hacer eso (clonar 
ventanas) para los escritorios estos espectaculares (compiz, kwin...) 
no se me ocurre nada.



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Re: clonar una ventana en Xwindows

2011-09-30 Thread jmramirez (mas_ke_na)
Hash: SHA1

Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 30 Sep 2011 14:27:11 +0200, Luis Felipe Tabera escribió:
 Tengo un problema que no se muy bien como resolver en un aula. Tengo un
 ordenador conectado a un proyector externo. Actualmente uso kde4 con
 debian testing. El sistema reconoce automáticamente el monitor externo y
 puedo trabajar con ambos monitores a la vez sin problemas. Bien clonando
 la imagen o con un escritorio virtual abarcando las dos pantallas.

 Lo que me gustaría hacer es conseguir que algunas ventanas elegidas por
 mi se vean en las dos pantallas y otras solo en la pantalla del
 No conozco nada parecido, ni siquiera para windows :-?
 Como haya algún plugin o extensión que permita hacer eso (clonar 
 ventanas) para los escritorios estos espectaculares (compiz, kwin...) 
 no se me ocurre nada.


Por aportar alguna idea, si no encuentras software que te permita hacer
lo que buscas, la solución puede ser tener un duplicador vga ( o la
conexion que use el proyector) y tener dos monitores + el proyector en
escritorio extendido.

Así no tienes que girar la cabeza para ver que sale en el proyector,
sino que tu segundo monitor es lo mismo que sale en el proyector.

Es una mala solución, pero puede valerte para no lesionarte el cuello 

Un saludo

- -- 
Si los tontos volaran, el cielo se oscurecería

No me envié correos en formatos propietarios
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Re: clonar una ventana en Xwindows

2011-09-30 Thread Nicolas

El 30/09/11 09:27, Luis Felipe Tabera escribió:

Hola lista,

Tengo un problema que no se muy bien como resolver en un aula. Tengo un
ordenador conectado a un proyector externo. Actualmente uso kde4 con debian
testing. El sistema reconoce automáticamente el monitor externo y puedo
trabajar con ambos monitores a la vez sin problemas. Bien clonando la imagen o
con un escritorio virtual abarcando las dos pantallas.

Lo que me gustaría hacer es conseguir que algunas ventanas elegidas por mi se
vean en las dos pantallas y otras solo en la pantalla del ordenador.
Dudo mucho que exista algo parecido :-( , lo más parecido que hago es 
tener un escritorio extendido en las dos pantallas y pasar las ventajas 
que quiero que se vean a la pantalla en el proyector, y las otras en la 
pantalla de la máquina.

Si encuentras algo parecido, avisa que me interesaría también. :-)

Saludos, Nicolás.

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Re: clonar una ventana en Xwindows

2011-09-30 Thread jmramirez (mas_ke_na)
Hash: SHA1

Nicolas escribió:
 El 30/09/11 09:27, Luis Felipe Tabera escribió:
 Hola lista,

 Tengo un problema que no se muy bien como resolver en un aula. Tengo un
 ordenador conectado a un proyector externo. Actualmente uso kde4 con
 testing. El sistema reconoce automáticamente el monitor externo y puedo
 trabajar con ambos monitores a la vez sin problemas. Bien clonando la
 imagen o
 con un escritorio virtual abarcando las dos pantallas.

 Lo que me gustaría hacer es conseguir que algunas ventanas elegidas
 por mi se
 vean en las dos pantallas y otras solo en la pantalla del ordenador.
 Dudo mucho que exista algo parecido :-( , lo más parecido que hago es
 tener un escritorio extendido en las dos pantallas y pasar las ventajas
 que quiero que se vean a la pantalla en el proyector, y las otras en la
 pantalla de la máquina.
 Si encuentras algo parecido, avisa que me interesaría también. :-)
 Saludos, Nicolás.


Existe un software [1] que te permite manejar dos pcs con un solo
teclado y ratón. Es tanto engorro como lo que dije antes pero puede ser
una solución.

La idea es tener nuestro pc normal y otro con la pantalla clonada con
el segundo monitor y el proyector. Lo malo de todo esto es que son
sistemas diferentes y no vas a poder hacer todo lo que comentas.


Un saludo

- -- 
Si los tontos volaran, el cielo se oscurecería

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Re: clonar una ventana en Xwindows

2011-09-30 Thread Nicolas

El 30/09/11 12:29, jmramirez (mas_ke_na) escribió:


Existe un software [1] que te permite manejar dos pcs con un solo
teclado y ratón. Es tanto engorro como lo que dije antes pero puede ser
una solución.

La idea es tener nuestro pc normal y otro con la pantalla clonada con
el segundo monitor y el proyector. Lo malo de todo esto es que son
sistemas diferentes y no vas a poder hacer todo lo que comentas.


Un saludo

Además de necesitar dos pcs no ? :-)

Saludos, Nicolás.

In a world without Fences and Walls, who needs Windows and Gates

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Re: clonar una ventana en Xwindows

2011-09-30 Thread Luis Felipe Tabera
On Friday September 30 2011, jmramirez (mas_ke_na) mas_ke...@hotmail.com 
 Camaleón escribió:
  El Fri, 30 Sep 2011 14:27:11 +0200, Luis Felipe Tabera escribió:
  Tengo un problema que no se muy bien como resolver en un aula. Tengo un
  ordenador conectado a un proyector externo. Actualmente uso kde4 con
  debian testing. El sistema reconoce automáticamente el monitor externo y
  puedo trabajar con ambos monitores a la vez sin problemas. Bien clonando
  la imagen o con un escritorio virtual abarcando las dos pantallas.
  Lo que me gustaría hacer es conseguir que algunas ventanas elegidas por
  mi se vean en las dos pantallas y otras solo en la pantalla del
  No conozco nada parecido, ni siquiera para windows :-?
  Como haya algún plugin o extensión que permita hacer eso (clonar
  ventanas) para los escritorios estos espectaculares (compiz, kwin...)
  no se me ocurre nada.
   Por aportar alguna idea, si no encuentras software que te permita hacer
 lo que buscas, la solución puede ser tener un duplicador vga ( o la
 conexion que use el proyector) y tener dos monitores + el proyector en
 escritorio extendido.
   Así no tienes que girar la cabeza para ver que sale en el proyector,
 sino que tu segundo monitor es lo mismo que sale en el proyector.

Muchas gracias a todos por vuestras ideas. La verdad es que por ejemplo en 
kwin + efectos de escritorio la funcionalidad está ahí, porque puedo ver dos 
ventanas en tiempo real (la verdadera y la miniatura) Será cosa de preguntar 
en foros kde y abrir un wishlist.

El problema de duplicadores es que me gustaría algo que solo dependiera de mi 
ordenador, no de otras máquinas ni hardware.

Se me ha ocurrido una solución para salir del paso. Montar un servidor vnc en 
el ordenador donde abro una sesión.

En el monitor A abro un visor vnc y en el monitor B otro visor vnc. De esta 
manera puedo tener dos vistas de la misma sesión y luego, en cada visor, tener  
otras ventanas.

no se que tal saldrá, pero creo que vale la pena intentarlo. Ya os contaré que 
tal funcional.


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Re: clonar una ventana en Xwindows

2011-09-30 Thread fernando sainz
El día 30 de septiembre de 2011 17:35, Nicolas
nicobevilac...@gmail.com escribió:
 El 30/09/11 12:29, jmramirez (mas_ke_na) escribió:


        Existe un software [1] que te permite manejar dos pcs con un solo
 teclado y ratón. Es tanto engorro como lo que dije antes pero puede ser
 una solución.

        La idea es tener nuestro pc normal y otro con la pantalla clonada
 el segundo monitor y el proyector. Lo malo de todo esto es que son
 sistemas diferentes y no vas a poder hacer todo lo que comentas.



 Un saludo

 Además de necesitar dos pcs no ? :-)

 Saludos, Nicolás.

 In a world without Fences and Walls, who needs Windows and Gates

Así de primeras no se me ocurre que exista una forma.
Lo que si he visto es por ejemplo en Xemacs que tiene una opción para
mostrar la misma ventana en dos displays distintos lo que permite a
dos personas editar el mismo fichero a la vez.


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Widescreen resolution ignored in xwindows/gdm

2009-04-14 Thread Larry Irwin
I have an Acer X233H widescreen monitor and cannot get any of the 16:9 
aspect resolutions up in gdm.
I am using the latest 32-bit Etch binaries on a Pentium D system w/1GB RAM 
and an Intel 945 G/GZ on-board video controller.
It comes up with 1600x1200 24 bit depth even though I have removed that from 
I only left 16:9 modes that were evenly divisible by 8 (like 1920x1080) in 
I've played a bit with videogen to try to get a modeline entry, but it does 
not allow you to set lower limits and it goes below the limits a lot...

Any ideas out there?
Larry Irwin 

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Re: Widescreen resolution ignored in xwindows/gdm

2009-04-14 Thread Cousin Stanley

 I have an Acer X233H widescreen monitor and cannot get 
 any of the 16:9 aspect resolutions up in gdm.

 I am using the latest 32-bit Etch binaries on a Pentium D 
 system w/1GB RAM and an Intel 945 G/GZ on-board video controller.

  I have a Samsung widescreen lcd monitor with native 1680x1050q 
  resolution, also use an Intel 945 on-board video controller,
  and never managed to get the monitor properly configured 
  under Debian Etch after a  LOT  of monkeying with the XFree86
  config file 

  After upgrading to Debian Lenny using the newer minimalistic
  xorg.conf file the monitor was automatically configured 
  and works fine with its native resolution  

  Simalar story with Zenwalk 5, where I also couldn't manage
  to get the display properly configured with the widescreen 
  Samsung monitor, but it was magically configured with an 
  upgrade to Zenwalk 6  

  If a dist-upgrade is possible for you, it  might  save 
  a bit of hair-pulling trying to configure your monitor 

Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona

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Re: unable to login on the console with xwindows

2008-02-26 Thread Douglas A. Tutty
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 10:59:36PM -0500, Michael Habashy wrote:
 okay..i killed gdm and went to the console prompt.
 I logged in and started startx.
 The session started fine.
 I do not know what the issue is?
 i think it is heavily related that i get the permissions error to /bin/bash.

You have two problems, two threads?  Makes it kinda hard for us to

IIRC, if something changed your /bin/bash then your box may have been
compromised.  On the same box, you have a program, gdm, that asks for a
password and is also misbehaving.  If this box is connected to the net,
you may find that your password is known by someone else now.  

Take this seriously.  If it were me, I would disconnect the box from the
internet and wouldn't reconnect it until either I had proven that it
wasn't compromised or I had overwritten the disk and reinstalled, and
only restored from pre-troubles backup with more recent backups getting
a good look (e.g. check for changed permissions).


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Desconfigurat el Xwindows

2008-02-25 Thread pablo andres
A mi em va pasar un parell de vegades. Vaig tornar a reinstalar el driver de
nVidia i llestos... Tambe pots provar de cambiar el fitxer
/etc/X11/XF86config per el XF86config.old que genera el driver de nvidia la
primera vegada que s'executa. Canvies a init 5 i a veure que tal... Sort

2008/2/23, Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Hola a tothom:

 Auxili! Ahir estava mirant (ho juro: MIRANT, no tocant) el Nvidia-Settings
 i, en un momento dado, la pantalla desapareix, surt un missatge
 apocalíptic dient que el Xterminal s'havia desconfigurat i que no es
 tornaria a activar, que ho provés manualment amb altres sistemes, i bona
 nit i bona hora! Em va abocar al terminal Unix puro i duro i d'aquí no
 en surto.

 Algú ha tingut algun desastre semblant? Em podeu ajudar?

 Gràcies per endavant.


unable to login on the console with xwindows

2008-02-25 Thread Michael Habashy
I get the following error:

Cannot start session due to some internal error.

then i click on ok, i get the following error:

your session lasted less then 10 seconds, this could be due to not enough
diskspace or some other problems look to .xsession-errors file.. ..but i do
not htink that sounds right.

If i see the additional error on the screen, i get
/etc/PreSession/Default: Registering your session with wtmp and utmp
/etc/PreSession/Default : running /usr/bin/sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -u
/var/run/utmp -x
session_child_run: Could not execute /etc/gdm/Xsession default

the .xsession-errors  file says alot of things..but the first entries are :

Xsession: X session started for root at Mon Feb 25 13:34:37 EST 2008
Window manager warning: Failed to read saved session file
/root/.metacity/sessions/default0.ms: Failed to open file
'/root/.metacity/sessions/default0.ms': No such file or directory
** Message: Not starting remote desktop server

** (gnome-panel:6868): WARNING **: Failed to establish a connection with
GDM: No such file or directory
XGetSelectionOwner: old version of gcin or gcin is not running ??
... try to start a new gcin server /usr/bin/gcin
gcin get env LC_CTYPE=  LC_ALL=  LANG=en_US.UTF-8
gcin will use UTF-8 as the default encoding
load_gtab_list /usr/share/gcin/table/gtab.list
-- /tmp/gcin-root/socket-:0.0-gcin
connection via TCP is disabled

This is my hd -h

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  493G  153G  315G  33% /
tmpfs 2.0G 0  2.0G   0% /lib/init/rw
udev   10M   96K   10M   1% /dev
tmpfs 2.0G 0  2.0G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/md0  274M   51M  209M  20% /boot
  493G  380G   89G  82% /bk_data

Any ideas would be greatly appriciated.

Re: unable to login on the console with xwindows

2008-02-25 Thread Raj Kiran Grandhi

Michael Habashy wrote:

I get the following error:

Cannot start session due to some internal error.

then i click on ok, i get the following error:

your session lasted less then 10 seconds, this could be due to not enough
diskspace or some other problems look to .xsession-errors file.. ..but i do
not htink that sounds right.

[snip errors]

Add a new user and try logging in as that user from gdm. If it works, 
then there is something wrong with your configuration files and you can 
try moving them out of the way before logging in again.

Raj Kiran Grandhi
At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer, you will 
find at least two human errors, including the error of blaming it on the 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: unable to login on the console with xwindows

2008-02-25 Thread Michael Habashy
Hi Raj -

This issue seems to be affecting a couple of other things on the server.
For instance, on the xconsole screen..it lets me login and then bounces me
back out.
I uninstalled gdm package, i am left with kde ---when i login in with
that...i get an xterm window pop up and it states the same thing  : Cannot
execute /bin/bash: Permission denied

I did create a new user...but nothing helps.  I got the same issue.

it is driving me up a wall.

thanks..for any help...

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 7:45 PM, Raj Kiran Grandhi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Michael Habashy wrote:
  I get the following error:
  Cannot start session due to some internal error.
  then i click on ok, i get the following error:
  your session lasted less then 10 seconds, this could be due to not
  diskspace or some other problems look to .xsession-errors file.. ..but i
  not htink that sounds right.
 [snip errors]

 Add a new user and try logging in as that user from gdm. If it works,
 then there is something wrong with your configuration files and you can
 try moving them out of the way before logging in again.

 Raj Kiran Grandhi
 At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer, you will
 find at least two human errors, including the error of blaming it on the

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: unable to login on the console with xwindows

2008-02-25 Thread Douglas A. Tutty
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 02:08:07PM -0500, Michael Habashy wrote:
 I get the following error:
 Cannot start session due to some internal error.
 then i click on ok, i get the following error:
 your session lasted less then 10 seconds, this could be due to not enough
 diskspace or some other problems look to .xsession-errors file.. ..but i do
 not htink that sounds right.
 If i see the additional error on the screen, i get
 /etc/PreSession/Default: Registering your session with wtmp and utmp
 /etc/PreSession/Default : running /usr/bin/sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -u
 /var/run/utmp -x
 session_child_run: Could not execute /etc/gdm/Xsession default

I'd temporarily stop xdm (I think it will be an initscript but I've
never used a ?dm) which should put you without X running on VT1.  Then
log in to a CLI and type /usr/bin/startx.  See what happens.  If that
works, then you know that xdm is the problem.  If not, starx should give
you lots of errors.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: unable to login on the console with xwindows

2008-02-25 Thread Raj Kiran Grandhi

Michael Habashy wrote:

Hi Raj -

This issue seems to be affecting a couple of other things on the server.
For instance, on the xconsole screen..it lets me login and then bounces me
back out.
I uninstalled gdm package, i am left with kde ---when i login in with
that...i get an xterm window pop up and it states the same thing  : Cannot
execute /bin/bash: Permission denied

Check the permissions of /bin/bash and fix them to 755
Also, have you considered the possibility that your machine might have 
been compromised? Unless, of course, you changed the permissions of bash 

I did create a new user...but nothing helps.  I got the same issue.

it is driving me up a wall.

thanks..for any help...

Raj Kiran Grandhi
At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer, you will 
find at least two human errors, including the error of blaming it on the 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: unable to login on the console with xwindows

2008-02-25 Thread Michael Habashy
okay..i killed gdm and went to the console prompt.
I logged in and started startx.
The session started fine.
I do not know what the issue is?
i think it is heavily related that i get the permissions error to /bin/bash.


On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 7:06 PM, Douglas A. Tutty [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 02:08:07PM -0500, Michael Habashy wrote:
  I get the following error:
  Cannot start session due to some internal error.
  then i click on ok, i get the following error:
  your session lasted less then 10 seconds, this could be due to not
  diskspace or some other problems look to .xsession-errors file.. ..but i
  not htink that sounds right.
  If i see the additional error on the screen, i get
  /etc/PreSession/Default: Registering your session with wtmp and utmp
  /etc/PreSession/Default : running /usr/bin/sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp
  /var/run/utmp -x
  session_child_run: Could not execute /etc/gdm/Xsession default

 I'd temporarily stop xdm (I think it will be an initscript but I've
 never used a ?dm) which should put you without X running on VT1.  Then
 log in to a CLI and type /usr/bin/startx.  See what happens.  If that
 works, then you know that xdm is the problem.  If not, starx should give
 you lots of errors.


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: RV: Desconfigurat el Xwindows

2008-02-23 Thread Xavier Batlle i Pèlach
El Saturday 23 February 2008 09:18:18 Daniel va escriure:
 Una pista: Quan estic al símbol de sistema del Linux, executo la següent
 ordre (investigada dins la maranya d'Internet):

 Sudo nvidia-settings

 I em dona:

 Gtk-warning**: cannot open display:

 Indica alguna cosa això?
Pot ser que calgui engegar-lo des de l'entorn de finestres?
Si és així, en KDE pots fer Alt-f2 i posar el nom del programa.

 De: Daniel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: dissabte, 23 / febrer / 2008 08:54
 Para: 'debian-user-catalan@lists.debian.org'
 Asunto: Desconfigurat el Xwindows

 Hola a tothom:

 Auxili! Ahir estava mirant (ho juro: MIRANT, no tocant) el Nvidia-Settings
 i, en un momento dado, la pantalla desapareix, surt un missatge
 apocalíptic dient que el Xterminal s'havia desconfigurat i que no es
 tornaria a activar, que ho provés manualment amb altres sistemes, i bona
 nit i bona hora! Em va abocar al terminal Unix puro i duro i d'aquí no en

 Algú ha tingut algun desastre semblant? Em podeu ajudar?

 Gràcies per endavant.


RE: RV: Desconfigurat el Xwindows

2008-02-23 Thread Daniel

El problema es que no consegueixo entrar dins l'entorn gràfic. Em quedo amb
el símbol de sistema del terminal de text típic d'Unix i para de comptar. He
intentat executar el gnome-session i em dona el mateix error.

-Mensaje original-
De: Xavier Batlle i Pèlach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: dissabte, 23 / febrer / 2008 10:39
Para: debian-user-catalan@lists.debian.org
Asunto: Re: RV: Desconfigurat el Xwindows

El Saturday 23 February 2008 09:18:18 Daniel va escriure:
 Una pista: Quan estic al símbol de sistema del Linux, executo la següent
 ordre (investigada dins la maranya d'Internet):

 Sudo nvidia-settings

 I em dona:

 Gtk-warning**: cannot open display:

 Indica alguna cosa això?
Pot ser que calgui engegar-lo des de l'entorn de finestres?
Si és així, en KDE pots fer Alt-f2 i posar el nom del programa.

 De: Daniel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: dissabte, 23 / febrer / 2008 08:54
 Para: 'debian-user-catalan@lists.debian.org'
 Asunto: Desconfigurat el Xwindows

 Hola a tothom:

 Auxili! Ahir estava mirant (ho juro: MIRANT, no tocant) el Nvidia-Settings
 i, en un momento dado, la pantalla desapareix, surt un missatge
 apocalíptic dient que el Xterminal s'havia desconfigurat i que no es
 tornaria a activar, que ho provés manualment amb altres sistemes, i bona
 nit i bona hora! Em va abocar al terminal Unix puro i duro i d'aquí no

 Algú ha tingut algun desastre semblant? Em podeu ajudar?

 Gràcies per endavant.


RE: RV: Desconfigurat el Xwindows

2008-02-23 Thread xabi

 El problema es que no consegueixo entrar dins l'entorn gràfic. Em quedo
 el símbol de sistema del terminal de text típic d'Unix i para de comptar.
 intentat executar el gnome-session i em dona el mateix error.

bon dia,

al simbol de consola possa-hi sent root

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

i així faràs una reconfiguració del servidor d'X
et farà algunes preguntes evidents, i d'altres no tant...

a veure si és això.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Desconfigurat el Xwindows

2008-02-23 Thread Daniel
Hola a tothom:

Auxili! Ahir estava mirant (ho juro: MIRANT, no tocant) el Nvidia-Settings
i, “en un momento dado”, la pantalla desapareix, surt un missatge
apocalíptic dient que el Xterminal s’havia desconfigurat i que no es
tornaria a activar, que ho provés manualment amb altres sistemes, i bona nit
i bona hora! Em va abocar al terminal Unix “puro i duro” i d’aquí no en

Algú ha tingut algun desastre semblant? Em podeu ajudar?

Gràcies per endavant.


RE: RV: Desconfigurat el Xwindows

2008-02-23 Thread Daniel Elias
Es va resolent el problema. Si més no, ara ja puc treballar amb entorn
gràfic des de Linux.

Després d'una recerca internètica, he posat el valor '' a la
variable $DISPLAY; després d'això, engego el sistema i quan em trobo a
la pantalla alfanumèrica que em demana usuari i password entro amb el
meu usuari, teclejo l'ordre startx i se m'obre una pantalla gràfica
des d'on puc anar treballant. En canvi, amb les mateixes condicions,
l'ordre gnome-session em dona l'error del cannot open display.

Ara em faltaria saber com dimonis puc automatitzar l'ordre startx per
oblidar-me del tema. En quin fitxer cal entrar-la? Ho he probat a
l'inittab però no va bé, l'executa com a root. Quin fitxer és el que
dona les ordres d'inici dels terminals gràfics?

El ds 23 de 02 del 2008 a les 11:37 +0100, en/na [EMAIL PROTECTED] va
  El problema es que no consegueixo entrar dins l'entorn gràfic. Em quedo
  el símbol de sistema del terminal de text típic d'Unix i para de comptar.
  intentat executar el gnome-session i em dona el mateix error.
 bon dia,
 al simbol de consola possa-hi sent root
 dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
 i així faràs una reconfiguració del servidor d'X
 et farà algunes preguntes evidents, i d'altres no tant...
 a veure si és això.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RV: Desconfigurat el Xwindows

2008-02-23 Thread Benjamí Villoslada
El Dissabte 23 Febrer 2008, Daniel Elias va escriure:
 Quin fitxer és el que
 dona les ordres d'inici dels terminals gràfics?

Instal·la el gdm si uses GNOME o el kdm si uses KDE.

Són dimonis que s'arranquen quan li toca als dimonis del nivell 2, el gràfic a 
can Debian: 

$ ls -l /etc/rc2.d/*dm
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 16 des  2006 /etc/rc2.d/S99kdm - ../init.d/kdm



Re: RV: Desconfigurat el Xwindows

2008-02-23 Thread Orestes Mas
A Dissabte 23 Febrer 2008, Daniel va escriure:

 El problema es que no consegueixo entrar dins l'entorn gràfic. Em quedo amb
 el símbol de sistema del terminal de text típic d'Unix i para de comptar.
 He intentat executar el gnome-session i em dona el mateix error.

Estem igual, el gnome-session només es pot executar quan les X windows estan 


Re: RV: Desconfigurat el Xwindows

2008-02-23 Thread Orestes Mas
A Dissabte 23 Febrer 2008, Daniel Elias va escriure:
 Es va resolent el problema. Si més no, ara ja puc treballar amb entorn
 gràfic des de Linux.

 Després d'una recerca internètica, he posat el valor '' a la
 variable $DISPLAY; després d'això, engego el sistema i quan em trobo a
 la pantalla alfanumèrica que em demana usuari i password entro amb el
 meu usuari, teclejo l'ordre startx i se m'obre una pantalla gràfica
 des d'on puc anar treballant. En canvi, amb les mateixes condicions,
 l'ordre gnome-session em dona l'error del cannot open display.

 Ara em faltaria saber com dimonis puc automatitzar l'ordre startx per
 oblidar-me del tema. En quin fitxer cal entrar-la? Ho he probat a
 l'inittab però no va bé, l'executa com a root. Quin fitxer és el que
 dona les ordres d'inici dels terminals gràfics?

Jo de tu no seguiria aquest camí, perquè és posar pegats que després et poden 
donar problemes a l'hora d'actualitzar, etc.

A veure: startx és per arrencar les X de forma manual, i tu el que vols és 
que arrenquin de forma automàtica i et presentin una pantalla de login en 
mode gràfic.

Si t'arrenquen les X amb startx, no veig perquè no t'han d'arrencar les X 
automàticament. Fes una cosa: des del terminal del sistema, fes-te root (amb 
l'ordre su) i llavors executa el següent:

/etc/init.d/gdm restart

Això t'hauria de portar a un login gràfic. Pots commutar entre l'entorn gràfic 
i la consola amb Alt+Ctrl+F1 i Alt+Ctrl+F7.

En funció del resultat, fes el següent:

A) En cas que NO t'engegui l'entorn gràfic, cal veure perquè. Una molt bona 
pista la donen els logs de les X, o sia que escriu un altre missatge a la 
llista adjuntant el fitxer /var/log/Xorg.0.log

B) En cas que SI t'engegui l'entorn gràfic, aleshores cal fer-ho permanent 
(per algun motiu se t'haurà desconfigurat). Com obre un terminal (o ves al 
d'abans), fes-te root (si no ho ets ja) i tecleja:

update-rc.d gdm defaults

En principi, això hauria d'arreglar el problema. Si no és així, torna a 



A veure, 

going from Xwindows to console

2007-10-07 Thread jekillen

I've installed Debian 4.1 and would like to know how to
drop out of Xwindows into a console display. It seems
to be different from distro to distro. I tried F1, F2, etc;
command F1, F2, etc;
alt F1, F2, etc
shift F1, F2, etc
control F1, F2, etc.
So what is the magic incantation on Debian?
Xwindows usually runs on tty7or  tty8 as I
recall from Mandrake and Yellow Dog. And
it is accessed via F7 or F8.

Another question, I have installed without
the installation process contacting a mirror site.
The machine is on local net and I have had
another machine function as an http proxy
but disabled the proxy function because someone
discovered I was running a proxy for outbound
net traffic and was using it to bounce request
and tie up my network connection (static ips).
So, now if I want to install software from the
cds, I assume I need a public net connection.
Is that a correct assumption? I can hook it up
to a public ip address directly just for the sake
of software installation, BUT I would rather not.

Does Debian use tcpwrappers?

Thanks in advance;
Jeff K

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: going from Xwindows to console

2007-10-07 Thread John Fleming

- Original Message - 
From: jekillen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 6:28 PM
Subject: going from Xwindows to console

I've installed Debian 4.1 and would like to know how to
drop out of Xwindows into a console display. It seems
to be different from distro to distro. I tried F1, F2, etc;
command F1, F2, etc;
alt F1, F2, etc
shift F1, F2, etc
control F1, F2, etc.
So what is the magic incantation on Debian?
Xwindows usually runs on tty7or  tty8 as I
recall from Mandrake and Yellow Dog. And
it is accessed via F7 or F8.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: going from Xwindows to console

2007-10-07 Thread Kelly Clowers
On 10/7/07, jekillen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've installed Debian 4.1 and would like to know how to
 drop out of Xwindows into a console display. It seems
 to be different from distro to distro. I tried F1, F2, etc;
 command F1, F2, etc;
 alt F1, F2, etc
 shift F1, F2, etc
 control F1, F2, etc.
 So what is the magic incantation on Debian?
 Xwindows usually runs on tty7or  tty8 as I
 recall from Mandrake and Yellow Dog. And
 it is accessed via F7 or F8.

In X it is ctrl-alt-F?. On the consoles it is just alt-F?
X is on F7

 Another question, I have installed without
 the installation process contacting a mirror site.
 The machine is on local net and I have had
 another machine function as an http proxy
 but disabled the proxy function because someone
 discovered I was running a proxy for outbound
 net traffic and was using it to bounce request
 and tie up my network connection (static ips).

It should be possible to make the proxy work only
for your internal network.

 So, now if I want to install software from the
 cds, I assume I need a public net connection.
 Is that a correct assumption?

You can install software from the CDs without any
network at all.

 I can hook it up to a public ip address directly just
 for the sake of software installation, BUT I would
 rather not.

 Does Debian use tcpwrappers?

I don't know if it does by default, but the package is
certainly in the repo as libwrap and tcpd.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(solucionado el arranque de las Xwindows, explico como) Re: Problema con aceleración 3D (II) (continúa)

2006-10-06 Thread JCV
2006/10/6, ChEnChO [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
El 6/10/06, JCV[EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: Hola chicos, 2006/10/5, ChEnChO [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Manda el xorg.conf y el log del servidor.   --  ... may the source be with you...--  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   continúo probando instalando y configurando cosas para poder tener las X hasta que tb he reinstalado gnome-session etc... y sin ningún fruto, me sale
 pantalla azul con el botón de YES NO. ¿Alguien me puede dar pistas? antes de reinstalar todo por supuesto...a ver, según veo eso, y en mi caso con un kernel compilado por mi, losiguiente funciona:
modprobe radeon (notese que es en minúsculas)y en el xorg.conf, el driver que cargo es radeonDriver radeonpero como cada pc es un mundo... en fin.. que si ya no funciona conesto, me pasas la ip, tu pass de user, la de root y habilitas el ssh y
miro in situ :P--... may the source be with you...Hola gente, he conseguido recuperar mis X (por mas que reinstalaba drivers de ati, mesa, desisntalaba y reiniciaba y probaba etc...) este fue el unico comando salvador:
# dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorgLa salida de:# modprobe radeon# es nula... y continúo sin XGL y sin direct rendearing...Chencho, muchas gracias por tu ayuda, no me importaría en absoluto esa posibilidad del ssh (lo he hecho otras veces con otros amigos míos) pero primero me quiero pegar yo hasta que vea que no pueda mas... trato de no molestar agradeciendo la ayuda que ya estáis prestando, al menos, ya he recuperado la configuración básica de las X ;)
Saludos y hasta pronto (x desgracia)Víctor.

Re: Xwindows and Emacs

2006-08-18 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2006-07-02 16:27:49, schrieb Paul E Condon:
 Long ago, I was a RedHat user. When I moved to Debian, I kept a copy
 of a file, .Xresources, that made Emacs display under X in a way that
 I liked.  Now in trying to use Etch, I discover that the file doesn't
 work quite the way I want under xserver-xorg. I want to tweek it, but

mkdir ~/.Xresources
cp .Xresources ~/.Xresources/emacs

 emacs*font: fixed

or  echo emacs*font: fixed ~/.Xresources/emacs

Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSM LinuxMichi
0033/6/6192519367100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xwindows and Emacs

2006-07-04 Thread s. keeling
  Long ago, I was a RedHat user. When I moved to Debian, I kept a copy
  of a file, .Xresources, that made Emacs display under X in a way that
  I liked.  Now in trying to use Etch, I discover that the file doesn't
  work quite the way I want under xserver-xorg. I want to tweek it, but
  can't find docs that address my questions in a way that I recognize. I
  think my main issue is with the line:
  emacs*font: fixed

See if you have an app called xfontsel.  It's a GUI point and click
interface to fonts.  Note the spc column.  For terminal fonts, c
and m apply.  p is for proportional fonts, and don't work well in
terminal based apps.

fixed is defined by the X Window system as the fallback default
non-proportional (aka. fixed) spacing font, but there's many others to
choose from.  Fiddling with xfontsel for a bit will teach you a lot
about this.

When you find a font you want to try, you can either define it in
~/.Xresources then run xrdb -merge .Xresources or just run emacs
supplying the font's name on the command line (-fn|-font).

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling   Linux Counter #80292
- -http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.html
   Spammers! http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling/emails.html

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xwindows and Emacs

2006-07-04 Thread Paul E Condon
On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 01:47:04PM +, s. keeling wrote:
   Long ago, I was a RedHat user. When I moved to Debian, I kept a copy
   of a file, .Xresources, that made Emacs display under X in a way that
   I liked.  Now in trying to use Etch, I discover that the file doesn't
   work quite the way I want under xserver-xorg. I want to tweek it, but
   can't find docs that address my questions in a way that I recognize. I
   think my main issue is with the line:
   emacs*font: fixed
 See if you have an app called xfontsel.  It's a GUI point and click
 interface to fonts.  Note the spc column.  For terminal fonts, c
 and m apply.  p is for proportional fonts, and don't work well in
 terminal based apps.
 fixed is defined by the X Window system as the fallback default
 non-proportional (aka. fixed) spacing font, but there's many others to
 choose from.  Fiddling with xfontsel for a bit will teach you a lot
 about this.

This description of fixed is very helpful. I had thought it had to
be something like what you describe, but I haven't found any explanation
by googling. 

My adventure began when I noticed that fixed provided a different
font under xorg from the one I have been getting under xfree. From
this, I conclude it is implementation dependent. I'd like to find
where this default is set in xfree, and simply copy what is there into
my xorg resources. It seems to me a better way to get what I want than
searching vast libraries of weird fonts with my limited search skills.

But there is something incomplete about your explanation: when I don't
but the magic line into my resources, I still get a monospace font in
emacs windows, but it is a different one. So there appear to be two
defaults, the fixed one and the nil one. Do you happen to know where
the nil one is defined? Might that be in emacs?

Thanks, again.
Paul E Condon   

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xwindows and Emacs, fix typo

2006-07-04 Thread Paul E Condon
On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 12:18:35PM -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 01:47:04PM +, s. keeling wrote:
  Paul E Condon [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Long ago, I was a RedHat user. When I moved to Debian, I kept a copy
of a file, .Xresources, that made Emacs display under X in a way that
I liked.  Now in trying to use Etch, I discover that the file doesn't
work quite the way I want under xserver-xorg. I want to tweek it, but
can't find docs that address my questions in a way that I recognize. I
think my main issue is with the line:
emacs*font: fixed
  See if you have an app called xfontsel.  It's a GUI point and click
  interface to fonts.  Note the spc column.  For terminal fonts, c
  and m apply.  p is for proportional fonts, and don't work well in
  terminal based apps.
  fixed is defined by the X Window system as the fallback default
  non-proportional (aka. fixed) spacing font, but there's many others to
  choose from.  Fiddling with xfontsel for a bit will teach you a lot
  about this.
 This description of fixed is very helpful. I had thought it had to
 be something like what you describe, but I haven't found any explanation
 by googling. 
 My adventure began when I noticed that fixed provided a different
 font under xorg from the one I have been getting under xfree. From
 this, I conclude it is implementation dependent. I'd like to find
 where this default is set in xfree, and simply copy what is there into
 my xorg resources. It seems to me a better way to get what I want than
 searching vast libraries of weird fonts with my limited search skills.
 But there is something incomplete about your explanation: when I don't
 put the magic line into my resources, I still get a monospace font in
 emacs windows, but it is a different one. So there appear to be two
 defaults, the fixed one and the nil one. Do you happen to know where
Oops! It turns out 'nil' is a non-empty attribute specification key
word in X fonts.  I don't know what it means in the X windows context,
but whatever it is, that isn't what I intended in this email.

 the nil one is defined? Might that be in emacs?
 Thanks, again.

Also, as expected, I am, indeed, having some difficulty matching the
xfree definition of fixed by searching in xfontsel. 

Part of the appeal of open software is the
possibility of having it do what you want, not what some focus group
has led some marketers to believe you want. Its a wonderful promise,
but ... 

Paul E Condon   

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xwindows and Emacs

2006-07-04 Thread cga2000
On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 02:18:35PM EDT, Paul E Condon wrote:
 But there is something incomplete about your explanation: when I don't
 but the magic line into my resources, I still get a monospace font in
 emacs windows, but it is a different one. So there appear to be two
 defaults, the fixed one and the nil one. Do you happen to know where
 the nil one is defined? Might that be in emacs?
Take a peek at:


.. that's with XFree.. you may have to look in a different place with




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Re: Xwindows and Emacs

2006-07-04 Thread s. keeling
  On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 01:47:04PM +, s. keeling wrote:
  Paul E Condon [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
emacs*font: fixed
  See if you have an app called xfontsel.  It's a GUI point and click
  interface to fonts.  Note the spc column.  For terminal fonts, c
  and m apply.  p is for proportional fonts, and don't work well in
  fixed is defined by the X Window system as the fallback default
  non-proportional (aka. fixed) spacing font, but there's many others to
  My adventure began when I noticed that fixed provided a different
  font under xorg from the one I have been getting under xfree. From

Well, first understand that we've pretty much plumbed the depths of my
knowledge of font lower levels.  However, here's a couple that I have
left.  You can get the same sort of strange behaviour by rearranging
the order of the FontPath lines in your X config file.  I have:


What does the /:unscaled mean?  What happens when you put the 75dpi
lines before the 100dpi lines?

What happens when you go from the above defining fonts for X, to
something like xfs (X Font Server) defining fonts for X?

I thought a font was a simple matrix bitmap defining pixels to turn on
or off or shade or colorize.  Smiple.  No, beyond that little matrix
is a vast array of fantastically specialized machinery that does
magical things with that little matrix.  BTW:


Pretty.  :-)

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling   Linux Counter #80292
- -http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.html
   Spammers! http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling/emails.html

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Re: Xwindows and Emacs

2006-07-04 Thread Paul E Condon
On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 04:41:33PM -0400, cga2000 wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 02:18:35PM EDT, Paul E Condon wrote:
  But there is something incomplete about your explanation: when I don't
  but the magic line into my resources, I still get a monospace font in
  emacs windows, but it is a different one. So there appear to be two
  defaults, the fixed one and the nil one. Do you happen to know where
  the nil one is defined? Might that be in emacs?
 Take a peek at:
 .. that's with XFree.. you may have to look in a different place with

This is exactly what I wanted to learn! Thanks.
And I'll do a find on fonts.alias the next time I boot Etch.

Paul E Condon   

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xwindows and Emacs

2006-07-04 Thread Paul E Condon
On Wed, Jul 05, 2006 at 01:37:31AM +, s. keeling wrote:
   On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 01:47:04PM +, s. keeling wrote:
   Paul E Condon [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 emacs*font: fixed
   See if you have an app called xfontsel.  It's a GUI point and click
   interface to fonts.  Note the spc column.  For terminal fonts, c
   and m apply.  p is for proportional fonts, and don't work well in
   fixed is defined by the X Window system as the fallback default
   non-proportional (aka. fixed) spacing font, but there's many others to
   My adventure began when I noticed that fixed provided a different
   font under xorg from the one I have been getting under xfree. From
 Well, first understand that we've pretty much plumbed the depths of my
 knowledge of font lower levels.  However, here's a couple that I have
 left.  You can get the same sort of strange behaviour by rearranging
 the order of the FontPath lines in your X config file.  I have:
 What does the /:unscaled mean?  What happens when you put the 75dpi
 lines before the 100dpi lines?
 What happens when you go from the above defining fonts for X, to
 something like xfs (X Font Server) defining fonts for X?
 I thought a font was a simple matrix bitmap defining pixels to turn on
 or off or shade or colorize.  Smiple.  No, beyond that little matrix
 is a vast array of fantastically specialized machinery that does
 magical things with that little matrix.  BTW:

I like it! 
And I think I need to stop searching for my perfect emacs font and do some 

Thanks to all, I've learned a lot.

Paul E Condon   

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xwindows and Emacs

2006-07-03 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
Did you take a look into the emacs info pages or the text file
/usr/share/emacs/21.4/etc/DOC-21.4 (depending on your emacs version)?
I use a line like
emacs*Font: 7x13
in my .Xdefaults file.


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Xwindows and Emacs

2006-07-02 Thread Paul E Condon
Long ago, I was a RedHat user. When I moved to Debian, I kept a copy
of a file, .Xresources, that made Emacs display under X in a way that
I liked.  Now in trying to use Etch, I discover that the file doesn't
work quite the way I want under xserver-xorg. I want to tweek it, but
can't find docs that address my questions in a way that I recognize. I
think my main issue is with the line:

emacs*font: fixed

This is used in a lot of X config files that are published on the web,
but I can't find any information about what its actually intended to do.
For me, it changes the size of the font that is used to display the text
being editted. Without this line the size is bigish, with this line it 
is smaller by two or three points. In Etch, with this line, the text is
also in condensed type, that is the letters are scrunched together so as
to fit more letters in a given space. 

So, there appear to be default font selections set up somewhere and this
line switches among them. Where are these defaults set up? In both xorg
and in xfree? Where can I find an explanation of the value 'fixed' in
this context? What other values are accepted in this line? What do the
other values do? Etc.? 

Paul E Condon   

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xwindows and Emacs

2006-07-02 Thread marciotex

Hi Paul

$ man xrdb

can help you.

$ xrdb -query
$ xrdb -load file_contains_resources

are good starts.


Paul E Condon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Long ago, I was a RedHat user. When I moved to Debian, I kept a copy
 of a file, .Xresources, that made Emacs display under X in a way that
 I liked.  Now in trying to use Etch, I discover that the file doesn't
 work quite the way I want under xserver-xorg. I want to tweek it, but
 can't find docs that address my questions in a way that I recognize. I
 think my main issue is with the line:

 emacs*font: fixed

 This is used in a lot of X config files that are published on the web,
 but I can't find any information about what its actually intended to do.
 For me, it changes the size of the font that is used to display the text
 being editted. Without this line the size is bigish, with this line it 
 is smaller by two or three points. In Etch, with this line, the text is
 also in condensed type, that is the letters are scrunched together so as
 to fit more letters in a given space. 

 So, there appear to be default font selections set up somewhere and this
 line switches among them. Where are these defaults set up? In both xorg
 and in xfree? Where can I find an explanation of the value 'fixed' in
 this context? What other values are accepted in this line? What do the
 other values do? Etc.? 

 Paul E Condon   

Marcio Roberto Teixeira

chave pública: hkp://wwwkeys.pgp.net
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Usuário tchê Debian/GNULinux

Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fwd: AMD64 y XWindows -- No Screens Found

2006-05-07 Thread Aritz Beraza Garayalde [Rei]

 hola, llevo no se cuantas horas probando varias cosas sin ningún éxito.
 Como el compañero decía que Debian a pasado la distro AMD64 a testing,
 he probado a instalarme las xorg haber si conseguia hacer algo bueno
 pero no hay manera.

 en el source.list tego -- ftp://ftp.es.debian.org/debian testing main
 contrib non-free
 pero no me sirve de mucho por que me encuentra los paquetes:

 pero no estan ni:


curioso no son obligatorios, pero facilitan la instalacion de las xorg.

Si te instalas a mano el x11-common, el xserver-xorg-video de tu tarjeta de 
video, los xserver-xorg-input xserver-xorg-input-evdev 
xserver-xorg-input-kbd xserver-xorg-input-mouse
 y algun paquete de fuentes deberia funcionar. Este problema deberia ser 
solo temporal, hasta que todos los mirrors tengan todos los paquetes, pero 
si tu mirror no esta actualizado del todo te pasan cosas como esta... (lo 
curioso es que yo tengo el mismo mirror y a mi me ha ido perfectamente).

 que parece que son necesarios.

 Buscando por la google he encontrado una web de Debian donde tu le
 indicas el paquete que buscas y te muestra un listado de las
 dependencias con otros paquetes y como bajarlos por FTP. Con esto me
 he dado cuenta de ke tambien faltan un montón de librerias con las que
 tiene dependencias como libc6, libfontec1, etc... y a la vez dependen

ya las instalara apt solo. La pagina que dices me imagino que es 
packages.debian.org muy util la verdad.

 de otras... y esto es un no parar de dependencias y dolor de cabeza
 que uno se ahorra con APT.

 no hay una forma de bajarse los paquetes con sus dependencias??

 en una web he visto un repositorio pero parece que ya no funciona, es
 este: deb http://freedesktop.org/~jamey/debian testing main

Es muy viejo...

 he encontrado otra web con un manual que cuenta como compilarse uno
 mismo las xorg, pero el mismo autor dice algo así como es una chapuza
 pero funciona... y la verdad es ke eso ya no anima mucho a probarlo.

Lo escribi hace dos anyos... ni se te ocurra seguir los pasos que se 
comentan. Como bien dije, era una chapuza para poder compilar tu xorg y 
que el sistema de paquetes de debian no se entrometiese ni se volviese 
loco. Hoy han cambiado muchas cosas y ya no funcionaria.

 Sin contar que no tengo ni idea de como compliar cualquier cosa... Ya
 se que hay que ser positivo y todo eso, pero sin saber compilar,
 probarlo por primera vez con algo que se define públicamente como
 chapuza, me da a mi que tiene pocas posibilidades de éxito, je je

Compilar es facil (suelen ser siempre los mismos tres 
comandos: ./configure, make, make install), pero el problema es la parte 
de enganyar al sistema de paquetes de debian... 

 Total, como no soy capaz de encontrar algo decente. Haber si con
 vuestra sabiduria me podeis ayudar

Prueba a instalar a mano los paquetes que te he mencionado, recuerda 
instalar un par de paquetes de fuentes (xfonts-base al menos).

Saludos y suerte
Aritz Beraza [Rei]
Aritz Beraza Garayalde [Rei]   [http://www.ayanami.es] 
- No enviarás correos en HTML a La Lista.
- No harás top-posting, responderás siempre debajo del mail original.
- No harás Fwd, a La Lista, siempre reply.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Fwd: AMD64 y XWindows -- No Screens Found

2006-05-06 Thread charlie parker

2006/5/6, Aritz Beraza Garayalde [Rei] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

El Viernes, 5 de Mayo de 2006 15:09, charlie parker escribió:
 TEngo un AMD64 3200+ con una ATI Radeon 9550. El chipset de la placa
 Base es NVidia.

  Primero instalé la versión etzh con una iso amd64 de netinst. Instaló
 todo bien y arrancó con el entrono gráfico a la primera sin mas
 problemas. Pero cuando intentaba instalar cualquier cosa, siempre
 tenía problemas de dependencias y no paraba de salir el mensaje de que
 lo encontraba pero no se instalará...  Así que decidí quitar esa
 instalación ya que era demasiado nivel para mí.

Debian ADM64 acaba de migrar a los servidores oficiales, mira
tu /etc/apt/sources.list
deberías tener una linea como esta:
deb ftp://ftp.es.debian.org/debian/ testing main contrib non-free
(testing == etch)

  Me bajé la iso de amd64 Testing. Se instaló todo correctamente, pero
 no va el entorno gráfico. He probado con dpkg-reconfigure
 xserver-xfree86 pero sigue sin funcionar. He probado a modificar
 manualmente el archivo /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 pero tampoco. El
 mensaje de error dice:

prueba mejor con xorg

  (EE) No Devices detected
  Fatal Server Error:
  no screens found

configura correctamente las frecuencias de refresco horizontal y vertical
del monitor (tras el dpkg-reconfigure, hacia el final, cuando te pide por
configurar el monitor, selecciona el modo advanced y allí las podras

  Al ejecutar lspci la tarjeta está en :05:0.0 y :05:0.1 ya que
 tiene salida para monitor y televisor. La tarjeta está en la
 interrupción 5 según el sistema y según la BIOS. Al ejecutar
 dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86, el asistente dice que hay que
 poner el BusID de la tarjeta en decimal, pero no tengo ni idea de como

dale a enter, el solo lo autodetecta si dejas esto en blanco

 poner eso, a lo mas que llego es a saber que se encuentra en
 PCI:05:00:0...He probado a poner un montón de combinaciones
 pero   ...nada.

  Como le puedo indicar donde está la screen?

  He visto que recomendaban usar Xorg en lugar de Xfree86 porque dice
 que Xfree86 está obsoleto. Por que está obsoleto. Por lo que pude
 averiguar Debian ha modificado el servidor Xfree86 y parece que lo usa
 por default.

En stable se sigue usando xfree, pero piensa que lleva años sin
actualizarse xfree (la versión con licencia libre), así que no tiene
drivers actuales ni nada (posiblemente tu radeon no este soportada). Xorg
lleva disponible bastante tiempo en debian (en testing de momento es una
alternativa, pero me imagino que enseguida lo quitarán.

Aritz Beraza [Rei]
Aritz Beraza Garayalde [Rei]   [http://www.ayanami.es]
- No enviarás correos en HTML a La Lista.
- No harás top-posting, responderás siempre debajo del mail original.
- No harás Fwd, a La Lista, siempre reply.

ke tal, como he leido los 3 mandamientos de las líneas de arriba, lo
pongo acontinuación ;-):

hola, llevo no se cuantas horas probando varias cosas sin ningún éxito.
Como el compañero decía que Debian a pasado la distro AMD64 a testing,
he probado a instalarme las xorg haber si conseguia hacer algo bueno
pero no hay manera.

en el source.list tego -- ftp://ftp.es.debian.org/debian testing main
contrib non-free
pero no me sirve de mucho por que me encuentra los paquetes:

pero no estan ni:

que parece que son necesarios.

Buscando por la google he encontrado una web de Debian donde tu le
indicas el paquete que buscas y te muestra un listado de las
dependencias con otros paquetes y como bajarlos por FTP. Con esto me
he dado cuenta de ke tambien faltan un montón de librerias con las que
tiene dependencias como libc6, libfontec1, etc... y a la vez dependen
de otras... y esto es un no parar de dependencias y dolor de cabeza
que uno se ahorra con APT.

no hay una forma de bajarse los paquetes con sus dependencias??

en una web he visto un repositorio pero parece que ya no funciona, es este:
deb http://freedesktop.org/~jamey/debian testing main

he encontrado otra web con un manual que cuenta como compilarse uno
mismo las xorg, pero el mismo autor dice algo así como es una chapuza
pero funciona... y la verdad es ke eso ya no anima mucho a probarlo.
Sin contar que no tengo ni idea de como compliar cualquier cosa... Ya
se que hay que ser positivo y todo eso, pero sin saber compilar,
probarlo por primera vez con algo que se define públicamente como
chapuza, me da a mi que tiene pocas posibilidades de éxito, je je

Total, como no soy capaz de encontrar algo decente. Haber si con
vuestra sabiduria me podeis ayudar

un saludo a todos

Fwd: AMD64 y XWindows -- No Screens Found

2006-05-05 Thread charlie parker

TEngo un AMD64 3200+ con una ATI Radeon 9550. El chipset de la placa
Base es NVidia.

Primero instalé la versión etzh con una iso amd64 de netinst. Instaló
todo bien y arrancó con el entrono gráfico a la primera sin mas
problemas. Pero cuando intentaba instalar cualquier cosa, siempre
tenía problemas de dependencias y no paraba de salir el mensaje de que
lo encontraba pero no se instalará...  Así que decidí quitar esa
instalación ya que era demasiado nivel para mí.

Me bajé la iso de amd64 Testing. Se instaló todo correctamente, pero
no va el entorno gráfico. He probado con dpkg-reconfigure
xserver-xfree86 pero sigue sin funcionar. He probado a modificar
manualmente el archivo /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 pero tampoco. El
mensaje de error dice:

(EE) No Devices detected
Fatal Server Error:
no screens found

Al ejecutar lspci la tarjeta está en :05:0.0 y :05:0.1 ya que
tiene salida para monitor y televisor. La tarjeta está en la
interrupción 5 según el sistema y según la BIOS. Al ejecutar
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86, el asistente dice que hay que
poner el BusID de la tarjeta en decimal, pero no tengo ni idea de como
poner eso, a lo mas que llego es a saber que se encuentra en
PCI:05:00:0...He probado a poner un montón de combinaciones
pero   ...nada.

Como le puedo indicar donde está la screen?

He visto que recomendaban usar Xorg en lugar de Xfree86 porque dice
que Xfree86 está obsoleto. Por que está obsoleto. Por lo que pude
averiguar Debian ha modificado el servidor Xfree86 y parece que lo usa
por default.

espero que me podais aclarar alguna cosa,



Re: Fwd: AMD64 y XWindows -- No Screens Found

2006-05-05 Thread elboube
On Fri, May 05, 2006 at 05:09:52PM +0200, charlie parker wrote:

 (EE) No Devices detected
 Fatal Server Error:
 no screens found

Fijate en los errores que vienen antes. Todos los errores llevan (EE) delante.


De nada.



Las autoridades sanitarias advierten que usar software privativo
es perjudicial para su maquina. Sé libre. Usa GNU/Linux.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fwd: AMD64 y XWindows -- No Screens Found

2006-05-05 Thread Aritz Beraza Garayalde [Rei]
El Viernes, 5 de Mayo de 2006 15:09, charlie parker escribió:
 TEngo un AMD64 3200+ con una ATI Radeon 9550. El chipset de la placa
 Base es NVidia.

  Primero instalé la versión etzh con una iso amd64 de netinst. Instaló
 todo bien y arrancó con el entrono gráfico a la primera sin mas
 problemas. Pero cuando intentaba instalar cualquier cosa, siempre
 tenía problemas de dependencias y no paraba de salir el mensaje de que
 lo encontraba pero no se instalará...  Así que decidí quitar esa
 instalación ya que era demasiado nivel para mí.

Debian ADM64 acaba de migrar a los servidores oficiales, mira 
tu /etc/apt/sources.list
deberías tener una linea como esta:
deb ftp://ftp.es.debian.org/debian/ testing main contrib non-free
(testing == etch)

  Me bajé la iso de amd64 Testing. Se instaló todo correctamente, pero
 no va el entorno gráfico. He probado con dpkg-reconfigure
 xserver-xfree86 pero sigue sin funcionar. He probado a modificar
 manualmente el archivo /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 pero tampoco. El
 mensaje de error dice:

prueba mejor con xorg

  (EE) No Devices detected
  Fatal Server Error:
  no screens found

configura correctamente las frecuencias de refresco horizontal y vertical 
del monitor (tras el dpkg-reconfigure, hacia el final, cuando te pide por 
configurar el monitor, selecciona el modo advanced y allí las podras 

  Al ejecutar lspci la tarjeta está en :05:0.0 y :05:0.1 ya que
 tiene salida para monitor y televisor. La tarjeta está en la
 interrupción 5 según el sistema y según la BIOS. Al ejecutar
 dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86, el asistente dice que hay que
 poner el BusID de la tarjeta en decimal, pero no tengo ni idea de como

dale a enter, el solo lo autodetecta si dejas esto en blanco

 poner eso, a lo mas que llego es a saber que se encuentra en
 PCI:05:00:0...He probado a poner un montón de combinaciones
 pero   ...nada.

  Como le puedo indicar donde está la screen?

  He visto que recomendaban usar Xorg en lugar de Xfree86 porque dice
 que Xfree86 está obsoleto. Por que está obsoleto. Por lo que pude
 averiguar Debian ha modificado el servidor Xfree86 y parece que lo usa
 por default.

En stable se sigue usando xfree, pero piensa que lleva años sin 
actualizarse xfree (la versión con licencia libre), así que no tiene 
drivers actuales ni nada (posiblemente tu radeon no este soportada). Xorg 
lleva disponible bastante tiempo en debian (en testing de momento es una 
alternativa, pero me imagino que enseguida lo quitarán.

Aritz Beraza [Rei]
Aritz Beraza Garayalde [Rei]   [http://www.ayanami.es] 
- No enviarás correos en HTML a La Lista.
- No harás top-posting, responderás siempre debajo del mail original.
- No harás Fwd, a La Lista, siempre reply.

Description: PGP signature

Configuration de xwindows à l'installation.

2005-09-25 Thread Daniel Gois

Je me suis essayé à Mandrake, je n'ai pas de repproche à lui faire si ce
n'est de nouvelles distributions à ne plus savoir qu'en faire.
J'ai essayé d'installer la sarge mais à la fin de l'installation je me
suis retrouvé avec un écran en 640/480 je ne vous dit que cela

j'ai une carte ati radéon rv280 5964  et un moniteur medion tft 21

je voudrais essayer de réinstaller la sarge mais avant je voudrais
savoir comment faire pour configurer convenablement le graphique à

Je tiens à vous préciser que je suis nul en informatique

Merci pour votre aide

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Re: Configuration de xwindows à l'installation.

2005-09-25 Thread anarkyst
Le dimanche 25 septembre 2005 à 11:44 +0200, Daniel Gois a écrit :
 Je me suis essayé à Mandrake, je n'ai pas de repproche à lui faire si ce
 n'est de nouvelles distributions à ne plus savoir qu'en faire.
 J'ai essayé d'installer la sarge mais à la fin de l'installation je me
 suis retrouvé avec un écran en 640/480 je ne vous dit que cela
 j'ai une carte ati radéon rv280 5964  et un moniteur medion tft 21
 je voudrais essayer de réinstaller la sarge mais avant je voudrais
 savoir comment faire pour configurer convenablement le graphique à
 Je tiens à vous préciser que je suis nul en informatique
 Merci pour votre aide

Vois de ce côté ci : http://jmichau.free.fr/sarge_netinst/index.html

Où il est expliqué que l'installation se fait sans le mode graphique, tu
le configure après.

Bonne chance.

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Re: Configuration de xwindows à l'installation.

2005-09-25 Thread Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)

Le 25.09.2005 11:44:41, Daniel Gois a écrit :


C'st xwindow, sans 's' à la fin.

Je me suis essayé à Mandrake, je n'ai pas de repproche à lui faire si
n'est de nouvelles distributions à ne plus savoir qu'en faire.
J'ai essayé d'installer la sarge mais à la fin de l'installation je me
suis retrouvé avec un écran en 640/480 je ne vous dit que cela

j'ai une carte ati radéon rv280 5964  et un moniteur medion tft 21

je voudrais essayer de réinstaller la sarge mais avant je voudrais
savoir comment faire pour configurer convenablement le graphique à

Il n'est sans doute pas nécessaire de refaire une installation pour  
modifier la résolution d'un écran...

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 devrait vous permettre d'avoir le  
questionnaire gconf et d'entrer les paramètres correspondant à votre  
carte graphique et à votre écran.

Pour que cette commande modifie votre fichier de configuration  
(:etc/X11/XF86Config-4), il faut que vous ne l'ayez pas modifié  
vous-même auparavant.

Je tiens à vous préciser que je suis nul en informatique

Ça n'a rien à voir : ce n'est pas de l'informatique :)

Merci pour votre aide


Description: PGP signature

Re: Configuration de xwindows à l'installation.

2005-09-25 Thread Daniel Gois
Le dimanche 25 septembre 2005 à 10:59 +, Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh) a
écrit :
 Le 25.09.2005 11:44:41, Daniel Gois a écrit :
 C'st xwindow, sans 's' à la fin.
Merci je vais me corriger
  Je me suis essayé à Mandrake, je n'ai pas de repproche à lui faire si
  n'est de nouvelles distributions à ne plus savoir qu'en faire.
  J'ai essayé d'installer la sarge mais à la fin de l'installation je me
  suis retrouvé avec un écran en 640/480 je ne vous dit que cela
  j'ai une carte ati radéon rv280 5964  et un moniteur medion tft 21
  je voudrais essayer de réinstaller la sarge mais avant je voudrais
  savoir comment faire pour configurer convenablement le graphique à
 Il n'est sans doute pas nécessaire de refaire une installation pour  
 modifier la résolution d'un écran...
 dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 devrait vous permettre d'avoir le  
 questionnaire gconf et d'entrer les paramètres correspondant à votre  
 carte graphique et à votre écran.
 Pour que cette commande modifie votre fichier de configuration  
 (:etc/X11/XF86Config-4), il faut que vous ne l'ayez pas modifié  
 vous-même auparavant.
Merci pour votre aide, Je vais réinstaller la sarge je vous tiendrai au

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Re: xwindows

2005-05-13 Thread Wackojacko
On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 06:04:51PM -0700, asc wrote:
I can't get this to start it has a failure.
How do I reconfigure this?
as root:
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
You also have to reset the md5sum of /etc/X11/XF86config-4, see the header 
of this file for details.


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Re: xwindows

2005-05-13 Thread Lee Braiden
On Friday 13 May 2005 10:48, Wackojacko wrote:
 You also have to reset the md5sum of /etc/X11/XF86config-4, see the header
 of this file for details.

Can't you just delete the config file and re-run dpkg-reconfigure?  I think 
that has worked for me in the past, but maybe I imagined it :)  The md5 
approach seems overly complicated to reconfigure a file :)


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Re: xwindows

2005-05-13 Thread Wackojacko
Can't you just delete the config file and re-run dpkg-reconfigure?  I 
that has worked for me in the past, but maybe I imagined it :)
Not sure, I am noob myself so I might try this next time.
The md5 approach seems overly complicated to reconfigure a file :)
Couldn't agree more:)  You do have to rename the original file so as not to 
overwrite it, so I would have thought this was the same as deleting it.  I 
do like to keep a copy of the original as it invariably has to be tweaked 
after running dpkg-reconfigure, in my case anyway.


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2005-05-12 Thread asc
I can't get this to start it has a failure.

How do I reconfigure this?

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Re: xwindows

2005-05-12 Thread Angelina Carlton
On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 06:04:51PM -0700, asc wrote:
 I can't get this to start it has a failure.
 How do I reconfigure this?

as root:

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86

also look at /var/log/XFree86.0.log for errors
look for lines beginning with (WW) for warnings and more importantly
(EE) for errors 
If you cannot get it fixed, post those errors to this list.
Angelina Carlton

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Re: Xwindows no arranca al inicio

2004-12-07 Thread Pedro Insua F.
On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 07:24:29PM -0600, Cesar Munoz Palomino wrote:
 Hace unos días instalé debian sarge, parece ser que por default no instala o 
 mejor dicho, no configura el arranque para iniciar en modo gráfico, pregunté 
 en este foro el por qué no funcionaba en el entorno gráfico, me dieron varias 
 respuestas (Gracias a todos) pero ninguna funcionó :( después investigué y 
 descubrí el comando startx y funcionó!!!, mis preguntas son ¿cómo puedo hacer 
 para que funcione desde el principio el modo gráfico, incluyendo el login? y 
 segundo por default sarge deja gnome pero a mi realmente me gusta KDE, ¿Cómo 
 puedo cambiarlo?


Si, startx inicia el servidor X. Ahora para que despues de
iniciar aparezca em modo grafico com login y demás (y ya que
te gusta KDE), instala 'kdm' (apt-get install kdm) y todo




Porqué loitar e matar, se podes amar e sonhar

/ \

Re: Xwindows no arranca al inicio

2004-12-07 Thread Aaron Martinez

apt-get install discover read-edid mdetect  dpkg --force-depends -P
xserver-xfree86  apt-get install xserver-xfree86 (or
o pone dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 works.
y dile no al framebutter

Xwindows no arranca al inicio

2004-12-06 Thread Cesar Munoz Palomino
Hace unos días instalé debian sarge, parece ser que por default no instala o 
mejor dicho, no configura el arranque para iniciar en modo gráfico, pregunté en 
este foro el por qué no funcionaba en el entorno gráfico, me dieron varias 
respuestas (Gracias a todos) pero ninguna funcionó :( después investigué y 
descubrí el comando startx y funcionó!!!, mis preguntas son ¿cómo puedo hacer 
para que funcione desde el principio el modo gráfico, incluyendo el login? y 
segundo por default sarge deja gnome pero a mi realmente me gusta KDE, ¿Cómo 
puedo cambiarlo?


Re: Xwindows no arranca al inicio

2004-12-06 Thread A. Ramos
Bien, pues tienes 2 opciones, o configuras el gestor por defecto 'xdm'
para que te inicie por defecto el entorno grfico que tu quieras... o si
no quieres 'complicarte la vida' (entrecomillo porque no es muy difcil
hacer eso)... puedes instalar los login manager de gnome (gdm) o el de
kde (kdm)... cualquiera de ellos te permitir arrancar cualquier entorno
grfico o sistema de ventanas que tengas instalado.

Si te gusta KDE, para ir acorde con l (aunque repito que no es una
regla estricta) puedes instalar kdm con:

# apt-get install kdm

Durante la configuracin, te preguntar qu login manager quieres que
gestione tu arranque.. indcale que 'kmd'... y la prxima vez que
reinicies las X, tendrs el entorno grfico funcionando.

Salu2 y suerte

On Mon, 2004-12-06 at 19:24 -0600, Cesar Munoz Palomino wrote:
 Hace unos das instal debian sarge, parece ser que por default no instala 
 o mejor dicho, no configura el arranque para iniciar en modo grfico, 
 pregunt en este foro el por qu no funcionaba en el entorno grfico, me 
 dieron varias respuestas (Gracias a todos) pero ninguna funcion :( despus 
 investigu y descubr el comando startx y funcion!!!, mis preguntas son 
 cmo puedo hacer para que funcione desde el principio el modo grfico, 
 incluyendo el login? y segundo por default sarge deja gnome pero a mi 
 realmente me gusta KDE, Cmo puedo cambiarlo?
Vctor A. Ramos itchysoft_AT_yahoo_DOT_es

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Re: udev with Xwindows and winmodems,

2004-10-23 Thread Paolo Alexis Falcone
On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 15:33:16 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Having installed the udev.deb package, the following problems have been
 1) Xwindows does not start unless first, /etc/init.d/udev stop
 Once Xwindows is up, it is retained after /etc/init.d/udev restart

I'm using udev myself on a Dell Latitude C640 running Debian Unstable.
Didn't encounter that problem on a stock install.  What hardware are
you running udev on? Chipset of your video card?
 2) The Lucent winmodem uses   /dev/ttyLT0  c 62  64
 with a symbolic link to it.   Neither is in the /dev/  created during a
 bootup with udev called

Load the appropriate module first.

 3) /dev/ppp needed for dialup is not created by udev either.

You'd need to load the module for ppp first.

Paolo Alexis Falcone

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Re: udev with Xwindows and winmodems,

2004-10-23 Thread Kevin Mark
On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 03:33:16PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Having installed the udev.deb package, the following problems have been
 1) Xwindows does not start unless first, /etc/init.d/udev stop
 Once Xwindows is up, it is retained after /etc/init.d/udev restart
 2) The Lucent winmodem uses   /dev/ttyLT0  c 62  64 
 with a symbolic link to it.   Neither is in the /dev/  created during a
 bootup with udev called
 3) /dev/ppp needed for dialup is not created by udev either.
Hi Marv,
had the same issue:

add 'M ppp c 108 0' to '/etc/udev/links.conf'



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udev with Xwindows and winmodems,

2004-10-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Having installed the udev.deb package, the following problems have been

1) Xwindows does not start unless first, /etc/init.d/udev stop
Once Xwindows is up, it is retained after /etc/init.d/udev restart

2) The Lucent winmodem uses   /dev/ttyLT0  c 62  64 
with a symbolic link to it.   Neither is in the /dev/  created during a
bootup with udev called

3) /dev/ppp needed for dialup is not created by udev either.

Suggestions would be appreciated as the udev documentation is still quite
lean and the provided examples are not cogent to these three problems.


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strange Xwindows problem Sarge

2004-10-18 Thread RituRaj

I successfully installed and configured debian sarge.
Xwindows is also configured. My system is on DHCP.
After changing the hostname, i rebooted the system.

Now i am able to run GUI i.e startx by root account.
But i am not able to run startx with unprivileged
First time as i used to run startx it used give error
about display name hostname:0. But now after adding
DNS entry for my new hostname, it just does not give
any error. Whenever i run startx the screen flashes X
and mouse cross icon...then dies.

But it works with root

Please help

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Re: strange Xwindows problem Sarge

2004-10-18 Thread RituRaj

I resolved the problem!

just renamed my .xinitrc in my homw dir and again ran
Cheers! it works!

--- RituRaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I successfully installed and configured debian
 Xwindows is also configured. My system is on DHCP.
 After changing the hostname, i rebooted the system.
 Now i am able to run GUI i.e startx by root account.
 But i am not able to run startx with unprivileged
 First time as i used to run startx it used give
 about display name hostname:0. But now after
 DNS entry for my new hostname, it just does not give
 any error. Whenever i run startx the screen flashes
 and mouse cross icon...then dies.
 But it works with root
 Please help
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Re: strange Xwindows problem Sarge

2004-10-18 Thread Alexis Huxley
 First time as i used to run startx it used give error
 about display name hostname:0. But now after adding
 DNS entry for my new hostname, it just does not give
 any error. Whenever i run startx the screen flashes X
 and mouse cross icon...then dies.

So then you're back to the text console, right? What
output did X produce?

If you run 'X' directly (rather than calling 'startx')
does that at least keep the 'stippled' background on
the screen until you kill it?

But it worked as a non-root user *before* you changed
the hostname? If yes, then there is probably some
file you forgot to change. How about running:

find /etc -type f | xargs grep -l oldhostname

Did you change only the host-portion of the hostname or
also the domain-portion? 

Possible files to check are:


You could also try reverting to the old hostname and
then googling for the full procedure for changing the
hostname :-)


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Debian, Xwindows, USB Mouse and GeForce 4

2004-08-04 Thread Richard Cavell
I have an unremarkable Pentium 4-class machine that I wish to operate as 
a webserver.  I have installed Debian (v 3.0 r2 i386, the latest 
Woody) from CD.  I have a GeForce4 Ti 4200 and a Logitech Dual Optical 
mouse plugged into my USB port.

When I type 'startx' I get 'Fatal server error'.  The error messages are 
too numerous to fit onto one screen but they are basically variations on 
the theme of 'no compatible video card found'

I have used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 to declare my video card to 
be 'nv', 'vesa' or 'vga'.  VGA seems to get me closer than ever before, 
but startx still results in 'Fatal server error'.

I have downloaded the Linux drivers from the NVidia website (a script 
called nvidia-linux-x86...).  When I run it, it complains that

'No precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel'.  It 
tries to, but can't find one from nVidia's ftp site.  It therefore asks 
me to ensure my kernel's source is on my computer so that it can compile 
its own.  (There is currently no kernel source on my computer).

So now I guess I need to put my kernel source on my computer.  How do I 
do this?  apt-get install kernel-source results in a selection, none of 
which I think are relevant to my kerenel.

What do I have to tell the dpkg configuration screens to make X windows 
recognize my USB mouse?  At the moment it says 'Cannot open device 
/dev/psaux' (or whatever else I say my mouse is).

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Re: Debian, Xwindows, USB Mouse and GeForce 4

2004-08-04 Thread Pete Clarke
 I have an unremarkable Pentium 4-class machine that I wish to operate as 
 a webserver.  I have installed Debian (v 3.0 r2 i386, the latest 
 When I type 'startx' I get 'Fatal server error'.  The error messages are 
 too numerous to fit onto one screen but they are basically variations on 
 the theme of 'no compatible video card found'

Is there a specific reason you want X on a webserver?



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Re: Debian, Xwindows, USB Mouse and GeForce 4

2004-08-04 Thread Vijaya S
Try installing this package
apt-get install  x-window-system
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
then startx

Pete Clarke wrote:

  I have an unremarkable Pentium 4-class machine that I wish to operate as
  a webserver.  I have installed Debian (v 3.0 r2 i386, the latest
  When I type 'startx' I get 'Fatal server error'.  The error messages are
  too numerous to fit onto one screen but they are basically variations on
  the theme of 'no compatible video card found'

 Is there a specific reason you want X on a webserver?



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Re: Debian, Xwindows, USB Mouse and GeForce 4

2004-08-04 Thread matt zagrabelny
On Wed, 2004-08-04 at 06:53, Richard Cavell wrote:
 I have an unremarkable Pentium 4-class machine that I wish to operate as 
 a webserver.  I have installed Debian (v 3.0 r2 i386, the latest 
 Woody) from CD.  I have a GeForce4 Ti 4200 and a Logitech Dual Optical 
 mouse plugged into my USB port.
 When I type 'startx' I get 'Fatal server error'.  The error messages are 
 too numerous to fit onto one screen but they are basically variations on 
 the theme of 'no compatible video card found'
 I have used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 to declare my video card to 
 be 'nv', 'vesa' or 'vga'.  VGA seems to get me closer than ever before, 
 but startx still results in 'Fatal server error'.
 I have downloaded the Linux drivers from the NVidia website (a script 
 called nvidia-linux-x86...).  When I run it, it complains that
 'No precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel'.  It 
 tries to, but can't find one from nVidia's ftp site.  It therefore asks 
 me to ensure my kernel's source is on my computer so that it can compile 
 its own.  (There is currently no kernel source on my computer).
 So now I guess I need to put my kernel source on my computer.  How do I 
 do this?  apt-get install kernel-source results in a selection, none of 
 which I think are relevant to my kerenel.
 What do I have to tell the dpkg configuration screens to make X windows 
 recognize my USB mouse?  At the moment it says 'Cannot open device 
 /dev/psaux' (or whatever else I say my mouse is).

regarding your video card: this can be easily fixed if you want to
compile your own kernel.

the two most important packages are:
kernel-source-some version (perhaps 2.6.7)

the best way to compile this is probably using the debian kernel-package
method. there is a good howto on newbiedoc.sourceforge.net on compiling
your own kernel with kernel-package, check it out.

there is more that could be said right now, but decide if compiling your
own kernel is the method you want to go with. if you have more
questions, we can help.


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Re: Debian, Xwindows, USB Mouse and GeForce 4

2004-08-04 Thread Adrian Tucker
 a webserver.  I have installed Debian (v 3.0 r2 i386, the latest 
 Woody) from CD.  I have a GeForce4 Ti 4200 and a Logitech Dual Optical 
 mouse plugged into my USB port.
 When I type 'startx' I get 'Fatal server error'.  The error messages are 

I had a similar problem and solved it by getting a later version of X
from one of the backport mirrors. From the other comments I'm assuming
that the problem is with the supplied free driver, and I'm not too sure
what made me upgrade X but I found it easier than trying to install the
proprietary drivers. The disadvantage is that you're then out of sync
with the stable distro, and you may get into dependency problems
(specifically I had problems doing development linked to xlib). Possibly
a moot point with Sarge coming up, though running a server should always
err on the side of caution.

Anyway, there's a list of backport servers at:
Do a package search for xfree86. Choose a server which looks groovy,
for example backports.org, and add the server line to your
/etc/apt/sources.list file. The server line loooks like this:
deb ftp://linux.upsa.es/pub/XFREE4.3/ ./
If you now do a apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade it'll
upgrade every package held by the backport source, so you may want to
choose a backport source which only holds the package you want. Once
you've updated that package, you could then remove the backport source
from sources.list and do another apt-get update and apt-get
dist-upgrade. The updated packages are held back in future upgrades.

If you have a broadband connection, you may want to consider installing
Sarge (the next release of Debian). That's what I did, and it's lovely
and great (many many thanks to all the contributors). If you do want to
go to Sarge, download the net-installer from:
And install from that CD. It worked great for me.


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Re: Newby can't get Xwindows running

2004-05-03 Thread Micha Feigin
On Mon, May 03, 2004 at 09:52:17AM +1000, David Moore wrote:
  From: Micha Feigin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On Sun, May 02, 2004 at 03:51:13PM +1000, David Moore wrote:
   As a complete novice to Linux, please bear with me if my explanation of
   the problem is confused.
   I installed Debian 3.0 r2 woody kernel 2.2.20 (many times on 2 different
   machines) using defaults and keeping as simple as possible, but I have
   not been able to get XWindows running.
  If its a workstation and not a server I would get the new installer
  beta (sarge) and install either testing or unstable. The version of X
  there and the kernel version is much newer and could solve some
  problems, also IIRC the installer has some hardware recognition (don't
  know if for X though).
  I looked at the X version in stable and it looks like its 3.3.6 (which
  is very-very old). If you want to use stable go to
  http://www.backports.org/ and see how to add the backport packages
  (there is a HOWTO and installation instructions) and
  upgrade X (its 4.2.1 there although unstable and testing already
  have 4.3).
  unstable is more stable then it sounds (I rarely have problems and then
  it will just inhibit me from installing problematic packages unless I
  bypass things), testing is ok now since its entering a freezing state
  on its way to become stable, although usually unstable is more stable
  and secure then testing. For a desktop unstable is usually the best
  solution (unless you want to run stable with back-ports).
  You could also try the knoppix (http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/),
  meppis (http://www.mepis.org/) which have good hardware recognition,
  can install to the hardisk or run of a cd and are based on mix of
  debian testing/unstable.
 I will take your advice and get sarge. Meanwhile I don't tolerate
 disobedient software and will persist with woody a little longer - it's a
 learning experience! 
 My main interest in linux is as an alternative to nt server, so the server
 functionality will be important once I start to find my way around.

Everything has server functionality in linux. Stable is mostly meant
for production servers where you don't care about features and don't
want much change. Its for minimal maintenance rock solid servers.

   I used taskel to select: XWindows, Desktop environment and C/C++
   It boots into the bash shell fine except that during boot-up a message
   appears: Modprobe can't locate char-major-10-135  (the pause key
   doesn't halt the screen during boot-up so other important message might
   flash past before I can write them down)
   I have a Matrox MGA G200 - 16Mb
   Phillips SL200 19 monitor
   MS 2 button mouse on PS2 port
   The problem is, when I try to run X, XFree386, xdm, kdm or gdm it does
   not go to VGA mode but spews forth dialogue including the following 
   lines which seem significant:
  could you post the output of running startx (try also as root to make
  sure that there is no permission problems) and the file
 how do I pipe the output from startx to a file?

startx  startx.out 21

This will pipe the standard output to the file startx.out (file
descriptor 1) and then pipe standard error (file descriptor 2) to the
standard output.

The order is important, since if you pipe stderr to stdout before
piping stdout, then stderr will go to the screen (it goes to where the
original file descriptor is pointing at the time of the pipe command).

  /var/log/XFree86.0.log which may help to see the error messages.
 here is var/log/XFree86.0.log .
 This is a pre-release version of XFree86, and is not supported in any
 way.  Bugs may be reported to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and patches submitted
 to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions,
 please check the latest version in the XFree86 CVS repository
 XFree86 Version / X Window System

Ok, its 4.1 and not 3.3.6 which is much better. It would also mean that
what I said in previous mail about /etc/X11/XF86Config needs to be
changed to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 (debian specific change in setup file
name to allow versions 3 and 4 to live in parallel)

 (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6510)
 Release Date: 21 December 2001
   If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
   newer than the above date, look for a newer version before
   reporting problems.  (See http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
 Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.3-bk2 i686 [ELF] 
 Module Loader present
 (==) Log file: /var/log/XFree86.0.log, Time: Mon May  3 09:01:35 2004
 (==) Using config file: /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
 Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
  (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
  (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
 (==) ServerLayout Default Layout
 (**) |--Screen Default Screen (0)
 (**) |   |--Monitor

RE: Newby can't get Xwindows running

2004-05-03 Thread David Moore

I am up and running with X :-))

 check that you have /dev/mouse, it should be a symbolic link to
 /dev/psaux (do ls -l and see what the file name is). If it doesn't
 exists either provide /dev/psaux as the mouse location for the setup
 process or do as root
 ln -s psaux /dev/mouse
 Using ImPS/2 instead if PS/2 may also help but it won't change
 behavior, just features.
 This is my best bet for now.

It was a good bet. After this I had mouse support in xf86cfg. 

There was just one more hurdle, xf86cfg was saving my configuration changes
to \usr\lib\X11R6\XF86Config, but with the knowledge I gained from your
analysis I figured where to save the configuration.

Many thanks for your efforts. I really appreciate it.

KDE looks great!


 -Original Message-
 From: Micha Feigin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, 3 May 2004 10:23 PM
 Subject: Re: Newby can't get Xwindows running
 On Mon, May 03, 2004 at 09:52:17AM +1000, David Moore wrote:
   From: Micha Feigin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   On Sun, May 02, 2004 at 03:51:13PM +1000, David Moore wrote:
As a complete novice to Linux, please bear with me if my explanation
the problem is confused.
I installed Debian 3.0 r2 woody kernel 2.2.20 (many times on 2
machines) using defaults and keeping as simple as possible, but I
not been able to get XWindows running.
   If its a workstation and not a server I would get the new installer
   beta (sarge) and install either testing or unstable. The version of X
   there and the kernel version is much newer and could solve some
   problems, also IIRC the installer has some hardware recognition (don't
   know if for X though).
   I looked at the X version in stable and it looks like its 3.3.6 (which
   is very-very old). If you want to use stable go to
   http://www.backports.org/ and see how to add the backport packages
   (there is a HOWTO and installation instructions) and
   upgrade X (its 4.2.1 there although unstable and testing already
   have 4.3).
   unstable is more stable then it sounds (I rarely have problems and
   it will just inhibit me from installing problematic packages unless I
   bypass things), testing is ok now since its entering a freezing state
   on its way to become stable, although usually unstable is more stable
   and secure then testing. For a desktop unstable is usually the best
   solution (unless you want to run stable with back-ports).
   You could also try the knoppix (http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/),
   meppis (http://www.mepis.org/) which have good hardware recognition,
   can install to the hardisk or run of a cd and are based on mix of
   debian testing/unstable.
  I will take your advice and get sarge. Meanwhile I don't tolerate
  disobedient software and will persist with woody a little longer - it's
  learning experience!
  My main interest in linux is as an alternative to nt server, so the
  functionality will be important once I start to find my way around.
 Everything has server functionality in linux. Stable is mostly meant
 for production servers where you don't care about features and don't
 want much change. Its for minimal maintenance rock solid servers.
I used taskel to select: XWindows, Desktop environment and C/C++
It boots into the bash shell fine except that during boot-up a
appears: Modprobe can't locate char-major-10-135  (the pause key
doesn't halt the screen during boot-up so other important message
flash past before I can write them down)
I have a Matrox MGA G200 - 16Mb
Phillips SL200 19 monitor
MS 2 button mouse on PS2 port
The problem is, when I try to run X, XFree386, xdm, kdm or gdm it
not go to VGA mode but spews forth dialogue including the following
lines which seem significant:
   could you post the output of running startx (try also as root to make
   sure that there is no permission problems) and the file
  how do I pipe the output from startx to a file?
 startx  startx.out 21
 This will pipe the standard output to the file startx.out (file
 descriptor 1) and then pipe standard error (file descriptor 2) to the
 standard output.
 The order is important, since if you pipe stderr to stdout before
 piping stdout, then stderr will go to the screen (it goes to where the
 original file descriptor is pointing at the time of the pipe command).
   /var/log/XFree86.0.log which may help to see the error messages.
  here is var/log/XFree86.0.log .
  This is a pre-release version of XFree86, and is not supported in any
  way.  Bugs may be reported to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and patches submitted
  to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions,
  please check the latest version in the XFree86 CVS repository
  XFree86 Version / X Window System
 Ok, its 4.1

Re: Newby can't get Xwindows running

2004-05-02 Thread Micha Feigin
On Sun, May 02, 2004 at 03:51:13PM +1000, David Moore wrote:
 As a complete novice to Linux, please bear with me if my explanation of the
 problem is confused.
 I installed Debian 3.0 r2 woody kernel 2.2.20 (many times on 2 different
 machines) using defaults and keeping as simple as possible, but I have not
 been able to get XWindows running.

If its a workstation and not a server I would get the new installer
beta (sarge) and install either testing or unstable. The version of X
there and the kernel version is much newer and could solve some
problems, also IIRC the installer has some hardware recognition (don't
know if for X though).

I looked at the X version in stable and it looks like its 3.3.6 (which
is very-very old). If you want to use stable go to
http://www.backports.org/ and see how to add the backport packages
(there is a HOWTO and installation instructions) and
upgrade X (its 4.2.1 there although unstable and testing already
have 4.3).

unstable is more stable then it sounds (I rarely have problems and then
it will just inhibit me from installing problematic packages unless I
bypass things), testing is ok now since its entering a freezing state
on its way to become stable, although usually unstable is more stable
and secure then testing. For a desktop unstable is usually the best
solution (unless you want to run stable with back-ports).

You could also try the knoppix (http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/),
meppis (http://www.mepis.org/) which have good hardware recognition,
can install to the hardisk or run of a cd and are based on mix of
debian testing/unstable.

 I used taskel to select: XWindows, Desktop environment and C/C++ 
 It boots into the bash shell fine except that during boot-up a message
 appears: Modprobe can't locate char-major-10-135  (the pause key doesn't
 halt the screen during boot-up so other important message might flash past
 before I can write them down)
 I have a Matrox MGA G200 - 16Mb
 Phillips SL200 19 monitor
 MS 2 button mouse on PS2 port
 The problem is, when I try to run X, XFree386, xdm, kdm or gdm it does not
 go to VGA mode but spews forth dialogue including the following lines which
 seem significant:

could you post the output of running startx (try also as root to make
sure that there is no permission problems) and the file
/var/log/XFree86.0.log which may help to see the error messages.

  Warning couldn't open module mga_hal
  MGA: Failed to load module mga_hal (Module does not exist, 0)

Try using the generic vga driver as a start and see if that solves the
problem first. If that works it will be easier to activate the mga
driver next. Also try doing modprobe agpgart (assuming you have agp, don't
remember if accelerated pci also uses agpgart or pcigart, try both).

  EE Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.

Try reducing the resolution and refresh rate as a start to 1024x768 and
75HZ as a maximum, maybe its having problems with recognizing your
monitor. Again if this works its easier to improve afterwords. IIRC
there is an simple and novice options for setting up the monitor
refresh rates which should let you choose something close as a start.

  Fatal Server error no screens found
 if I run xf86cfg, it goes to VGA mode and brings up the XWindows
 configuration modules, but the mouse doesn't work.

Could be that you mouse isn't configured properly. X will crash in such
a case and give errors that seem to indicate screen problems instead of
mouse problems. I ran into this several times and it was usually the
last place where people look.

What mouse do you have (brand and ps/2 or usb?). Post the generated

 I run xf86config and re-enter the hardware specs (to the best of my
 ability), but this makes no difference.
 I am basic level user with unix (some years ago), and without gui feel like
 I have been thrown in the deep-end in a tied sack. If I had XWindows I could
 probably start swimming.
 David Moore
  This Mail Was Scanned By Mail-seCure System
  at the Tel-Aviv University CC.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newby can't get Xwindows running

2004-05-02 Thread hugo vanwoerkom
David Moore wrote:
As a complete novice to Linux, please bear with me if my explanation of the
problem is confused.
I installed Debian 3.0 r2 woody kernel 2.2.20 (many times on 2 different
machines) using defaults and keeping as simple as possible, but I have not
been able to get XWindows running.
I used taskel to select: XWindows, Desktop environment and C/C++ 

It boots into the bash shell fine except that during boot-up a message
appears: Modprobe can't locate char-major-10-135  (the pause key doesn't
halt the screen during boot-up so other important message might flash past
before I can write them down)

You can stop messages on a console with ctrl-s and start them again with 
ctrl-q. But that applies only if the init process has already started, 
not the kernel booting. Those are found on var/log/syslog or 

Those char-xxx-xx-xxx things are documented in the kernel source but for 
the world of me I don't remember where. Anybody?

I have a Matrox MGA G200 - 16Mb
Phillips SL200 19 monitor
MS 2 button mouse on PS2 port
The problem is, when I try to run X, XFree386, xdm, kdm or gdm it does not
go to VGA mode but spews forth dialogue including the following lines which
seem significant:
  Warning couldn't open module mga_hal
  MGA: Failed to load module mga_hal (Module does not exist, 0)
	EE Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.

	Fatal Server error no screens found

if I run xf86cfg, it goes to VGA mode and brings up the XWindows
configuration modules, but the mouse doesn't work.
I run xf86config and re-enter the hardware specs (to the best of my
ability), but this makes no difference.
I am basic level user with unix (some years ago), and without gui feel like
I have been thrown in the deep-end in a tied sack. If I had XWindows I could
probably start swimming.
You'll be swimming in notime.

David Moore

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newby can't get Xwindows running

2004-05-02 Thread Micha Feigin
On Sun, May 02, 2004 at 08:08:58AM -0500, hugo vanwoerkom wrote:
 David Moore wrote:
 As a complete novice to Linux, please bear with me if my explanation of the
 problem is confused.
 I installed Debian 3.0 r2 woody kernel 2.2.20 (many times on 2 different
 machines) using defaults and keeping as simple as possible, but I have not
 been able to get XWindows running.
 I used taskel to select: XWindows, Desktop environment and C/C++ 
 It boots into the bash shell fine except that during boot-up a message
 appears: Modprobe can't locate char-major-10-135  (the pause key doesn't
 halt the screen during boot-up so other important message might flash past
 before I can write them down)
 You can stop messages on a console with ctrl-s and start them again with 
 ctrl-q. But that applies only if the init process has already started, 
 not the kernel booting. Those are found on var/log/syslog or 
 Those char-xxx-xx-xxx things are documented in the kernel source but for 
 the world of me I don't remember where. Anybody?

It appears in the help section for each module (it appears in
Documentation/Configure.help) but you can find most of them in
/etc/modules.conf. char-major-10-135 is the real time clock (rtc) could
be that its not configured or that it is compiled in and not as a module.

 I have a Matrox MGA G200 - 16Mb
 Phillips SL200 19 monitor
 MS 2 button mouse on PS2 port
 The problem is, when I try to run X, XFree386, xdm, kdm or gdm it does not
 go to VGA mode but spews forth dialogue including the following lines which
 seem significant:
 Warning couldn't open module mga_hal
 MGA: Failed to load module mga_hal (Module does not exist, 0)
 EE Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.
 Fatal Server error no screens found
 if I run xf86cfg, it goes to VGA mode and brings up the XWindows
 configuration modules, but the mouse doesn't work.
 I run xf86config and re-enter the hardware specs (to the best of my
 ability), but this makes no difference.
 I am basic level user with unix (some years ago), and without gui feel like
 I have been thrown in the deep-end in a tied sack. If I had XWindows I 
 probably start swimming.
 You'll be swimming in notime.
 David Moore
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 
 This Mail Was Scanned By Mail-seCure System
 at the Tel-Aviv University CC.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Newby can't get Xwindows running

2004-05-02 Thread David Moore
 From: Micha Feigin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Sun, May 02, 2004 at 03:51:13PM +1000, David Moore wrote:
  As a complete novice to Linux, please bear with me if my explanation of
  the problem is confused.
  I installed Debian 3.0 r2 woody kernel 2.2.20 (many times on 2 different
  machines) using defaults and keeping as simple as possible, but I have
  not been able to get XWindows running.
 If its a workstation and not a server I would get the new installer
 beta (sarge) and install either testing or unstable. The version of X
 there and the kernel version is much newer and could solve some
 problems, also IIRC the installer has some hardware recognition (don't
 know if for X though).
 I looked at the X version in stable and it looks like its 3.3.6 (which
 is very-very old). If you want to use stable go to
 http://www.backports.org/ and see how to add the backport packages
 (there is a HOWTO and installation instructions) and
 upgrade X (its 4.2.1 there although unstable and testing already
 have 4.3).
 unstable is more stable then it sounds (I rarely have problems and then
 it will just inhibit me from installing problematic packages unless I
 bypass things), testing is ok now since its entering a freezing state
 on its way to become stable, although usually unstable is more stable
 and secure then testing. For a desktop unstable is usually the best
 solution (unless you want to run stable with back-ports).
 You could also try the knoppix (http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/),
 meppis (http://www.mepis.org/) which have good hardware recognition,
 can install to the hardisk or run of a cd and are based on mix of
 debian testing/unstable.

I will take your advice and get sarge. Meanwhile I don't tolerate
disobedient software and will persist with woody a little longer - it's a
learning experience! 

My main interest in linux is as an alternative to nt server, so the server
functionality will be important once I start to find my way around.

  I used taskel to select: XWindows, Desktop environment and C/C++
  It boots into the bash shell fine except that during boot-up a message
  appears: Modprobe can't locate char-major-10-135  (the pause key
  doesn't halt the screen during boot-up so other important message might
  flash past before I can write them down)
  I have a Matrox MGA G200 - 16Mb
  Phillips SL200 19 monitor
  MS 2 button mouse on PS2 port
  The problem is, when I try to run X, XFree386, xdm, kdm or gdm it does
  not go to VGA mode but spews forth dialogue including the following 
  lines which seem significant:
 could you post the output of running startx (try also as root to make
 sure that there is no permission problems) and the file

how do I pipe the output from startx to a file?

 /var/log/XFree86.0.log which may help to see the error messages.

here is var/log/XFree86.0.log .

This is a pre-release version of XFree86, and is not supported in any
way.  Bugs may be reported to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and patches submitted
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions,
please check the latest version in the XFree86 CVS repository

XFree86 Version / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6510)
Release Date: 21 December 2001
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
newer than the above date, look for a newer version before
reporting problems.  (See http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.3-bk2 i686 [ELF] 
Module Loader present
(==) Log file: /var/log/XFree86.0.log, Time: Mon May  3 09:01:35 2004
(==) Using config file: /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
 (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
 (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) ServerLayout Default Layout
(**) |--Screen Default Screen (0)
(**) |   |--Monitor Generic Monitor
(**) |   |--Device Generic Video Card
(**) |--Input Device Generic Keyboard
(**) Option XkbRules xfree86
(**) XKB: rules: xfree86
(**) Option XkbModel pc104
(**) XKB: model: pc104
(**) Option XkbLayout us
(**) XKB: layout: us
(==) Keyboard: CustomKeycode disabled
(**) |--Input Device Configured Mouse
(**) |--Input Device Generic Mouse
(WW) The directory /usr/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(**) FontPath set to
(==) RgbPath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb
(==) ModulePath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
(--) using VT number 9

(WW) Cannot open APM
(II) Module ABI versions:
XFree86 ANSI C Emulation: 0.1
XFree86 Video Driver: 0.4
XFree86 XInput driver : 0.2
XFree86 Server Extension : 0.1

Newby can't get Xwindows running

2004-05-01 Thread David Moore
As a complete novice to Linux, please bear with me if my explanation of the
problem is confused.

I installed Debian 3.0 r2 woody kernel 2.2.20 (many times on 2 different
machines) using defaults and keeping as simple as possible, but I have not
been able to get XWindows running.

I used taskel to select: XWindows, Desktop environment and C/C++ 

It boots into the bash shell fine except that during boot-up a message
appears: Modprobe can't locate char-major-10-135  (the pause key doesn't
halt the screen during boot-up so other important message might flash past
before I can write them down)

I have a Matrox MGA G200 - 16Mb
Phillips SL200 19 monitor
MS 2 button mouse on PS2 port

The problem is, when I try to run X, XFree386, xdm, kdm or gdm it does not
go to VGA mode but spews forth dialogue including the following lines which
seem significant:

   Warning couldn't open module mga_hal
   MGA: Failed to load module mga_hal (Module does not exist, 0)

   EE Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.

   Fatal Server error no screens found

if I run xf86cfg, it goes to VGA mode and brings up the XWindows
configuration modules, but the mouse doesn't work.

I run xf86config and re-enter the hardware specs (to the best of my
ability), but this makes no difference.

I am basic level user with unix (some years ago), and without gui feel like
I have been thrown in the deep-end in a tied sack. If I had XWindows I could
probably start swimming.

David Moore

Xwindows in Sid

2004-02-23 Thread Curtis Howland
I've been running Sid for the past year or more, and
have waded through a few nasty instabilities. Unstable
is aptly named.
However, I have hit a serious snag. I did the usual
weekly or so update, and the Xwindows libraries were,
ah, fixed after a dist-upgrade to correct for the
file overlaps. However, X no longer works.
If anyone has a way through the morass without wiping
and reinstalling, I would love to hear about it. If
there is a pointer to this already solved, I'd be
grateful for that as well. Lynx has its limitations as
a browser, and it's all I have to work with now.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xwindows in Sid

2004-02-23 Thread Kent West
Curtis Howland wrote:

I did the usual
weekly or so update, and the Xwindows libraries were,
ah, fixed after a dist-upgrade to correct for the
file overlaps. However, X no longer works.

What errors are you getting? (/var/log/XFree86.0.log)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xwindows in Sid

2004-02-23 Thread Marc Wilson
On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 10:14:08AM -0800, Curtis Howland wrote:
 However, I have hit a serious snag. I did the usual
 weekly or so update, and the Xwindows libraries were,
 ah, fixed after a dist-upgrade to correct for the
 file overlaps. However, X no longer works.
 If anyone has a way through the morass without wiping
 and reinstalling, I would love to hear about it.

Not to lessen the impact of the problem you're having, but why in the world
would you need to wipe the box and reinstall, just because X doesn't work?

I could see perhaps needing to remove X completely, and put it back.

 If there is a pointer to this already solved, I'd be grateful for that as

There's not, because you don't give any information.  Define no longer
works, please.  What does the log say, and what does it NOT say?

No one can solve your problem if you don't tell them what the problem is.

 Marc Wilson | Use what talents you possess: the woods would be
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | very silent if no birds sang there except those that
 | sang best.  -- Henry Van Dyke

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Xwindows in Sid

2004-02-23 Thread Mark Phillips
The same think happened to me last Thursday. Debian sid and KDE.

I did an apt-update, apt-upgrade and startx stopped working. I followed
that with an apt-dist upgrade, and startx still died. 

I found that X actually worked, but the window manager was failing. (I
could start X at the command prompt.) I reinstalled kdm, did a cold
reboot, and I was back in business. A hot reboot did not fix the
problem. How do I know??? Nothing was working Saturday night, and I
performed several warm reboots as I switched from Windows to Linux, so I
turned off the machine and went to bed. Got up Sunday morning, started
in again on the problem and I was able to login and use KDE right away.

There were no errors in /var/log/XFree86.0.log. However, I did get an
error from apt-upgrade referring to a bad line in my xdm config file.
The line referenced was the last line in the file, and it did not
contain the syntax referenced by the error message. Since I was not
using xdm, I did not follow through on the issue. I just reinstalled kdm
and I was back in business.

I hope this was helpful - it all smacks of mumbo-jumbo, but I have not
had the time to track down every aspect of this problem. I am trying to
catch up on the lost productivity since I did not get my machine running
correctly until Sunday. I do not know what caused the problem, but that
is the wonderful life of living on the edge with sid!


Mark Phillips
Phillips Marketing, Inc.
602 524-0376 office
480 945-9197 fax

-Original Message-
From: Kent West [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: Xwindows in Sid

Curtis Howland wrote:

I did the usual
weekly or so update, and the Xwindows libraries were,
ah, fixed after a dist-upgrade to correct for the
file overlaps. However, X no longer works.


What errors are you getting? (/var/log/XFree86.0.log)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: erased all XWindows

2004-02-08 Thread Sam Rosenfeld

On Fri, 6 Feb 2004, Roberto Sanchez wrote:

 Sam Rosenfeld wrote:
 I erased all my X-related bin files (that is, including apps running
 on X)
 and did not have them backed up.  I could reinstall them one at a time
 that seems very laborious -- is there some better way?
 Currently using Linux 2.2.20, Debian Woody
 As I no longer subscribe to the list, please cc me with reponses.
 This is better:
 sudo apt-get --reinstall install `dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/bin/* | sed
 's/^\([^,]*\):[^,]*/\1/' |sort |uniq`
 Essentially, if you only deleted the files in /usr/X11R6/bin/ (and did
 not harm the package archive) this command, will search for and print
 the name of every package with a file installed to /usr/X11R6/bin/
 (dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/bin/*).  Then take that list and remove everything
 after the end of each package name sed ('s/^\([^,]*\):[^,]*/\1/'), sort
 the package names (sort), remove duplicate entries (uniq), and finally
 reinstall all the packages, (sudo apt-get --reinstall install `the
 output of the above commands`).
  I tried your recommended command line (running as root instead of sudo)
  and the result was a prompt --  -- .  Furthermore, my unintentional
  removal of the /usr/X11R6/bin/ directory somehow also caused apt-get to
  reject /etc/apt/sources.list which had been working fine for a number of
  Any thoughts?

 Sorry for not replying earlier, but my internet connection has been down
 since Tuesday night.  Make sure that you take note of the difference
 between the single quotes (' - on the same key as ) and the bakc-tick
 (` - on the same key as the ~).

 As far as your sources.list, what is the exact error message?


Thanks, Roberto.  It was that last back tick that I missed.  Also, I
straightened out the sources.list problem -- I put the same data in the
/var/lib/apt/sources.list and in /etc/apt/sources.list.  And, voila, it
all worked like a charm.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: erased all XWindows

2004-02-06 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Sam Rosenfeld wrote:
I erased all my X-related bin files (that is, including apps running
on X)
and did not have them backed up.  I could reinstall them one at a time
that seems very laborious -- is there some better way?
Currently using Linux 2.2.20, Debian Woody

As I no longer subscribe to the list, please cc me with reponses.

This is better:

sudo apt-get --reinstall install `dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/bin/* | sed
's/^\([^,]*\):[^,]*/\1/' |sort |uniq`
Essentially, if you only deleted the files in /usr/X11R6/bin/ (and did
not harm the package archive) this command, will search for and print
the name of every package with a file installed to /usr/X11R6/bin/
(dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/bin/*).  Then take that list and remove everything
after the end of each package name sed ('s/^\([^,]*\):[^,]*/\1/'), sort
the package names (sort), remove duplicate entries (uniq), and finally
reinstall all the packages, (sudo apt-get --reinstall install `the
output of the above commands`).


I tried your recommended command line (running as root instead of sudo)
and the result was a prompt --  -- .  Furthermore, my unintentional
removal of the /usr/X11R6/bin/ directory somehow also caused apt-get to
reject /etc/apt/sources.list which had been working fine for a number of
Any thoughts?



Sorry for not replying earlier, but my internet connection has been down
since Tuesday night.  Make sure that you take note of the difference
between the single quotes (' - on the same key as ) and the bakc-tick
(` - on the same key as the ~).
As far as your sources.list, what is the exact error message?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

erased all XWindows

2004-02-03 Thread Sam Rosenfeld

I erased all my X-related bin files (that is, including apps running on X)
and did not have them backed up.  I could reinstall them one at a time but
that seems very laborious -- is there some better way?

Currently using Linux 2.2.20, Debian Woody

As I no longer subscribe to the list, please cc me with reponses.


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Re: erased all XWindows

2004-02-03 Thread Kent West
Sam Rosenfeld wrote:

I erased all my X-related bin files (that is, including apps running on X)
and did not have them backed up.  I could reinstall them one at a time but
that seems very laborious -- is there some better way?
Currently using Linux 2.2.20, Debian Woody

As I no longer subscribe to the list, please cc me with reponses.


You could try tasksel, which would get you quite a bit of it back.

I'd probably use dselect or aptitude, and just go marking things for 
install that look interesting. Then start the download/install and go 
strum on the guitar for half an hour (or four days, if you're on dial-up).

Neither of these is reinstallation one at a time, but you will have to 
mark one at a time to get a lot of what you want.

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Re: erased all XWindows

2004-02-03 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Kent West wrote:
Sam Rosenfeld wrote:

I erased all my X-related bin files (that is, including apps running 
on X)
and did not have them backed up.  I could reinstall them one at a time 
that seems very laborious -- is there some better way?

Currently using Linux 2.2.20, Debian Woody

As I no longer subscribe to the list, please cc me with reponses.


You could try tasksel, which would get you quite a bit of it back.

I'd probably use dselect or aptitude, and just go marking things for 
install that look interesting. Then start the download/install and go 
strum on the guitar for half an hour (or four days, if you're on dial-up).

Neither of these is reinstallation one at a time, but you will have to 
mark one at a time to get a lot of what you want.

This is better:

sudo apt-get --reinstall install `dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/bin/* | sed 
's/^\([^,]*\):[^,]*/\1/' |sort |uniq`

Essentially, if you only deleted the files in /usr/X11R6/bin/ (and did
not harm the package archive) this command, will search for and print
the name of every package with a file installed to /usr/X11R6/bin/
(dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/bin/*).  Then take that list and remove everything
after the end of each package name sed ('s/^\([^,]*\):[^,]*/\1/'), sort
the package names (sort), remove duplicate entries (uniq), and finally
reinstall all the packages, (sudo apt-get --reinstall install `the
output of the above commands`).
Admittedly, this will take a while to donwload and reinstall all the
packages, but it will ensure that you get all of the packages even if
they are not part of the X Windows System task.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: erased all XWindows

2004-02-03 Thread Kent West
Roberto Sanchez wrote:

Sam Rosenfeld wrote:

I erased all my X-related bin files (that is, including apps running 
on X)
and did not have them backed up.  I could reinstall them one at a 
time but
that seems very laborious -- is there some better way?

sudo apt-get --reinstall install `dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/bin/* | sed 
's/^\([^,]*\):[^,]*/\1/' |sort |uniq`

Essentially, snip [this does magic].


Linux is so awesome.

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Re: erased all XWindows

2004-02-03 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Kent West wrote:
Roberto Sanchez wrote:

Sam Rosenfeld wrote:

I erased all my X-related bin files (that is, including apps running 
on X)
and did not have them backed up.  I could reinstall them one at a 
time but
that seems very laborious -- is there some better way?

sudo apt-get --reinstall install `dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/bin/* | sed 
's/^\([^,]*\):[^,]*/\1/' |sort |uniq`

Essentially, snip [this does magic].


Linux is so awesome.

One of the myriad of reasons I will never use M$ Widows again
for anything more serious than games.  It is a hoy OS after all :-)
BTW, that little bit-o-magic took less than 5 minutes to cook up.

Linux is awesome.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: erased all XWindows

2004-02-03 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Roberto Sanchez wrote:
Kent West wrote:

Roberto Sanchez wrote:

Sam Rosenfeld wrote:

I erased all my X-related bin files (that is, including apps 
running on X)
and did not have them backed up.  I could reinstall them one at a 
time but
that seems very laborious -- is there some better way?

sudo apt-get --reinstall install `dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/bin/* | sed 
's/^\([^,]*\):[^,]*/\1/' |sort |uniq`

Essentially, snip [this does magic].


Linux is so awesome.

One of the myriad of reasons I will never use M$ Widows again
for anything more serious than games.  It is a hoy OS after all :-)
That should be toy.  Sorry for the fat finger.
BTW, that little bit-o-magic took less than 5 minutes to cook up.

Linux is awesome.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Woody: TaskSel - XWindows; startx fails

2003-12-27 Thread David Z Maze
Paul Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If one is setting up a server, one may only want to run an X server
 (XFree86, for example) on that machine, and not an X client.  Other
 machines on the network would be running X clients and connecting with the
 server's X server.  One doesn't need stuff like window managers running on
 the server.

That sounds backwards and confusing.  An X server talks to the
keyboard and display on the machine it's running on; an X client runs
on some machine and has its display on some X server not necessarily
on the same machine.  xterm is an X client, for example.  So a server
(sitting in a rack) probably wouldn't have an X server, but it might
have client programs installed that people could log in and run
remotely.  A window manager happens to be a special case of an X
client, and it's possible to run it remotely, but it's rarely what you
actually want.  :-) Desktop environments like GNOME and KDE in my
experience tend to be happiest if they're running on the same machine
that the X server is on.

David Maze [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

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Re: Woody: TaskSel - XWindows; startx fails

2003-12-27 Thread Paul Morgan
On Sat, 27 Dec 2003 12:30:26 -0500, David Z Maze wrote:

 Paul Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 If one is setting up a server, one may only want to run an X server
 (XFree86, for example) on that machine, and not an X client.  Other
 machines on the network would be running X clients and connecting with the
 server's X server.  One doesn't need stuff like window managers running on
 the server.
 That sounds backwards and confusing.  An X server talks to the
 keyboard and display on the machine it's running on; an X client runs
 on some machine and has its display on some X server not necessarily
 on the same machine.  xterm is an X client, for example.  So a server
 (sitting in a rack) probably wouldn't have an X server, but it might
 have client programs installed that people could log in and run
 remotely.  A window manager happens to be a special case of an X
 client, and it's possible to run it remotely, but it's rarely what you
 actually want.  :-) Desktop environments like GNOME and KDE in my
 experience tend to be happiest if they're running on the same machine
 that the X server is on.

My apologies, I wrote it ass backwards without thinking.  It's not my area
of expertise and I screwed it up.  I withdraw my post (wish I could delete
it) and tanks for the much more rational explanation which had me slapping
my head when I read it.

I'm now going to put my head up a horse's ass.


It's working as coded.

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Woody: TaskSel - XWindows; startx fails

2003-12-26 Thread J N
When installing woody, after getting to the tasksel screen, I noticed 
that choosing XWindowServer option by itself did not resolve enough 
dependencies to be able to run the server.  I also tried apt-get install 
kdm, suspecting that I just needed to choose a window manager, however, 
kdm wouldn't resolve either.

My (rather blunt) solution to the problem was to choose the desktop 
option in tasksel as well -- that appears to resolve whatever 
dependencies need resolving.  I know just (not) enough about 
XWindowServer theory to suspect that this may be by design -- that I 
need to make some sort of 'choice' about my environment that is made by 
selecting the desktop option.

Does anyone know why this is, or if it is just specific to laptops, or 
if it is just that something failed that should have worked?

I'm interested in theory.  I don't have the specific error messages on 
hand (to get them, I would need to do a fair amount of work) -- but I'm 
learning how to compile kernels, and the process has resulting in 
needing to reinstall debian woody about 6 times so far... (yes, I'm 
doing things terribly wrong and I'm aware of it)... I figure 
reinstallation will go faster if I don't install all of XWindowsServer 
and the desktop each time...



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Re: Woody: TaskSel - XWindows; startx fails

2003-12-26 Thread Paul Morgan
On Fri, 26 Dec 2003 06:21:02 -0600, J N wrote:

 When installing woody, after getting to the tasksel screen, I noticed 
 that choosing XWindowServer option by itself did not resolve enough 
 dependencies to be able to run the server.  I also tried apt-get install 
 kdm, suspecting that I just needed to choose a window manager, however, 
 kdm wouldn't resolve either.
 My (rather blunt) solution to the problem was to choose the desktop 
 option in tasksel as well -- that appears to resolve whatever 
 dependencies need resolving.  I know just (not) enough about 
 XWindowServer theory to suspect that this may be by design -- that I 
 need to make some sort of 'choice' about my environment that is made by 
 selecting the desktop option.
 Does anyone know why this is, or if it is just specific to laptops, or 
 if it is just that something failed that should have worked?
 I'm interested in theory.  I don't have the specific error messages on 
 hand (to get them, I would need to do a fair amount of work) -- but I'm 
 learning how to compile kernels, and the process has resulting in 
 needing to reinstall debian woody about 6 times so far... (yes, I'm 
 doing things terribly wrong and I'm aware of it)... I figure 
 reinstallation will go faster if I don't install all of XWindowsServer 
 and the desktop each time...

If one is setting up a server, one may only want to run an X server
(XFree86, for example) on that machine, and not an X client.  Other
machines on the network would be running X clients and connecting with the
server's X server.  One doesn't need stuff like window managers running on
the server.

As you evidently wish to run both server and client, then you need the
desktop setup.  A window manager is part of the client, not the server.

BTW, startx starts a client X session.

Try man startx, man Xserver, man XFree86, etc.

This is necessarily very brief and incomplete, but I hope it gives you the


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entorn de Xwindows

2003-12-20 Thread Lluís Forns Puigmartí

seguint les instruccions que vaig rebre ja vaik aconseguir
instalar correctament tant el ratolí com el driver d'nvidia
(suposo que va bé, perquè arranca molt més ràpid).

però després d'un parell de proves amb el wmaker em vaig
proposar instal·lar el KDE; i després d'un parell de proves va
deixar d'arrancar-me el gestor. Vaig instalar el "kdm" per
poder triar més fàcilment quin entorn utilitzo però només em
deixa triar el KDE, i quan arranca només m'apareix un
escriptori completament en blanc, sense ni icones, ni menús,

estic utilitzant SARGE, algú em pot dir quin fitxer de
configuració s'ha d'editar per tornar a carregar el wmaker? o
si algú em diu com configurar el KDE per sarge també li estaré


Re: shell prompt for xwindows

2003-12-18 Thread Kevin Mark
On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 04:51:34AM -0800, Gruessle wrote:
 What is the shell prompt for xwindows?
The windowing system in Linux is mult-layered.
under everything is the libraries.
There are libraries for X, for kde and gnome
the next layer is X itself which uses X libraries
X itself just makes the screen grey and makes the cursor and other
on top of X is the window manager.
twm, windowmaker, sawfish, kde are windowmanagers.
They make the 'edges' of the windows appear and allow you to move the
windows. The windows contain terminals or web browsers or such.

So, when you run a command like xterm, it creates a window and puts a
shell inside it.

This is a simplification. Others may want to fill in more details.


Description: Digital signature

shell prompt for xwindows

2003-12-15 Thread Gruessle

What is the shell prompt for xwindows?


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