Re: Tabbed toolbar

2021-06-06 Thread racoon

On 2021-06-06 18:27, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> On 6/6/21 8:50 AM, Daniel wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I like LibreOffice's compact toolbar user interface and get LyX to
>> support it. Attached is a preview of how it works so far. But I wanted
>> to get some feedback whether anyone is interested in it before I try
>> to polish it. The basic idea is to allocate minimal space for toolbars
>> without removing any features.
>> Best,
>> Daniel
> I would use it if it were available. Would this be an option in the UI
> settings (choice of tabbed toolbars or current setup)?
> Paul

Yes, it would be optional. One could switch between classic and compact
toolbars under View > Toolbars.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Show changes by date

2020-04-29 Thread racoon

On 2020-04-29 20:43, Joel Kulesza wrote:

On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 12:33 PM Daniel>> wrote:


I am hunting down some encoding error possibly to do with my
bibliography which is created via Zotero and Better BibTeX. If I remove
the bibliography from my document it works fine. I am unable to
create a
minimal example because I don't know which entry is causing the
Is there a way to show the tracked changes I made by date so I can go
through all the changes I made today in order to find the
problematic entry?

Do you track the problematic file in version control (e.g., git)?  Is it
stored on an online service like Dropbox?  If not, I don't have a
suggestion, but either of those facilities should give some historical

- Joel


Yes, it might be worth trying to check whether a previous version of the
bib file fixes the problem. Sometimes Better BibTeX introduces problem.

As for the documents. Unfortunately there are quite a view documents
involved. Would you recommend downloading the previous version, accept
all changes in the document, and do a diff?

I am actually also using git. But I too rarely create commits. So, that
would be searching for the needle in the haystack, I guess. I need to
get a better commit routine, like once a day.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Endless typesetting with enabled Show changes in output

2020-02-26 Thread racoon

On 2020-02-26 11:03, Guido Milanese wrote:

On Wed, 26 Feb 2020 07:29:31 +0100
Daniel  wrote:

On 2020-02-25 21:45, Daniel wrote:


I am trying to create a PDF that shows the changes I have done in a
rather huge document. For some reason when I enable the option, the
typesetting never ends. No error, no nothing. Just a message box
after a while that the process is still running and whether I want
to end it. No matter what I answer, it does not create the PDF.


Sorry, forgot to attach the messages (below). But it doesn't tell me

I am not an expert in LyX (I normally use LaTeX directly) but I was
wondering if this message:

  Different textclasses

may be the clue. It seems that you are including files of "article"
class in a parent document featuring the "scrbook" class. Perhaps this
discussion may be useful:
Just my tuppence.


Thanks. I have seen similar problems to those in the link encountered

Unfortunately, I think that is not the culprit here. The message is only
a warning about possible inconsistencies between master and child
document, but I have now narrowed down my search for problems to one
child document where I get the endless typeset without having any other
documents involved.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: How to set editor for external edit of preamble

2019-08-17 Thread racoon

On 2019-08-17 22:25, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 8/17/19 12:58 AM, Daniel wrote:

On 2019-08-16 21:50, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 8/16/19 3:04 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

On 16.08.19 18:08, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 8/16/19 11:30 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

On 16.08.19 17:13, Daniel wrote:

On 2019-08-16 07:18, Anders Ekberg wrote:

On 2019Aug15, at 22:16, Daniel  wrote:

On 2019-08-15 07:07, Andrew Parsloe wrote:

On 15/08/2019 1:28 PM, Daniel wrote:

On 2019-08-14 20:23, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 8/14/19 7:35 AM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

Me three :-)-O


On 14/08/2019 07:15, Daniel wrote:


I just discovered the new feature to edit the preamble
However, I couldn't find where to set the editor for this of
documentation about it.  On MacOS it opens XCode which asks
me to
install additional application or Quit.  This renders the
pretty useless for me.  I have set a different application
as default
for TeX files but LyX seems ignore this.  How can I make LyX
open my
favorite editor?


Tools > Preferences > File Formats > LaTeX (plain) > Editor.


Thanks. So, I take it, there is no documentation of this.

Next, question: how do I set a Custom editor then? I tried
"/Applications/" but nothing happens though "open
/Applications/" in the terminal works just fine.


Following Paul's response, I chose Custom and entered notepad++
(my preferred text editor) in the adjacent window. I've included
C:\Program Files\Notepad++ (preceded and followed by semicolons)
in the path string at Tools > Settings > Paths. It works (at
least in windows).

Thanks for checking. Might be a macos bug then.


Tried to get it to work on MacOS (with BBEdit, but didn’t succeed.
I think what I get wrong is what to put in the path (tried bot
Application and into the BBEdit package) and what to put in the


I managed to get LyX to work with the default application by just
using the command "open" (without quotes) as Custom Editor.


Daniel, this is for MacOS? Could somebody describe how to do if not
MacOS and not Windows? Is it described somewhere?


Wolfgang: You are on Linux, correct? The menu sequence I specified
above (Tools > Preferences > File Formats > LaTeX (plain) > Editor)
is how you do it for Linux. If your editor does not appear in the
drop-down list, you select "Custom" and put the command to run the
editor in the box next to the word Custom.


Thanks, Paul!

On many platforms, xdg-open will open the file in your default editor
for that type of file. We decided not to include this as an option,
though, due (I think) to security concerns.


Couldn't there be a warning dialog instead as is used in many other
applications when opening urls or files externally? (Ideally, this
warning dialog would have checkbox to 'Not show the warning again.')

There's discussion about all of this somewhere. See #9606, for example.
That mostly has to do with checking URLs, so maybe all the security
concerns already exist with what we do here. I'm not sure. In any event,
this would be better discussed on lyx-devel.


#9606 seems pretty unrelated to me. Maybe a typo?


Re: Sub-appendices

2018-08-21 Thread racoon

On 2018-08-21 18:09, Kornel Benko wrote:

I wanted only to make a hint, how is is possible.
But, take as example the copernicus.layout with the definition for Flex:Appendix

I would use the attached:

On 2018-08-21 18:19, Kornel Benko wrote:

This time with correct attachment

Thanks. I don't know about the copernicus.layout and could not find it 
in my layout directory. Where can I get it?

I cleaned up your suggestion up a bit (attached). However, there is 
still the issue with the extra subsection layout. It cannot be done 
without, right?

I guess what would be needed is something like a section counter 
conditional on a certain environment, i.e. if a section is in the 
appendix inset, then use .A, .B, etc., otherwise use the normal counter.

(There were also still errors. I had to remove the "Format 69" from the 
local layout to make it work.)

#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 544
\save_transient_properties true
\origin unavailable
\textclass article
\use_default_options true
\maintain_unincluded_children false
Counter subappendix
Within Section
Style Subsection_Appendix
CopyStyle   Subsection
LabelString "\thesection.\Alph{subappendix}"
InsetLayout Flex:Appendix
LyXType custom
LatexType   Environment
LatexName subappendices
Decoration  Classic
LabelString "Subappendices"
KeepEmpty   1
\language english
\language_package default
\inputencoding auto
\fontencoding global
\font_roman "default" "default"
\font_sans "default" "default"
\font_typewriter "default" "default"
\font_math "auto" "auto"
\font_default_family default
\use_non_tex_fonts false
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100 100
\font_tt_scale 100 100
\use_microtype false
\use_dash_ligatures true
\graphics default
\default_output_format default
\output_sync 0
\bibtex_command default
\index_command default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single
\use_hyperref false
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_package amsmath 1
\use_package amssymb 1
\use_package cancel 1
\use_package esint 1
\use_package mathdots 1
\use_package mathtools 1
\use_package mhchem 1
\use_package stackrel 1
\use_package stmaryrd 1
\use_package undertilde 1
\cite_engine basic
\cite_engine_type default
\biblio_style plain
\use_bibtopic false
\use_indices false
\paperorientation portrait
\suppress_date false
\justification true
\use_refstyle 1
\use_minted 0
\index Index
\shortcut idx
\color #008000
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\paragraph_indentation default
\is_math_indent 0
\math_numbering_side default
\quotes_style english
\dynamic_quotes 0
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\html_math_output 0
\html_css_as_file 0
\html_be_strict false


\begin_layout Section

\begin_layout Section

\begin_layout Subsection

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Flex Appendix
status open

\begin_layout Subsection Appendix
Subsection Appendix

\begin_layout Plain Layout





Re: How to properly rotate float sideways

2018-04-18 Thread racoon

On 2018-04-18 16:21, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
2018-04-18 15:56 GMT+02:00 racoon < 

I think sideways floats (figures, tables) are pretty common. That is
why there is a package for it. The (pdf)lscape packages itself seem
not to support floating at all. So both packages fail in providing
either the one or the other.

I did not argue about that, but about the default behavior.

Anyway, I just wanted to make the point that having a floating
landscape page is common enough so that LyX users might want to have
it, at least as an option.

This option is now available in the new Landscape module (via "Landscape 

Great, thanks!


Re: How to properly rotate float sideways

2018-04-18 Thread racoon

On 18/04/2018 15:48, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
2018-04-18 15:43 GMT+02:00 racoon < 

For me to work with the pure landscape environment was pretty
annoying. I guess it is quite common that landscape pages are
inserted without cutting off text. That is also how the
sidewaysfigure/table works (which unfortunately does not rotate the

Granted, but if it would be that common, I suppose the (pdf)lscape 
packages would do it by default. There are many occasions where you 
don't want the environment to float.

I think sideways floats (figures, tables) are pretty common. That is why 
there is a package for it. The (pdf)lscape packages itself seem not to 
support floating at all. So both packages fail in providing either the 
one or the other.

Anyway, I just wanted to make the point that having a floating landscape 
page is common enough so that LyX users might want to have it, at least 
as an option.


Re: How to properly rotate float sideways

2018-04-18 Thread racoon

On 18/04/2018 15:33, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
2018-04-18 15:17 GMT+02:00 racoon < 

Thanks. If I understood correctly, the landscape.module would take
care of the inner part, i.e.



However, this does not lead to nice results since it will cut off
the page text where inserted. So, it might be a good idea to incorporate


in order to allow for text wrapping.

I don't think we should do this by default. We could add a second inset 
that does this, though.

For me to work with the pure landscape environment was pretty annoying. 
I guess it is quite common that landscape pages are inserted without 
cutting off text. That is also how the sidewaysfigure/table works (which 
unfortunately does not rotate the page).


Re: How to properly rotate float sideways

2018-04-18 Thread racoon

On 18/04/2018 14:40, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
2018-04-17 13:25 GMT+02:00 racoon < 

                 # put float here #

(I have created a module for it.)

Also see

Thanks. If I understood correctly, the landscape.module would take care 
of the inner part, i.e.


However, this does not lead to nice results since it will cut off the 
page text where inserted. So, it might be a good idea to incorporate


in order to allow for text wrapping.


Re: How to properly rotate float sideways

2018-04-18 Thread racoon

On 17/04/2018 14:42, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 17 Apr 2018, racoon wrote:

I have some wide figures and tables that don't fit on a portrait page.

I tried to use the "Rotate sideways" option in LyX but it is hard to read
the PDF online since the text on the sideways page is sideways.


   I don't know if my experiences apply to your situation, but when I 
have a

wide table and I rotate it, it does not display properly with the dvips
preview, but does when I compile the file to a .pdf. And, yes, it is
difficult to read on-screen unless you use a reader like MasterPDFEditor
which allows on-screen rotation of a PDF file.

Hi Rich,

Yes, I had compiled the sideways float to PDF. If I understood you 
correctly, then your suggestion is to leave the rotation of the pages to 
the user. I guess most PDF viewers support the rotation of pages these 
days. Though I am a bit worried whether every reader of my text is able 
to do it.

But it made me aware of one side-effect of my solution. The default zoom 
in many PDF readers will be lowered so that the rotated page fits in. 
This leads to all portrait pages showing on a lower zoom than normal. 
However, I am still inclined to think that the average user can zoom a 
page but less to rotate it. But it's a trade-off.


Re: How to properly rotate float sideways

2018-04-18 Thread racoon

On 17/04/2018 21:12, Steve Litt wrote:

On Tue, 17 Apr 2018 13:25:52 +0200
racoon <> wrote:


I have some wide figures and tables that don't fit on a portrait page.

Your afterpage solution sounds good to me, but that sounds like
strongarming a symptom rather than fixing the root cause. The root
cause is using anything, in a book, that is wider than a small phone
turned sideways. The days we could assume a 20" screen (or letter or a4
paper) are gone, and with them, the use of tables, and big
complex diagrams or pictures. >
Isn't there a way you could refactor your tables to make them into
several skinny tables? Also, with complex graphics, is there a way to
present the full picture in miniature, with clickable areas to bring up
sub-pictures? I know I can do this with html+svg, and it would be very
handy with LyX too.

What I try to do these days, with new construction, is to make try to
make sure nothing I use is more than 300 to 500 pixels wide. By
filtering the big stuff out at the authoring stage, I don't need to
jump through hoops at the publishing stage.

Unfortunately, it is hard to break down my diagram without loosing some 
of the representation that makes it easier to grasp the information it 
contains. Same with the tables. Cutting them down makes it harder to 
comprehend them.

Concerning the phone: I guess, given my limitations, the afterpage 
solution is better than LyX's default sideways float solution since the 
phone can then be turned sideways to read the sideways page which offers 
more space. So maybe LyX should have an extended feature for this.

Re: Smaller font in floats in the working area

2018-04-18 Thread racoon

On 12/04/2018 11:55, Guenter Milde wrote:

Sorry for the noise,


No worries. I should have stated what I already tried.


How to properly rotate float sideways

2018-04-17 Thread racoon


I have some wide figures and tables that don't fit on a portrait page.

I tried to use the "Rotate sideways" option in LyX but it is hard to 
read the PDF online since the text on the sideways page is sideways.

So, instead I am using


# put float here #

(I have created a module for it.)

I was just wondering whether that seems to be the best way to do it or 
maybe there is a way to get the "Rotate sideways" to rotate the page in 
a readable way in the PDF output or so.


Re: Issue with table

2018-04-14 Thread racoon

On 14/04/2018 17:46, racoon wrote:


I am not sure this is the proper way, but you could add further columns 
to create more space.

Sorry, I meant rows not columns.

Re: Issue with table

2018-04-14 Thread racoon


I am not sure this is the proper way, but you could add further columns 
to create more space.


On 13/04/2018 17:28, Patrick Dupre wrote:


This table suffers from at least 1 issue in the first column (out of frame)
How can I fix it?


  Patrick DUPRÉ | | email:
  Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère | |
  Université du Littoral-Côte d'Opale   | |
  Tel.  (33)-(0)3 28 23 76 12   | | Fax: 03 28 65 82 44
  189A, avenue Maurice Schumann | | 59140 Dunkerque, France

Description: application/lyx

Re: Smaller font in floats in the working area

2018-04-11 Thread racoon

On 09/04/2018 11:25, Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2018-04-05, racoon wrote:


Is it possible to get a smaller font for floats in the working area? So,
I don't want to change the LaTeX output but the float inset. For
example, larger tables often would fit better with a smaller font.

This should be possible with a custom layout or module. See

Thanks. A bit more specific information would be very helpful.

One can use

Font [or LabelFont or DefaultFont]
  Size small

to set the font size to small. However, this is not recognized within 
the Float layout. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Maybe I could write a new inset for floats but I guess I would lose some 
functionality that way, like the positioning via the label menu.

So maybe you had something else in mind?


Smaller font in floats in the working area

2018-04-05 Thread racoon


Is it possible to get a smaller font for floats in the working area? So, 
I don't want to change the LaTeX output but the float inset. For 
example, larger tables often would fit better with a smaller font.


Re: Creating a tree with math in LyX

2018-03-31 Thread racoon

On 31.03.2018 00:35, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

I would like to make a simple tree that uses math. The current way I do
it is to use the linguistics module, which gives access to the forest
package. Then I go to Insert > custom insets > Structure tree. I then
wrap the math I want to write in \protect. Attached is an example of
what I'm currently doing. It works, but I don't like writing out
\protect, and I have the feeling I'm asking the forest package to do
something it was not meant to do (include math).

Does someone recommend a different way?

I was in need of a decision tree diagram and found it rather hard to get 
a satisfactory result. Maybe something of this is helpful to you.

In the preamble:

  declare toks={elo}{},
my label/.style={
edge label={node[midway,above,text width=1.7cm,align=left]{#1}}
decision tree/.style={
for tree={
minimum size=2pt,
inner sep=2pt,
parent anchor=east,
child anchor=west,
l sep+=20mm,
s sep+=3mm,
edge path'={(!u.parent anchor) -- ([xshift=-18mm].child 
anchor)\forestove{elo} -- (.child anchor)},


An example diagram (I added an instant preview around it):

\begin{forest} decision tree
  [,label=$n_3$,draw ,my label={$s_5,s_6$}
[$o_6$, my label=$s_6(n_3)$]
[$o_5$, my label=$s_5(n_3)$]
  [,label=$n_2$,draw, my label={$s_3,s_4$}
[$o_4$, my label=$s_4(n_2)$]
[$o_3$, my label=$s_3(n_2)$]
  [,label=$n_1$,draw, my label={$s_1,s_2$}
[$o_2$, my label=$s_2(n_1)$]
[$o_1$, my label=$s_1(n_1)$]

Re: Important poll: would this dialog be confusing?

2018-03-20 Thread racoon

On 19.03.2018 18:14, Emile Lunardon wrote:
I don't remember seeing the possibility to install LyX without LaTeX 
(I'll have to change my glasses !), but I want to trust you on this 
point ! In this case, I would be more than happy to agree with your 

I had to check myself to be sure. Attached is exhibit A (unfortunately 
in German).


Re: Important poll: would this dialog be confusing?

2018-03-19 Thread racoon

On 19.03.2018 00:41, emile lunardon wrote:
Miktex 2.9 or later is mandatory to compile LyX document but if LyX is 
used to simply generate LyX document  (or LaTeX  document) without 
compiling it, we should not forbid this use. So I would suggest to 
install LyX in all cases and if need be, to give the choice to the user 
either to upgrade himself properly Miktex (followed by a reconfiguration 
of LyX) or to let the LyX installer perform this Miktex  upgrade.

I am not sure I understand this correctly.

It is still possible to install LyX without LaTeX. For example by 
checking "do not use LaTeX" during installation. But then it should be 
made sure that the dialog about upgrading MiKTeX should come only after 
this option and the upgrade should be done only if MiKTeX is really used 
with LyX.


Re: Force previews to update

2018-03-08 Thread racoon

On 08.03.2018 00:22, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

On Wed, Mar 07, 2018 at 09:21:02PM +, racoon wrote:

A cross reference to an enumerate number or a description label.

I see. Indeed I haven't used those types of previews so I have not come
across this issue.

I see. The general problem is that if you don't directly change what is 
inside a preview, then no update will happen and there seems to be no 
way to force LyX do so - except for files from the cache. So one is 
stuck with a outdated previews.


Re: Force previews to update

2018-03-07 Thread racoon

On 07.03.2018 19:55, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

On Wed, Mar 07, 2018 at 06:53:32PM +, racoon wrote:

I think the (instant) preview function (Insert > Preview) is really nice. In
particular for the readability of references in a text. However, I noticed
that I rarely use it. I think this has to do with the fact that LyX does not
automatically update those when their content changes.

What is a specific example of a content change that you're thinking of?

A cross reference to an enumerate number or a description label.


Force previews to update

2018-03-07 Thread racoon
I think the (instant) preview function (Insert > Preview) is really 
nice. In particular for the readability of references in a text. 
However, I noticed that I rarely use it. I think this has to do with the 
fact that LyX does not automatically update those when their content 

And I see why to have this done automatically is a bit tricky. I guess 
LyX would have to compare the current preview with a newly created 
preview when the document changes which in turn takes too much resources?

However, the next best thing would probably be a function to update all 
previews, maybe Document > Update > Instant Previews or so? There is no 
such thing if I see it correctly.


Re: AW: Windows users: can you test the 2.3.0 installer?

2018-03-01 Thread racoon

On 28.02.2018 10:49, wrote:

The error "platex.exe not found" I received some weeks ago as well with
installing lyx 2.2.3

Hi Andreas,

Do you happen to use Avast Antivirus? At least that is what I expect my 
problem came from. If you use it then my hunch is that Avast scans those 
files but only from the first user until it is in their database.


Re: Skim as PDF-file-viewer on Mac

2018-01-23 Thread racoon

On 23.01.2018 18:57, Dr Eberhard W Lisse wrote:


but is that not document dependent?

For me it just works with all pdf documents.


Re: Skim as PDF-file-viewer on Mac

2018-01-23 Thread racoon

On 23.01.2018 12:46, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

Having changed the default for all PDF files on the Mac to be opened
with Skip instead of Preview (Command I) many years ago this has worked
for me without any issues and without any changes to the preferences.


Do you also have forward and reverse search working?


Re: How to extend a standard layouts

2018-01-21 Thread racoon

On 21.01.2018 00:13, Richard Heck wrote:

On 01/20/2018 11:30 AM, racoon wrote:

By default LyX loads standard layouts and insets. Is there a way to
extend them without overwriting the default .inc file and without
using a module?

Let's say I want to extend the standard Note style.

I don't want to use a module since I want to make a non-optional
change to the Note inset. For example, I want to use another font size
for all LyX notes.

If I understood correctly, I can just put a copy of the
file from the library to the user directory. But this will have the
unwelcome effect to overwrite whatever is in the in the
library directory. So, to avoid unwanted consequences, I will have to
update my user every time the library
changes, for example, in a new version of LyX.

I have run into this problem, too. Some form of it will arise any time
you want to emend or amend a layout file.

I wonder if a longer-term solution is required, then. Might there be
some way we could have 'extensions' of this kind? Maybe they could be
named things like and they would always be loaded
after the corresponding other file was.

That sounds like a good solution to me. (And it could, in principle, be 
extended to other files: For every file where this seems reasonable, 
whether .inc, .module, etc., it is checked whether there is a file with 
the same name with the additional extension .ext and then loaded.)


Re: How to extend a standard layouts

2018-01-20 Thread racoon

On 20.01.2018 19:22, Joel Kulesza wrote:
On Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 9:30 AM, racoon < 
<>> wrote:

By default LyX loads standard layouts and insets. Is there a way to
extend them without overwriting the default .inc file and without
using a module?

Would putting your changes into the Document's Local Layout (and 
optionally saving as document defaults) be satisfactory?

Thanks. Right that is an option. But that is not ideal either. It would, 
for example, mean that I have to add it to all files I already created.

Re: Skim as PDF-file-viewer on Mac

2018-01-20 Thread racoon

On 25.06.2017 16:52, jezZiFeR wrote:


I would like to use Skim on Mac (10.12.5) as a PDF-file-viewer for 
LuaTeX-Output, but it does not work for me.

• In Lyx LyX Version 2.2.3 I have entered the following:

Prefs / Output / General / PDF-Command:
/Applications/ $$n 
$$o $$t

At least one problem is that there seems to be a "" too many in 
the PDF-Command.


How to extend a standard layouts

2018-01-20 Thread racoon
By default LyX loads standard layouts and insets. Is there a way to 
extend them without overwriting the default .inc file and without using 
a module?

Let's say I want to extend the standard Note style.

I don't want to use a module since I want to make a non-optional change 
to the Note inset. For example, I want to use another font size for all 
LyX notes.

If I understood correctly, I can just put a copy of the 
file from the library to the user directory. But this will have the 
unwelcome effect to overwrite whatever is in the in the 
library directory. So, to avoid unwanted consequences, I will have to 
update my user every time the library changes, 
for example, in a new version of LyX.

So I would rather like to *extend* the current library file by just the 
font-size changes by

InsetLayout Note:Note
CopyStyle Note

So LyX should load the library's first and then load the 
code that extends it next.

Is there currently a way to do this?


Re: Cannot get Externam Material: Inkscape figure to work

2017-11-03 Thread racoon

The feature works in rc1 now. Great!

But there is no UI preference to set the scaling, right?


On 12.10.2017 15:01, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
2017-10-12 14:49 GMT+02:00 racoon < 

Thanks. Yes, its 2.3beta1 from the website. Unfortunately, there are
no such lines in

Ah ... The simple reason is that the Windows fixes for the Inkscape 
template went in after beta1 was released. So you will have to wait for 
the next (rc1?) release. Sorry.

For details, see



Re: Is it possible to apply document defaults

2017-11-01 Thread racoon

On 01.11.2017 13:04, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Mittwoch, den 01.11.2017, 11:43 +0200 schrieb racoon:

And actually there is a bug in it: If one resets the OK and Apply
buttons don't get enabled.


Great, thanks!




Re: Is it possible to apply document defaults

2017-11-01 Thread racoon

On 01.11.2017 12:36, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Mittwoch, den 01.11.2017, 11:35 +0200 schrieb racoon:

Thanks. Would be nice to have a little more flexibility in what it
resets and what not. Also, if it does not reset all settings and
one does not do this kind of reset often, a message box informing
user as to what has been reset might be helpful.

Yes, we could do so much (if we had the time and manpower).

Right. I don't have the overview of what things are being done. So I 
never know what the priorities are. I just keep mentioning things that 
come up while I am working with LyX on a daily basis hoping that some of 
those things might be helpful to know.




Re: Is it possible to apply document defaults

2017-11-01 Thread racoon

On 01.11.2017 12:08, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Montag, den 30.10.2017, 19:46 +0200 schrieb racoon:

Does that explain why it seems to do nothing at my side?

It should apply to the following settings:

* oneside/twoside
* columns
* page style
* toc level

And resets to what is defined as default (if any) in the layout file.

And actually there is a bug in it: If one resets the OK and Apply 
buttons don't get enabled.


Re: Is it possible to apply document defaults

2017-11-01 Thread racoon

On 01.11.2017 12:08, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Montag, den 30.10.2017, 19:46 +0200 schrieb racoon:

Does that explain why it seems to do nothing at my side?

It should apply to the following settings:

* oneside/twoside
* columns
* page style
* toc level

And resets to what is defined as default (if any) in the layout file.

Thanks. Would be nice to have a little more flexibility in what it 
resets and what not. Also, if it does not reset all settings and since 
one does not do this kind of reset often, a message box informing the 
user as to what has been reset might be helpful.


Re: Is it possible to apply document defaults

2017-11-01 Thread racoon

On 01.11.2017 04:14, Richard Heck wrote:

On 10/31/2017 03:44 PM, racoon wrote:

On 25.10.2017 22:07, Richard Heck wrote:

On 10/24/2017 09:37 AM, racoon wrote:


I know of the "Save as Document Defaults" in the document settings.
What it seems to do is create a default document with preferences that
is loaded when one creates a new document.

However, if I have created a number of documents using those defaults
and discover that I would like to have something differently, is it
possible not only to save the new settings to the defaults for new
documents but also apply those defaults withing other already existing

I guess I am missing an "Apply Document Defaults" button in settings.
But maybe there is a different way in LyX to do this.

There's no way in LyX to do this, but the fact that LyX files are just
text files makes it easy to do outside LyX. One option is to write a
really basic filter and then run it on your files. For example, if you
wanted to use refstyle, whereas you hadn't previously, you could just
  perl -ibak -pe 's/\\use_refstyle 0/\\use_refstyle 1/' *.lyx
Of course, if it's just that one thing to change, that's maybe not so
helpful. But if there were several changes

Many people use similar techniques to make all kinds of changes to LyX
files. Just as an example, I'm attaching a Perl script I used a little
while ago to change all citations to a particular book to citealias-type
citations. I prefer to write these things in Perl, since it was more or
less designed for this sort of thing. But you could also do it in
Python, of course, or sed or awk, if you're really masochistic.

Thanks Richard. I will have to look into it when my changes to the
default get too many to keep track of them and do them manually for
all the older documents. But wouldn't this be a nice feature to have
in LyX right next to the Save Defaults button? Maybe your script could
be used for that?

It's a reasonable request. Note, however, that it would essentially
involve replacing all the Document settings, at least if we really want
to use the defaults.

Seems fine to me. Am I missing what is problematic about it? I would 
even go so far that exporting and importing document settings would be nice.

Actually, come to think of it, here's another way to do it: Create a new
document; cut and paste the content of the old one.

Yes, that sounds like a reasonable alternative. At the moment the big 
problem with that is, as far as I know, there is no way in LyX to copy 
and paste the content with tracked changes. Though I think that could be 


Re: Is it possible to apply document defaults

2017-10-31 Thread racoon

On 25.10.2017 22:07, Richard Heck wrote:

On 10/24/2017 09:37 AM, racoon wrote:


I know of the "Save as Document Defaults" in the document settings.
What it seems to do is create a default document with preferences that
is loaded when one creates a new document.

However, if I have created a number of documents using those defaults
and discover that I would like to have something differently, is it
possible not only to save the new settings to the defaults for new
documents but also apply those defaults withing other already existing

I guess I am missing an "Apply Document Defaults" button in settings.
But maybe there is a different way in LyX to do this.

There's no way in LyX to do this, but the fact that LyX files are just
text files makes it easy to do outside LyX. One option is to write a
really basic filter and then run it on your files. For example, if you
wanted to use refstyle, whereas you hadn't previously, you could just do:
     perl -ibak -pe 's/\\use_refstyle 0/\\use_refstyle 1/' *.lyx
Of course, if it's just that one thing to change, that's maybe not so
helpful. But if there were several changes

Many people use similar techniques to make all kinds of changes to LyX
files. Just as an example, I'm attaching a Perl script I used a little
while ago to change all citations to a particular book to citealias-type
citations. I prefer to write these things in Perl, since it was more or
less designed for this sort of thing. But you could also do it in
Python, of course, or sed or awk, if you're really masochistic.

Thanks Richard. I will have to look into it when my changes to the 
default get too many to keep track of them and do them manually for all 
the older documents. But wouldn't this be a nice feature to have in LyX 
right next to the Save Defaults button? Maybe your script could be used 
for that?



PS The cite*alias commands are supported by an updated citeengine I
wrote, which I've also attached, again as an example. If you search for
"alias" you'll find what I added.

(which I'd written a new citeengine file to support, also attached, also
as an example).

Re: Is it possible to apply document defaults

2017-10-30 Thread racoon

On 30.10.2017 18:43, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
2017-10-30 16:40 GMT+01:00 racoon < 

On 30.10.2017 18:37, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

2017-10-30 16:32 GMT+01:00 racoon:

     "Use Class Defaults" seems not to do anything. What is it
     to do?

It should reset the document settings to the defaults.

That could mean to the defaults I saved or the defaults that LyX
came with out of the box. Anyway, it does neither.

No, sorry, it resets to the document class's defaults, so it is 
unrelated to what you want.

Does that explain why it seems to do nothing at my side?







Re: Is it possible to apply document defaults

2017-10-30 Thread racoon

On 30.10.2017 18:37, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

2017-10-30 16:32 GMT+01:00 racoon:

"Use Class Defaults" seems not to do anything. What is it supposed
to do?

It should reset the document settings to the defaults.

That could mean to the defaults I saved or the defaults that LyX came 
with out of the box. Anyway, it does neither.






Re: Is it possible to apply document defaults

2017-10-30 Thread racoon

On 26.10.2017 13:02, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Dienstag, den 24.10.2017, 16:37 +0300 schrieb racoon:


I know of the "Save as Document Defaults" in the document settings.
it seems to do is create a default document with preferences that is
loaded when one creates a new document.

However, if I have created a number of documents using those
and discover that I would like to have something differently, is it
possible not only to save the new settings to the defaults for new
documents but also apply those defaults withing other already

I guess I am missing an "Apply Document Defaults" button in
But maybe there is a different way in LyX to do this.

So "Use Class Defaults" (the button left to the one you mention) is not
what you mean?

"Use Class Defaults" seems not to do anything. What is it supposed to do?




Is it possible to apply document defaults

2017-10-25 Thread racoon


I know of the "Save as Document Defaults" in the document settings. What 
it seems to do is create a default document with preferences that is 
loaded when one creates a new document.

However, if I have created a number of documents using those defaults 
and discover that I would like to have something differently, is it 
possible not only to save the new settings to the defaults for new 
documents but also apply those defaults withing other already existing 

I guess I am missing an "Apply Document Defaults" button in settings. 
But maybe there is a different way in LyX to do this.


Re: Cannot get Externam Material: Inkscape figure to work

2017-10-12 Thread racoon

On 12.10.2017 16:01, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
2017-10-12 14:49 GMT+02:00 racoon < 

Thanks. Yes, its 2.3beta1 from the website. Unfortunately, there are
no such lines in

Ah ... The simple reason is that the Windows fixes for the Inkscape 
template went in after beta1 was released. So you will have to wait for 
the next (rc1?) release. Sorry.

For details, see

Good to know.


Re: Cannot get Externam Material: Inkscape figure to work

2017-10-12 Thread racoon

On 12.10.2017 15:26, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

2017-10-12 13:59 GMT+02:00 racoon:

14:59:07.641: checking for a FIG -> Image converter...
14:59:07.721: +checking for "fig2dev"...  no
14:59:07.722: checking for a TIFF -> PS converter...
14:59:07.733: +checking for "tiff2ps"...  no

The check for a SVG -> PDFTeX converter ans a SVG -> PSTeX converter is 
supposed to happen between these two checks.

The question is why this is not the case for you.

Please check: Do you really run a recent (enough) version of LyX? I 
suppose this is LyX 2.3beta1 (the Windows installer), but please open 
the file (in your case: C:/Users/Daniel/AppData/Local/LyX 
2.3/Resources/ with an editor and check whether it contains 
the following lines:

     checkProg('a SVG -> PDFTeX converter', [inkscape_name],
     rc_entry = [ r'\converter svg    pdftex "python -tt 
$$s/scripts/ %% $$p$$i $$p$$o" ""'],

     path = [inkscape_path])
     checkProg('a SVG -> PSTeX converter', [inkscape_name],
     rc_entry = [ r'\converter svg    pstex "python -tt 
$$s/scripts/ %% $$p$$i $$p$$o" ""'],

     path = [inkscape_path])

Thanks. Yes, its 2.3beta1 from the website. Unfortunately, there are no 
such lines in


Re: Cannot get Externam Material: Inkscape figure to work

2017-10-12 Thread racoon

On 12.10.2017 14:36, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
2017-10-12 11:30 GMT+02:00 racoon < 

On 12.10.2017 11:11, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

1. Do you have inkscape installed?


2. Which converter do you have set in preferences for SVG ->

There is no such entry. I have only

SVG -> EPS, SVG -> PDF (graphics), and SVG -> PNG.

SVG -> PDF (graphics), for example, is set to

rsvg-convert -f pdf -o $$o $$i

Do I have to add SVG -> PDFTEX manually? What will I have to set it to?

Tools > Reconfigure is supposed to set it up. Can you run this and post 
the console/message pane output (or the relevant snippets, as suggested 
by Kornel)?

14:59:00.410: Running configure...
14:59:00.570: python -tt "C:/Users/Daniel/AppData/Local/LyX 
--binary-dir="C:/Users/Daniel/AppData/Local/LyX 2.3/bin/"

14:59:00.730: checking for DVI to DTL converter...
14:59:00.730: +checking for "dv2dt"...  yes
14:59:00.730: checking for DTL to DVI converter...
14:59:00.730: +checking for "dt2dv"...  yes
14:59:00.730: checking for a Latex2e program...
14:59:00.740: +checking for "latex"...  yes
14:59:00.740: checking for a DVI postprocessing program...
14:59:00.740: +checking for "pplatex"...  yes
14:59:00.740: checking for pLaTeX, the Japanese LaTeX...
14:59:00.751: +checking for "platex"...  no
14:59:01.392: checking for a java interpreter...
14:59:01.392: +checking for "java"...  yes
14:59:01.392: checking for a perl interpreter...
14:59:01.392: +checking for "perl"...  yes
14:59:01.392: checking for a Tgif viewer and editor...
14:59:01.392: +checking for "tgif"...  no
14:59:01.402: checking for a FIG viewer and editor...
14:59:01.402: +checking for "xfig"...  no
14:59:01.432: +checking for "jfig3-itext.jar"...  no
14:59:01.502: +checking for "jfig3.jar"...  no
14:59:01.502: checking for a Dia viewer and editor...
14:59:01.512: +checking for "dia"...  no
14:59:01.512: checking for an OpenDocument drawing viewer and editor...
14:59:01.582: +checking for "libreoffice"...  no
14:59:01.592: +checking for "lodraw"...  no
14:59:01.662: +checking for "ooffice"...  no
14:59:01.672: +checking for "oodraw"...  no
14:59:01.723: +checking for "soffice"...  no
14:59:01.725: checking for a Grace viewer and editor...
14:59:01.817: +checking for "xmgrace"...  no
14:59:01.819: checking for a FEN viewer and editor...
14:59:01.821: +checking for "xboard"...  no
14:59:01.823: checking for a SVG viewer and editor...
14:59:01.824: +checking for "inkscape"...  yes
14:59:01.826: checking for a raster image viewer...
14:59:01.864: +checking for "xv"...  no
14:59:01.904: +checking for "gwenview"...  no
14:59:01.947: +checking for "kview"...  no
14:59:01.986: +checking for "eog"...  no
14:59:02.056: +checking for "xviewer"...  no
14:59:02.066: +checking for "ristretto"...  no
14:59:02.136: +checking for "gpicview"...  no
14:59:02.146: +checking for "lximage-qt"...  no
14:59:02.206: +checking for "xdg-open"...  no
14:59:02.237: +checking for "gimp-remote"...  no
14:59:02.288: +checking for "gimp"...  no
14:59:02.288: checking for a raster image editor...
14:59:02.356: +checking for "gimp-remote"...  no
14:59:02.368: +checking for "gimp"...  no
14:59:02.369: checking for a text editor...
14:59:02.440: +checking for "xemacs"...  no
14:59:02.450: +checking for "gvim"...  no
14:59:02.501: +checking for "kedit"...  no
14:59:02.549: +checking for "kwrite"...  no
14:59:02.582: +checking for "kate"...  no
14:59:02.652: +checking for "nedit"...  no
14:59:02.662: +checking for "gedit"...  no
14:59:02.692: +checking for "geany"...  no
14:59:02.771: +checking for "leafpad"...  no
14:59:02.782: +checking for "mousepad"...  no
14:59:02.824: +checking for "xed"...  no
14:59:02.854: +checking for "notepad"...  yes
14:59:02.854: checking for gnumeric spreadsheet software...
14:59:02.884: +checking for "gnumeric"...  no
14:59:02.894: checking for an HTML previewer...
14:59:02.944: +checking for "firefox"...  no
14:59:02.984: +checking for "mozilla"...  no
14:59:03.016: +checking for "netscape"...  no
14:59:03.016: checking for a BibTeX editor...
14:59:03.026: +checking for "jabref"...  yes
14:59:03.036: +checking for "JabRef"...  yes
14:59:03.108: +checking for "pybliographic"...  no
14:59:03.118: +checking for "bibdesk"...  no
14:59:03.188: +checking for "gbib"...

Re: Cannot get Externam Material: Inkscape figure to work

2017-10-12 Thread racoon

On 12.10.2017 12:37, Kornel Benko wrote:

Am Donnerstag, 12. Oktober 2017 um 12:30:29, schrieb racoon <>

On 12.10.2017 11:11, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

1. Do you have inkscape installed?


2. Which converter do you have set in preferences for SVG -> PDFTEX? It

There is no such entry. I have only

SVG -> EPS, SVG -> PDF (graphics), and SVG -> PNG.

SVG -> PDF (graphics), for example, is set to

rsvg-convert -f pdf -o $$o $$i

Do I have to add SVG -> PDFTEX manually? What will I have to set it to?


You could check first 'configure.log' for entry like
INFO: checking for a SVG viewer and editor...
INFO: +checking for "inkscape"...  yes
DEBUG: Add to RC:
\Format svg"svg" SVG"" "inkscape" "inkscape""vector"  
\Format svgz   "svgz" "SVG (compressed)" "" "inkscape" "inkscape"   
"vector,zipped=native"  ""

INFO: checking for a SVG viewer and editor...
INFO: +checking for "inkscape"...  yes
DEBUG: Add to RC:
\Format svg"svg" SVG"" "\"C:\Program Files 
(x86)\Inkscape\inkscape\"" "\"C:\Program Files 
(x86)\Inkscape\inkscape\""	"vector"	"image/svg+xml"
\Format svgz   "svgz" "SVG (compressed)" "" "\"C:\Program Files 
(x86)\Inkscape\inkscape\"" "\"C:\Program Files 
(x86)\Inkscape\inkscape\""	"vector,zipped=native"	""

and lyxrc.defaults for
# egrep inkscape lyxrc.defaults

That's some kind of unix command, right? It searches the file for 
'inkscape', right? Here is what I found:

\Format svg"svg" SVG"" "\"C:\Program Files 
(x86)\Inkscape\inkscape\"" "\"C:\Program Files 
(x86)\Inkscape\inkscape\""	"vector"	"image/svg+xml"
\Format svgz   "svgz" "SVG (compressed)" "" "\"C:\Program Files 
(x86)\Inkscape\inkscape\"" "\"C:\Program Files 
(x86)\Inkscape\inkscape\""	"vector,zipped=native"	""

\editor_alternatives svg "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\inkscape\""
\viewer_alternatives svg "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\inkscape\""
\editor_alternatives svgz "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\inkscape\""
\viewer_alternatives svgz "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\inkscape\""

\converter wmfeps"inkscape --file=$$i 
--export-area-drawing --without-gui --export-eps=$$o"	""
\converter emfeps"inkscape --file=$$i 
--export-area-drawing --without-gui --export-eps=$$o"	""
\converter wmfpdf6"inkscape --file=$$i 
--export-area-drawing --without-gui --export-pdf=$$o"	""
\converter emfpdf6"inkscape --file=$$i 
--export-area-drawing --without-gui --export-pdf=$$o"	""


Re: Cannot get Externam Material: Inkscape figure to work

2017-10-12 Thread racoon

On 12.10.2017 11:11, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

1. Do you have inkscape installed?


2. Which converter do you have set in preferences for SVG -> PDFTEX? It 

There is no such entry. I have only

SVG -> EPS, SVG -> PDF (graphics), and SVG -> PNG.

SVG -> PDF (graphics), for example, is set to

rsvg-convert -f pdf -o $$o $$i

Do I have to add SVG -> PDFTEX manually? What will I have to set it to?


Re: Cannot get Externam Material: Inkscape figure to work

2017-10-12 Thread racoon

On 11.10.2017 17:24, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

2017-10-11 8:24 GMT+02:00 racoon < <>>:

What more debug information is needed?

For instance the console/message pane output, if any. We need to know 
whether the problem is that Inkscape is not found or whether there are 
other problems in the conversion process.

Thanks. Here it is:

10:49:29.287: Previewing ...
10:49:29.307: (buffer-view: Ctrl+R)
10:49:29.307: (command-alternatives master-buffer-view; buffer-view: 
10:49:29.467: python -tt "C:/Users/Daniel/AppData/Local/LyX 
2.3/Resources/scripts/" svg 
10:49:32.251: magick: unable to open image 
Invalid argument @ error/

10:49:32.255: blob.c/OpenBlob/3109.
10:49:32.258: C:/Users/Daniel/AppData/Local/LyX 
2.3/Resources/scripts/ ERROR

10:49:32.259: Execution of "magick" failed.
support/Systemcall.cpp (294): Systemcall: 'python -tt 
2.3/Resources/scripts/" svg 
finished with exit code 1

Error: Cannot convert file

No information for converting svg format files to pdftex.
Define a converter in the preferences.
10:49:33.870: pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 
10:49:35.056: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (MiKTeX 

10:49:35.059: entering extended mode
10:49:35.060: (SVGomittest.tex
10:49:35.061: LaTeX2e <2017-04-15>
10:49:35.064: Babel <3.12> and hyphenation patterns for 75 language(s) 

10:49:36.420: pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 
"SVGomittest.tex"support/Systemcall.cpp (294): Systemcall: 'pdflatex 
-interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1  "SVGomittest.tex"' finished with 
exit code 1
10:49:37.217: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (MiKTeX 

10:49:37.219: entering extended mode
10:49:37.221: (SVGomittest.tex
10:49:37.222: LaTeX2e <2017-04-15>
10:49:37.223: Babel <3.12> and hyphenation patterns for 75 language(s) 

support/Systemcall.cpp (294): Systemcall: 'pdflatex 
-interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1  "SVGomittest.tex"' finished with 
exit code 1

10:49:38.270: Error while exporting format: PDF (pdflatex)

Re: Cannot get Externam Material: Inkscape figure to work

2017-10-11 Thread racoon

On 10.10.2017 19:45, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Dienstag, den 10.10.2017, 08:39 +0200 schrieb racoon:

I just tried the new (experimental) Inkscape figure (or should it be

No, Inkscape. It's a particular format that is only featured by that

However, my document failed to compile. On the first run LyX tells
that I need to define a converter in the Preferences. Would be good
tell me also which and how. I have checked the Embedded Objects
on the feature but couldn't fin help on this. Also, I have Inkscape
installed but apparently LyX did not auto detect it for the

Maybe someone can give me a hint.

What OS? Inkscape does not yet work on OSX in beta1 (but should work in

I am on win7. So that shouldn't be a problem. I have been using the 
technique of exporting SVG to the Inkscape pdf/LaTeX. That works. I just 
wanted to try the automatic conversion with LyX which does not.

What more debug information is needed?


Cannot get Externam Material: Inkscape figure to work

2017-10-10 Thread racoon
I just tried the new (experimental) Inkscape figure (or should it be SVG 

However, my document failed to compile. On the first run LyX tells me 
that I need to define a converter in the Preferences. Would be good to 
tell me also which and how. I have checked the Embedded Objects manual 
on the feature but couldn't fin help on this. Also, I have Inkscape 
installed but apparently LyX did not auto detect it for the converter.

Maybe someone can give me a hint.

Re: Have you tested 2.3.0beta1?

2017-10-06 Thread racoon

On 10.09.2017 11:13, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Sonntag, den 10.09.2017, 11:14 +0200 schrieb racoon:

On 10.09.2017 10:12, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Yes, it would be nice to document issues there. Note that the
workaround was never officially supported, so the transition might
entails some caveats (although not too much hopefully).

I added what I did for the transition:


Unfortunately, I don't have time to look into possible caveats.

If further issues arise, we will add them there.

I think that "natbib compatibility mode" as explained at

is redundant if one uses lyx's new biblatex support. Is that correct? If 
so I'll add at

that these settings can be removed.


Re: Have you tested 2.3.0beta1?

2017-09-10 Thread racoon

On 10.09.2017 10:12, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Yes, it would be nice to document issues there. Note that the
workaround was never officially supported, so the transition might
entails some caveats (although not too much hopefully).

I added what I did for the transition:

Unfortunately, I don't have time to look into possible caveats.







Re: Have you tested 2.3.0beta1?

2017-09-10 Thread racoon

On 10.09.2017 10:12, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Sonntag, den 10.09.2017, 07:49 +0200 schrieb racoon:

On 09.09.2017 15:32, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Samstag, den 09.09.2017, 11:31 +0200 schrieb racoon:

I have a document that works fine in 2.2 but generates an error

"I found no \citation commands---while reading file ..."

Which bibliography processor do you have set?

I had it set to automatic. Setting it to biber worked. Oddly enough
continued to work after setting it to automatic again.

"Automatic" only does the right thing if you use native biblatex
support. Otherwise, it will select BibTeX, since LyX thinks you use

It uses Biblatex according to [1]. I know that native support for
Biblatex has been introduced in 2.3. So will I have to change my
documents where I used [1] somehow?

You have to change it in order to use the native support. But you
should be able to continue with the workaround.

Maybe it would be nice to have a guide how to get from [1] to native
support at [1]. Is there something like that? If not I can try to
the switch and write it down.

Yes, it would be nice to document issues there. Note that the
workaround was never officially supported, so the transition might
entails some caveats (although not too much hopefully).

Okay, got it to work and will document my experience at [1].

I noticed that the BibTex Bibliography dialog's Content field is blank 
by default. Either this represents some "not set" value but then this 
should be explicit and an option in the drop down menu, or "all cited 
references" should be set by default.

Also the dialog title should now be "Bib(la)Tex Bibliography" as is the 
menu entry Insert > List / TOC > Bib(la)Tex Bibliography...

By the way the usage of upper case is inconsistent. Either the T should 
be lower or the l and x upper case. There is no upper case usage in 
Document Settings > Bibliography for Biblatex but for BibTeX...







Re: Have you tested 2.3.0beta1?

2017-09-10 Thread racoon

On 10.09.2017 07:49, racoon wrote:

On 09.09.2017 15:32, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

You have to change it in order to use the native support. But you still
should be able to continue with the workaround.

Maybe it would be nice to have a guide how to get from [1] to native 
support at [1]. Is there something like that? If not I can try to make 
the switch and write it down.

Having set the native support, I get an error saying

LaTeX Error: \postnotedelim undefined.

It comes from a line in my preamble:


I have the following options set for Biblatex:

style=authoryear, firstinits=true, natbib=true, backend=biber, 
doi=false, isbn=false, url=false

My guess is that I don't need to specify natbib and backend. But the 
error occurs with and without it.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?


Re: Have you tested 2.3.0beta1?

2017-09-10 Thread racoon

On 06.09.2017 01:25, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

I have not seen many bugs that have been reported regarding 2.3.0beta1.
I would like to know whether this means that 2.3.0beta1 can be
considered stable, which is what I believe, or whether it is just that
not many people have tested it and that is why there have not been many
bug reports.

If you've tested, it would be useful if you just respond with e.g. "yes
I briefly tested and didn't find any issues".

If you're interested in testing, please back up all of your files.

One useful way to test is to compile your current .lyx files. If you get
a LaTeX error where with a previous .lyx file you did not, then that
could be a bug.

One bug I just spotted:


Re: Have you tested 2.3.0beta1?

2017-09-09 Thread racoon

On 09.09.2017 15:32, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Samstag, den 09.09.2017, 11:31 +0200 schrieb racoon:

I have a document that works fine in 2.2 but generates an error in

"I found no \citation commands---while reading file ..."

Which bibliography processor do you have set?

I had it set to automatic. Setting it to biber worked. Oddly enough it 
continued to work after setting it to automatic again.

It uses Biblatex according to [1]. I know that native support for
Biblatex has been introduced in 2.3. So will I have to change my
documents where I used [1] somehow?

You have to change it in order to use the native support. But you still
should be able to continue with the workaround.

Maybe it would be nice to have a guide how to get from [1] to native 
support at [1]. Is there something like that? If not I can try to make 
the switch and write it down.





Re: Have you tested 2.3.0beta1?

2017-09-09 Thread racoon

I have a document that works fine in 2.2 but generates an error in 2.3

"I found no \citation commands---while reading file ..."

It uses Biblatex according to [1]. I know that native support for 
Biblatex has been introduced in 2.3. So will I have to change my 
documents where I used [1] somehow?



Manually scroll horizontally

2017-04-08 Thread racoon
Is there a way to scroll a long inset, e.g. a long equation, manually 

(I know that one can scroll with the cursor position but sometimes there 
is no possible cursor position, e.g. when there is only a line number. 
One way to get around this is to move the cursor just after the inset. I 
was just wondering whether there is another way to scroll.)



Re: Icon size in Lyx 2.2.2

2016-12-09 Thread racoon

On 10.12.2016 00:08, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

On Fri, Dec 09, 2016 at 10:21:49AM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Le 09/12/2016 à 02:23, Scott Kostyshak a écrit :

Works for me (Linux Mint, Qt 4.8.6), so long as the icon is active (not
grayed out).

I think we should enable the context menu even if the icons are greyed
out. I think we discussed this elsewhere also. Do others agree?

I agree that we should, but is it something we have control on?

I don't know.

racoon do you have any ideas on this since you've worked a bit on the
toolbar code?

I wondered this before as well but could not find a setting for it. 
Seems to me like a bug of qt. But maybe it is as it should be according 
to their documentation?

One way to implement it manually might be (in the constructor of 
toolbars maybe?) to

1. disable the default context menu for the toolbars

2. add a custom event to the toolbar

Could this help?

Maybe these two things could be added to the constructor of a toolbar?

Sorry, not much of a help I guess.


Re: Default directory for backups

2016-12-06 Thread racoon

On 05.12.2016 09:24, gordon cooper wrote:

By related file (and I was not quite sure how to describe it), I mean a
copy of the file
that I am working on. Most of my work in Lyx  is documentation for an
operating system,
MX-Linux.  Two of us write/edit the user manual. There are annual major
updates, plus
bug fixing etc during the year. Therefore I use a separate folder for
each version of the
project, and find that Lyx will save a copy of the present workfile into
that folder, if I
forget to do a save myself.

Okay, maybe I did not make my situation clear enough: I have *never* 
saved the document anywhere before. So there is no specific folder for it.


Re: Default directory for backups

2016-12-06 Thread racoon

On 05.12.2016 09:42, Annaert Jan wrote:

Did you already check out the “path” tab in the LyX preference box?

Thanks. I just did but the "Backup directory" entry in the preferences 
is empty. So I guess it goes to some default directory. But I don't 
remember which it is. Maybe the "Temporary directory"? Is it to be found 
in one of those "lyx_tmpdir.aACBCqm16796" folders in that directory?

Maybe if a path is empty and there is a default it should show the 
default directory in grayish text?

Re: Default directory for backups

2016-12-05 Thread racoon

On 05.12.2016 01:40, gordon cooper wrote:

On 05/12/16 12:19, racoon wrote:

Does someone know where LyX puts backups of unsaved documents?

 I find Lyx copies in the folder that I am using for the related Lyx file.


What is the "related LyX file" you are using? (As I mentioned, I have 
not saved my document yet, so I guess my document isn't the file you 
refer to.)

My guess is that the backups are stored in some temp directory but I 
cannot remember which one. I am on Windows 7.

Maybe it would be nice to list that path somewhere in LyX. Maybe in the 
About dialog together with the library and user directory?

Default directory for backups

2016-12-04 Thread racoon


Does someone know where LyX puts backups of unsaved documents?


Re: Problems with read-only function

2016-11-24 Thread racoon

On 24.11.2016 10:12, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Le 24/11/2016 à 09:01, racoon a écrit :

For example, sometimes I open a LyX help file and it is in
view-only-mode. Made sense to me so far since those documents should not
be changed. But when I restart the session which opens the file
automatically again the mode is disabled. I just never got what is going
on and why. I am still wondering a bit.

What do you mean exactly by restarting the session?

Close LyX and open it again. (You need to check "Load opened files from 
last session" in Preferences > Look & Feel > Document Handling.)


Re: Problems with read-only function

2016-11-24 Thread racoon

On 24.11.2016 09:52, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Le 23/11/2016 à 22:20, racoon a écrit :

Only the edit mode of the document is changed, not the read-only state
(the permissions) of the file itself.

Thanks. Then "buffer-toggle-read-only" seems like a misnomer. And why is
this edit mode not saved?

Yes, it is a misnomer. This is why the menu uses a different wording.
There is no reason to save the state.

For example, in release mode, help files are open in view-only mode by
convenience. This has nothing to do with the state of the file itself.

We should probably try to separate the concept of read-only with the
concept of view-only mode. But I know of no program that would change
the read-only mode of a file (except for some hard locking with password).

What is the use case?

I just wanted to understand what is going on.

I filed a related bug report If 
you are right then the report is invalid and should be marked as such.

For example, sometimes I open a LyX help file and it is in 
view-only-mode. Made sense to me so far since those documents should not 
be changed. But when I restart the session which opens the file 
automatically again the mode is disabled. I just never got what is going 
on and why. I am still wondering a bit.


Re: Problems with read-only function

2016-11-23 Thread racoon

On 23.11.2016 18:06, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Le 22/11/2016 à 10:59, racoon a écrit :

However, I cannot see this is in 2.2.2.

Saving a document as read-only seems not to work properly. Maybe this is
already known.

1. Toggling read-only (buffer-toggle-read-only) does not render the
document dirty. So it is not possible to *just* make a document
read-only and save it.

2. When opening a document saved as read-only it always opens as

Only the edit mode of the document is changed, not the read-only state
(the permissions) of the file itself.

Thanks. Then "buffer-toggle-read-only" seems like a misnomer. And why is 
this edit mode not saved?


Problems with read-only function

2016-11-22 Thread racoon

I have a couple of problems with the read-only function.

"What is new in LyX 2.2?" ( 
states that

* It is now possible to toggle the read-only state of a document via the 
menu Document→Disable Editing.

However, I cannot see this is in 2.2.2.

Saving a document as read-only seems not to work properly. Maybe this is 
already known.

1. Toggling read-only (buffer-toggle-read-only) does not render the 
document dirty. So it is not possible to *just* make a document 
read-only and save it.

2. When opening a document saved as read-only it always opens as 


Re: Centering a tabular inside a description

2016-11-20 Thread racoon

On 16.11.2016 14:15, racoon wrote:

On 16.11.2016 13:49, Mario D wrote:

I have a tabular environment inside a description environment (see the
attached MWE): I'd like to have it centered but I can't get it.
I guess I am missing something simple but what?

Maybe use a box? Dee attachment.

I just realized that my solution was unnecessarily complicated. What is 
needed is only that you begin a new (default) paragraph, then you can 
set the justification as desired.


Description: application/lyx

Re: Centering a tabular inside a description

2016-11-16 Thread racoon

On 16.11.2016 14:41, Mario D wrote:

I knew I was going to make a fool of myself by asking this... :(

But sometime one misses the evident.

Don't worry. At least I have my own record of such questions on the list. :)

Re: margins

2016-11-08 Thread racoon

On 08.11.2016 22:17, Patrick Dupre wrote:

Here a lyx file

Thanks. I am not sure why the fourier package has this effect. It is 
definitely not a problem with LyX itself.

There are actually two packages

1. fourier, which LyX uses when setting the font under Document > 
Settings > Fonts, and

2. utopia.

The fourier package has the effect that you see on your output. Maybe 
this is some (known?) problem with the package? You can also try to ask 
the question on

Maybe an alternative would is to use utopia instead? So rather than 
choosing the package via Document > Settings > Fonts you add


to your Document > Settings > Preamble.


Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2016 at 10:13 PM
From: racoon <>
To: "Patrick Dupre" <>
Subject: Re: margins

On 08.11.2016 22:01, Patrick Dupre wrote:


Thank to respond me.
Actually, you are right, but if you move to
utopia (Fourier) font, this is what you get.


It would be easier to assist you if you send your LyX document.

 Patrick DUPRÉ | | email:
 Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère | |
 Université du Littoral-Côte d'Opale   | |
 Tel.  (33)-(0)3 28 23 76 12   | | Fax: 03 28 65 82 44
 189A, avenue Maurice Schumann | | 59140 Dunkerque, France

Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2016 at 7:00 PM
From: racoon <>
Subject: Re: margins

On 03.11.2016 15:53, Patrick Dupre wrote:


How can I avoid the lack of alignment shown on this document ?
Article class

It seems to be due to the use of bold characters


Hard to tell from only a pdf file. It worked for me (attached). You seem
to be changing the itemize symbols maybe there is the problem?


Re: margins

2016-11-08 Thread racoon

On 08.11.2016 22:01, Patrick Dupre wrote:


Thank to respond me.
Actually, you are right, but if you move to
utopia (Fourier) font, this is what you get.


It would be easier to assist you if you send your LyX document.

 Patrick DUPRÉ | | email:
 Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère | |
 Université du Littoral-Côte d'Opale   | |
 Tel.  (33)-(0)3 28 23 76 12   | | Fax: 03 28 65 82 44
 189A, avenue Maurice Schumann | | 59140 Dunkerque, France

Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2016 at 7:00 PM
From: racoon <>
Subject: Re: margins

On 03.11.2016 15:53, Patrick Dupre wrote:


How can I avoid the lack of alignment shown on this document ?
Article class

It seems to be due to the use of bold characters


Hard to tell from only a pdf file. It worked for me (attached). You seem
to be changing the itemize symbols maybe there is the problem?


Re: margins

2016-11-08 Thread racoon

On 03.11.2016 15:53, Patrick Dupre wrote:


How can I avoid the lack of alignment shown on this document ?
Article class

It seems to be due to the use of bold characters


Hard to tell from only a pdf file. It worked for me (attached). You seem 
to be changing the itemize symbols maybe there is the problem?


Description: application/lyx

Description: application/forcedownload

Re: everymath not work with numbered formula

2016-11-08 Thread racoon

On 06.11.2016 13:13, edu Gpl wrote:

Dear lyx users
i used (\everymath{scriptstyle}) in lyx preambe, to let math formula
small size, it's worked good with initial formula.
but it's not work with "numbered formula"?!
i hope you can help me to let the numbered formula in small size (with
lyx primble).


Did you mean \everymath{\scriptstyle}? I am not sure what you are trying 
to achieve, but maybe \everydisplay={\scriptstyle} does the trick?


Re: Sideways longtable

2016-11-08 Thread racoon

On 08.11.2016 15:50, Julio Rojas wrote:

Dear Daniel,

As you can see by the results shown in the attached PDF, "pdflandscape"
rotates the page, not the longtable (look at the page numbers and the
test in the table). What I need is to rotate the longtable, so it better
fits with my data. Nevertheless, I thank you for your help.

Should this be reported as a desired feature? Or would it be a very
complex task to include in this developing cycle?

Dear Julio,

I think the result is as it should be. The page numbers never get turned 
with the content. This is because you normally don't want them turned 
since the landscape page is part of series of other pages in portrait. I 
have added some context so you see what I mean.

If for some reason you want the page numbers turned as well maybe this 

(Note: you are not actually using a longtable but a tabular.)


On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 3:07 AM, racoon <
<>> wrote:

On 07.11.2016 23 <tel:07.11.2016%2023>:12, Julio Rojas wrote:

Dear all,

I would like to have a long and wide table in such a way that
allows me
to optimize the space on my document. I tried rotating a
longtable, but
an error was produced. Then I defined my longtable and used the
"pdflscape", which produced a rotated page with a non-rotated
table. Is
there an easy way to produce a rotated longtable in Lyx? Or should I
produce table in LaTeX code?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Julio,

So you want to rotate the content only on one of your pages, right?
Otherwise you could just use Document->Settings->Page Layout->Landscape.

For only one page with a rotated table I had no problems with using


in the Preamble and an ERT with


before and


after the table. Notice that for it to work you have to disable
Landscape in the document Settings. (Otherwise you get a

If it does not work maybe you can send an example file.


Description: application/forcedownload

Description: application/lyx

Re: Sideways longtable

2016-11-07 Thread racoon

On 07.11.2016 23:12, Julio Rojas wrote:

Dear all,

I would like to have a long and wide table in such a way that allows me
to optimize the space on my document. I tried rotating a longtable, but
an error was produced. Then I defined my longtable and used the
"pdflscape", which produced a rotated page with a non-rotated table. Is
there an easy way to produce a rotated longtable in Lyx? Or should I
produce table in LaTeX code?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Julio,

So you want to rotate the content only on one of your pages, right? 
Otherwise you could just use Document->Settings->Page Layout->Landscape.

For only one page with a rotated table I had no problems with using


in the Preamble and an ERT with


before and


after the table. Notice that for it to work you have to disable 
Landscape in the document Settings. (Otherwise you get a double-rotation.)

If it does not work maybe you can send an example file.


Write one symbol over another

2016-10-31 Thread racoon


I would like to write a minus (-) over a delta (\delta). By over I do 
not mean above but that the minus stroke through the delta. (I need it 
to be the minus and not some other strike through version.)

I played a bit around with \mathrlab, \mathclap, and \mathllap but could 
not figure it our.

I managed to get it done with four negative spaces (\!) but that is 
probably not the correct way to do it.

Any ideas?


Re: Where to insert section labels?

2016-10-04 Thread racoon

On 04.10.2016 23:16, Richard Heck wrote:

On 10/04/2016 05:05 PM, racoon wrote:

On 04.10.2016 20:02, Richard Heck wrote:

On 10/04/2016 12:40 PM, racoon wrote:

Where the label is just inserted in an extra default paragraph. Apart
from looking a bit odd, it seems to work and not to create extra
spacing or so. So is this the "saver" way to insert section labels in

You can also just put the label at the beginning of the text. If there's
no such text (if the first thing is a \subsection), then you can put it
on a blank line by itself. LaTeX will ignore the otherwise empty line.

I just noticed that LyX in a sense supports neither my (in an extra
line) nor your (at the beginning of the text). This is because LyX
does not add the "sec:" to the label and also automatically inserts
the beginning of the text rather than the heading.

I do get the "sec:" on a blank line, and even at the beginning of the
first paragraph. But you are right that the auto-fill mechanism gives
you the text from the paragraph, or no text.

It would be pretty easy to change that, I think. Have a look at
Text::getPossibleLabel. You'll see there's some fancy footwork to get
the "sec:" part to work. If you did that before filling the "text"
variable, then...well...maybe there'd be other problems, but it would
solve this problem, I think.

Yes, you are right. I get the "sec:" too. Thanks for the ref. I'll take 
a look at it.


Re: Where to insert section labels?

2016-10-04 Thread racoon

On 04.10.2016 20:02, Richard Heck wrote:

On 10/04/2016 12:40 PM, racoon wrote:

Where the label is just inserted in an extra default paragraph. Apart
from looking a bit odd, it seems to work and not to create extra
spacing or so. So is this the "saver" way to insert section labels in

You can also just put the label at the beginning of the text. If there's
no such text (if the first thing is a \subsection), then you can put it
on a blank line by itself. LaTeX will ignore the otherwise empty line.

I just noticed that LyX in a sense supports neither my (in an extra 
line) nor your (at the beginning of the text). This is because LyX does 
not add the "sec:" to the label and also automatically inserts the 
beginning of the text rather than the heading.

Maybe LyX could check whether the label is referring to the section or 
not. Or more easily to implement, I guess, check whether the label is 
inserted at the beginning of a default paragraph right after the 
\subsection. This would make both of our suggestions supported.


Re: Where to insert section labels?

2016-10-04 Thread racoon

Thanks Richard!

On 04.10.2016 20:02, Richard Heck wrote:

Yes, it can cause other problems too. The root cause is that \section is
a "moving argument". You really don't want to put anything else in
there. Though I'll confess I sometimes do.

Maybe worth changing that in the documentation files then.

You can also just put the label at the beginning of the text. If there's
no such text (if the first thing is a \subsection), then you can put it
on a blank line by itself. LaTeX will ignore the otherwise empty line.

Yes that seems a bit nicer.

Maybe LyX could automatically put labels after the \section{} when it is 
put in the same line. But I don't know whether this would have other 
undesired consequences.


Where to insert section labels?

2016-10-04 Thread racoon

I used to insert section labels right after the heading:

1. Some heading[sec:Some-heading]

This is actually how it is done in the User Guide as well. However, this 
produces the following source:

\section{Some heading\label{sec:Some-heading}}

But it actually leads to problems when I tried to have uppercase section 
headings with:


I guess the error occurs for the same reason as 
\MakeUppercase{\label{sec:Some-heading}} generates an error.

So I looked around and saw that often the label is inserted *after* the 

\section{Some heading}\label{sec:Some-heading}

But I am not sure how to achieve this with LyX. So instead I did this:

1. Some heading

Where the label is just inserted in an extra default paragraph. Apart 
from looking a bit odd, it seems to work and not to create extra spacing 
or so. So is this the "saver" way to insert section labels in LyX?


Re: Note:Comment seems not to accept Requires

2016-09-24 Thread racoon

On 21.09.2016 17:15, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Le 19/09/2016 à 10:52, racoon a écrit :

For some reason Note:Comment seems not to let me require a package. Here
is how I tried to change it (my changes are marked by a comment in the
previous line):

There was still some hardcoding going on in the Note inset code. I
removed it in master at db1270765.

I'll see whether this can be backported.

Same goes for AddToPreamble/Preamble it seems.


Re: Make all LyX notes visible on PDF

2016-09-23 Thread racoon

On 23.09.2016 16:41, racoon wrote:

On 23.09.2016 13:52, Guillaume Munch wrote:

Le 22/09/2016 à 13:34, racoon a écrit :

On 22.09.2016 14:29, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

You should also list it here:

It is not a module. So should I list the "hack" just as a comment there?

Note that my concern regarding the MultiPar change was only for a module
distributed with LyX.

I think there is a way to avoid the problem. Unfortunately only partially.

The pdfcomment package actually provides a way to insert line breaks in
comments by using \textCR. So one can just replace blank lines (\par) by
this command. Like this:



Unfortunately, this solves the problem only partially since line breaks
are allowed only in comments and not in the markup (first mandatory
argument of \pdfmarkupcomment). But the markup is actually
lyxgrayedout's main argument. So this conflicts with its MultiPar.

Let me know what you think. And maybe you have suggestions for improvement.

If that works then I would suggest to do the same in the PDF Comments
module since it does not support line breaks within comments so far.

Just realized that Arguments seem not to support MultiPar. So it does 
not work at all for \pdfmarkupcomment... But still the suggestion stands 
for \pdfcomment and related ones.


Re: Make all LyX notes visible on PDF

2016-09-23 Thread racoon

On 23.09.2016 13:52, Guillaume Munch wrote:

Le 22/09/2016 à 13:34, racoon a écrit :

On 22.09.2016 14:29, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

You should also list it here:

It is not a module. So should I list the "hack" just as a comment there?

Note that my concern regarding the MultiPar change was only for a module
distributed with LyX.

I think there is a way to avoid the problem. Unfortunately only partially.

The pdfcomment package actually provides a way to insert line breaks in 
comments by using \textCR. So one can just replace blank lines (\par) by 
this command. Like this:



Unfortunately, this solves the problem only partially since line breaks 
are allowed only in comments and not in the markup (first mandatory 
argument of \pdfmarkupcomment). But the markup is actually 
lyxgrayedout's main argument. So this conflicts with its MultiPar.

Let me know what you think. And maybe you have suggestions for improvement.

If that works then I would suggest to do the same in the PDF Comments 
module since it does not support line breaks within comments so far.


Re: Make all LyX notes visible on PDF

2016-09-22 Thread racoon

On 22.09.2016 14:29, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

2016-09-22 13:20 GMT+02:00 racoon :

Sounds dangerous for a module (because of MultiPar), but it
looks like a
great hack. Having it on the wiki would be good start.

Okay, I think I found a good place:

You should also list it here:

It is not a module. So should I list the "hack" just as a comment there?


Re: Make all LyX notes visible on PDF

2016-09-22 Thread racoon

On 17.09.2016 00:40, Guillaume Munch wrote:

Le 16/09/2016 à 18:00, racoon a écrit :

The problem with replacing notes is that pdfcomments from the module are
not visible in the outliner.

Something I plan to implement as soon as I am done with my current patches.

So I had to work with notes themselves. LyX notes don't really have a
LaTeX command that is executed. So I ended up hijacking the Note:Comment
and setting LatexName to pdfcomment (and MultiPar to false).

Seems to work pretty fine so far. Maybe that could be even worth an
option or module in LyX?

Sounds dangerous for a module (because of MultiPar), but it looks like a
great hack. Having it on the wiki would be good start.

Okay, I think I found a good place:


Note:Comment seems not to accept Requires

2016-09-19 Thread racoon
For some reason Note:Comment seems not to let me require a package. Here 
is how I tried to change it (my changes are marked by a comment in the 
previous line):


Provides stdinsets 1
# load hyperref
Provides hyperref 1


InsetLayout Note:Comment
LabelString   Comment
#   LatexType environment
LatexType command
#   LatexName comment
LatexName pdfcomment
BgColor   notebg
  Color   comment
#   MultiPar  true
MultiPar  false
Display   false
HTMLTag   div
HTMLIsBlock   true
div.note_comment {
  display: none;
# requires pdfcomment package

It works just fine when I use the exact same in InsetLayout 
Note:Greyedout. So probably there is something particular about 
Note:Comment that I am unaware of.


BgColor for Arguments

2016-09-19 Thread racoon
It seems one can set style wise pretty much everything for Arguments 
except for BgColor. Is there a reason why is there is no BgColor for 


Re: Make all LyX notes visible on PDF

2016-09-17 Thread racoon

On 17.09.2016 00:40, Guillaume Munch wrote:

Le 16/09/2016 à 18:00, racoon a écrit :

The problem with replacing notes is that pdfcomments from the module are
not visible in the outliner.

Something I plan to implement as soon as I am done with my current patches.

So I had to work with notes themselves. LyX notes don't really have a
LaTeX command that is executed. So I ended up hijacking the Note:Comment
and setting LatexName to pdfcomment (and MultiPar to false).

Seems to work pretty fine so far. Maybe that could be even worth an
option or module in LyX?

Sounds dangerous for a module (because of MultiPar), but it looks like a
great hack. Having it on the wiki would be good start.

Of course I forgot to mention that LatexType has to be set to "command" 
instead of "environment".

Where would one put such a hack on the wiki?


Re: Make all LyX notes visible on PDF

2016-09-16 Thread racoon

On 16.08.2016 21:24, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 10:12:10AM +0200, racoon wrote:

On 16.08.2016 04:04, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 08:34:39PM +0200, racoon wrote:


Is there a way to make all my LyX notes visible as notes (or so) on the PDF?

You could probably redefine the note inset in local layout, or you could
use inset-forall to convert a LyX note to e.g. a Greyed Out inset.

Thanks! I'll give it a try. I guess would be a nice feature if one sends
one's drafts to someone who does not have LyX. Maybe I can even manage to
have the standard PDF comments from the PDF Comments module. Wouldn't it be
nice to have such a feature integrated directly into the module?

I think a general user-friendly feature to turn some insets into others
(perhaps which can be converted to which can be specified in the
definition of the layout).

I just came back to the problem and wanted to post a quick update.

The problem with replacing notes is that pdfcomments from the module are 
not visible in the outliner.

So I had to work with notes themselves. LyX notes don't really have a 
LaTeX command that is executed. So I ended up hijacking the Note:Comment 
and setting LatexName to pdfcomment (and MultiPar to false).

Seems to work pretty fine so far. Maybe that could be even worth an 
option or module in LyX?


Re: Open new window

2016-09-13 Thread racoon

On 14.08.2016 19:16, Kornel Benko wrote:

Am Sonntag, 14. August 2016 um 12:28:30, schrieb racoon <>


I have the option "Open documents in tabs" enabled. However, from time
to time I would like to open a file in a new window. Is there a command
to open a new LyX window from within LyX?


What about File->New Window ?

Thanks. Sorry, I overlooked the answer since you did not put me on the 
list of receivers.

So if I already have a file open that I would like to open in a new 
window, then I would have to first close it, open a new window, and then 
manually open the file again, right?


Re: Toolbar button to manually toggle review toolbar

2016-09-11 Thread racoon

On 11.09.2016 14:32, racoon wrote:

On 11.09.2016 14:23, racoon wrote:


Since (at least) 2.2.1, the review toolbar is visible by default as long
as there are tracked changes in the document. (Before it was visible
when track changes was activated.)

I'd like to add a button to my toolbar to toggle the review toolbar
(visible/invisible). I've managed to add a button by adding

Item "Toggle review" "toolbar-toggle review"

to Unfortunately, it does not show a nice icon but the
text "Toggle review". Is there a way to add an icon?

Oh, finally figured it out. Put an image with the command name in the
images directory (replacing space with _).

Details added to enhancement request:


Re: Toolbar button to manually toggle review toolbar

2016-09-11 Thread racoon

On 11.09.2016 14:23, racoon wrote:


Since (at least) 2.2.1, the review toolbar is visible by default as long
as there are tracked changes in the document. (Before it was visible
when track changes was activated.)

I'd like to add a button to my toolbar to toggle the review toolbar
(visible/invisible). I've managed to add a button by adding

Item "Toggle review" "toolbar-toggle review"

to Unfortunately, it does not show a nice icon but the
text "Toggle review". Is there a way to add an icon?

Oh, finally figured it out. Put an image with the command name in the 
images directory (replacing space with _).


Toolbar button to manually toggle review toolbar

2016-09-11 Thread racoon


Since (at least) 2.2.1, the review toolbar is visible by default as long 
as there are tracked changes in the document. (Before it was visible 
when track changes was activated.)

I'd like to add a button to my toolbar to toggle the review toolbar 
(visible/invisible). I've managed to add a button by adding

Item "Toggle review" "toolbar-toggle review"

to Unfortunately, it does not show a nice icon but the 
text "Toggle review". Is there a way to add an icon?


Re: Start new (indented) paragraph after enumeration

2016-08-29 Thread racoon

On 29.08.2016 11:40, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Montag, den 29.08.2016, 10:42 +0200 schrieb racoon:

By the way, if I

4. press enter again a "Start New Environment" Separator is created.

This is as in the file attached which does not do the trick either
the new empty line in between is commented out. Is this actually a

No, a new feature. LyX now has two types of separators: one that
inserts an empty line and thus paragraph break (the behavior of the
separator in LyX < 2.1) and one that just splits the environment
without a paragraph break. The latter one now is the default.

Right-click on the separator and select "Paragraph Break".

See User Guide 3.4.6 for details.

Works like a charms. Thanks!


Re: Start new (indented) paragraph after enumeration

2016-08-29 Thread racoon

On 29.08.2016 10:32, Annaert Jan wrote:

Just push enter twice and you're back in standard paragraph.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 29 August 2016 10:15
Subject: Start new (indented) paragraph after enumeration


Can one start a new paragraph after, say, an enumerate environment?

I used to do this with the Separator in LyX 2.1.4. But LyX 2.2 does not have 
that anymore and Start New Environment seems not to do the trick either 


Thanks. But it does not work for me. Just to be sure that I understood 
you correctly:

So I

1. put my cursor after the enumerate paragraph,
2. press enter which creates a new enumerate item,
3. press enter which brings me back to the default paragraph.

However, this is not an indented new default paragraph but an unindented 
continuation. What I want is a new paragraph which should be created by 
a empty line in the source code.

By the way, if I

4. press enter again a "Start New Environment" Separator is created.

This is as in the file attached which does not do the trick either since 
the new empty line in between is commented out. Is this actually a bug?


Start new (indented) paragraph after enumeration

2016-08-29 Thread racoon


Can one start a new paragraph after, say, an enumerate environment?

I used to do this with the Separator in LyX 2.1.4. But LyX 2.2 does not 
have that anymore and Start New Environment seems not to do the trick 
either (attached).


start new paragraph.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Re: Forward search with Sumatra stopped working

2016-08-22 Thread racoon

On 18.08.2016 16:23, Cris Fuhrman wrote:

When I upgraded/updated to LyX 2.2.0/2.2.1 forward search stopped
working. I found that the syncTeX settings were hosed (maybe set to some
defaults by the installer, maybe by reconfigure command?).

I set them again following the instructions for Windows/Sumatra below,
and forward/backward search work again:

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 2:46 PM, Scott Kostyshak <
<>> wrote:

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 08:44:47PM +0200, racoon wrote:
> Forward search with Sumatra stopped working.

"stopped" with respect to what? Meaning did you change your LyX version?
Are you using the master branch? Did you update anything else?

By the way, adding quotation marks around the filenames fixes the problem:

Fixed @


Re: Forward search with Sumatra stopped working

2016-08-20 Thread racoon

On 17.08.2016 20:44, racoon wrote:

Forward search with Sumatra stopped working. On Forward Search Sumatra
complains about "Error loading: ".  Does
someone have similar problems?

Seems strange that only forward search suffers from this. I have created 
a bug report:


Re: Forward search with Sumatra stopped working

2016-08-19 Thread racoon

On 18.08.2016 16:23, Cris Fuhrman wrote:

When I upgraded/updated to LyX 2.2.0/2.2.1 forward search stopped
working. I found that the syncTeX settings were hosed (maybe set to some
defaults by the installer, maybe by reconfigure command?).

I set them again following the instructions for Windows/Sumatra below,
and forward/backward search work again:

Okay, I found the problem.

My filename contains an apostrophe as in "isn't". Not sure when I 
changed that. For some reason Sumatra shows the file with the apostrophe 
without problems when viewing the PDF. But on forward search Sumatra 
complains that it can't find the PDF without the apostrophe. Not sure 
whether this is a problem on LyX's or Sumatra's side. (Or maybe mine 
because one shoudnt use apostrophes in filenames?)

The same problem is in LyX 2.1.5.


Re: Forward search with Sumatra stopped working

2016-08-19 Thread racoon

On 18.08.2016 16:23, Cris Fuhrman wrote:

When I upgraded/updated to LyX 2.2.0/2.2.1 forward search stopped
working. I found that the syncTeX settings were hosed (maybe set to some
defaults by the installer, maybe by reconfigure command?).

I set them again following the instructions for Windows/Sumatra below,
and forward/backward search work again:

Thanks. Unfortunately, setting all the preferences again didn't help.


Forward search with Sumatra stopped working

2016-08-17 Thread racoon
Forward search with Sumatra stopped working. On Forward Search Sumatra 
complains about "Error loading: ".  Does 
someone have similar problems?


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