[SotD] January 18, 2002 [Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest]

2002-01-17 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Friday, January 18, 2002 

Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest

The List has found the very thing to enliven the winter blahs which some of
its gentle members may be experiencing - a fiction writing contest,
sponsored by an august institution of higher learning. This is no ordinary
contest however. At the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest . . . www. means
Wretched Writers Welcome.

Since 1982 the English Department at San Jose State University has
sponsored the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, a whimsical literary
competition that challenges entrants to compose the opening sentence to the
worst of all possible novels. The contest (hereafter referred to as the
BLFC) was the brainchild (or Rosemary's baby) of Professor Scott Rice,
whose graduate school excavations unearthed the source of the line It was
a dark and stormy night. Sentenced to write a seminar paper on a minor
Victorian novelist, he chose the man with the funny hyphenated name, Edward
George Bulwer-Lytton, who was best known for perpetrating The Last Days of
Pompeii, . . . and--not least--Paul Clifford, whose famous opener has been
plagiarized repeatedly by the cartoon beagle Snoopy. - from the website

The website itself is no mere recitation of the contest rules, although it
does contain all the pertinent data. There is a carillon of delightful
trivia, with attendant links to relevant sites. You may feel so chuffed
after spending some time there that you, too, may become one of the

Scrawl your way to this witty and beguiling website for an upbeat to your


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
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[SotD] Administrative Notice

2002-01-16 Thread The Site of the Day

Administrative Notice

Site of the Day has been hosted through the kind offices of Alan S.
Harrell, to whom we offer our thanks. However, it has become necessary to
find a new host for the List. The kindly folks at FreeLists.org have
accepted Site of the Day for inclusion among the excellent mailing lists
hosted by their organization.

During the course of this coming weekend, therefore, the Site of the Day
will be moving to its new home. Naturally, the List hopes this will go
smoothly but expects to encounter the inevitable techno glitches. If all
does go well, the List members should receive their usual List post on
Monday, January 21, 2002. 

All details regarding the transition to the new hosting service will be
handled by the List Administration. Its gentle members need do nothing.
However -



and your subscription difficulty will be taken care of immediately.

Our new host offers the usual offices of being able to manage subscription
services either by e-mail or at the website:


This website information will be included in each Site of the Day post. In
addition, Freelists.org offers the option of vacation mode, which may prove
a convenience to some of the List's subscribers.

Any questions regarding this change may be sent to:


Tomorrow will be the last regular post under the generous auspices of Alan
S. Harrell. 

The List looks forward to greeting all subscribers with its Site of the Day
offering on Monday from its new host, FreeLists.org.

A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] January 16, 2002 [National Disaster Search Dog Foundation]

2002-01-15 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Wednesday, January 16, 2002
The National Disaster Search Dog Foundation

The List confesses its helpless devotion to dogs. With that in mind the
List's gentle members may forgive another canine site with a broader

Disasters happen. Earthquakes shake down homes and apartments, tornadoes
knock down buildings, and bombs reduce huge office buildings to rubble. The
dogs who search out victims in these collapsed structures are called
Disaster Search Dogs.Disaster Search Dogs, of all the fine dogs who are a
service to humankind, are the only ones at this time who are trained to and
test at rigorous national certification standards. Because of anticipated
earthquakes, this type of training began in California, patterned after
previously developed Swiss methods. - from the website

Discover more about the dogs and their handlers whose presence and untiring
efforts at scenes of devastation remain so vividly in our minds.

Stride over to the website for an overview of the organization which helps
train these courageous canines.


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] January 9, 2002 [American Veterinary Assoc]

2002-01-08 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Wednesday, January 9, 2002  

American Veterinary Association

Fido misbehaving? Fluffy not himself?

This informative website, from the folks you rely on in an emergency, is
replete with advice about the common concerns experienced by many pet
owners. From how to select a new animal companion to advice on dealing with
the loss of a beloved pet, this site provides helpful information. In
addition, it also includes guidelines to help chose a veterinarian as well
as material on a career in veterinary science. Naturally, in a site from
the American Veterinary Association, there is accurate information about a
number of preventable infectious diseases.

Don't miss the Paws for Pets link which has pertinent material on
seasonal considerations if you and your animal companion live in a cold

Bound over to the website for valuable guidance about caring for your pet.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] January 8, 2002 [UN Wire]

2002-01-07 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Tuesday, January 8, 2002 

Site of the Day

UN Wire 

UN Wire is a free service sponsored by the United Nations Foundation and
its sister organization, the Better World Fund, which are dedicated to
supporting United Nations efforts on behalf of the environment, population
stabilization and children's health. . . [O]ur primary mission is to
provide a concise summary of UN-related news appearing around the world. .
. UN Wire is produced independently by National Journal Group, [of]
Washington, DC. - from the website

Keep informed of the involvement and concerns of the United Nations at this
site, which is updated daily. If you want the facts about UN intervention
in any global crisis, UN Wire will keep you au courant with the news.

 Journey to the United Nations Wire for global information.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] January 7, 2002 [Starmatt Astrophotography]

2002-01-06 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Monday, January 07, 2002

Starmatt Astrophotography

Matt BenDaniel's stunningly beautiful Astrophotography site is just what
the List ordered for its world-weary members. If the trials and terrors of
terra firma are weighing heavily on your spirit, take a refreshing look
towards the heavens from this spectacular website. BenDaniel's photography
has been featured on NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day and has found
its way to astronomy textbooks as well.

The Gallery of images is breathtaking. A particularly useful feature on
some of the webpages is the superimposed star chart which appears if you do
a mouseover across the image. For serious photographers on the List,
equipment and technical specifications are listed to the right of each
image, which can make interesting reading for non-photographers, as well,
since BenDaniel includes such data as distance (in light years, naturally),
exposure time, location, weather conditions and equipment used for the
shot, including the telescope.

Linger for a while at a website which brings visions from light years away
and luxuriate in the wonder and awe of the universe at:


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] January 3, 2002 [The Why Files]

2002-01-03 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Friday, January 4, 2002

The Why Files
Fun with Science

First published on the World Wide Web in February of 1996, The Why Files
blazed an early path to web popularity by providing cogent, accurate and
often droll explanations of the science and technology that underlie the
news of the day. From the how-to of cloning to the hidden secrets of
mosquitoes, The Why Files has successfully made science more available to
the public through in-depth but accessible articles about science and how
it affects everyday life.

Produced at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, . . .The Why Files
format consists of alternating weekly features that key off developments
that make headlines. Features are cataloged in an easily searchable archive
and are regularly updated to keep pace with new developments in science.
The site also offers a Cool Science Image feature and gallery with
pictures obtained from the front lines of science, images infrequently or
rarely seen in traditional popular media. - from the website

Glide over to this engaging site, suitable for one of your permanent stops
on a weekly circuit round the web.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] January 3, 2002 [Quit Smoking, Control Weight]

2002-01-02 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, January 3, 2002 

You Can Control Your Weight as You Quite Smoking

Just in case a few of the List's gentle members have Quit Smoking on
their list of New Year's Resolutions, here is a useful site to answer some
common concerns.

If you want to stop smoking but are worried about gaining weight, this
brochure may help you. Many ex-smokers do gain a few pounds, but only a few
gain a lot of weight. The best action you can take to improve your health
is to quit smoking. Smoking is much more harmful to your health than
gaining a few pounds. Making some simple changes, like developing healthier
eating and physical activity habits, should help you control your weight
gain when you quit smoking. - from the website 

This site will arm you with a multitude of facts about both food and
cigarettes and offers helpful and encouraging suggestions on both topics.
For example, according to the site, the craving for a cigarette lasts only
five minutes, which might be handy to know if you're having a really bad

If you're taking the plunge, check out the website; if you don't need it,
recommend it to a gasping friend.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] January 2, 2002 [The Euro]

2002-01-01 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Wednesday, January 2, 2002

The Euro

On 1 January 2002 the euro banknotes and coins [were] put into
circulation. This official website offers you all the information related
to this momentous occasion . . . the largest monetary changeover the world
has ever seen. -  from the website

This extensive website offers an extensive array of information about the
introduction of Europe's new currency, which will be used at the outset, in
twelve member states, including a map and listing of the participating

If you are planning a European junket or are a resident of one the adopting
countries, this site provides helpful material about the transition period,
currency conversion tables as well as a history of how the Euro came into
being. It also provides material on how the various countries will be
handling issues with respect to their old currencies. 

Discover the facts about this historic event, affecting the daily lives of
millions at:


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] January 1, 2002 [Calendar]

2001-12-31 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Tuesday, January 1, 2002


No, the List is not about to send its gentle members willy-nilly to a
do-it-yourself calendar creation site. Instead, ever mindful of possible
hangovers from Hogmanay celebrations, the List offers a straightforward
text website which presents an excellent, albeit somewhat technical,
overview of the development of calendars from around the world, or quite
possibly, more than you ever wanted to know about calendars.

This information is reprinted from the Explanatory Supplement to the
Astronomical Almanac, P. Kenneth Seidelmann, editor, with permission from
University Science Books, Sausalito, CA. - reference for this material from
the website

Since it is only the West and the far-flung Antipodes which are celebrating
the New Year today, it is of some interest to note that billions of the
planet's inhabitants are blithely ignoring these festivities because their
calendars march to a different drum.

Discover how our own calendar developed as well as calendars followed by
other cultures; with this in-depth examination, you may never look at a
calendar in the same way again.


The List wishes all its members a serene and healthy New Year.

A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] December 31, 2001 [Software of the Month]

2001-12-30 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Monday, December 31, 2001 

Software of the Month - Clipomatic

This month's software is a teeny-tiny program - 96 Kb zipped (why did they
bother?) which may prove as indispensable to the List's gentle members as
it is to the List.

Relying heavily on copy/paste operations to move text between applications,
the List had worked its way through a virtual forest of freeware to find a
single application which would allow it to do one simple thing - copy a
number of different selections to the clipboard in one program and then
paste these selections individually in another one. There was one caveat;
these operations had to be accessible from the keyboard, without employing
the mouse.

There are a legion of freeware clipboard utilities available but some are
large and unnecessarily complicated while others require 'mousing' to get
them in gear. The List was about to abandon the hunt as fruitless, when it
chanced upon exactly what it had been looking for - Clipomatic.

It offers 10 or more clipboards and uses the Windows keyboard shortcut of
'Control C'  for copying, while another keyboard shortcut brings up the
list of stored items. From there it's a simple matter of a single keyboard
number or letter to paste the selection.

Remarkably, for such a small program, it has a few other features as well,
like the ability to retain what was placed on the clipboards either between
sessions or permanently, the latter coming in handy for boilerplate text.
It can also be programmed by the user to display the current date in
whatever format you fancy. It can also store a group of selections as a set
which can be called up for later use, such as HTML codes.

If you are in the market for a handy and useful substitute for the woefully
limited Windows Clipboard, then Clipomatic may just the thing. See for
yourself at:


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] December 27, 2001 [National Gallery]

2001-12-26 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, December 27, 2001 

National Gallery

Enjoying Christmas vacation this week? The List has places for you to go. 

The National Gallery's permanent collection spans the period from about
1250 to 1900 and consists of Western European paintings. The collection
contains over 2,300 paintings by many of the world's most famous artists.
The National Gallery's permanent collection and current long-term loans are
all illustrated and described in the Collection On-line. The National
Gallery's permanent collection and current long-term loans are all
illustrated and described in the Collection On-line. - from the website

If the List's gentle members were on a package tour to London right now,
the first stop might be the National Gallery, home to one of the world's
great art collections. Forget about aching feet; sit back and view the
masterpieces online. Just as trying to 'do' the National Gallery in one
trip is a fruitless quest, so too is a single visit to its website.

With the entire collection online and nicely organized, this website is
worth more than a single visit.

Put your feet up and soak up a century or two of outstanding art at


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] December 25, 2001 [Wassail Page]

2001-12-24 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Tuesday, December 25, 2001 

The Wassail Page - Christmas Day

I have created these pages to aid in my yearly celebration of a festive
Wassail and to spread the good news of these customs. We hold this event
the weekend or so before Christmas when all can gather- in any case - Mid
December or so. We do it a second time to wave good bye to Christmas on
January 6: Epiphany.  We do this to give our credit cards a rest, get away
from the malls and shops, and search, seek out and find the true
celebration. Perhaps we should call this a Credit Card Wassail! and dip
them in the drink to give us luck in paying them off in the next year!  We
also seek the true revelry and rant so absent from modern celebration. We
seek an older time when the human spirit shouted for joy in the winter
creating a festive gift which could not be purchased and could hardly be
wrapped. - from the website

Conjure up your own version of the Wassail tradition with the assistance of
the extensive resources from this spirited website. With food and drink
recipes suitable for the occasion, along with a repertoire of traditional
songs, as well information on every conceivable element needed for your own
Wassail, this jolly website is a huge repository of material. 

Stroll your way to the site for a view of a tradition worth rekindling.


The List wishes all its gentle members a happy Christmas season.

A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] December 24, 2001 [A Victorian Christmas]

2001-12-23 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Monday, December 24, 2001 

A Victorian Christmas

The List is not going to babble about simpler times, in suggesting this
charming website. Christmas for the Victorians had its own complications.
When so many elements of the holiday were made at home, they must have had
a fairly hectic schedule in getting so many essentials ready in time. If
they ran out of glue for the walnut shell tree ornaments late at night,
there were no stores with handy extended shopping hours.

However the reality may have been, the cozy images presented at this
delightful website do suggest a Christmas created by the family. With
wonderful 19th century tree decorations and great Christmas desserts, along
with gift suggestions for the 19th century man and toys for the children,
this website is memorable holiday diversion.

Revel in a Christmas of another age at:


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] December 21, 2001 [Solstice]

2001-12-20 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Friday, December 21, 2001 


Happy Winter Solstice!

Today marks the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere. To illuminate
this date on both scientific and historical levels, the List presents an
exceptional website to bring its gentle members up to speed.

Candlegrove's light first glimmered on the Internet in 1995, when
information about winter solstice was very limited on the Web. Since then,
it has become one of the definitive Web resources about the ancient origins
of the winter holiday season. . . Five thousand years of human
history--maybe more--have enfolded this season in rich garb--many layers of
celebration, folklore and tradition. Here's where you get to unwrap the
gift. - from the website

This delightful and enlightening site presents engrossing material about
the solstice, including a lucid scientific explanation of how ancient
peoples were able to determine the solstice, from a visitor from the
Physics Department of Brown University. Not to be missed is a link to
Newgrange, a megalithic Irish burial mound, which predates the pyramids,
and its fascinating relationship to the solstice. In addition, the site
includes ancient solstice customs from cultures around the world.

Expand your horizons and enjoy the Solstice at:


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] December 20, 2001 [Origins of the Compass Rose]

2001-12-19 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, December 20, 2001

Origins of the Compass Rose

The List knows some of its gentle members will be heaving a small sigh of
contentment not to be reminded of the upcoming holiday by another website.

This single web page is a brief but thorough explanation of how the
familiar compass rose came into being. The compass rose has appeared on
charts and maps since the 1300's when the portolan ['port to land' ed.]
charts first made their appearance. - from the website

Discover the origins of the terms compass rose and boxing the compass
and don't miss the truly helpful listing of all 32 compass points at the
very bottom of the page.

Navigate your way to the website while considering the gift of a small
compass for that annoying 'person who has everything' on your gift list.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] December 19, 2001 [EurekAlert!]

2001-12-18 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Wednesday, December 19, 2001 

The List has received a request from one of its gentle members for a Junk
Science site - no, not a site where they get it terribly wrong but rather
a site featuring the latest in scientific news, which all too frequently
has to be suitably revised a few years down the road. EurekAlert! seems to
fulfill these requirements to a nicety.

EurekAlert! is an online press service created by the American Association
for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The primary goal of EurekAlert! is
to provide a forum where research institutions, universities, government
agencies, corporations and the like can distribute science-related news to
reporters and news media. The secondary goal of EurekAlert! is to archive
these press releases and make them available to the public in an easily
retrievable system. - from the website

This is a excellent resource for popular science discoveries. It's so good,
in fact, that the List recommends to its gentle members with an interest in
such topics to bookmark it as stop on the daily web round. Clicking on one
of the topic links brings up all the recent news releases in precis form,
with a clickable link to expanded information at an external site.

Leap over to the website for your daily Eureka.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] December 18, 2001 [Tropical Slide Show]

2001-12-17 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Tuesday, December 18, 2001 

Tropical Slide Show

These are the Halcyon Days, the seven days before and after the Winter
Solstice, a time of such tranquillity that the mythical bird, the halcyon,
was said to nest upon the seas. 

If the week before Christmas is not even in the same neighborhood as
halcyon for the List's gentle members, then take a breather at The
Tropical Slide Show, where you will not only be able to luxuriate in
wonderful photos of tropical beaches but where you can download some of the
best tropical beach wallpaper online. The List highly recommends this site
for its winter weary members and relies on it to get through the gloom of
northern winters, by using some of its serene photos as desktop wallpaper.

This website offers an array of scenes from Caribbean beaches stretching
from Aruba to Saint Lucia guaranteed to soothe even the most frayed of
pre-holiday nerves.

Swan over the site and just breathe deeply:


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] December 14, 2001 [David's World of the Useless]

2001-12-13 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Friday, December 14, 2001

David's World of the Useless

It's Friday; lighten up.

No, this site would never be included in a list of worthy websites.
However, that doesn't stop the List from adding this entirely trivial page
to its inimitable collection of Websites from People With Too Much Time on
Their Hands where some of the very best sites reside.

The first major category at this site appears to be the Top Ten Useless
Words but the List is merely guessing on this one, since it is implied but
not stated. However the category is thought of by its creator, it does
feature an ongoing ranking of words, including such delights as gusset
and jujube. Further along is an intriguing list of words not found in the
dictionary according to dict.org.

Not content with words alone, the site features a Virtual WeightLoss Plan
and a fortune teller by the name of Mystic Morag.

Leap to the lighter side at:


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] December 12, 2001 [Everything about Kwanzaa]

2001-12-11 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Wednesday, December 12, 2001 

Everything about Kwanzaa

During the holiday month of December, the List presents another event
looming large on some calendars - Kwanzaa.

Kwanzaa is a unique African American celebration with focus on the
traditional African values of family, community responsibility, commerce,
and self-improvement. Kwanzaa is neither political nor religious and
despite some misconceptions, is not a substitute for Christmas. It is
simply a time of reaffirming African-American people, their ancestors and
culture. - from the website

This website presents a concise overview of the Kwanzaa holiday, including
its origins, special symbols used during its celebration and suggestions
for incorporating traditional items and colours to enhance the festival. In
addition, this site is eminently suitable for older children in the family.

Wend your way to the website for information about a holiday celebrated by
millions - Kwanzaa.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] December 11, 2001 [For the Love of LEDS]

2001-12-10 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Tuesday, December 11, 2001

For the Love of LEDS

What comes to your mind when you hear somebody talking about LEDs? If
you're like most people, you probably think of those dim red or
yellowish-green lights on the fronts of stereos and the red digits in alarm
clocks. This website was put here to hopefully change your mind about these
small miracles of quantum technology. For no longer is the LED some dim
little indicator light - and no longer do they only come in red or puke
green. Today's LEDs can be found in just about every color of the spectrum,
and in the invisible regions at each end too. They even come in white, plus
they last 100,000 hours or more before they need to be replaced! Today's
LEDs are bright enough to illuminate an entire room, and are no longer just
a dim red light on a stereo.  - from the website

This is the kind of site which leaves the List in wide-eyed amazement.
Craig Johnson's LED site demonstrates once again how the web provides a
medium for an ordinary individual with a passion and a purpose to reach
vast numbers in order to inform and enlighten. 

Is this a mere technological chestnut to many of the List's gentle members?
Perhaps the developments in Light Emitting Diodes has passed under your
radar. If that is the case, you are in for a bit of a surprise.

Slide over to the website for an intriguing display.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] December 10, 2001 [NutriWatch]

2001-12-09 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Monday, December 10, 2001 


Your Guide to Sensible Nutrition

Contrary to accepted practices, the List would like to direct its gentle
members to a nutrition site before the holiday gourmandizing begins.

This website, under the aegis of Quackwatch.com., will provide
comprehensive information about nutrition and food safety, including
full-text copies or links to source documents that are important to
educators, students, and journalists. Our other activities will include:
Analysis of health claims made for nutrition-related products; warning
about inappropriate claims; reporting illegal claims for products to
regulatory agencies; helping people seek legal redress against dietary
supplement companies. - from the website 

This text website really does have the straight goods on nutrition and
pulls no punches. After reading such essays as Confessions of a Former
Women's Magazine Writer, you may want to consign most media food articles
to the category of Junk Science. However, if you are determined to stay
on the cusp of scientific nutrition data, this site is a valuable resource.
If you can bear the weight of yet another mailing list, NutriWatch will be
happy to add you to its list of subscribers for its weekly newsletter.

Prowl over to NutriWatch for a wealth of material which cuts through the
nutrition myths.


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] December 7, 2001 [Pearl Harbor]

2001-12-06 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Friday, December 7, 2001

Pearl Harbor: The 60th Anniversary 

December 7th this year marks the 60th anniversary of one of the most
poignant and somber days in our history, a date President Roosevelt
declared at the time to be one that would forever live in infamy. Sadly,
this is a phrase that has also found itself in the headlines again, 60
years later. It was of course the date of Japan=92s devastating and deadly
attack on Pearl Harbor. 60 years later ceremonies of remembrance will take
place across the United States. The President and U.S. military chiefs will
gather to honor the Americans who died in the attack.  - from the website

This website offers an overview of the Pearl Harbor attack, as well as a
more detailed historical account of the circumstances leading to December
7th. Photos are interspersed throughout the website. Also included is the
text of Franklin Roosevelt's Infamy speech, as well as links to other
Pearl Harbor websites.

Brush up your history on this day of remembrance at:


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] December 6, 2001 [SuperCroc]

2001-12-05 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, December 6, 2001 


Did you miss the announcement of its discovery?

The List features many worthy sites but often times worthy becomes
synonymous with dreary. Today's website may not exactly be worthy but it is
the antithesis of lackluster. This great site, with a terrific design,
displays a true enthusiasm for its subject. Beginning with a skipable
Flash introduction, it transports the visitor to the world of
SuperCroc, as it is familiarly known, although the List's knowledgeable
members may refer to it by its more formal title, sarcosuchus imperator.

Hop over to the website to get the details on this 40 foot, 17,000 pound
(no, that's not a typo) prehistoric crocodile who prowled the earth 110
million years ago.


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] December 5, 2001 [Ghostsites]

2001-12-04 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Wednesday, December 5, 2001 


This exhibit - The Museum of E-Failure - is an attempt to actively
preserve the home pages of sites that will probably disappear in the next
few months. Our goal is not to laugh at these failed enterprises, but to
preserve documentary images - as many as possible - before all traces of
their existence are deleted from history's view. It is my hope that these
screenshots may serve as a reminder of the glory, folly, and historically
unique design sensibilities of the Web's Great Gilded Age (1995-2001). -
from the website

With almost 900 sites in its collection, website author Steve Baldwin is
making a valiant effort to record the dot.com images which once beckoned us
to these former sites. From the well-known Garden.com to the obscure
Metricom.com, this web project is a sad reminder of more heady days on the
Internet, when chimerical visions of easy fortunes lured the adventurous to
set up shop on the web.

Wander through the images of this modern day online gold rush at:


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[SotD] November 30, 2001 [Mozilla]

2001-11-29 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Friday, November 30, 2001

Software of the Month - Mozilla

Many of the List's gentle members using Internet Explorer have become
increasingly irate with its shortcomings but have felt there was not much
in the way of alternatives. Some have turned to Opera which has its own
detractors. Netscape is often considered an option until one is confronted
with the 18+ MB download.

The List has another suggestion - Mozilla. Based on the same Gecko
rendering engine used by Netscape, this open source browser can do it all,
from e-mail to Usenet groups to browsing with all the attendant bells and
whistles. There's even a choice of user interfaces - modern or classic.
Currently at version 0.9.6, it's rapidly moving up to the holy grail of
version 1.0. Its superior bookmark editing capabilities make organizing
your favorite sites much easier than with either Internet Explorer or
Netscape. In addition, the hunt for elusive cookies buried somewhere in the
subterranean depths of your hard drive is a thing of the past with Mozilla.
Cookies are easily user controlled by the Cookie Manager under the Tasks

The download size is just over 9 MB or half the size of Netscape
Communicator and is available for Windows, Linux and the Mac. Think of it
as a better Netscape, without the bloat. 

Stomp your way to the website and check out this alternative for breezing
round the net.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] November 29, 2001 [Amazing Race Forum]

2001-11-28 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, November 29, 2001

The Amazing Race Forum


Many of the List's gentle members have disdained reality TV programs like
Survivor and Temptation Island. However, The Amazing Race, with its
whirlwind dash across the globe, requiring ordinary people to bungee jump
into an African ravine and creep through a tiger enclosure in Thailand has
caught your fancy. You have secretly been watching The Amazing Race. 

Because you have kept that shocking little fact closely hidden from your
nearest and dearest, you have no one to discuss it with. The List quite
understands and has ferreted out to find the very best forum for The
Amazing Race on the web. While there are quite a few message boards for
this TV program, the posters on the RealityTVfans.com - Amazing Race forum
are generally both civil and interesting. Think of it as a virtual water
cooler. (However, the List has been caught out before in recommending
polite message boards which promptly degenerated into belligerent

With that caveat in mind, sprint over to The Amazing Race Forum and see
what others are saying about last night's episode.


If the above URL wraps in your e-mail program, enter it all on ONE line in
your browser.

A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] November 21, 2001 [EarthEasy]

2001-11-20 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Wednesday, November 21, 2001


The List offers a site which may make most of us feel guilty, in one way or

Are you a devotee of natural fiber clothing? Modern cotton farming uses
more pesticides than any other non-food crop. Using disposable diapers for
your wee ones? 10,000 tons of disposable diapers go into landfills each day
and can take up to 500 years to decompose. Enjoying a hamburger for lunch?
Almost half the grain grown in the U.S. is used for livestock, which also
uses half the water consumption in the country. Just having a cup of
coffee? Sun grown coffee has accounted for a 20% decline in migratory bird
populations in the last ten years, due to habitat loss. (all data from the

Don't despair; EarthEasy has alternative suggestions. This visually
pleasing and thoughtfully designed site from author Greg Seaman strives to
help us reduce our impact on the earth's resources; bring more simplicity
to our lives; help us spend less and enjoy more; bring us closer to
nature. - from the website

With practical suggestions for saving energy, for family and earth friendly
recreation, recipes of benefit to your health as well as the earth's, there
is much to be learned from this website which conveys the knowledge of
someone who has cheerfully lived in an earth friendly way for twenty years.
Actually, that's the operative word for this site - it's cheerful.

So chirp your way over to the website, collect a few facts and perhaps even
make a few changes. Shade coffee, anyone?

A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] November 5, 2001 [MacOS Rumors]

2001-11-04 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Friday, November 9, 2001 


... [W]e believe that by celebrating and supporting goodthings we inspire
more of them. We started GoodThings as a virtual sandbox for people wanting
to get together to create things that make a difference, a virtual front
porch for people wanting to get together to share positive, constructive,
creative ideas . Imagine an ongoing conversation about the goodthings going
on in the world. That's what gets us out of bed every morning, and we're
glad you're here.

Each week, we give you access to the life's goodthings through inspiring,
refreshing stories and tips on what you can do to make a difference. But
what's a goodthing? We've covered everything from progressive workplaces
and community organizations bridging the digital divide to mother-daughter
bonding adventures, extraordinary animal shelters, and personal heroes. -
from the website

This is a website that's just darn nice, one which will cast a bit of
sunlight on an otherwise dreary day. If you are feeling dismayed by the
stygian gloom of current events, GoodThings may help you alter your

Bounce your way to:


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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] October 29, 2001 [Polar Bear Fan Club]

2001-10-28 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Monday, October 29, 2001 

Polar Bear Fan Club

Here is a fan club for people who loathe fan clubs, which may include most
of the List's discerning members. This website will lead you gently into
the week without upsetting your equilibrium.

As far as we know, this is the only Polar Bear Fan Club currently on the
internet, so come in and have a look around. There are many photos to look
at, and this is also the home of the Polar Bear Mailing List. There are
some Polar Bear jokes which may make you chuckle, and links to other Polar
Bear sites on the net. Put simply - this is the Polar Bear site on the
net. - from the website

One bit of fascinating information is the data on the annual polar bear
migration in the late autumn in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. If you think
polar bears are captivating, then this may be the wildlife holiday for you.

Lumber your way to the website and don't overlook the polar bear cartoons
under the Humour link.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] October 25, 2001 [Atlas of Cyberspaces]

2001-10-24 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, October 25, 2001 

Atlas of Cyberspaces

An interesting and at times visually arresting website with an array of
images which may leave the List's gentle members either hopelessly baffled
or gratifyingly enlightened.

This is an atlas of maps and graphic representations of the geographies of
the new electronic territories of the Internet, the World-Wide Web and
other emerging Cyberspaces. These maps of Cyberspaces - cybermaps - help us
visualise and comprehend the new digital landscapes beyond our computer
screen, in the wires of the global communications networks and vast online
information resources. The cybermaps, like maps of the real-world, help us
navigate the new information landscapes, as well being objects of aesthetic
interest. They have been created by 'cyber-explorers' of many different
disciplines, and from all corners of the world. - from the website

 Trek your way to the Atlas; the traceroute page may prove to be a
stimulating diversion. 


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] October 24, 2001 [Guide to the Quantum World]

2001-10-23 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Wednesday, October 24, 2001 

Guide to the Quantum World

Once upon a time, Newton prevailed, and the world was a safe place for all
of us. Will we ever be able to teleport people to faraway places? It all
depends on the strange uncertainties of the quantum world. Can quantum
particles really communicate over vast distances in an instant, or are we
missing something? Weird quantum connections won't let you break Einstein's
ultimate speed limit. But they will help you keep a secret. How do you
detect a bomb so sensitive that a single photon will set it off - without
blowing yourself up? - from the website

These intriguing speculations and more from The New Scientist online make
for fascinating reading. Clearly written and lucidly presented, this is a
great website for the non-scientist. Don't overlook the link to the article
on parallel universes.

Leap your way to the site for some startling ideas.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] October 22, 2001 [Guess the TV Show or Movie Game]

2001-10-21 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Monday, October 22, 2001 

Guess the TV Show or Movie Game

Not up to much more than twirling your cowlick today? Have a bash at
playing this trivial but amusing little game. It's just what it states: one
mentally chooses a TV show or movie. The computer opponent tries to guess,
through a series of questions, what the show is. The List was frightfully
surprised after a very long series of questions (to which one simply
responds yes or no - this is not quantum physics) many of which appeared to
be way off base, to find itself trumped, so to speak, by the computer.

If this is a particularly grim Monday, indulge yourself at this website.
You may even find it lightens your day just a bit.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] October 19, 2001 [Apostrophe Protection Society]

2001-10-18 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Friday, October 19, 2001 

The Apostrophe Protection Society

The Apostrophe Protection Society was started in 2001 by John Richards,
now its Chairman, with the specific aim of preserving the correct use of
this currently much abused punctuation mark in all forms of text written in
the English language. - from the website

This is just the kind of site which delights the List: a website creator
with a dark passion - in this case, for apostrophes - some wonderful
examples of how to go terribly wrong with said apostrophe and a lively
message board peopled with like-minded individuals. It's simply perfect for
a Friday but don't blame the List if you find yourself compulsively dashing
off messages to the forum at 2:00 am.

Giggle your way to the site and take a 'dekko'.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] October 18, 2001 [Opera Hater's Guide to Opera]

2001-10-17 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, October 18, 2001 

Opera Hater's Guide to Opera

It is easy to forget that opera is an acquired taste - somewhat like
enjoying spinach. Opera is an art form that is so complex that it takes
awhile to really understand and appreciate it. One must be eased into
opera, not thrust into it without any preparation. - from the website

If you have always intended to have a bash at opera but just never got
around to it here's a website where you can put up your feet and have an
enjoyable read about dipping your toes in this musical pond. Gerald
Lively's e-book on opera is a delightful introduction to what may be a
challenging topic for some. Neither a purist nor a tyrant, Lively's gentle
blandishments will have you humming bits of opera you didn't think you knew
before the end of the Introduction.

With a helpful audio guide and a list of composers and their best known
works, this website is just what you didn't realize you had been looking

Glide your way to the Opera Hater's Guide for a gentle approach to a
compelling subject.


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] October 11, 2001 [AmeriStat]

2001-10-10 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, October 11, 2001 


One stop source for U.S. population data. - from the website

Writing a paper? Curious about American population trends? In need of a
reference for U.S. population data? This website may provide you with all
the information you need. The most recent census data is being made
available at the site and contains such interesting nuggets as:

During the 1990s, the combined minority population in the United States
grew at 13 times the rate of the non-Hispanic white population. Some say
that this signals an impending power shift and the transition to a truly
multicultural nation. But growth rates are only part of the story.

Only 7 percent of U.S. households reflect prime time families like the
Cleavers or the Simpsons: Married couples with children, in which only the
husband works. - from the website

This is both an interesting site and a valuable resource; it's well worth a
bookmark. Discover the site at:


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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] October 10, 2001 [Epinions]

2001-10-09 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Wednesday, October 10, 2001 


It's time for another Internet chestnut. If you haven't encountered
Epinions.com yet you may be in for a bit of a surprise.

This is the ultimate review site. Are you in the market for a new printer,
a snow blower, dishwasher, anything? Dissatisfied with your baby stroller,
ISP or lawn mower? Discover if others love or hate this item too. This is
the place where ordinary folks write the reviews of products they own and
use, or possibly used to own, before they tossed that lemon into the trash.
There are reviews of simply thousands of products. 

If some of the List's gentle members feel strongly about consumer items
making their lives blissful or nightmarish, they may register at the site
and become an Epinions contributor as well. A reviewer may be from any
country and Epinions will actually pay for these efforts.

Become a more informed consumer and get the over the fence word on
products and services at:


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] October 9, 2001 [Leaking Electricity]

2001-10-08 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Tuesday, October 9, 2001 

Leaking Electricity

Don't be alarmed! The leaking electricity  term, although now considered
to be technically incorrect, refers to energy consumed by appliances when
they are switched off or not performing their principal functions.  - from
the website

In other words, this is electrical wastage caused by many common household
appliances which rely on standby electricity for some facet of their
operation, such as the use of LED displays and instant on capabilities and
which consume about 5 % of residential electricity consumption in the U.S.

Now the List's energy-conscious members can be alarmed.

This website contains the text of the results from the investigations on
leaking electricity or standby power in the USA presented at a symposium
in Italy, by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Plug yourself into the presentation at:


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] October 8, 2001 [Andante]

2001-10-07 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Monday, October 8, 2001 


A special greeting to all the Canadians on the list who are celebrating
Thanksgiving today - may your holiday be filled with much warmth and

This rich and rewarding site offers classical music lovers not only
streaming audio but a truly amazing wealth of reference material as well. A
mere sampling of the sources include The Concise Grove Dictionary of Music,
The New  Kobbe's Opera Book as well as the New York Review of Books
classical music coverage from 1963 onwards.

However, Andante presents its visitors with far more than simply reference
sources. Current concerts from a musical calendar that covers the world, as
well as a magazine section of articles on the varied facets of the world of
classical music may be explored at the site. 

This website has further ambitions; it hopes ultimately to become the
definitive online reference for classical music worldwide, combining rich
educational content with topic-specific search and navigation tools,
[bringing] together the existing educational resources of the world=92s
greatest music organizations, allowing them to coordinate their efforts
using the Andante site, [and to] fulfill the needs of educators and parents
by providing free downloads, directories of music education resources and
standards, listings of educational events and programs, personalized
research assistance, continuous joint curriculum development, and much
more. - from the website

The List enjoyed a charming Hayden Concerto for Cello and Orchestra, Hob.
VIIb:1 while perusing the site - it is always a relief to know precisely
what is being broadcast, so the inclusion of the record label and catalogue
number as well as the performer and composition is a great boon.

Soar over to Andante.com for an eminently satisfying musical experience.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] October 5, 2001 [UselessKnowledge]

2001-10-04 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Friday, October 5, 2001

Useless Knowledge

UselessKnowledge.com is the best site on the web for Trivia, Quotes,
Quizzes, Imponderables. An online index of more than 25,000 trivia tidbits,
9,000 quotations, tests, and useless facts. If it isn't here - it isn't
Trivia. This is also your best spot for famous quotes. Trivia, Quotes,
Quizzes, Imponderables. More than 25,000 trivia factoids, 9,000 quotations,
tests, and useless facts. If it isn't here - it isn't Trivia. - from the

Since the List's members are such hard-working types, they must be gently
persuaded to allow themselves an opportunity to while away a bit of time on
a site of no particular socially redeeming content; Useless Knowledge is
just fun. If one section fails to amuse, another of their myriad offerings
probably will.

Mosey along to the site and indulge yourself; you deserve it.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] October 4, 2001 [IMDB]

2001-10-03 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, October 4, 2001

IMDB.comThe Internet Movie Database  

IMDB.com - a name to remember.

The Internet Movie Database has been around long enough (since 1990) to
qualify as another of our Web chestnuts. However, in case some of the
List's members have been spending most of their time at the Philosopher's
Index, it may be necessary to bring this website to their notice.

The core of our site is our search capabilities. We catalog all sorts of
information on over 250,000 movies made since the dawn of cinema plus even
more on over 900,000 people who helped make them. That 900,000 includes
over 500,000 actors and actresses, nearly 50,000 directors, over 70,000
writers and a wide variety of other folks from producers to gaffers and
everything in between. Then we take all that information, organize it into
a cool structure, and make it possible for you to easily search and browse
through it... FOR FREE. - from the website

This is the place to go to track down obscure films and English language
television broadcasts, as well as the current crop of Hollywood
extravaganzas. The excellent search capability may spare you a sleepless
night of wondering where you saw a particular actor in the past or what
movie was the source of a specific quote. 

For a site worth a place in your bookmarked favorites, wing your way to the
Internet Movie Database.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] October 3, 2001 [GuideStar]

2001-10-02 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Wednesday, October 3, 2001


This website for The National Database of Non-profit Organizations (U.S.)
can provide the information that many of the List's gentle members need to
direct their contributions to worthy charitable agencies.

Search GuideStar's database of more than 850,000 U.S. non-profit
organizations. Disaster Relief Efforts: In the wake of the tragic events of
September 11, 2001, concerned citizens can contact one of more than 200
GuideStar Participants that assist victims of natural and other disasters.
- from the website 

In the vast list of associations participating in the ongoing relief
efforts, the List's subscribers may find a suitable charity to make a
specific donation, with the assurance that their contribution will be used
as they intend. In addition, this site provides the necessary data compiled
from IRS records for thousands of non-profit groups so that charitable
contributions can be appropriately channelled to legitimate organizations.

For information on any American philanthropic agency, visit GuideStar at:


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] October 2, 2001 [Glory of Chinese Printing]

2001-10-01 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Tuesday, October 2, 2001

The Glory of Chinese Printing

This website has been composed from an exhibit of ancient Chinese artifacts
on loan from the Printing Museum of China. Tracing the development of
printing in that civilization, the site is replete with detailed graphical
images. The Glory of Chinese Printing provides to western eyes a
fascinating view of the evolution of printing from an oriental perspective.

For a soothing interlude of cultural enrichment, amble over to:


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] October 1, 2001 [Word for the Wise]

2001-09-30 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Monday, October 1, 2001 

Word for the Wise

Word for the Wise [is] a popular radio program broadcast on public radio
stations nationwide. The show offers a daily glimpse into the intriguing
world of words and language. You can read transcripts of past shows from
the months listed below, and as of August 2001 you can also listen to audio
recordings of the program. - from the website

The List offers this pleasant site as a soothing commencement to the week.
Sponsored by the folks at Merriam-Webster, the website extends the
opportunity for those outside the range of National Public Radio to read or
listen to its weekday presentations. 

Stroll over to the website for a bit of gentle elucidation about words. 


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] September 28, 2001 [Winkey]

2001-09-27 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Friday, September 28, 2001 

Software of the Month


You thought the Windows key was useless?

The List would like to suggest to its tired members a small but practical
utility program to reduce arm stress caused by extensive mouse use.

Start your favorite applications, folders and Web pages instantly by using
your own Windows key shortcuts with WinKey! This FREE shell extension
allows you to define keyboard shortcuts with the Windows key. You can use
almost any key combination and create shortcuts to system folders such as
My Computer, Network Neighborhood, Dial-Up Networking, Control Panel and
Recycle Bin. - from the website

Naturally, WinKey can be set up to access favorite applications as well.
The List relies on WinKey + n to open Netscape for its rambles round the
Net and Winkey + 8 to open its favorite text editor for stripping HTML

The program is neither adware nor spyware but a straightforward
freeware utility. The website offers handy screenshots of the application
so potential users can have a look at the interface without having to
download it first.

Do your arm a favor and check it out at:


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[SotD] September 26, 2001 [Epicurious]

2001-09-25 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Wednesday, September 26, 2001 


Or as they say on the website, As into food as you are.

This is surely another Internet chestnut but a fine website nevertheless.
Simply run your cursor over the row of little headings for drop-down menus
on food and recipe related topics. The List had to stop at that point and
troop out for coffee and doughnuts. 

The site features an excellent search engine for recipes of every kind as
well as reviews from correspondents who have actually made these dishes and
pull no punches in their comments. A search for a recipe with even as
pedestrian an ingredient as ramen noodles produced an interesting result.

Those particularly enamored with the site can sign up for a free membership
which will allows members to store favorite recipe finds on the site for
easy retrieval. 

Waddle over to the website and find the perfect answer for tonight's


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[SotD] September 20, 2001 [Washington Humane Society]

2001-09-19 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, September 20, 2001 

Washington (DC) Humane Society

These are extraordinary times and because of this the List would like to
divert the minds of its gentle members by suggesting a slightly different

The Washington Humane Society has one of the best websites in North America
to showcase the animals in its shelter and in the private homes which
foster these abandoned animals. Regularly updated and complete with photos
of the animals in their care, the Washington Humane Society's website may
suggest a few possibilities to the List's perceptive subscribers about the
situation in their own communities.

Don't miss the link to the Foster page. Although these particular links
are directed to our canine friends, a browse through the entire site will
reveal similar pages devoted to our feline companions.

For inspiration of how ordinary individuals can make a difference to other
creatures with which we share this good earth, trot along to

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[SotD] September 17, 2001 [Good Quotations]

2001-09-16 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Monday, September 17, 2001

Good Quotations by Famous People

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. 
 - Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) 

From Dr. Gabriel Robins of the University of Virginia comes a simple text
website with a wonderful collection of aphorisms which the good professor
has collected over the years. If you're working on a speech, looking for an
interesting 'signature line' for your e-mail or simply in the mood for a
bit of mental delight, this site may answer all these.

If you are going through hell, keep going. 
 - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) 

(Quotations from the website)

Ramble over to the site and indulge in some of these thought-provoking


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[SotD] September 14, 2001 [Emergency Relief and Information]

2001-09-13 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Friday, September 14, 2001 

Emergency Relief and Information

This website from Yahoo contains extensive links to relief agencies
working in New York City, as well as emergency contact numbers for
airlines, government agencies and several companies which had a major
presence in the World Trade Center. There are also links to survivor
databases and a family and friends status database.

The List wishes to offer its deepest condolences to any of its members who
may have been particularly affected by these heinous acts, as well as to
all who are suffering from the devastation which has occurred.


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] September 5, 2001 [The Street]

2001-09-04 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Wednesday, September 5, 2001 

The Street

The Street in question, is, of course, Wall Street. The Street.com is the
web equivalent of a musical chestnut.  However, practically all of the
List's gentle members were having far too much fun watching their stocks
split to grub around in the hard news of financial analysis. If it is not
quite so much fun anymore, it might be time to read some clear-headed

TheStreet.com provides you, individual and professional investors, with
timely, to-the-point financial news and analysis you can use to succeed in
today's markets. Updated before, during and after the bell by the best
independent financial newsroom on the Web, our stories put you on the
trading floor with some of the best financial minds in the business. 

Count on us to always call it like we see it -- with a fresh point of view
even if it invites controversy. We're quick to identify when the playing
field isn't level, such as reporting the tangled relationships among
companies, the underwriters that help fund them and the analysts who rate
them. And we have one of the most stringent policies in financial
journalism on conflicts and disclosure, so we have no hidden agendas. -
from the website

The List does not want to speculate if some of the best financial minds
watched their own portfolios tank over the past eight months.


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[SotD] September 4, 2001 [Organized Home]

2001-09-03 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Tuesday, September 4, 2001 

Organized Home

Are you up to your clavicle in an avalanche of paper, drowning in a tide of
laundry, on the verge of declaring a domestic disaster because you can't
find anything? Then this site might provide the inspiration and method you
may need to reclaim your sanity and your sweat socks.

Organize / Declutter / Simplify / Clean - from the website

These are the watchwords of this site whose aim is to bring order and
method to keeping your castle from falling into chaos. If chaos has become
the normal state of affairs in your castle, then the OrganizedHome.com
will help you bail out your metaphorical moat, and reorganize the bailey.
From analyzing what type of hoarder you may be, to a plan for setting the
kitchen to rights, this website offers sensible suggestions and practical


A.M. Holm
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[SotD] September 3, 2001 [Bad Meteorology]

2001-09-02 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Monday, September 3, 2001 

Bad Meteorology

It is better to communicate good information than to offer misinformation
in the name of good communication. from the website

The List is loathe to assume that any of its enlightened members would
actually be harboring any of the misapprehensions harpooned at this site.
However, in case explorations in meteorology were not at the forefront of
your studies, the remedy is at hand.

Dr. Alistair B. Fraser, Professor of Meteorology at Pennsylvania State
University has a burr under his kilt - the misinformation about weather
foisted on an all too gullible public by such villains as TV weather
broadcasters. To rectify this dismal situation, Dr. Fraser has constructed
a site to dispel the fallacies which have crept into conventional

Check out the Bad Clouds, the Bad Rain and rest of the good professor's
clarifications at:


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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] August 30, 2001 [Naval Historical Center]

2001-08-29 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, August 30, 2001 

Naval Historical Center

Naval Historical Center Mission: To enhance the Navy's effectiveness by
preserving, analyzing and interpreting its hard-earned experience and
history for the Navy and the American people. - from the website

This is the online site of the Naval Historical Center in the Washington
Navy Yard. If D.C. is not on your travel itinerary then this extensive site
is certainly worth a virtual tour. Bear in mind that this is the official
navy historical site. However, there is much to explore from images (which
are available for personal use royalty free) to battle accounts.

One notable section is the Navajo Code Talkers Dictionary which has been
declassified. During the Second World War, America used the Navajo language
for some of its coded messages since the Axis powers would be unable to
secure the services of Navajo speakers to decipher the code. Take a look at
the dictionary where even the uninitiated can see the endless possibilities
for encrypting messages:


In case you were wondering, yes, Hollywood is indeed making a movie about
this entitled Windtalkers, starring Nicholas Cage.

This is just one tiny corner of this vast site, so grab your wellingtons
and splash on over to:


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[SotD] August 27, 2001 [Who's Alive and Who's Dead]

2001-08-26 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Monday, August 27, 2001

Who's Alive and Who's Dead

Even the List indulges in the tacky on occasion.

Vacation a distant memory but the bills for it are not? Just heard your
mother-in-law is arriving for an extended visit? The dentist said . . .
root canal? Today's website addresses none of these things. However, always
hoping to lift the spirits of its subscribers, the List offers this site
for a gloomy Monday.

Welcome to Who's Alive and Who's Dead - the site that helps you keep track
of which famous people have died and which are still alive! The people
listed in Who's Alive and Who's Dead are grouped according to the
accomplishments for which they are best known. That makes it easy to find
the cast list of your favorite TV show or rock group. Or, you can easily
get a list of famous athletes who played your favorite sport. Politicians
are here too, along with authors, cartoonists, astronauts, and a bit of
everything else. In short, Who's Alive and Who's Dead is the best source on
the internet for finding out which of the noted personalities of our time
are still with us. - from the website

At least you're still above ground.


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] August 21, 2001 [A.Word.A.Day]

2001-08-20 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Tuesday, August 21, 2001


Do you really need another mailing list? Probably not. However, if you are
intrigued by words and their etymology, then you may indeed need this one.

The music and magic of words -- that's what A.Word.A.Day is all about.
This is the Web site for the mailing list A.Word.A.Day (AWAD), which sends
a vocabulary word and its definition to the subscribers every day.
Currently, AWAD is subscribed by over 441,000 linguaphiles in more than 203
countries. - from the website

A.Word.A.Day will usually arrive promptly every weekday morning with a
new word, based on that week's theme. The word is defined, its etymology
given and a sentence, usually from a published source, is included.  A
recent theme of words to describe people included such gems as
'philosophaster', 'satrap' and 'anchorite'. The one thing which always
comes shining through is the sheer love of words from the mailing list's
owner, Anu Garg.

If you are already up to your clavicle in Lists and simply cannot add
another, scoot along to the A.Word.A.Day website anyway to check out
today's word and simply browse through the archives.


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] August 20, 2001 [Worstcasesenarios]

2001-08-19 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Monday, August 20, 2001


Danger! It lurks at every corner. Sharks. Quicksand. Terrorists. The pilot
of the plane blacks out and it's up to you to land the jet. What do you
do? - from the website

Now that the List has scared your socks off, take a deep breath and read
on, for help is at hand.

WorstCaseScenarios.com is here to help: jam-packed with how-to, hands-on,
step-by-step, instructions on everything you need to know FAST--from
ramming a car to treating a bullet wound. No other site on the Internet
provides as much life-saving information in such an interesting way. Trust
us, we've checked. All of the the worst-case scenarios here, while perhaps
unlikely, are still plausible, and the survival information comes from the
experts themselves: skydivers, pilots, Navy SEALS, stunt men, demolition
derby drivers, surgeons, and dozens more. - from the website 

The List would not like to hazard how many of its gentle subscribers are
likely to find themselves in situations requiring the knowledge to cope
with such untoward situations. However, given the exigencies of modern
life, one never knows. 

Heed the good old Scout motto of Be prepared, and dash over to


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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] August 16, 2001 [Food Safety]

2001-08-15 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, August 16, 2001

Food Safety 

Warm temperatures heighten the dangers for consumers for foodborne
illnesses. Not wanting to see the List's highly regarded members keel over
because of something they ate, Site of the Day offers this well-designed
and extensive website to keep them upright. 

Iowa State University Extension believes that resources are needed for
consumers, educators and students to access research-based, unbiased
information on food safety and quality. The goal of the Food Safety Project
is to develop educational materials that give the public the tools they
need to minimize their risk of foodborne illness. . . Many people get sick
each year from the food they eat. They may have diarrhea, vomiting, an
upset stomach, fever, or cramps. They often think they have the flu, but
the real problem is foodborne illness caused by bacteria in the food they
ate a few hours or several days ago.  - from the website

Get the facts on foods at high risk for contamination and brush up on food
handling procedures from the good folks at Iowa State University. 


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] August 10, 2001 [Retrofuture]

2001-08-09 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Friday, August 10, 2001


This site recounts the the glories postulated by science fifty years ago.
Explore the way life was going to be lived in the twenty-first century by
the scientific dreamers of yesterday.

According to the visionaries, life in the year 2001 was supposed to go
something like this: you'd get up in the morning, fix a cup of coffee, read
the newspaper, watch a little TV, and then go back to bed. . . Social
scientists engaged in prolonged debates about this issue: what would happen
when people worked less, retired early, and had loads of free time on their
hands? Improbable as it now seems=97especially in our time-obsessed age of
instant deadlines=97these folks were dead serious. - from the website
Leisure 24/7 link

If you can recall a few of the starry-eyed dreams of science in the mid
twentieth century, this site may make you sigh for that utopian world of
the twenty-first century.


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] August 9, 2001 [Metacritic]

2001-08-08 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, August 9, 2001


Is your mind already gearing up for the weekend? Planning to take in a
movie? The List has a little site for you.

Instead of tracking down what a number of reviewers have written about a
particular movie, stroll over to Metacritic, where the work has been done
for you.

Although at the time [1999] the web offered a wealth of reviews and other
movie information, there was no easy way to track down all of the various
pages without spending a lot of time and effort searching. Thus, Metacritic
was born.

We envisioned Metacritic.com as a place where movie fans like us could
easily find the most important reviews for each new movie at a glance.
Thus, in addition to quotes from reviews from major critics on each movie
page on our site, you will find links to each of the full reviews. We also
wanted to design a system for comparing reviews between critics and between
movies. To accomplish this goal, we developed our Metascore formula. Each
movie is assigned a Metascore, which is a weighted average of each of the
individual reviews for that film. This number, on a 0-100 scale, lets you
know at a glance how each movie is reviewed.  - from the website

This is how really good ideas blossom on the web. Two minutes on this site
will have you heaving a sigh of relief that finally all the critical
reviews of a specific movie are lined up ready to peruse, with a numerical
rating to indicate the general tenor of the reviews.

In addition, the site has added games, video/DVD and music to its areas of
coverage. Metacritic is well worth a permanent bookmark in your list of


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] August 7, 2001 [Handwriting Repair]

2001-08-06 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Tuesday, August 7, 2001 

Handwriting Repair

So How's Yours?

Before you write off this Site of the Day as irrelevant, take a quick tour
of the Handwriting Problems link. Although this website is essentially
the author's presentation for her Handwriting Course, the tips, links and
and details offered make for fascinating reading. Did you know that Each
year, up to $95,000,000 in tax refunds [U.S.] cannot be delivered because
of unreadable tax-form addresses.? - as quoted at the website

Check how your penmanship measures up.


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] August 6, 2001 [Amusement Park Physics]

2001-08-05 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Monday, August 6, 2001

Amusement Park Physics

If there's an amusement park on your holiday itinerary then this site will
provide some reassuring information which may allow you to face a roller
coaster ride with equanimity. 

You've bought your ticket and boarded the roller coaster. Now you're
barreling down the track at 60 miles per hour, taking hairpin turns and
completing death-defying loops. Your heart is in your throat and your
stomach is somewhere near your shoes. The only thing separating you from
total disaster is a safety harness...but are you really in danger? - from
the website

This site provides some solid and soothing facts and includes a fascinating
history of roller coasters. It also allows the visitor to actually design a
roller coaster, with a helpful physics glossary for those who spent too
much time wool-gathering during physics class.


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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] August 3, 2001 [MadKane]

2001-08-02 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Friday, August 3, 2001


If the week has worn you down, revive your spirits with the gentle humor of
New Yorker Madeleine Begun Kane. Describing herself as a recovering lawyer,
Kane atones for her former profession by laughing at the world rather than
suing it.

I write humor about everything that irks me: computers, marriage, cars,
work, family, politics, the Internet, the IRS, money, privacy, web surfing,
travel, and President George Dubya Bush. Fortunately, most things irk me,
so I never run out of material. Each weekday, you'll find a new entry in my
satirical White House diary Dubya's Dayly Diary . . . - Madeleine Begun
Kane, from the website

Enjoy Kane's mildly jaundiced view of weekend cottage guests, internet
privacy policies and the follies of her fellow citizens. 


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[SotD] August 2, 2001 [Men's Health]

2001-08-01 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, August 2, 2001

Men's Health from HealthTouch

While there are many sites that deal with various health issues of
particular interest to women, it is more difficult to track down those that
deal specifically with men's health. This site, in a plain text format, has
links to various problem areas that are a concern for men. From high blood
pressure to cholesterol, this site covers the basic issues which affect
men's health. This is a serious site with much to offer.


(The above URL should be entered as one line in your browser.)

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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] August 1,2001 [Antisurvivor]

2001-07-31 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Wednesday, August 1, 2001


Did the Survivor hype leave you cold? Does the ethos of the programme
cause you considerable dismay? 

Antisurvivor.org is a free volunteer matching website dedicated to
enriching lives and building communities. While some people may be voting
people off the island, or secretly plotting the demise of their supposed
friends, you - and thousands of others - can be doing something positive
and affirming for those in need within your community. - from the website

Rejuvenate your spirit by taking a considered look at 'Antisurvivor.org'.


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] July 30, 2001 [Mensa Workout]

2001-07-29 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Monday, July 30, 2001

Mensa Workout

On the assumption that subscribers to Site of the Day are indeed among the
brightest and the best, the List offers a site for a little mental workout.

This quiz is provided for entertainment purposes only, it is not an IQ
test. This score will not qualify you for Mensa. The questions on the
Mensa Workout are biased for people whose primary language is English. .
. You have a half an hour to answer 30 questions. Answers to the questions
and discussion of the answers is [sic - just how smart are these folks,
with a grammatical clanger like this on their site? ed.] provided. - from
the website 

If your score proves to be less than stellar . . . well it's Monday


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[SotD] July 24,2001 [Typing Injury FAQ]

2001-07-23 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Tuesday, July 27, 2001

Typing Injury FAQ

The Typing Injury FAQ provides a wide variety of information about
repetitive strain injuries (RSI's), resources for dealing with these
ailments, and a broad description of assistive products to reduce injury
risk and symptoms. While the primarily focus is on computer users at risk
of injury, health professionals, researchers, educators, designers,
resellers and manufacturers will find a wealth of information of interest.
Many of the resources provided here also relate well to other work
environments. -from the website

If you are beginning to feel at risk for this wide-spread affliction, don't
take chances. Check out the site.


A.M. Holm
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SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] July 26, 2001 [Word Detective]

2001-07-18 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, July 19, 2001

The Word Detective

Flummoxed by Flabbergast? Perplexed by Pandemonium? Nonplussed by ...
Nonplussed? Annoyed by Alliteration?

The Word Detective on the Web is the online version of The Word Detective,
a newspaper column answering readers' questions about words and language.
The Word Detective is written by Evan Morris and appears in finer
newspapers in the U.S., Mexico and Japan. - from the website

If your local rag is not one of the finer newspapers then you probably
don't receive The Word Detective, which would be shame except for the
fact that this delightful newspaper column is available online. With
archives dating back to 1995, there is a wealth of witty and enlightening
information on words, their origins and usage. The site is updated on a
monthly basis and deserves a space in everyone's favourite bookmarks.  


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] July 17, 2001 [Hubble]

2001-07-16 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Tuesday, July 17, 2001

Exploratorium Hubble: A View to the Edge of Space

Scientists first imagined putting a telescope in space in the 1920s.
Hubble, launched into orbit in 1989, is the fruit of many years of
experimentation and a whole lot of painstaking engineering. When Hubble
looks out into space, it looks back in time. And the images it brings to us
of the past have changed the way we think about the origins of the
universe. Hubble is many places - The Space Science Telescope Institute,
where astronomers do their research, Goddard Space Flight Center, where
NASA builds and controls the telescope, and space, where the telescope
floats. And scientists from many walks of life lend a unique character to
Hubble's earth-based centers. - from the website

Hubble orbits Earth at 5 miles per second. If your day is moving even
faster than that, take a moment to explore a broader view of the Universe.


A.M. Holm
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[SotD] July 5, 2001 [Intro to Trilobites]

2001-07-04 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Thursday, July 5, 2001 

Introduction to Trilobites - 

In the words of Sam Gon III, creator of this over-modestly titled site,
trilobites are one of the key signature organisms of the Palaeozoic.
Those who don't know their cephalon from pygidium . . . should scurry along
to this fabulous educational resource. Pitched at enthusiastic amateurs (of
which Dr Gon counts himself one) but equally suitable for advanced
students, there's a myriad of trilobite terms, line-drawings and colourful
schematic diagrams to explain the ins and outs of these ancient arthropods.
Coupled to neat animations of trilobites enrolling and moulting, fact
sheets on common families and glorious on-line galleries, there's scarcely
a need to glance at the comprehensive links page. - from the New Scientist

Put these arthropods on your hit list and you will never again confuse them
with anthropoids.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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[SotD] July 2, 2001 [Republic of Cascadia]

2001-07-01 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Monday, July 2, 2001 -  Belated Canada Day Greetings
to our Canadian List members!

The Republic of Cascadia

Just your average totally off-the-wall website! Or some people have
nothing better to do with their time than provide amusement for the rest of

Frustrated by the bureaucratic shenanigans of federalist Easterners,
Cascadian separatists are seeking to have British Columbia, Washington and
Oregon secede from their respective oppressors to forge a new nation in the
Pacific Northwest, amongst the Cascades. - from Grouse Today 

Now is the time for the citizens of Cascadia to demand their freedom from
the oppressive governments of Canada and the United States. For too long
have our people put up with indifference and condescendence from distant
seats of power. We have been subject to francophonic imperialism and
wasteful spending of our tax money. Our entrepreneurs have been attacked by
the so-called justice system for merely doing their jobs and growing our
economy. When will we say enough is enough? - from the website

The Bureau of Sasaquatch Affairs of the Republic of Cascadia offers,
among its various services, Lichen and Fungus Abuse Prevention and a Den
Improvement Program.

 Don't miss the small print on the home page. 

You have been  warned.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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and in the BODY type: unsubscribe site-of-the-day

[SotD] June 29, 2001 [The Onion]

2001-06-28 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day for Friday, June 29, 2001

The Onion

Haggar Physicists Develop 'Quantum Slacks' and other whimsies grace this
long-running website. If the gloom of real news headlines is getting you
down, then it may be time to refresh your spirit with the irreverent
stories presented each week by The Onion. Although this witty website is
on a well-beaten path, you may not have ambled in this direction before. If
you have, perhaps it's time for a return visit. 

Beware: some articles may offend delicate sensibilities. 


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives -
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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and in the BODY type: unsubscribe site-of-the-day

[SotD] June 14, 2001 [World Wide Words]

2001-06-14 Thread The Site of the Day

Site of the Day

World Wide Words

History, origins, evolution and idiosyncrasies of English. Investigating
international English from a British viewpoint by Michael Quinion - from the

If words and their origins hold any fascination for you, this site should prove
riveting. Discover why you're richer if you're a billionaire in England than in
America and the origin of the phrase dead as a doornail. From essays BEAM ME UP,
SCOTTY! The linguistic legacy of Star Trek to MIND THE GREENS! Creative
mishearings of lyrics, there is a wealth of exposition by an author with obvious
expertise who clearly loves the language. (Quinion is a consultant for the Oxford
English Dictionary.)

This site is a judicious blend of entertainment and information which may keep you
engaged far longer than you expected.

A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives - http://www.mail-archive.com/site-of-the-day@ashlists.org/
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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and in the BODY type: unsubscribe site-of-the-day

[SotD] June 13, 2001 [Sightseer's Guide to Engineering]

2001-06-12 Thread The Site of the Day

A Sightseer's Guide to Engineering

How many engineers does it take to change a valve? Apparently, 130, if it's a valve
on the trans-Alaska pipeline, and weighs 76,000 pounds! 

If vacation thoughts have begun to swirl in your mind but you're still looking for a
focus, this site has a wealth of information and links to modern engineering works
all over America. From the International Motorsports Hall of Fame and Museum to the
Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona to the Cable Car Museum in San Francisco
(complete with info on entry fees, hours of operations and maps for the many sites
of interest), all can be explored under the heading of Mechanical Engineering. Check
out another division of Engineering and be presented with even more.

Even if your holiday intentions are to grow roots beside the nearest body of water
and soak up some rays, this site is worth a visit for its cool facts and breadth
of exposition.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives - http://www.mail-archive.com/site-of-the-day@ashlists.org/
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

To unsubscribe send a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and in the BODY type: unsubscribe site-of-the-day

[SotD] June 11, 2001 [Pioneer Quest]

2001-06-10 Thread The Site of the Day

Cheery greetings to the faithful List Members of Site of the Day. As you have been
informed, the talented and insightful Ben Cooper has found it necessary to step down
from his duties at this List. Ben has been masterful at finding fascinating sites
that were frequently off the beaten track and has been lauded in the popular press
for his contributions to the Internet community.

While I can't hope to fill the gap his departure has created, perhaps I may be able
to provide some websites with news, information and entertainment to brighten your
desktops five days a week. Many of these sites will not have the exotic allure of
the esoteric and may already be household names to some members. However, for the
time challenged among us, it is often the case that encountering a reference to a
website in another medium never gets translated to actually getting to the site. The
riveting article complete with URL is buried under a stack of reports at the office
or tucked away in a pile of magazines in the family room. Here, then, is the readily
available link that requires no hunting.

Site of the Day 

Pioneer Quest - A Year in Life of the Real West

Forget Survivor! Think North Dakota.

Imagine what life would be like without the comforts or hassles of 20th century
technology? From June 2000 to May 2001, virtually cut off from all modern
conveniences and equipped only with 1870s tools and methods, four individuals lived
these awesome challenges faced by our pioneer ancestors. The story of Alana, Frank,
Deanna, and Tim's trials and triumphs of their year in rural Manitoba can be
accessed right here online. 

Check out their journals, monthly budgets and photo album.


A.M. Holm
SotD Ashlists archives - http://www.mail-archive.com/site-of-the-day@ashlists.org/
SotD Website - http://www.ashlists.org/sotd/

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and in the BODY type: unsubscribe site-of-the-day