Re: [aaloa supporters] Let's make introductions

2010-07-20 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Francesco Furfari wrote on 19-Jul-10 16:24:

Dear all,

I invite all of you to introduce yourselves, so we can know who we are

People from Fraunhofer IGD, department "Interactive Multimedia Appliances":

Since 2003, our department is bearing the above name which is a 
reflection of our research activities in the area of Ambient 
Intelligence. In fact, our department was a craft supporting Prof. 
Encarnacao (the former director of Fraunhofer IGD) when he, as a member 
of ISTAG, was contributing to the report on AmI 
The department has also been representing Fraunhofer IGD in ARTEMIS 
( since 2005, especially in the working group "seamless 
connectivity". In Germany, the department is cooperating with in its working group "Interoperability" since 2008.

The people from the department that are member of this list are Reiner 
Wichert and me (Saied Tazari). Michael Hellenschmidt, who is also on 
this list, was until end of the last May one of the senior members of 
the department, but he has changed now to SAP Research; nevertheless, I 
will also introduce him below. Some other people from our department are 
willing to join AALOA (or even this list) but we decided to keep most of 
them in the background in order to avoid too many names from one org.

Reiner Wichert is our department head with most of the above-mentioned 
involvements in the different boards. He is also the speaker of the 
"Fraunhofer AAL Allianz" established end of 2007 and since then also 
always one of the chairs of the different committees of the annual AmI 
conference. Together with Michael & me he is offering lectures on AmI at 
"Technische Universität Darmstadt".

Michael Hellenschmidt has been involved in UbiComp- & AmI-related 
research projects since 1999, in the era before the PhD more in the 
areas related to middleware for distributed systems of smart 
environments. Later, he was more interested in user interaction in such 
environments. With ARTEMIS, Michael worked on the standardization agenda 
and with on the interoperability topic.

I came in touch with AmI & AAL through context management and service 
brokerage. Until 2006, I was doing such research under the umbrella of 
mobile computing. In the beginning of 2007, I joined my current 
department at IGD and was then directly connected to AAL. I was the main 
contributor to the middleware of PERSONA ( and have 
had a major influence on the design and implementation of the whole 
platform of PERSONA. I think, this is why I am in universAAL now 
responsible for the implementation of its platform as the related work 
package leader.

You can find a picture of us under


-- Saied
Mohammad-Reza (Saied) Tazari
Stellvertretender Abteilungsleiter :=  Deputy head of department
Interactive Multimedia Appliances  ||

Fraunhofer IGD: Institut für
Graphische Datenverarbeitung   :=  Computer Graphics
Fraunhoferstr. 5
64283 Darmstadt, Germany   ||

Tel: +49 - 6151 - 155 228  ||  Skype: saied.tazari
Fax: +49 - 6151 - 155 480 ||  prvt:

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[aaloa supporters] The definition for AAL in the manifesto

2010-09-06 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Hi everybody,

comparing the three definitions below

1. citation from the manifesto:

   making smart use of technology to support well-being in the
   preferred living environment for people who might otherwise
   find this difficult (e.g. infirm or very elderly people who
   want to continue living in their own homes)

2. citation from "AALIANCE Ambient Assisted Living Roadmap", IOS
   Press, ISBN 978-1-60750-498-6, page viii:

   AAL refers to intelligent systems of assistance for a better,
   healthier and safer life in the preferred living environment
   and covers concepts, products and services that interlink
   and improve new technologies and the social environment.
   It aims at enhancing the quality of life (the physical, mental
   and social well-being) for everyone (with a focus on elder
   persons) in all stages of their life. AAL can help elder
   individuals to improve their quality of life, to stay
   healthier and to live longer, thus extending one’s active and
   creative participation in the community.

3. the scope of AAL Joint Programme as cited on page 4 of the
   above book:

   cultivating the development of innovative ICT-based products,
   services and systems for the process of ageing well at home,
   in the community and at work, therefore improving the quality
   of life, autonomy, the participation in social life, skills
   and the employability of elder people and reducing the costs
   of health and social care

AALOA's definition seems to be the most restrictive one by adding "for 
people who might otherwise find this difficult" as well as emphasizing 
just on home environment; this contradicts with both the R&D and the 
market perspectives in the same section of the manifesto, as well as 
with the vision of AAL spaces in the section following that. I do not 
like the phrase "making smart use of technology" either, as I don't know 
when the use of technology is smart and when not, AND it distracts from 
the more important (for AALOA) usage of "smart" in combinations like 
"smart environments".

I believe that we must keep this definition very short, because this 
definition is not part of the core message of the manifesto but just an 
obligation and hence must be kept as general as possible to avoid 
mistakes and / or discussions. I also believe that direct (or even 
indirect) citations would not match the style of the manifesto, either.

Hence, I just suggest to change it the following way:

   employing technology to support well-being for everyone in all
   situation of life, with a priority for people who might be hit
   more by need for assistance (e.g. infirm or very elderly people)

What do you think?


-- Saied

Francesco Furfari wrote on 06-Sep-10 09:22:

Hello to everybody,

next days the Manifesto will be sent to the organizers of the AAL Forum
( to be attached to the material distributed to
the forum attendees.
To this end I produce a new version of the Manifesto (0.12):
- I changed the butterfly with a free copyright image ( the "Aloa
marginata" moth)
- I used the term Subscribers instead of Signatories
- I updated the list of subscribers.

Please, I would ask you to check whether your name and affiliation is
reported correctly, and of course to signal any other typos you may find.

Best Regards,

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Re: [aaloa supporters] The definition for AAL in the manifesto

2010-09-08 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Thanks FrancescoP for the feedback, which I evaluate as a positive vote :-)

Also based on feedback from Joe (actually, he was mainly warning that 
this could be wasting time and energy discussing something of only very 
minor importance, but he also criticized not only the phrase with "hit" 
but also its too broad formulation covering everything for everybody), I 
modified the def:

   employing technology to support well-being in diverse situations
   of life, especially in specific spaces, such as the living and
   working environments, with a priority for people who might be
   more in need of assistance (e.g. infirm or very elderly people)

In the spirit of the first ideas being exchanged among promoters with 
regard to procedures, I suggest that the authors of the manifesto 
consider a change in the above direction if at least two other positive 
votes but no objections are there. To avoid delays in finalizing the 
prints for AAL forum, today is practically the last chance for voting on 
this suggestion, where an objection should be evaluated as a veto 
without long discussions.

My regards,

-- Saied

Francesco Potortì wrote on 06-Sep-10 13:13:

1. citation from the manifesto:

making smart use of technology to support well-being in the
preferred living environment for people who might otherwise
find this difficult (e.g. infirm or very elderly people who
want to continue living in their own homes)


Hence, I just suggest to change it the following way:

employing technology to support well-being for everyone in all
situation of life, with a priority for people who might be hit
more by need for assistance (e.g. infirm or very elderly people)

I like the idea and the new text.

I think it could be improved (but I do not know how) by rephrasing
"might be hit by more need for assistance" into something more fluent.

Supporters mailing list

Re: [aaloa supporters] The definition for AAL in the manifesto

2010-09-10 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari
I'm fine with that and happy that finally the manifesto has the 
opportunity to reach a bigger community.


-- Saied

Francesco Furfari wrote on 10-Sep-10 09:29:

Dear Saied,

I'm sorry we were very lazy to take a decision.
However as you know something perfect doesn't allow people to comment,
so in this way we may lead someone to discuss with us of something ;-)

I would say to froze the Manifesto (of course not the subscribers) . If
clarification of the statements reported in the Manifesto is needed (we
had only 3 pages) , then we can write compendium docs, or white papers.
I think we need to smoothly discuss and compare the different positions
we have and this could lead to the revision of the Manifesto by the next
year ...

However yesterday Casper printed all the material for the AAL Forum and
today the brochure of the EvAAL contest.

soon other news

Il 08/09/2010 10.57, Mohammad-Reza Tazari ha scritto:

Thanks FrancescoP for the feedback, which I evaluate as a positive
vote :-)

Also based on feedback from Joe (actually, he was mainly warning that
this could be wasting time and energy discussing something of only
very minor importance, but he also criticized not only the phrase with
"hit" but also its too broad formulation covering everything for
everybody), I modified the def:

  employing technology to support well-being in diverse situations
  of life, especially in specific spaces, such as the living and
  working environments, with a priority for people who might be
  more in need of assistance (e.g. infirm or very elderly people)

In the spirit of the first ideas being exchanged among promoters with
regard to procedures, I suggest that the authors of the manifesto
consider a change in the above direction if at least two other
positive votes but no objections are there. To avoid delays in
finalizing the prints for AAL forum, today is practically the last
chance for voting on this suggestion, where an objection should be
evaluated as a veto without long discussions.

My regards,

-- Saied

Francesco Potortì wrote on 06-Sep-10 13:13:

1. citation from the manifesto:

   making smart use of technology to support well-being in the
   preferred living environment for people who might otherwise
   find this difficult (e.g. infirm or very elderly people who
   want to continue living in their own homes)


Hence, I just suggest to change it the following way:

   employing technology to support well-being for everyone in all
   situation of life, with a priority for people who might be hit
   more by need for assistance (e.g. infirm or very elderly people)

I like the idea and the new text.

I think it could be improved (but I do not know how) by rephrasing
"might be hit by more need for assistance" into something more fluent.

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Re: [aaloa supporters] AALOA press release

2010-11-12 Thread Mohammad Reza Tazari
Dear all,

also Reiner Wichert has added a statement; I tried to gather all the
statements and the original text by Francesco & Joe in one document for a
better overview of all the text to be translated (attached).


-- Saied

> Dear all,
> I have discussed with Francesco that Gunnar quote will be the following
> The MonAMI project objective is investigate, specify, validate and
> promote an approach based on mainstream technologies so that AAL
> applications can be deployed in a cost effective manner. We believe
> that this can only happen if a widely used AAL platformbased on
> standards is available. This is the reason why we have participated
> to the creation of AALOA. We intend to play an active role in
> ensuring that building blocks made availble in AALOA platform can be
> integrated into future industry solutions.
> I have also translated the press release in French. Bruno is to check
> it again.
> Antonio
> On 10/11/2010 17:32, Francesco Furfari wrote:
>> Hello,
>> here a first version already reviewed by  Joe.
>> ---
>> *A new Ambient Assisted Living  community is born and wants you.
>> *
>> Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is a new term referring to one of the
>> most important societal challenges facing us in the coming years.
>> Starting from the problem of population aging, AAL is about
>> intelligent systems that use technology to provide assistance for a
>> better, healthier and safer life in the preferred living environment.
>> Starting in 2006, various research projects funded by the EU FP6 and
>> FP7 research programmes have been developing ideas in this field.
>> Seven of these projects have now joined forces and decided it is time
>> to start a convergence process to build a consensus on the
>> standardization of AAL systems. To do so, the projects now support the
>> incorporation of an AAL Open Association -- known as AALOA.
>> The mission of AALOA is to provide a shared open framework for
>> developers, technology and service providers, research institutions
>> and end user associations to discuss, design, develop, evaluate and
>> standardize a common service platform for Ambient Assisted Living.
>> The call for action is expressed in the AALOA Manifesto
>> (,   and was distributed publically for
>> the first time in September 2010 at the AAL Forum in Odense, Denmark
>> ( has attracted subscriptions from more
>> than fifty individuals coming from the academic world and industry.
>> The first project initiated by the AALOA community is EvAAL
>> (, an international competition aimed at
>> evaluating AAL systems and creating recognized benchmarks for the
>> assessment of the research results in this field.
>> AALOA invites you to join the community, and to participate in its
>> activities: to bring fresh ideas, to propose workshops and new
>> projects and to contribute actively to the growth of the association.
>> For details of how to join, please visit: http://www.aaloa.orgor write
>> to i...@aaloa.org_
>> _
>> ---
>>  Francesco Furfari from CNR, Italy the first subscriber of the
>> Manifesto says:
>>   "It's the first time that independent research projects have decided
>> to join their efforts and share their findings before the projects
>> have even finished. This is possible  thanks to a common  Open Source
>> policy  which may produce a strong impact on the market. Several
>> industrial alliances have recently demonstrated how OSS can quickly
>> open new markets, especially when the costs of developing a platform
>> are spread over a multiplicity of stakeholders".
>>  --
>>  Joe Gorman coordinator of EU project universAAL says:
>> "As the latest and largest AAL project in the series funded by the EU,
>> one of the main objectives of the universAAL project is to work
>> towards establishment of a standard platform for AAL.And not just the
>> platform itself:also a community of people and organisations
>> contributing to its development and uptake.We see AALOA as playing a
>> central role in this, by putting us in touch with key stakeholders in
>> the field, and providing a forum for real discussion and synergy with
>> them".
>> ---
>> *Gunnar Fagerberg coordinator of EU project MonAMI says:*
>> --
>> *anybody else *
>> - Francesco
>> Il 20.59, Antonio kung ha scritto:
>>> Dear all,
>>> Next week we will have one of the big days : announcing AALOA to the
>>> press.
>>> Here is a list of actions that are pending:
>>> * Francesco to provide a text. Note that Gunnar Fagerberg will
>>>   provide a quote for inclusion (something like /MonAMI supports
>>>   the AALO

Re: [aaloa supporters] Call for contributions for a session related to open source in Ambient Assisted Living at Med-e-Tel 2011

2010-12-20 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Dear Thomas,

indeed, I believe that it is very important to increase the interaction 
between AAL & Telemed/eHealth people, but for me personally April does 
not work at all. I keep my fingers crossed that other people contribute 
to organize this session...

Best regards,

-- Saied

Thomas Karopka wrote on 20-Dec-10 16:54:

Dear all,

I would like to ask for your contributions for a session related to 
Open Source software in the context of Ambient Assisted Living.
The session will be part of the FLOSS in health care track of 
Med-e-Tel has extended the deadline 
for submissions until 10th of January 2011. If you would like to 
submit an abstract for a paper you have to

submit your abstract until this deadline.
It is also possible to organize a discussion session without formally 
submitting a paper. If you would just like to be part of this session 
please contact me

via email ( ).

*About Med-e-Tel:*
Med-e-Tel is an annual event organized by the International Society 
for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH)  an NGO in 
official relation to the WHO.
Med-e-Tel  is now in it's 9th edition and 
attracts around 600 participants from more than 50 countries. There 
are also strong links to the WHO and the European Commission. Usually 
there is a representative of the EC at the conference.
The conference itself consists of an industry exposition (telemedicine 
and eHealth) and an educational track. For more information you may 
visit the website . All papers and 
presentations from the past years are available online 
The FLOSS in health care track 
was initiated this year. The track had 23 speakers, 1 keynote 
presentation and 1 panel discussion.
Next year we will continue with the FLOSS track. Please find the call 
for participation here 

Med-e-Tel is an excellent place for networking and promoting the idea 
of AALOA due to the mixture of both academic as well as industry 
Moreover it is a meeting point for FLOSS in health care advocates. So 
there is the opportunity to reach this community at Med-e-Tel.

Best regards,

Thomas Karopka
Head of ehealth Department
vice chair IMIA OS WG

IT Science Center Rügen gGmbH
Circus 14
D-18581 Putbus
Telefon: +49(0)38301 8829-0
Fax: +49(0)38301 8829-59

Geschäftsführer : Dipl.- Inf. Ilvio Bruder
Handelsregister : Amtsgericht Stralsund HRB 6227
USt-Ident-Nummer: DE 244660253

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[aaloa supporters] IMPORTANT: first public action promoted by AALOA and the EC - feedback required!

2011-02-04 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Dear community,

the governing board of AALOA has been invited to organize *a special 
workshop* (most probably in April this year in Brussels, jointly with 
the _ICT for Inclusion_ unit of the _DG for Information Society and 
Media_ of the European Commission) with the goal to discuss 
possibilities *for funding projects* that could directly promote the AAL 
market breakthrough.

This is a big opportunity for AALOA to go a step forward and to give 
foundation to the Manifesto's ideas around which this community is 
growing. Of course, it is also an opportunity for all the satellite 
projects, which could benefit from this funding scheme.

/We are asking all of you, especially people involved in //running//EU 
projects (especially SMEs and enterprises/),/to express their opinion 
and if desired to send a representative to the workshop in Brussels. 
This is the right moment to help the community by doing networking to 
reach all the potentially interested stakeholders.

/The original idea was developed by Reiner Wichert, spokesman for 
Fraunhofer-Allianz AAL (which consists of 13 different Fraunhofer 
institutes in different cities in Germany), who is also one of the first 
subscribers of the AALOA Manifesto.

Reiner developed the idea of "stress testing":

   To fill the gap between research and market,the industry must be
   involved in projects that put selected promising research results
   under "stress tests". That is, companies already offering AAL
   services and products / prototypes start to use these results as
   underlying technologies (platform) in new adapted versions of the
   existing products in such projects. The funding should mainly aim at
   mitigating adaptation costs for the participating vendors.

The workshop is expected to examine the usefulness and feasibility of 
the idea in conjunction with an appropriate funding scheme. For this 
reason, it is preferable that the majority of the workshop participants 
are such companies already offering AAL services and products / 
prototypes. Other participants should be entities representing research 
results that are volunteersto go under stress testing. Last but not 
least, representatives of the current funding programmes, such as FP7, 
CIP ICT PSP, and AAL JP shall attend this workshop.

The umbrella of AALOA could be the right place where such action could 
be implemented. In fact, according to the manifesto, AALOA wants to 
/"Design, develop, evaluate, standardize and maintain a common service 
platform for AAL"/, but the problem of creating consensus around a 
shared platform is still an open issue. We think that the open source 
policy adopted by AALOA is the right tool around which consensus can be 
reached. We are starting to incubate projects within AALOA, but from 
among the EU projects supporting AALOA, currently only those that are 
still runninghave the required resourcesto put their research results 
under stress test in a production environment.

This is the reason why we started contacting the universAAL project 
board. They reacted positively to the initiative, provided that it 
starts not earlier thanthe beginning of 2012, after the second 
developmentiteration. In fact, universAAL had already planned to more 
actively present its results to the general AAL community during their 
third iteration, in order to gather and incorporate useful external 

The reaction of the universAAL consortium, which is composed of 17 
European partners, meansthatwe have the first significant endorsement, 
so we are positive about the idea of organising the workshop. In fact, 
we may be able to candidate universAAL to be the first test bed for 
stress testing. The idea is to grant universAAL a slot in the workshop 
for explaining why it would be a good idea that a pilot project is based 
on their platform. AALOA would ensure that possible decisions on this 
proposal will be the result of the open discussions that we will have 
during the workshop.

However, we hope that this is only a first step: _we warmly encourage 
this community to propose alternative platform candidates_, and we 
invite other consortia(e.g. OSAmI-commons, OpenURC, Continua, etc) to 
participate and support the workshop. Given the many ongoing initiatives 
in this area, we expect interesting candidate proposals. However, nobody 
knows whether the general idea of one or more specific candidates will 
be confirmed by the workshop; _we do not even know if any solution can 
be found for funding stress testing projects_.

We think that AALOA is the right umbrella to promote this interesting 
initiative, also because it already has the strength to mediate among 
competing solutions and creating synergies where possible.

Some of the AALOA Governing Board members are going to meet physically 
during the next week and will work on a first draft of the announcement 
of the workshop. The draft will then be submitted to the whole Governing 
Board in order to 

Re: [aaloa supporters] IMPORTANT: first public action promoted by AALOA and the EC - feedback required!

2011-02-16 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Dear community,

as promised in this posting 
, I am getting 
back to this list to open the "call for comments" on a text prepared for 
announcing the workshop (see below). This text has been approved by the 
governing board of AALOA. The "call for comments" is open for one week. 
In parallel, we are trying to find a common date with AALA & eInclusion 
(as organizing committee meeting) in one of the calendar weeks 9 or 10 
in order to (1) do the final approval of the announcement, (2) agree on 
the exact date of the workshop depending on the availability of the 
premises in Brussels, and (3) appoint a programme committee.

My regards,

-- Saied
Mohammad-Reza (Saied) Tazari
Stellvertretender Abteilungsleiter :=  Deputy head of department
Interactive Multimedia Appliances  ||

Fraunhofer IGD: Institut für
Graphische Datenverarbeitung   :=  Computer Graphics
Fraunhoferstr. 5
64283 Darmstadt, Germany   ||

*Call for Participation*

*A Public-Private Partnership for Facilitating the*

*Market Breakthrough of AAL*

*15.Apr.2011, Brussels, Belgium*

*A workshop organized by AALOA [1], eInclusion [2] and AALA [3]*

The demographic development all over the world, but especially in the 
industrial countries, is leading to a continuous growth of the share of 
older people in the society. Several challenging problems are expected 
to emerge due to these developments that might reach critical dimensions 
if solution-finding is not sped up.

In one of the parallel action threads for coping with the challenges of 
an aging population, public authorities have been investing since some 
years in research on ICT solutions for aging well, generally known as 
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL). Despite the sizable achievements reached, 
the breakthrough of AAL in our daily lives is still not in sight. A 
major obstacle is the fragmentation of R&D efforts with little 
converging conclusions. Consequently, new findings remain confined in 
the academic area, vertical solutions appear that are difficult to 
compare, and user experience in the realized scenarios cannot be 
assessed. There is no well-known success story, not even in case of the 
few available vertical solutions.

The planned workshop, organized jointly by AALOA [1], eInclusion [2] and 
AALA [3], aims at investigating a certain approach for having the AAL 
market grow to an extent matching its theoretical potentials. The 
approach suggests that the industry should be involved in funded 
projects that put candidate research results under "stress tests". That 
is, in such projects companies already offering AAL services and 
products / prototypes should port their existing products and services 
to a candidate platform from research projects. This way, the two sides 
of the spectrum are supposed to get closer to each other, bridging the 
gap between the AAL research achievements and the industrial AAL 
products and services. The funding should mainly aim at mitigating 
adaptation costs for the participating vendors.

Candidates for "stress testing" in a production environment should be 
both mature enough (to be worth to invest on) and still under 
development (at least having resources required for maintenance) in 
order to guarantee that deadlock situations can be avoided. 
Additionally, the IPRs of the candidate platforms must allow their usage 
in such projects. The following benefits are then expected to be achieved:

   * The candidate platforms will be provided with the most effective
 feedback loop while there is still time for taking corrective
 actions. Stress testing will give them the opportunity to deliver
 the evidence for the practicality of the results.
   * In success case, the vendors of the existing AAL products and
 services that participate in such projects will benefit from being
 the early adopters of the promising platforms; even in case of
 partial success, they will be able to adopt selected technologies
 from the latest research results.
   * The funding authorities benefit from the overall effect of getting
 closer to the AAL market breakthrough and can show the usefulness
 of all the previous investments in AAL.
   * As, according to its manifesto, AALOA wants to "/Design, develop,
 evaluate, standardize and maintain a common service platform for
 AAL"/, such stress testing projects will provide the AALOA
 community with indicators for creating consensus around a shared

The workshop should examine both the feasibility of stress testing 
projects from different viewpoints and the possibilities for funding 
such projects. Representatives from relevant funding programmes 
(including eInclusion, AAL Joint Programme, and CIP 

Re: [aaloa supporters] IMPORTANT: first public action promoted by AALOA and the EC - feedback required!

2011-03-14 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Dear AALOA Supporters,

this is an update regarding the previous related email (see

it seems that the European workshop will take place in May / June 
because the co-organizers' meeting in Brussels (AALOA / eInclusion / 
AALA) preferred to further work on the announcement text for additional 
2-3 weeks which means that mid of April would then be too short term for 
attracting the industry. We will know the final date & location when the 
text is finalized and will immediately announce it to all of our mailing 


-- Saied

Supporters mailing list

Re: [aaloa supporters] [AALOA] The EvAAL project is now becoming a reality

2011-03-16 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Dear all,

this is to inform you about the availability of the "call for 
competition" under  
(since last Friday). We are seeking for not only people interested in 
the participation in the competition but also organizations willing to 
sponsor it!


-- Saied

Stefano Chessa wrote on 12-Oct-10 10:38:

Dear all,

this is to communicate you that last Friday we have had the first 
Steering board meeting of the EvAAL project. It was decided that the 
first competition will be held in the living lab in Valencia, 
presumably in Fall 2011, and in the next days we will finalize all the 
organization committees and respective chairs.

This year EvAAL will focus on indoor localization for AAL systems, and 
we are now in the process of forming the program committee. The first 
role of the program committee will be to contribute to write the call 
for competition in terms of ideas and proposals for the competition 

I thus invite all of you that have experience in indoor localization 
and that may be interested to share with us their opinions and to 
propose candidates for the Program Committee.

In a short time you will find updates about the organization of the 
1^st EvAAL, about the involved people and their roles in the EvAAL 
project website:

All the best,


Stefano Chessa

Dipartimento di Informatica - Universita' di Pisa Largo B. Pontecorvo 
3, 56127 Pisa, Italy

Phone: ++39 050 2213122

Phone (ISTI) : ++39 050 3152887

Fax: ++39 050 2212726 

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Re: [aaloa supporters] IMPORTANT: first public action promoted by AALOA and the EC - feedback required!

2011-05-02 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Dear AALOA supporters,

finally the organization of the planned event is finished; you will find 
the official announcement

   * on AALOA pages:
   * on eInclusion pages:

Also AALA <> has included the event in the list 
of its upcoming events.

See you in Brussels,

-- Saied

Mohammad-Reza Tazari wrote on 14-Mar-11 23:39:

Dear AALOA Supporters,

this is an update regarding the previous related email (see

it seems that the European workshop will take place in May / June 
because the co-organizers' meeting in Brussels (AALOA / eInclusion / 
AALA) preferred to further work on the announcement text for 
additional 2-3 weeks which means that mid of April would then be too 
short term for attracting the industry. We will know the final date & 
location when the text is finalized and will immediately announce it 
to all of our mailing lists.


-- Saied

Supporters mailing list

Re: [aaloa supporters] European support for companies developing AAL solutions

2011-05-17 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari
I would just like to emphasize that in order to participate in this 
event, people have to register using

Best regards,

-- Saied

Hanke Sten wrote on 16-May-11 16:05:

Dear AALOA supporters,

as you may know we are organizing a workshop together with the 
eInclusion unit (European Commission) and AAL JP support with the 
topic "Support for companies developing Ambient Assisted Living 
solutions to achieve the market breakthrough". The workshop will take 
place at the 7th of June in Bruessels and we will discuss different 
issues for an AAL market break through. We would also like to discuss 
possible new funding schemas to support the porting of existing 
vertical AAL hardware and software solutions towards one horizontal 

We think this workshop is very important to transport the philosophy 
and the idea of the AALOA manifesto. We see it as important that 
particularly the AALOA supporters are supporting this workshop and its 
motivation of a wide scale innovative AAL platform.

As many of you expressed interest to the initial idea reported to this 
mailing list, it should be naturally that you are showing interest in 
such a workshop.

So we need your help to invite SMEs to actively participate to the 
workshop. We kindly ask to the many of you that are not able to attend 
for different reasons, to provide an expression of interest by sending 
the form attached to this mail. The expression of interest should 
explain possible chances and solutions you would see for you through 
such a funding schema for porting existing hardware and software to a 

Please consider your possibilities of disseminating this workshop 
maybe also over personal contacts.

Thank you very much for your support.

Kind regards Sten Hanke in behalf of the AALOA governing board.

*Health & Environment Department
Biomedical Systems

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Supporters mailing list
Supporters mailing list

Re: [aaloa supporters] workshop on AAL market breakthrough

2011-05-19 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Jesus Bermejo wrote on 19-May-11 09:04:

... there is something that is confusing for me from outside; What is
the relationship between universAAL and a porting concept?

Hi Jesus,

[[ I thought, the answer to your question might be interesting for all 
AALOA supporters and added a CC to that list; I hope, you are OK with 
this ]]

It is true that the idea of porting projects was born in the context of 
the universAAL project and until now most of the resources for the 
organization of the workshop have been invested by the universAAL 
partners, but the AALOA governing board accepted to actively support 
this action after making sure that the door is open for other potential 
candidate platforms and even being mentioned as a candidate platform in 
the workshop does not lead to any specific status for any of them 
automatically. Let me explain more:

We assume that in each porting project, there is a platform to which a 
set of products and services (that were developed independently from 
that platform) will be ported. Local groups of the owners of those 
products and services together with one additional local organization as 
the platform expert can build consortia that submit porting project 
proposals. If such a proposal is successful and a project is 
initialized, we expect that all regional projects that share the same 
target platform are confederated at the EU level, ideally under the 
supervision of a neutral expert appointed by funding bodies. The 
corresponding projects put the selected platform under "stress test" and 
the platform must show its usefulness and "usability" in practice. At 
the end, the supervisor of the confederation must deliver a public 
evaluation report to the funding body in cooperation with the partners 
of the regional consortia (AALOA will naturally benefit from these 
reports very much in its path towards an open source AAL platform). 
Generally, proposals are free to choose the platform to put under stress 
test. An important criteria for the success of the proposals from the 
point of view of the funding bodies, however, will be the 
appropriateness of the platform chosen as the target platform in each 

With the above understanding, Reiner Wichert talked to funding bodies 
and argumented that alone the existence of universAAL shows that it is 
justifiable to invest efforts to define a funding scheme for porting 
projects. In consultancy with eInclusion and the universAAL consortium, 
universAAL has been mentioned in the announcement text as one possible 
target platform just to make sure that there will be at least one 
appropriate platform volunteer. But in practice, until now we have 
received two other official registrations that nominate a platform, 
namely "OSAmI-Commons" and "AAS-Platform", and two other that have 
contacted us by email and are arranging for nomination of a platform, 
namely "openURC" and "Hydra/LinkSmart". This is even more than the 
number of the slots we had reserved for candidate platforms in the 
workshop and hence we have to include only a subset of them in the 45 
minutes slot. However, this does not mean that only those platforms 
presented in the workshop can be taken as target platform in the future 
proposals. In a very short presentation, the organizers will list all of 
the nominations and explain that there is no intention from the side of 
the organizers to "push" the platforms included in the program or to 
"boycott" the non-included ones. More importantly, the workshop is not 
about the selection of any platform but must discuss the feasibility of 
the idea from different perspectives:

- are there any owners of products and services that would participate 
such projects? what would be the benefits for them?
- do these projects really help to make one step towards achieving 
market breakthrough? which concrete obstacles can be cleared by them? 
(this is why we ask companies to become volunteer for short 
presentations on market obstacles)
- what do these projects mean for the candidate platforms in terms of 
additional resources needed to provide support to porting projects?
- do the funding bodies see a solution for possible funding? under which 
programs or calls?
- can the workshop at the end agree on a specific recommendation that 
can be followed up by the funding bodies?

The presentation of a small set of platforms should only help that 
companies owning (prototypes of) AAL products and services answer the 
first question positively.

Kind regards,

-- Saied

Supporters mailing list

[aaloa supporters] Web streaming the workshop today

2011-06-06 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari
According to

you can follow the workshop live here:

kind regards,

-- Saied

Supporters mailing list

Re: [aaloa supporters] Web streaming the workshop today

2011-06-08 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Juan Carlos Castro Robles wrote on 08-Jun-11 16:33:

Is possible to access the material of the presentations of this event?

Yes, somewhere in the second half of this month, because the presenters 
have asked for one week time to check if their slides can be published 
as is or they need some modifications. Those allowed will then be made 
available for download under


-- Saied

Supporters mailing list

Re: [aaloa supporters] Web streaming the workshop today

2011-06-09 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Dear AALOA supporters,

I have received some emails asking for the results of the workshop on 
Tuesday. This is to try to answer this question.

According to the list of people who signed the participants list on 
site, 44 from the registered 52 registered people attended the workshop. 
In my opinion, from a programmatic point of view the workshop was a 
success: both the presentations and the discussions were appreciated 
very much, the timing of the sessions was ok, and especially the 
involvement of non-organizing participants in the whole event, even in 
the discussions, was very obvious. I believe that this real openness of 
the organization has once more attracted more trust to AALOA.

The workshop, however, couldn't define any funding scheme for porting 
projects. Instead, the following can be enumerated as the results:

   * According to my understanding, awareness about the positive role
 of widely accepted AAL platforms for the success on the market was
 created and where already existing, it was increased.
   * I think that it was also understood that porting projects
 o force the platforms to deliver the evidence of being
   practically useful, and hence
 o can serve the process of consensus building so that the
   number of candidate platforms can be reduced to only few
   very promising that have the chance to be accepted and used
   very widely.
   * But the fear was that the owners of prototypes cannot be sure if
 they are in the "right" porting project (in the sense of being in
 a project that finally approves the used platform as a promising one)
   *  From the side of the commission, the role of the European
 Innovation Partnership (in case of AAL, AHAIP standing for Active
 and Healthy Ageing Innovation Partnership, also known as EIP on
 AHA) in the definition of the new priorities was highlighted. As
 far as i understood, the EIPs are supposed to deliver their first
 results until the end of the year and any idea about why and how
 to push the process of consensus building on platforms should be
 communicated to them as soon as possible.
   *  From the side of the AAL JP, it was emphasized that the
 importance of a platform is now more clear for the CMU and that
 the CMU is open towards any suggestion on the incorporation of
 this topic in the AAL JP. However, there is no guarantee if and
 how such suggestions can be considered; also, any decision in this
 regard will take time because it must be ratified by the AALA board.
   * The concrete suggestion about launching "horizontal" porting
 projects in parallel to the projects of the AAL JP calls, where
 the prototypes coming out of the running projects temporarily join
 the porting projects was also classified as one of those ideas
 that can be suggested to the CMU for further examination.
   * The participants agreed to create a protocol with a set of
 recommendations that is then sent both to the AAL JP CMU and to
 the EIP on AHA. For this purpose, they will use a mailing list of
 AALOA. We will put the protocol on the two pages
 and Also, most of the presentations
 will be put on these pages in the second half of June.

I hope that I didn't miss any important point. Also, this is not any 
official protocol but my personal view.

Kind regards,

-- Saied

Mohammad-Reza Tazari wrote on 07-Jun-11 08:28:
According to

you can follow the workshop live here:

kind regards,

-- Saied

Supporters mailing list

Re: [aaloa supporters] Web streaming the workshop today

2011-06-10 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Someone asked for the meaning of CMU.

CMU stands for Central Management Unit and with this acronym, I was 
referring to the CMU of AAL JP

The AAL Association  
is the initiator of the AAL JP. The CMU of this programme has 
consequently been appointed by this association. This CMU is responsible 
for the central part of administration of AAL JP, e.g. call publication, 
proposal submission, evaluation and selection. There is also a 
national-level management, e.g. for negotiation and project funding, 
which is done by the so-called National Contact Persons (NCPs).

-- Saied

Supporters mailing list

[aaloa supporters] The Joint Programming Initiative "More years, better lives"

2011-07-15 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

see also in news of today:


-- Saied

Supporters mailing list

Re: [aaloa supporters] Further to AMB11 workshop. Agreeing on the content of the LECCE declaration

2011-07-18 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Dear Supporters,

we finally managed to reach the following status with the activity on 
the declaration:

 * there will be a side-event
    in the AAL Forum for
   ratifying the declaration
 * the pre-final version of the declaration (the input to the above
   side-event) will be distributed to all participants of the Forum
 * the final version after ratification in the above side-event will be
   published in the proceedings of AAL Forum
 * Antonio is invited to Track E (European Policies for ageing well in
   a global context)
    to hold a
   20-minutes talk about the Declaration

For this reason, the Declaration Organizing Committee (DOC) thinks that 
it's time to transfer this discussion to the following group at the AAL 
Forum site: Please join 
to this group and distribute the news and invite people in your network, 
especially to running AAL projects at national and 
European/international level, to participate in the discussions.

Kind regards,

-- Declaration Organizing Committee
Antonio Kung
Francesco Furfari
Saied Tazari

Reza Razavi wrote on 05-Jul-11 13:38:

Hello Antonio, Kush, all,

Thanks for the good initiative and document, and please find attached 
a few suggestions in revision mode.

I also look forward to hearing your thoughts,
Best regards,

At 20:58 01/07/2011, Kush Wadhwa wrote:

Hello Antonio,

Thanks for sending and it looks good.

I wanted to send you some initial thoughts on the declaration which 
are included as comments in the attached document.  I also look 
forward to hearing thoughts of the other AALOA supporters over the 
next days.


Kush Wadhwa
Managing Director
+44 (0) 20-7993-5039
+ 44 (0) 20-7993-4431 

[] *On Behalf Of *Antonio kung

*Sent:* Friday, July 01, 2011 12:11 PM
*Subject:* [aaloa supporters] Further to AMB11 workshop. Agreeing on 
the content of the LECCE declaration

Dear supporters,

Further to the AMB11 workshop, we are in the process of preparing a 
declaration to be presented in LECCE during the AAL forum (26-28 
September 2011). The motivations for the declaration are explained in 

In order to handle this we have set up an adhoc organisation 
committee (DOC for Declaration Organisation Committee) currently 
including the following members of the GB : Saied Tazari, Francesco 
Furfari, Antonio Kung.

Here is the intended timeline

  * open discussion on the content of the declaration with an
objective to have a version at the end of August. A draft is
attached. Francesco will also inform you as soon as a dedicated
web page is in the AALOA web site.
  * starting in parallel the enrollment process (i.e. getting
signatories). The target is to have a significant number of AAL
projects (FP7, AAL JP, CIP, ITEA, national projects).
  * distributing the declaration informally in early September
including to policy makers and the EIP-AHA steering group
  * finalising the draft by september 15th and distributing the
declaration at the AAL forum
  * having a specific talk during the AAL forum in track E (European
Policies). Current title (provisory) is "The Lecce Declaration -
Process and Outcome"

The floor is open now for discussion until end of August for an 
informal version and mid september for the final version.

Antonio Kung
Member of the AALOA board 

Supporters mailing list

[aaloa supporters] News about the LECCE declaration

2011-07-19 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

News about

 * v1 is closed now (commenting frozen)
 * v2 created based on the comments provided by Kush & Reza (many
   thanks; see the change log at the end) and is now open for commenting
 * v3, v4, and v5 have been scheduled; important note added to v5

Please help to distribute the news and invite people to join this group!

Thanks & regards,

-- Saied

Supporters mailing list

[aaloa supporters] Sharing a somehow related news item

2011-07-31 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari
Although for AAL, Claud Computing is in my opinion a second layer on top 
of "AAL Spaces", but what is important is the message, namely more 
openness for more interoperability:

Behind The Scenes: Microsoft, Open Source, And Interoperability - What's 
Ahead! by Microsoft: OSCON 2011 - O'Reilly Conferences, July 25 - 29, 
2011, Portland, OR 

The world is changing, and so is Microsoft. We are continuing down the 
path of even greater openness and interoperability in new ways . . . not 
just in development, but rising to meet the challenges a...

Microsoft: Cloud need only be open surface, not open source | ZDNet 

At Oscon 2011, Gianugo Rabellino, Senior Director for Open Source 
Communities at Microsoft, said as long as the APIs, protocols and 
standards for the...
Supporters mailing list

Re: [aaloa supporters] News about the LECCE declaration

2011-08-02 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari
v3 now available under

Please help to distribute the news and invite people to join this group!

Kind regards,

-- Saied

Supporters mailing list

Re: [aaloa supporters] News about the LECCE declaration

2011-08-04 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari
Despite vacation time, the following projects have announced their 
support for the Lecce declaration within the last 24 hours:

- CASALA and CASALA Living Lab
- APSIS4all
- the European Thematic Network ATIS4all
- SeniorEngag

Projects supporting AALOA (BRAID, MonAmI, OASIS, OSAmI, PERSONA, 
SOPRANO, universAAL & WASP) have not sent any message to the Declaration 
Organizing Committee, yet! I'm sure, many of the individuals supporting 
AALOA are also involved in AAL projects, in case of my own colleagues, I 
know of CCE, V2me, optimAAL, RAALI, ...

P.S.: at the bottom of this page 
 you will find news about 
the Lecce Declaration, for example the text of the standard message 
being sent to the projects and asking for their support!

Kind regards,

-- Saied

Supporters mailing list

Re: [aaloa supporters] News about the LECCE declaration

2011-08-04 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Questions sent to me necessitate the following explanations:

 * the first list of projects in my yesterday email are those whose
   coordinators have sent an email similar to the following (see also
   the text in the oldest news in the bottom of the declaration page

   *Subject*: We support the Lecce Declaration

   On behalf of the  consortium, we would
   like to express our support to the Lecce Declaration.

   These emails are being sent to us in reply to an email that we (the
   Declaration Organizing Committee) have sent to the coordinators of
   currently running projects related to AAL (AAL JP, FP7, CIP, ITEA,
   national, ...). We thought that only in case of running projects, it
   is possible to speak on behalf of the corresponding consortia.
 * The second list was taken from which consists of
   projects that have explicitly requested to be mentioned as AALOA
   supporters. This does not automatically mean that they also support
   the Lecce Declaration (LD). In my email, I wanted to motivate them
   to send the email supporting the LD. However, the mistake in my
   email was that 5 of those 8 projects are already finished and hence
   it is not any more possible for them to send such an email.
   Additionally, as finished projects, the corresponding coordinators
   are not on the contact lists that we have received from AAL JP,
   eInclusion, ... => they didn't even know of it!
 * We cannot take any of the individuals / organizations / projects
   supporting AALOA automatically on the list of the LD supporters;
   only those who send an email similar to the above or join the LD
   group here <> can be
   mentioned as the signatories of the LD. The details of how to handle
   this, is not discussed yet. My personal idea is to include the names
   of organizations and projects in the LD itself but for individuals
   create a special page under the LD group home for listing the names
   and in the LD itself only add something like "the n individuals
   listed at";. If
   all such supporters join the group on, then we can
   avoid creating a page and simply say something like "the n members
   of the forum group";.

Kind regards,

-- Saied

Mohammad-Reza Tazari wrote on 04-Aug-11 19:46:
Despite vacation time, the following projects have announced their 
support for the Lecce declaration within the last 24 hours:

- CASALA and CASALA Living Lab
- APSIS4all
- the European Thematic Network ATIS4all
- SeniorEngag

Projects supporting AALOA (BRAID, MonAmI, OASIS, OSAmI, PERSONA, 
SOPRANO, universAAL & WASP) have not sent any message to the 
Declaration Organizing Committee, yet! I'm sure, many of the 
individuals supporting AALOA are also involved in AAL projects, in 
case of my own colleagues, I know of CCE, V2me, optimAAL, RAALI, ...

P.S.: at the bottom of this page 
<> you will find news 
about the Lecce Declaration, for example the text of the standard 
message being sent to the projects and asking for their support!

Kind regards,

-- Saied

Supporters mailing list

[aaloa supporters] News about the Lecce Declaration

2011-08-22 Thread Mohammad Reza Tazari
V4 of the Lecce Declaration

is ready for commenting. However, an update is going to follow in about 2
days, especially because of waiting for proof-read by the Declaration
Organizing Committee.


-- Saied

Supporters mailing list

[aaloa supporters] News about the Lecce Declaration

2011-09-12 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Dear AALOA Supporters,

Despite the vacation time allover in the Europe, 23 projects have 
already announced their support for the Lecce Declaration 
, which has reached its 
pre-final version 
There is still one week time for extending the list before printing the 
declaration for distribution in Lecce. Obviously, the more projects 
announce their support, the larger the impact of the declaration will be!

All of the supporters are requested to do their best to clarify with the 
AAL projects, in which they are involved, if the project will support 
the declaration. In my opinion, each one of us must make sure that if 
our projects are not supporting the LD then not because of insufficient 
awareness or attention but only because there has been a decision not to 
do so.

FYI: the Declaration will be made official during the AAL forum in Lecce 
(26 Sept - 28 Sept):

 * the current version of the declaration will be distributed to all
   participants of the AAL Forum
 * a side-event will take place on Monday 26/09/11 from 10.30 to 12.00
   in the AAL Forum for ratifying the declaration (see the programme
 * a presentation about the Declaration will be made by Antonio Kung in
   Session E2  (European ageing
   related policies)
 * the final version after ratification will be published in the
   proceedings of AAL Forum and sent to the addressees (the high-level
   steering group

   that prepares for a pilot EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing
   , the JPI /More Years,
   Better Lives/ , the CMU of the AAL JP
   , and the DG INFSO of the EC

In order to support the Declaration as an AAL community initiative, 
projects should consider to send an e-mail similar to the following 
until Sep 19th:

   *Subject:* We support the Lecce Declaration

   On behalf of the  consortium (,
   ), we would like to express our support for the Lecce

Note that there is no formal act nor legal obligations in supporting the 
Lecce Declaration. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need 
clarifications.Kind regards,

-- Saied

Supporters mailing list

[aaloa supporters] Thoughts related to the recent comments on the Lecce Declaration

2011-09-15 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari
For those who are following the comments on

Dear Dirk,

some of my personal thoughts with regard to your comments are:

 * I guess, you would confirm that the same problem can be analyzed
   from different perspectives resulting in different sets of
   priorities. This does not necessarily mean that they contradict with
   each other; they might be even complementary!
 * The background of the line of work in this group has been the
   conclusions of an open workshop announced on May 2nd and taken place
   on June 7th (with 55 registrations within one month, of which 42
   have been present in the workshop). It is important to have a
   thorough look at the protocol of that meeting here
    (with recorded video, all
   presentations, and notes) in order to make sure that what has
   happened has not been "just the will of three people". 13 of the 17
   presentations at the workshop were added to the workshop program
   voluntarily (people who registered could apply to be a presenter and
   we had to ignore only two of them because of the lack of time but
   made slides for mentioning them in the workshop). The protocol
   itself was the result of three weeks of intensive discussions in a
   closed mailing list of workshop participants. => there is a good
   support in the AAL community also for the idea that creating
   ecosystems around open platforms has a certain priority.
 * It is naturally not possible to have a full discussion about the
   level of this priority here and now but I think it could be helpful
   to refer to the Track F of the AAL Forum 2010 in Odense
   especially to the summary of the panel discussion in session F.5 in
   its last paragraphs, which contains some analysis why this priority
   is not at an ignorable level.
 * My personal experience so far has been that indeed the real
   platform-level needs for developing AAL applications and providing
   AAL services are not very much specific to AAL. However, in my
   opinion, no other application domain has had a similar driving power
   for moving towards application-level interoperability in open
   distributed systems. I repeat here my comment on v3: "AAL is a
   multidisciplinary technological approach that involves (too) many
   different standards at diverse levels of hardware, software
   (architectures and interfaces), processes and services, data and
   content, etc. Considering that even simple sensors and actuators
   from a single domain are not interoperable by themselves, it should
   be obvious that the complexity increases dramatically when several
   different domains, such as health, well-being, comfort,
   entertainment, home automation, energy efficiency, and on top of
   that the innumerable possibilities for remote assistance are
   considered in a combined way for creating AAL applications and
   services. => It is impossible that all this complexity is under the
   control of one single entity!" For me, this means that targeting the
   creation of ecosystems around common open platforms is legitimate
   while it does not negate other perspectives at all.
 * AAL has forced us to think in terms of an "operating system" for
   open distributed systems; this is not a solved issue! It is one of
   the biggest technological challenges of the near future. We are
   already observing  the move of big enterprises to start to think in
   term of ensembles of devices (e.g., Google-Android way of
   interoperability between smart phones, tablets & TVs or the Apple
   way of interoperability between iPhones, iPads & iTVs -- However,
   likely, this is not sufficient and won't solve the AAL problem
   automatically as long as they do not consider the diversity problem
   mentioned in the previous bullet). Once few such "space-level
   operating systems" prove to have solved the problem, the real
   AAL-related competition on the market (the AAL market breakthrough)
   will start. This is what we call the ecosystem around common open
   platforms. The LD defines some measures for facilitating the process
   to get to there. This does not mean that nothing else should be

I hope, you find some interesting stuff in the above.

Kind regards,

-- Saied

Supporters mailing list

Re: [aaloa supporters] Thoughts related to the recent comments on the Lecce Declaration

2011-09-15 Thread Mohammad-Reza Tazari

Hi Jesus,

the reason is that the LD is not an AALOA document. AALOA was only 
mandated to organize the work on the LD in an open way without any 
"back-stage" decision making. Apparently, the experience of the 
participants of AMB'11 was that at least this level of trusting the 
AALOA governing board is possible, which is already something. Me 
personally am very happy with that. Having this in mind, we tried not to 
discuss the "how"s too much in order to have a chance to converge. De 
facto, most of the projects supporting the LD are not linked with AALOA 
(even some of the people having joined the group on do not 
have any link to AALOA). What does AALOA gain? At least, it becomes more 
known. Although one result of this could be that new people might decide 
to join, for me personally, however, it is more important that at this 
stage, we attract a certain level of trust that we really stand for 
openness,  "co-opetiton" (see the manifesto), and convergence even if 
one might not share some of our concrete ideas.

Kind regards,

-- Saied wrote on 16-Sep-11 00:32:

something that surprises me me when reading this declaration 
(...particulary if it is comming form AALOA) is that open source is 
not mentioned at all.
We have been involved in others policy documents such as the OECD 
Study on Software Innovation, as technical advisors to the economist 
team (together with industrial organisations with different 
and open source is recognised as other strategies,

Is there any reason for this?

Supporters mailing list