development practices question

2008-02-05 Thread Jim Hefferon

Can I ask a best-practices question?  I feel that what I'm doing is not
enough but I'm not sure what is the Right Thing.  I know many folks on
this list do development of various kinds.

I do a lot of web work.  I have all my material, including dB table
generation and stocking, in a versioning system (it happens to be svn).
When I am good, I try to write unit tests, functional tests, and system
tests.  I develop on a setup that is a different computer from but much
like the production system.

The part that I don't get is how people bring the material out of the
svn archive.  That is, suppose I get a bug report and I want to get all
the materials for version xxx onto my development machine (or to roll
back my production machine to version yyy).  Is there a standard way to
do that, or at least a library of often-used and debugged routines?  (I
work in Python.)  

I can't just make a lot of soft links from the svn tree to where I want
things to go for a number of reasons.  For instance, one is that
Apache's suEXEC refuses soft links.  Another is that the soft link tree
changes over time so I couldn't roll back to prior versions.  Still
another is that I need to massage some of the files (say, doing a sed to
change the permissions's owner on some dB tables).

I wrote a program that does the job for me but it is specialized to my
projects, obviously.  It has a lot of subroutines that copy to a
directory all files whose names match a regular expression, for example,
and then I call those subroutines lots of times on the exact structure
of my tree.  That seems suspiciously like I ought to be using a library,
where someone has carefully tested the routines (what if one of the
files is a soft link that points nowhere?  that got me last week).  Is
there such a thing but I missed it?

Alternatively, maybe I'm doing everything all wrong (it has happened
before :-) ).  I'd appreciate any tips.


Re: development practices question

2008-02-05 Thread Anthony Carrico
You bring up a good topic. Write some dist or install scripts, put
them in version control, and fix them when you find bugs in them, just
like the rest of your development. Also, maybe the export command
would be useful:

Anthony Carrico

Re: development practices question

2008-02-05 Thread Rob Riggen
Hi Jim,

Have you used svn export?  That is how I deploy from the repository to the
development environment.  The export command will push out only the files in
your project and leave behind all of the svn meta directories and files.  It
will also omit any files that are not under revision control.

In addtion to your repository trunk you should organize your repository
further by having branches and tags directories.  A branch allows you to
have 2 or more independent working revisions.  This allows you to try out
new features without disturbing your main line of development.

A tag would be used to allow you to roll back to any given point in time
(you wouldn't be using the rollback command, per se, just exporting from a
different, earlier tag).  Tags are often used to denote a particular

On Tue, Feb 5, 2008 at 8:49 AM, Jim Hefferon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Can I ask a best-practices question?  I feel that what I'm doing is not
 enough but I'm not sure what is the Right Thing.  I know many folks on
 this list do development of various kinds.

 I do a lot of web work.  I have all my material, including dB table
 generation and stocking, in a versioning system (it happens to be svn).
 When I am good, I try to write unit tests, functional tests, and system
 tests.  I develop on a setup that is a different computer from but much
 like the production system.

 The part that I don't get is how people bring the material out of the
 svn archive.  That is, suppose I get a bug report and I want to get all
 the materials for version xxx onto my development machine (or to roll
 back my production machine to version yyy).  Is there a standard way to
 do that, or at least a library of often-used and debugged routines?  (I
 work in Python.)

 I can't just make a lot of soft links from the svn tree to where I want
 things to go for a number of reasons.  For instance, one is that
 Apache's suEXEC refuses soft links.  Another is that the soft link tree
 changes over time so I couldn't roll back to prior versions.  Still
 another is that I need to massage some of the files (say, doing a sed to
 change the permissions's owner on some dB tables).

 I wrote a program that does the job for me but it is specialized to my
 projects, obviously.  It has a lot of subroutines that copy to a
 directory all files whose names match a regular expression, for example,
 and then I call those subroutines lots of times on the exact structure
 of my tree.  That seems suspiciously like I ought to be using a library,
 where someone has carefully tested the routines (what if one of the
 files is a soft link that points nowhere?  that got me last week).  Is
 there such a thing but I missed it?

 Alternatively, maybe I'm doing everything all wrong (it has happened
 before :-) ).  I'd appreciate any tips.


Robert Riggen
Zend Certified Web Developer
Essex Junction, VT 05452
(802) 578-6719

Re: development practices question

2008-02-05 Thread Bradley Holt

I would echo the two comments you've already gotten: use svn export
and branches/tags. Here's an example repo layout:


Branch from the trunk, tag from a branch. Bug fix changes only in
branches. Delete a branch when it's no longer supported.

This is all covered in the svn book
which I would highly recommend a read through, cover-to-cover, for
anyone using svn. It's really well written, in my opinion.


On Feb 5, 2008 8:49 AM, Jim Hefferon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can I ask a best-practices question?  I feel that what I'm doing is not
 enough but I'm not sure what is the Right Thing.  I know many folks on
 this list do development of various kinds.

 I do a lot of web work.  I have all my material, including dB table
 generation and stocking, in a versioning system (it happens to be svn).
 When I am good, I try to write unit tests, functional tests, and system
 tests.  I develop on a setup that is a different computer from but much
 like the production system.

 The part that I don't get is how people bring the material out of the
 svn archive.  That is, suppose I get a bug report and I want to get all
 the materials for version xxx onto my development machine (or to roll
 back my production machine to version yyy).  Is there a standard way to
 do that, or at least a library of often-used and debugged routines?  (I
 work in Python.)

 I can't just make a lot of soft links from the svn tree to where I want
 things to go for a number of reasons.  For instance, one is that
 Apache's suEXEC refuses soft links.  Another is that the soft link tree
 changes over time so I couldn't roll back to prior versions.  Still
 another is that I need to massage some of the files (say, doing a sed to
 change the permissions's owner on some dB tables).

 I wrote a program that does the job for me but it is specialized to my
 projects, obviously.  It has a lot of subroutines that copy to a
 directory all files whose names match a regular expression, for example,
 and then I call those subroutines lots of times on the exact structure
 of my tree.  That seems suspiciously like I ought to be using a library,
 where someone has carefully tested the routines (what if one of the
 files is a soft link that points nowhere?  that got me last week).  Is
 there such a thing but I missed it?

 Alternatively, maybe I'm doing everything all wrong (it has happened
 before :-) ).  I'd appreciate any tips.


Re: development practices question

2008-02-05 Thread Jim Hefferon
Thank you to everyone for the replies.  Some people seemed not to
understand me, so I apologize.

I use svn and I use versions and branching.  I know about export. What
I'm struggling with is that developing directly from the repository tree
is awkward, and I wondered if others know of a better way.

One example is that on one machine the apache user is www-data so on
that machine the SQL statements look like GRANT insert TO www-data,
while on another machine the apache user is apache.  (I can't expect
to change these things.)  Thus I need a script to massage SQL files from
one machine to the other.  

Another example is that Apache's suEXEC is quite fussy about where
things are and with what permission so I need a script that copies these
files to the right locations and sets the permissions-- soft links will
not do.

A perhaps sillier example is that invoking a program as
/home/svn/package/trunk/bin/ is annoying, and setting up other
names for the program, such as a tree of softlinks like
  ln -s home/svn/package/trunk/bin/ ~/package/
fails when is added or deleted or moved in various versions of
the repository.  So again I'm looking to set up this softlink tree in a
post svn-update script.

I'm asking about this post-versioning system script; mine is called  One example os a question is that, I have often
forgotten to copy the changes on suEXEC scripts back into the repository
and I can imagine a tool that knows about the association in both
directions.  Is there a standard tool for this kind of thing, or at
least a buzzword?  Or is this something peculiar to my environment and
other people just do not see it?

Thanks again,

Re: development practices question

2008-02-05 Thread Rene Churchill

Well, what I do is use Apache's config file to set up multiple
directories and servers on my development machine.  Each
server is listening on a different port and provides a different
purpose.  One is for bug fixing, one is for long-term development,
one for pre-release checking, etc.

From the httpd.conf file:
VirtualHost *:8080
DocumentRoot /home/clients/wherezit_rene/html
CustomLog/home/clients/wherezit_rene/logs/access_log combined
ErrorLog /home/clients/wherezit_rene/logs/error_log

VirtualHost *:8081
DocumentRoot /home/clients/wherezit_rene2/html
CustomLog/home/clients/whreezit_rene2/logs/access_log combined
ErrorLog /home/clients/wherezit_rene2/logs/error_log

This gives me multiple sandboxes to play in.  I'm working in PHP
most of the time and session variables will conflict between the
sandboxes, but that's a minor issue.

To resolve the rest of the issues that you mentioned, I have a
big switch statement in my config.php file that reads:

switch ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
case 'server:8080':
$MYSQL_PASSWORD = 'foobar';
$MYSQL_DATABSE = 'test1';
case 'server:8081':
$MYSQL_USERNAME = 'johnny'
$MYSQL_PASSWORD = 'dundee';
$MYSQL_DATABASE = 'test2';
case '':
$MYSQL_USERNAME = 'wherezit';
$MYSQL_DATABASE = 'something';
$MYSQL_PASSWORD = 'something else';

If it is the webserver running the scripts, (i.e. actually
executing them in a shell) then I reference them relative
to the document root of the server:


So by keeping everything in a single directory tree and
letting Apache tell me where that tree is installed, I
don't have to bother with linking files in multiple

Hope that helps,

Jim Hefferon wrote:

Thank you to everyone for the replies.  Some people seemed not to
understand me, so I apologize.

I use svn and I use versions and branching.  I know about export. What
I'm struggling with is that developing directly from the repository tree
is awkward, and I wondered if others know of a better way.

One example is that on one machine the apache user is www-data so on
that machine the SQL statements look like GRANT insert TO www-data,
while on another machine the apache user is apache.  (I can't expect
to change these things.)  Thus I need a script to massage SQL files from
one machine to the other.  

Another example is that Apache's suEXEC is quite fussy about where
things are and with what permission so I need a script that copies these
files to the right locations and sets the permissions-- soft links will
not do.

A perhaps sillier example is that invoking a program as
/home/svn/package/trunk/bin/ is annoying, and setting up other
names for the program, such as a tree of softlinks like
  ln -s home/svn/package/trunk/bin/ ~/package/
fails when is added or deleted or moved in various versions of
the repository.  So again I'm looking to set up this softlink tree in a
post svn-update script.

I'm asking about this post-versioning system script; mine is called  One example os a question is that, I have often
forgotten to copy the changes on suEXEC scripts back into the repository
and I can imagine a tool that knows about the association in both
directions.  Is there a standard tool for this kind of thing, or at
least a buzzword?  Or is this something peculiar to my environment and
other people just do not see it?

Thanks again,

René Churchill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Geek Two   802-244-7880 x527
Your Source for Local Information

Re: FOSS vs Proprietary - FF vs IE, Is it worse than we think?

2008-02-05 Thread Sam Hooker

Hash: SHA1

Rubin Bennett wrote:

| here is that they're following the patch of least resistance, which is a

I think it's Windows *sysadmins* who follow the patch of least
resistance, not the programmers... ;-)

- -sth

sam hooker|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|

Memo to myself:
+ Do the dumb things I gotta do.
+ Touch the Puppet Head.

They Might Be Giants
Puppet Head
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: development practices question

2008-02-05 Thread Bradley Holt

In the first example you gave could you simply have a configuration
file (that isn't in svn and is different on each machine) that stores
a database_user variable; then, instead of running the SQL script
directly, it's run through a script that expands that variable? This
way when it's run on one machine you get, GRANT insert TO www-data
and on another machine you get, GRANT insert TO apache with the
values www-data and apache stored in each machines configuration
file, respectively. Your SQL script in svn would like something like,
GRANT insert TO %database_username%. I know that's just one example,
so even if it works, it may not solve all your problems.

On Feb 5, 2008 11:49 AM, Jim Hefferon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you to everyone for the replies.  Some people seemed not to
 understand me, so I apologize.

 I use svn and I use versions and branching.  I know about export. What
 I'm struggling with is that developing directly from the repository tree
 is awkward, and I wondered if others know of a better way.

 One example is that on one machine the apache user is www-data so on
 that machine the SQL statements look like GRANT insert TO www-data,
 while on another machine the apache user is apache.  (I can't expect
 to change these things.)  Thus I need a script to massage SQL files from
 one machine to the other.

 Another example is that Apache's suEXEC is quite fussy about where
 things are and with what permission so I need a script that copies these
 files to the right locations and sets the permissions-- soft links will
 not do.

 A perhaps sillier example is that invoking a program as
 /home/svn/package/trunk/bin/ is annoying, and setting up other
 names for the program, such as a tree of softlinks like
   ln -s home/svn/package/trunk/bin/ ~/package/
 fails when is added or deleted or moved in various versions of
 the repository.  So again I'm looking to set up this softlink tree in a
 post svn-update script.

 I'm asking about this post-versioning system script; mine is called  One example os a question is that, I have often
 forgotten to copy the changes on suEXEC scripts back into the repository
 and I can imagine a tool that knows about the association in both
 directions.  Is there a standard tool for this kind of thing, or at
 least a buzzword?  Or is this something peculiar to my environment and
 other people just do not see it?

 Thanks again,

Re: development practices question

2008-02-05 Thread Jim Hefferon

On Tue, 2008-02-05 at 12:05 -0500, Bradley Holt wrote:
 In the first example you gave could you simply have a configuration
 file (that isn't in svn and is different on each machine) that stores
 a database_user variable; then, instead of running the SQL script
 directly, it's run through a script that expands that variable? This
 way when it's run on one machine you get, GRANT insert TO www-data
 and on another machine you get, GRANT insert TO apache with the
 values www-data and apache stored in each machines configuration
 file, respectively. Your SQL script in svn would like something like,
 GRANT insert TO %database_username%. I know that's just one example,
 so even if it works, it may not solve all your problems.
Thanks.  That is something like what I do at the moment.  I actually
keep a configuration file for each machine in the repository, and the script picks up the name of the machine and selects
which configuration file to use.  Then it does pretty much what you

Perhaps other people just don't run into the issue.  I just was thinking
as I was writing the routines of that install script, I'll bet there is
a tool for this; other people must also have to install version xxx by
exporting the tree, clearing out the directory, and copying over all
files of a certain type.  But it sounds like that thought was wrong.


Re: FOSS vs Proprietary - FF vs IE, Is it worse than we think?

2008-02-05 Thread Rubin Bennett
On Tue, 2008-02-05 at 12:44 -0500, Sam Hooker wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Rubin Bennett wrote:
 | here is that they're following the patch of least resistance, which is a
 I think it's Windows *sysadmins* who follow the patch of least
 resistance, not the programmers... ;-)
Touché... I saw that as soon as I got my post back, and hoped no one
would see it.  Fat fingers all over the place...


 - -sth
 sam hooker|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
 Memo to myself:
   + Do the dumb things I gotta do.
   + Touch the Puppet Head.
   They Might Be Giants
   Puppet Head
 Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
Rubin Bennett

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-Ben Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

Regionalization/ useability question...

2008-02-05 Thread Rubin Bennett
So... I probably should know this, but...
In my last post, I used an accented character.  I use KDE as my desktop
and Evolution 2.10 for email, and I spent about 10 minutes trying to
figure out how to *type* that accented character from my laptop
keyboard, and finally gave up.  I ended up cheating by cutting and
pasting that character from a web page!  So... how does one type, on a
regular US laptop keyboard, without restarting X, an accented character?
(Dons flameproof suit in anticipation of tons of You dummy, I can't
believe you don't know how to do that! responses)
Rubin Bennett
rbTechnologies, LLC

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-Ben Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

Re: Regionalization/ useability question...

2008-02-05 Thread Rob Riggen
gnome has a character map program which allows one to view non-US characters
and put them on the clipboard...


On Tue, Feb 5, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Rubin Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 So... I probably should know this, but...
 In my last post, I used an accented character.  I use KDE as my desktop
 and Evolution 2.10 for email, and I spent about 10 minutes trying to
 figure out how to *type* that accented character from my laptop
 keyboard, and finally gave up.  I ended up cheating by cutting and
 pasting that character from a web page!  So... how does one type, on a
 regular US laptop keyboard, without restarting X, an accented character?
 (Dons flameproof suit in anticipation of tons of You dummy, I can't
 believe you don't know how to do that! responses)
 Rubin Bennett
 rbTechnologies, LLC

 Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little
 temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-Ben Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

Robert Riggen
Zend Certified Web Developer
Essex Junction, VT 05452
(802) 578-6719

Re: Regionalization/ useability question...

2008-02-05 Thread Josh Sled
Rubin Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 So... I probably should know this, but...
 In my last post, I used an accented character.  I use KDE as my desktop
 and Evolution 2.10 for email, and I spent about 10 minutes trying to
 figure out how to *type* that accented character from my laptop
 keyboard, and finally gave up.  I ended up cheating by cutting and
 pasting that character from a web page!  So... how does one type, on a
 regular US laptop keyboard, without restarting X, an accented character?
 (Dons flameproof suit in anticipation of tons of You dummy, I can't
 believe you don't know how to do that! responses)

The short answer (assuming a standard Microsoft-key'ed keyboard): In KDE's
equivalent of GNOME's Keyboard applet, enable Menu key is Compose, then
hit: Menu ' e in sequence to get an é.
is a good recent post with the topic as per the url, there. :)

There's different input methods; I think there's roughly 4 ways: the X Input
Method (XIM), SCIM, and each of Qt and GTK have their own input method
support; I'm sure there're others, too.

I seem to have gravitated toward using the XIM.  Most of the multi-key
sequences are defined in /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose (adjust
for $LANG).  But at some point you might find it lacking.  Then, you'll want
to create a file called ~/.XCompose, that starts with:

include %L

…to pull in the locale-default compose rules, but to which you can extend
your own, like:

Multi_key less 3 w : ♡ U2661 # white heart suit
Multi_key less 3 b : ♥ U2665 # black heart suit
Multi_key colon parenright : ☺  # :)
Multi_key colon parenleft : ☹  # :(
Multi_key period period period : …
Multi_key exclam question : ‽  # interrobang‽
Multi_key question exclam : ‽

# 2007-12-16, jsled
Multi_key p i : π U03C0 # pi!

# 2008-01-03, jsled
Multi_key backslash slash : ƛ U19B # lambda.

# 2008-01-22, jsled
Multi_key backslash slash : √ U221A # square rt
Multi_key 3 slash : ∛ U221B # cube root
Multi_key 8 8 : ∞ U221E # infinity

Note that here you need only to restart applications (not all of X) to get
them to reinit changes to ~/.XCompose; I often edit ~/.XCompose in emacs,
then fire up 'gedit's on the console to gauge the effect before restarting
emacs, xchat, firefox, c.

...jsled - a=jsled;; echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Re: Regionalization/ useability question...

2008-02-05 Thread Rick White
--- Rob Riggen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 gnome has a character map program which allows one to view
 non-US characters
 and put them on the clipboard...

Unfortunately, I found the gnome character map difficult to
fathom (until I realized Latin was my language). I wanted to
use an n with a tilde to write the word Manana, or tomorrow, in
Spanish. There were many variations of n, but I could not locate
that particular (common, I'd think) character.

As a raw n00b, perhaps this is just my stupidity showing.


 On Tue, Feb 5, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Rubin Bennett
  So... I probably should know this, but...
  In my last post, I used an accented character.  I use KDE as
 my desktop
  and Evolution 2.10 for email, and I spent about 10 minutes
 trying to
  figure out how to *type* that accented character from my
  keyboard, and finally gave up.  I ended up cheating by
 cutting and
  pasting that character from a web page!  So... how does one
 type, on a
  regular US laptop keyboard, without restarting X, an
 accented character?
  (Dons flameproof suit in anticipation of tons of You dummy,
 I can't
  believe you don't know how to do that! responses)
  Rubin Bennett
  rbTechnologies, LLC
  Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a
  temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
 -Ben Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania,
 Robert Riggen
 Zend Certified Web Developer
 Essex Junction, VT 05452
 (802) 578-6719


Looking for last minute shopping deals?  
Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

Re: Regionalization/ useability question...

2008-02-05 Thread Tony Harris
Not positive if this is true for KDE as well, but on GNOME I have both the 
US and US-International keyboards configured, and activate the Gnome 
toolbar applet that lets me switch between them.

Then when you want something like é you just type apostrophe followed by e 
and you get it.

Tony Harris
Assistant CTO
Community College of Vermont
(802) 241-3535

Zhë dishthe shthál ñe lhôñ svóná záxá.
(The direct path is not always straight.)
PRIVACY  CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is for the designated
recipient only and may contain privileged, confidential, or otherwise
private information. If you have received it in error, please notify the
sender immediately and delete the original. Any other use of an email
received in error is prohibited.

--On February 5, 2008 3:07:06 PM -0500 Rubin Bennett 

So... I probably should know this, but...
In my last post, I used an accented character.  I use KDE as my desktop
and Evolution 2.10 for email, and I spent about 10 minutes trying to
figure out how to *type* that accented character from my laptop
keyboard, and finally gave up.  I ended up cheating by cutting and
pasting that character from a web page!  So... how does one type, on a
regular US laptop keyboard, without restarting X, an accented character?
(Dons flameproof suit in anticipation of tons of You dummy, I can't
believe you don't know how to do that! responses)
Rubin Bennett
rbTechnologies, LLC

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-Ben Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

Tony Harris
Assistant CTO
Community College of Vermont
(802) 241-3535

Zhë dishthe shthál ñe lhôñ svóná záxá.
(The direct path is not always straight.)
PRIVACY  CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is for the designated
recipient only and may contain privileged, confidential, or otherwise
private information. If you have received it in error, please notify the
sender immediately and delete the original. Any other use of an email
received in error is prohibited.

Re: Regionalization/ useability question...

2008-02-05 Thread Rob Riggen
On Tue, Feb 5, 2008 at 5:06 PM, Rick White [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Unfortunately, I found the gnome character map difficult to
 fathom (until I realized Latin was my language). I wanted to
 use an n with a tilde to write the word Manana, or tomorrow, in
 Spanish. There were many variations of n, but I could not locate
 that particular (common, I'd think) character.

 As a raw n00b, perhaps this is just my stupidity showing.

I didn't meant to imply that it was easy to use!   I tend to stick to the
good 'ol US of A character set, myself.  Heck, I only know un petit espańol.


Robert Riggen
Zend Certified Web Developer
Essex Junction, VT 05452
(802) 578-6719

Re: Regionalization/ useability question...

2008-02-05 Thread John Campbell

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 5 Feb 2008, Tony Harris wrote:

Not positive if this is true for KDE as well, but on GNOME I have both the US 
and US-International keyboards configured, and activate the Gnome toolbar 
applet that lets me switch between them.

Then when you want something like é you just type apostrophe followed by e 
and you get it.

I just turn a key (usually the right Windows key, or right Alt on
keyboards that lack one) into Compose using xmodmap, which is handled at the
X level and window manager/desktop environment independent. There's probably
a way to assign a Compose key that'll work even at a console terminal (it
does on my SPARCstation, which has an actual Compose key on the keyboard),
but I haven't really felt the need to investigate that.

Anyway, it's:

xmodmap -e keycode 116 = Multi_key

... somewhere in the X startup. At least on this keyboard. I've found that
the keycodes for the expanded keys aren't well standardized, though. xev is
handy for figuring out what X actually thinks they are.

So to get eacute;, I just type [Compose] [e] [']... é. ntilde; is
[Compose] [n] [~]... ñ.

I just hope I've got the character set on my email set up right so
that those show up the way they're supposed to...

- -- 
John Campbell


Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Re: expired GPG key...

2008-02-05 Thread sth

Hash: SHA1

OK: so, you've noticed that my last post was signed. So the PRIVATE key
is fine, and that modulates my question only slightly: what's wrong with
my PUBLIC key?

Thanks for your patience...

- -sth

sam hooker|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|

Yes, my television runs Linux, too. Yes, really.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: expired GPG key...

2008-02-05 Thread John Campbell

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 5 Feb 2008, sth wrote:

Hash: SHA1

OK: so, you've noticed that my last post was signed. So the PRIVATE key
is fine, and that modulates my question only slightly: what's wrong with
my PUBLIC key?

If I verify your posts, it tells me that it's a good signature with
a known key, but the key has expired.

- -- 
John Campbell


Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
