Re: [WSG] pdf graphics

2006-01-13 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Marilyn Langfeld said the following on 1/13/2006 9:37 AM:

 Yes, the latest version of Photoshop saves to .jpg, .gif. png .ico 
 (if you install a plug-in, one of which is donationware), as well as 
 having a Save for web export in .jpg, .gif, .png-8, .png-24 and WBMP 
 that helps you to optimize the result for the Web).

I find it funny that almost everyone forgot Macromedia Fireworks - as a
full-time programmer and not a very good graphic artistthis program
is invaluable!

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Re: [WSG] Site Check -

2006-01-11 Thread Peter J. Farrell
David Nicol said the following on 1/11/2006 2:09 PM:

 Hi everyone,
 I'd appreciate it very much if you could take a quick look at:
 All comments welcome. In particular, please let me know if you spot
 anything that I'd need to fix before my client begins to promote the site.
 Thank you in advance.

There appears to be some problems in FF1.5 in WinXP in your header
section.  Location of screen shot:

Looks fine in IE...(ugh! ;-)


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Re: [WSG] page check

2006-01-04 Thread Peter J. Farrell

kvnmcwebn wrote:

the html validates now


Tidy is still complaining of unescaped amp's in your title attributes:

ul class="navlist"
	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="parenting"Parenting/a/li
	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="childcare"Childcare/a/li
	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="Youth / Teenagers"Youth amp; Teenagers/a/li

	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="Family Issues"Family Issues/a/li
	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="Mothers' / Women's Support"Mothers' amp; Women's Support/a/li
	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="Fathers' / Men's Support"Fathers' amp; Men's Support/a/li
	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="Gay  Lesbian Support"Gay amp; Lesbian Support/a/li

	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="Health  Wellbeing"Health amp; Wellbeing/a/li
	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="Personal Problems"Personal Problems/a/li
	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="Disability / Special Needs"Disability amp; Special Needs/a/li
	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="Older People"Older People/a/li
	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="Minority Groups"Minority Groups/a/li

	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="Education  Training"Education amp; Training/a/li
	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="Homelessness / Housing"Homelessness amp; Housing/a/li
	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="Money"Money/a/li
	lia href="subcategory.htm" title="Money"Content Providers/a/li


Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing

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Re: [WSG] Setting Up Font Sizes

2005-12-21 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Thomas Livingston wrote:

 If most users don't change a thing  when they install a browser, or
 change the one that came with their  PC, then what's properly
 configured mean?

I think we should realize that most people don't know anything about
configuring their browser and even their computer!  Just look at my
Mother... ;-) [just kidding Mom]

I think it's safe to assume default installation settings for most
users -- everybody else are fringe cases.

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Re: [WSG] Setting Up Font Sizes

2005-12-20 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Felix Miata wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

body { font-size: small; }
is generally acceptable and is approximately the same as 80% of the

Definitely not acceptable to me for content paragraphs. :-(

I have to agree with Felix here as well.  In the end, I have to abide my
clients wishes or otherwise I'd be kick out on the street for the lack
of money!  I generally use the disclaimer -- Browsers aren't word
processors and argue for a middle of the line approach.

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Re: [WSG] standards or confusion?

2005-12-07 Thread Peter J. Farrell

Martin Heiden wrote:

Do it on the serverside!!!

Maybe I'm a cycle head, but it seems silly to use computation cycles 
(although very little) to compute a year that changes only once per 
year.  Use a server side include or hard code it in your footer template 
and remember to change it in the new year.  Guess this is my enterprise 
application architecture brain talking here.


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Re: [WSG] standards or confusion?

2005-12-07 Thread Peter J. Farrell

Martin Heiden wrote:


on Wednesday, December 7, 2005 at 12:31 wrote:
Maybe I'm a cycle head, but it seems silly to use computation cycles 
(although very little) to compute a year that changes only once per 
year.  Use a server side include or hard code it in your footer template
and remember to change it in the new year.  Guess this is my enterprise
application architecture brain talking here.

You're right! I would do it with SSI or even more static (maybe by
using a Dreamweaver library element).

As others mentioned, the solution via _javascript_ relies on a correct
set clock at the client's side and you can't control that. So best
practice is: don't trust in it!

IIRC, copyrights are implicit in the US.  The absence of a copyright
notice does not necessary mean that the work is not copyrighted.  A
copyright notice became optional in the US in 1989.  For more
information, see Wikipedia: 
Standard Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer and the information above should
not be construed as advice.

If only the general public knew about it...  Sorry for being OT.

I rarely rely on JS at all.  I have a few applications that I wrote
that explicitly depend on it, but that was a requirement in the
architecture process and it is clear to our customers that use it (it's
not a public facing website).

Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing

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Re: [WSG] talking points for standards

2005-12-06 Thread Peter J. Farrell

Donna Jones wrote:

...but, yes, back to my problem child non-profit.  It may be time to 
let it go, it is hard to see them get a poor website and pay a fair 
amount of money for it ... it is also hard to validate myself and get 
them to know that i do know what i'm doing, at least tons more than 
the PR firm.
But thanks for saying that I didn't create the dilemma ... I'll try to 
take that to heart.  I suspect its a pretty common situation; and, to 
be honest, when i first took it on, at no reimbursement, i was simply 
chomping at the bits to have something to do and probably felt like i 
should pay them for letting me do it.  I've changed a bit since then!

The problem here is they are paying the PR firm and not you.  They 
probably are asking themselves -- how can unpaid person be right and a 
highly paid PR firm be so wrong?

Lets say you went to the doctor and he claims you have XYZ and need 
surgery ABC .  You leave the office and paid for your visit (either 
out-of-pocket or by insurance).  You meet a friend in your local grocery 
store -- he says you don't have XYZ and don't need surgery ABC.  He says 
all you have is an ingrown toe nail and you need QRS!  It's painful to 
walk on (no accessibility), but your foot this looks, smells and acts 
like a foot (a website) -- so why shouldn't I do QRS (accessibility)  
instead of XYZ?

It's all about perception and where your money goes.  Money clouds 
judgment -- especially when you don't have any knowledge about the issue 
at hand!  So you're fighting a battle (for accessibility and standards) 
with people who are going to automatically differ to the people they 
think the experts are (PR firm).

You mention above that you hate to see them pay a fair amount of money 
to get a poor website.  Same thing happened to me (at least in my 
opinion) in the story I told before.  I decided to walk away for the 
sake of my sanity and my feelings.  So ask yourself a question -- should 
I continue or is my time here done?

Non-profits are so much easier to get along with when they know how much 
your time is really worth.  I can't recall who said that you should bill 
your non-profits so they at least know how much money your spending on 
them.  I totally agree with this statement and I believe this is normal 
business practice anyways.  Usually, you can say you spent $10,000 of my 
time last year -- can you please consider that a donation in that amount 
and at least get yourself in a program/donor material/donor thank 
you/etc as well as some respect.  It's easy to stomp all over someone 
when you are ignorant on the subject...

Sorry, if I don't sound all to advice is think it over 
and think in the terms of what is good for you.  Do I have to pull my 
hair out maintaining and updating crappy code that I didn't get to write 
or have any input on?


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Re: [WSG] talking points for standards

2005-12-05 Thread Peter J. Farrell

Donna Jones wrote:

... I'm afraid the budget is eaten up by the PR firm and so the NP is 
feeling badly that I'm in the position, once again, of donating a 
lot of my time.  Ideally, in their view, i think, they'd like for me 
to say, yes, the PR's code is great and groovy and I'll continue 
maintenance, updating, no problem    I've created a bit of a 
dilemna because i can't, won't, do that ...

I've been put in similar position by non-profit.  I was their webmaster 
for many years and volunteered my every minute of my time.  When they 
received a large grant for technologies improvements, I asked if I could 
put in a bid.  After spending a some time developing a detailed bid, the 
process became stalled and I never got the opportunity to even place a 
bid.  I later found out that they contracted a firm in which someone on 
the board of directors knew or at least I believe so (the details are 

In the end, I felt very used as a volunteer.  I recommend that anybody 
who volunteers for a non-profit, discuss ownership of code/designs when 
you volunteer.  I was happy that I was able put a co-copyright on the 
website and in files.  If problems arise, things resolve more easily 
because of that.

Anyways, I wanted to say that you've not created a dilemma for 
yourself.  Maybe this is just life saying you need to move on to newer 
and better things -- even though this still might feel near and dear to 
you.  If you still want to volunteer your time, find a struggling 
non-profit that means someone to you and especially one that doesn't 
have website or has a poor one.  Best of luck during this process for 
you Donna...


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Re: [WSG] contact

2005-11-24 Thread Peter J. Farrell

Vito Tardia wrote:

Hi to all,

do you know an alternative way to contact the people at

The direct email seems not existing and I'm not sure about the form...

Thank you very much


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Re: [WSG] contact

2005-11-24 Thread Peter J. Farrell

Vito Tardia wrote:

Hi to all,

do you know an alternative way to contact the people at

The direct email seems not existing and I'm not sure about the form...

Thank you very much


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Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing

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Re: [WSG] contact

2005-11-24 Thread Peter J. Farrell

Vito Tardia wrote:

Hi to all,

do you know an alternative way to contact the people at

The direct email seems not existing and I'm not sure about the form...

Thank you very much


According to WhoIs, this is the contact information in the DB:

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Re: [WSG] starting ordered lists from a number other than 1

2005-11-23 Thread Peter J. Farrell

matt andrews wrote:

Agree with Bert and Geoff here.  The dropping of 'start' attribute
from strict DTD was, and is, a controversial W3C decision - one with
which I disagree, personally.  There are plenty of plausible and
sensible scenarios for having an ordered list start with something
other than 1... this NLA case being an excellent example.  This is one
case where I would regard (this particular aspect of) validation as
being a hindrance rather than a help.

I like where the W3C Validator says that a page with the start attribute 
is invalid whereas Tidy says it's ok...

I'm in total agreement that start shouldn't have been dropped.  There 
are several legal type documents that require things to be numbered.  
However, for the reason of simplicity for the user it was decided by the 
web team that the sections be different pages and the number needs to 
remain consistent.

Even though it's depreciated and many pages at many websites aren't 
valid in the first place -- couldn't you still use the start attribute 
on a Strict page anyways?  Ducks and runs...*poof*


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Re: [WSG]

2005-09-22 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Christian Montoya wrote:

 It gets worse... W3C gave you a CSS ERROR, which means they checked
 your site just as you were editing, I'm sure... so the name is wrong,
 the listing is wrong, and now you are disqualified from the featured
 list. Hate it when that happens!

Just goes to show you that it's a good idea to have a
staging/development area before pushing any unvalidated or untested code
(such as ColdFusion, PHP or, etc.) to a production server.

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Re: [WSG] are underscores a problem

2005-07-07 Thread Peter J. Farrell

Richard Czeiger wrote:

Does that mean the best way to go fro ID, Class Names, Variables, 
etc... is interCaps (also known as CamelCase or lowerCamelCase) ?


I've adopted lowerCamelCase for nearly everything of my programming 
guideline except when dealing with databases (in which I use all lower 
with typical underscores) and class names in Java.  As programmed other 
languages before CSS.  Plus lowerCamelCase makes it easier to read than 
a something named with a ton of underscores.

An example from today's work (non-CSS):


Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing

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Re: [WSG] Broken link

2005-07-06 Thread Peter J. Farrell

Zulema wrote:

Opie, David wrote:

The link to 'WCAG 1.0 Guidelines and Checkpoints for Flash' is dead, can
someone pls fix.


It seems like the entire website is down. The root[1] of the link to 
the article[2] you mentioned returns an operation timed out warning.


Hope it's not a bigger problem.


As noted on Christian Cantrell's blog last May 
all MarkMe blogs are getting migrated over the  
Also, MarkMe was supposed to be down for a few hours on July 1st for 
maintenance (although more like days now) 

What you're looking for can be found here I think:

However, please duly note that any links in entries that point to do not work (supposedly these were/are supposed to be 
migrated).  If you are having problems, I think dropping a note to 
Christian Cantrell or Mike Chambers at [EMAIL PROTECTED] would 
probably fix it (they take care of the Macromedia XML News Aggregator - 
MXNA and the Macromedia blogs).  Hope this information helps...and if 
you contact Christian or Mike and get a new link - don't forget to let 
the proper authorities of the new link ;-).


Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing

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Re: [WSG] ® character

2005-05-17 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Lee wrote:
Hello Listpeople,
Anyone know if there's an XHTML special char. for ® ?
Can't you use the standard registered entity reference: reg;?
section C-12.
Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing
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Re: [WSG] ® character

2005-05-17 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Kornel Lesinski wrote:
You should avoid all named entities in XHTML, except quot, amp, lt, gt.
For all other characters use unicode encoding or numeric unicode 
entity  reference.

Then why does the W3 use it in their example?
section c12
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Re: [WSG] Site check

2005-05-17 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Tom Hamshere wrote:
I know it's not perfect (particularly that there are priority 2
accessibility issues), but could people please take a look at
Any feedback appreciated.

One word:
Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing
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Re: [WSG] Site check

2005-05-17 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Peter J. Farrell wrote:
Old Computer programmers never die, they just decompile.
Tom Hamshere wrote:
I know it's not perfect (particularly that there are priority 2
accessibility issues), but could people please take a look at
Any feedback appreciated.

One word:
Sorry, I'm outta line...(although it definitely was striking)...
Run your code through tidy and the W3 validators (jigsaw and the 
validator)...and fix some errors.  A lot of them in your urls because  
is used instead of the entity reference amp; which xhtml requires.

section c12
I would prefer to see something like - for you time selection - it's 
easier to comprehend.

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Re: [WSG] mutli language websites

2005-05-16 Thread Peter J. Farrell

sam sherlock wrote:

I am using ip2couuntry class in PHP to decide the default lanuage.

I don't know if this is the greatest feature - definitely not in Canada
where I live. Since the country has two official languages [english
and french], it would still requires an "evil", but necessary splash
page to select your language (unless you want them to search for the
language toogle link). All gouvernment websites that I know of have a
language page as a well as a method to toggle between both languages.

Should I use en or en-GB is the casing important?

"EN" should be just fine and according to my notes it is *not*

What charset should I use for the Itallian version the same as
english or other?

Why not use UTF-8 which supports nearly all languages [if not all] I
can think of. For example, ColdFuion uses UTF-8 as the default charset
for HTML as well as source code unless otherwise set.

Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing

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Re: [WSG] Form Validation error

2005-05-04 Thread Peter J. Farrell
tee wrote:
I run a validation for my order form and it gave me error :end tag for
element form which is not open  /form 

But I do have open form tag:
form method=post action=../cgi-bin/mcart/mof.cgi /

get rid of the trailing / in the line above
form method=post action=../cgi-bin/mcart/mof.cgi /
should be:
form method=post action=../cgi-bin/mcart/mof.cgi

div id=formContentContent here/div
My Doctype is xhtml transitional.
Also, have anybody done the e-commerce site that is fully xhtml validated?
I find it too much a challenge!

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Re: [WSG] recreating a table form with simple floating

2005-05-02 Thread Peter J. Farrell
On Sat, 30 Apr 2005 21:41:11 +0100, tee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I need to create a complex online order form that look something like

All I have to say, is...
Tidy: 486 warnings, 7 errors - Too many warnings to display
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[WSG] Fake Horizontal Frames Layout

2005-04-30 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Hi Everyone,
I'm newer to CSS then I'd like to admit, but I was wondering if it is 
possible to create a layout that consists of three content areas (Think 
about a 3-column layout turned 90 degrees).

Top Section:
- fixed height ~36px
Middle Section:
- variable height
- overflowed to allow verticle scrolling
(think about this displaying some reference text that a user needs to 
read and scroll through)

Bottom Section:
- fixed height 125px
- overflowed to allow for scrolling (although probably not needed)
(think about this diplaying a question with possible answers that is in 
regards to the text that is displayed above)

I know this is a strange question, but I want to avoid using a frame 
here.  Thanks in advance for any help...

Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing
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Re: [WSG] Fake Horizontal Frames Layout

2005-04-30 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
Peter J. Farrell wrote:
I'm newer to CSS then I'd like to admit, but I was wondering if it is
 possible to create a layout that consists of three content areas 
(Think about a 3-column layout turned 90 degrees).

You've got plenty of fun waiting for you up the CSS-road. :-)
Something like:, or but without sidebars?
Check: for all the details.
Thanks Georg,
I'll look into it.  Seems like it might  work
More like: without the sidebars
Any idea of the compatibility with which browsers?
Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.
Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing
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Re: [WSG] Firefox bug?

2005-04-29 Thread Peter J. Farrell
designer wrote:
Ladies and gentlemen,
I have been trying to produce a gallery thing without using a table, and my
test file has four images in a vertical column. It all seems fine, except in
FF1.0, where the second and fourth images display several dashed lines
across the image. (on the face of it, they are all the same) If I refresh
the page the lines disappear, but on scrolling they come back again. No
other browser (by which I mean IE6 and 5.5, Opera, Mozilla) displays this
problem.  The file in question (which includes the CSS as yet) is at:
If anyone could take a look and advise I'd be really grateful, as it's
driving me nuts. The CSS is simple - the soln isn't.  I'm using winXP and a
Matrox graphics card (which may or may not be relevant, of course). I have
also looked at this on two pc's . . .
Thank you,
Bob McClelland,
Cornwall (U.K.)

Looks just fine to me...Win XP on FF and IE with NVidia 6600.  I have a 
new/fast computerhowever, I've seen this problem on older computers 
like my win98 with FF.

Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing
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Re: [WSG] Access Key question

2005-04-06 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Carl Reynolds wrote:
How long is your access key?
If the access key is only one letter long then there are only 36 
possible keys,
if it is two letters long there are 36*36 = 1296 possible keys,
if three letter 36*36*36 = 46656 possible keys,


Fun, fun, I doubt anyone wants to mash ALT-1Z7... etc.
Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing
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Re: [WSG] Access Key question

2005-04-06 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Carl Reynolds wrote:
How long is your access key?
If the access key is only one letter long then there are only 36 
possible keys,
if it is two letters long there are 36*36 = 1296 possible keys,
if three letter 36*36*36 = 46656 possible keys,


Fun, fun, I doubt anyone want to mash ALT-1Z7... etc.
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Re: SPAM-LOW: Re: [WSG] Hidden Content

2005-03-30 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
Strictly for search engines? Actually, non-flash content would be most 
valuable for accessibility reasons to all users which don't have, or 
can't use, flash content. And there's the rub: most screenreaders 
don't see any content that has been hidden via display:none
Check out the Google Webmaster guidelines:
Hidden text probably makes google think you are doing some sort of 
spam site.  Googlebot basically sees what Lynx sees.

Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing
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Re: SPAM-LOW: Re: [WSG] Who's putting javascript in my code?

2005-03-24 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Vaska.WSG wrote:
i had a similar problem recently...we figured out after a week that it 
wasn't just on my end...although the host claimed they had checked 
everything, the server had a virus (that was connect to a java applet 
on another site that was a known home for hackers)...hopefully your 
problem isn't nearly as bad as mine was...

are you on a mac or pc?
i moved to a new server (still with the same host)...
I bet you have Zone Alarm or E-Trust Ez-Firewall installed...that is 
most likely the problem as recently stated on this thread.  Have you 
checked on a different machine?

Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing
email   :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laziness: Success is a journey, not a destination. Stop running.
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Re: SPAM-LOW: Re: [WSG] Who's putting javascript in my code?

2005-03-24 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Carol Doersom wrote:
(I'm using FF1.0.1. )
Actually Neerav and Patrick are right that it's something Zone Alarm 
does. I turned off ad blocking and the postamble line went away, 
eliminating 2 of the warnings I was getting.

Can't figure out how to lose the in-head line, though. One of the 
links posted suggested using Mozilla's Adblock extension and putting 
that http address in the filter list, but that hasn't worked for me. 
I'll probably just uninstall ZA, since I'm just using a trial version 
and I'm behind a switch on a network, so I don't seem to need it 
anyhow.. I wanted to contact them about it first, but their website 
isn't working, which really instills confidence

Thanks to all of you for your help!
I used to used ZA at home and dumped it last year due to poor 
performance.  If I remember correctly, you need to turn off something 
with cookies to get rid of the preAmble() - I can't remember at the 
moment.  I highly recommend Trend Micro Internet Security Suite 2005.

Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing
email   :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There are 6 billion people on this planet.and I like 8 of them.
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Re: [WSG] Firefox bug on mouse scrolling

2005-03-24 Thread Peter J. Farrell
designer wrote:
Hi all,
I notice a bug in Firefox (I think it is, anyway) which shows itself as a
2-3 pixel gap appearing in the bottom border of an image when the viewport
is altered by scrolling with the mouse wheel. It doesn't affect all the
images (strange) only some, and the image must be outside the viewport
before scrolling.  In other words, an image which is near the top of the
'page' must be scrolled off the page and back on again for the effect to
happen. Conversely, images which are low down the page (and hence, below the
viewport) appear with the gap on mouse scrolling down.
I've googled, and there does seem to be stuff out there about mouse
scrolling and Firefox, but the refs seem to relate to Firefox 0.8 and the
comments are a bit chaotic to say the least. I was hoping that one of you
wizards would know about this, know if there was a fix, or know if the new
Firefox has fixed it?
You can see the effect by looking at:  - I'm using Firefox 1.0,

I checked out the effect you mentioned with the link you suggested.  
Honestly, I can't tell anything is wrong on WinXP in FF-1.0.1.  What 
operating system are you on?  I'm thinking it could be a video display 
driver problem with mouse scrolling - have you updated you display 
driver recently?

Maybe a screen shot of what you are seeing might help...
Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing
email   :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [WSG] Site Review:

2005-03-22 Thread Peter J. Farrell

Tatham Oddie wrote:
I've learned that artificial intelligence is no match for natural


  Without out
taking up too much of your time, itd
be great if you could take a look at
and let me know anything that leaps in your face as bad.
  Please be
  Im hoping
there wont be too much of a
beating, but if there is Id prefer to do it now before we dump in all
the content and move to production.
  (PS. Notice
the XHTML1.1 validating ASP.NET? J)
  Thanks in
  Tatham Oddie
  Fuel Advance

My local version of Tidy is complaining about the empty p tag
on line 77 on the main page - it's just a warning however.
	div class="contentBlock"
		h2Extranet Login/h2
			labelExtranet Login/label



"We discourage authors from using empty P elements. User agents
should ignore
P elements."
However when I strip it - your content boxes no long line up in FF.
Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing

blog	::
phone	:: 651-204-0513

Re: [WSG] Site Review -

2005-03-16 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Good morning mates,
I've just completed a re-design of a customer's site using web standards.
My XHTML (strict) and CSS validate with no errors. I'm primarily
interested in feedback pertaining to my code and how closely it adheres to
proper semantic markup.
In addition, any input regarding my CSS syntax and structure is also
greatly appreciated. Of course, suggestions or comments on the site's
design are always welcomed.
Customer site:
I've been designing for 7 years, but studying web standards for about 15
months, and still consider myself a beginner. I did check the site in FF
1.0, Opera 7.4 and IE 6 with a few minor display differences. Please know
that 78% of my visitors use IE based on my traffic report.
Respectfully requested,
Mario S. Cisneros

This is my first post to the list.  I'm a complete newbie.  There 
appears to be a problem with the alignment of the logo in FF 1.0.1 - Win 
XP Pro.  It also appears the same way on in IE 6.

Screen shot here:
I'm a system programmer and I'm pretty new to css (learning it on the 
side), so I'm not sure of the fix for this.

Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing
email   :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [WSG] Site Review -

2005-03-16 Thread Peter J. Farrell
Good morning mates,
I've just completed a re-design of a customer's site using web standards.
My XHTML (strict) and CSS validate with no errors. I'm primarily
interested in feedback pertaining to my code and how closely it adheres to
proper semantic markup.
In addition, any input regarding my CSS syntax and structure is also
greatly appreciated. Of course, suggestions or comments on the site's
design are always welcomed.
Customer site:
I've been designing for 7 years, but studying web standards for about 15
months, and still consider myself a beginner. I did check the site in FF
1.0, Opera 7.4 and IE 6 with a few minor display differences. Please know
that 78% of my visitors use IE based on my traffic report.
Respectfully requested,
Mario S. Cisneros

Also, IE 6 appear strangely as well:
Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing
email   :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
phone   :: 651-204-0513
I've learned that artificial intelligence is no match for natural 

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