Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-13 Thread David Brin
--- Alberto said: the chance of two humans being genetically equal in a population of 100 Giga people would be 75% of a millionth! [namely: (1/6)^22 * 100e6 ] I agree that there's almost no chance that GK would be exactly duplicated. On the other hand, with millions of descendants

Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-13 Thread David Brin
JDG said: What's interesting is that Buchanan does represent traditional conservatism - particularly the isolationist wing of the Republican Party. I am surprised to see you endorsing it, to put it mildly. Will you really stoop to agreement with anyone who will bash President Bush and

Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-14 Thread David Brin
. --- JDG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: At 08:51 PM 9/13/2004 -0700 David Brin wrote: Consider. JDG implies that to agree with anything said by another person makes you in agreement with EVERYTHING they say. No Dr. Brin, I imply no such thing. For example, I do not imply that by quoting Pat

Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-14 Thread David Brin
--- Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dr. Brin, surely you can't be serious. Are you on record in favor of conquering Iraq in 1991? Then someone else said: That was not obvious. What isn't always clearly defined was the price Bush I payed for the international cooperation with

Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-14 Thread David Brin
Oh... before you get the feeling that I hate all Bushes the same... well, you could not be more wrong. I am balanced. While Sr. was a devoted servant of 2,000 frat brothers and 200 Saudi sheiks, he at least has saving graces. Showing devolution in action, let's compare dad son. (What a

Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-14 Thread David Brin
Is there really any question as to what the results would look like? Is there another definition of what balance should look like I should be aware of? It is the same one I have had to repeat to you relentlessly. I have proved that I am no one thing. Having RECENTLY given a keynote to

Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-14 Thread David Brin
JDG O.k., so balance as accusing the Republicans of haivng accomplished not one meaningful thing during the 20th Century, and of claiming that the Democrats have been responsible for essentially every positive American development during the 20th Century? No, it consists of CHALLENGING

Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-14 Thread David Brin
I don't have time for this. A balanced person is capable of recognizing that one of our political parties stands for nothing but aristocratic theft. And now... for utter Manchurian Candidate treason in obedience to an enemy kingdom. Balance does not mean blindness. In many places, e.g.

Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-15 Thread David Brin
I linked y'all to the wrong page. is certainly interesting and relevant. But the balance page that has earned ire from liberals is: There is another explanation for how one can despise the

Re: Brin: political balance

2004-09-15 Thread David Brin
John's struggle toward light requires that I continue the tedium. Yes, John. I consider the present gang to be as bad as communists. Because they have the exact same agenda. A very deeply human agenda, far older than such superficial rationalizations as communism or Islam. The agenda to use

Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-15 Thread David Brin
--- Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: (Of all the e-mails my brief search turned up, this seemed to be the most well-written.) If DB has anything to add to this, I would welcome reading it, assuming he has time to do so. Julia, that was great. I din't kno I wrote so gud. Musta

Re: Brin: political balance

2004-09-16 Thread David Brin
--- Doug Pensinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: One of the problems is that the conservatives have co-opted the media for the most part. When even Limbaugh and Hannity publicly admit it's true, and laugh, jeering that the Liberals can't get their propaganda act together, you know the

Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-16 Thread David Brin
But the inheritence tax flies in the face of one our most powerful genetic imperatives: to insure the success of our off-spring. Precisely. This is exactly the imperative (inherited from kings who took other mens' wives) that the Enlightenment was created in order (at last) to

Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-16 Thread David Brin
--- Gautam Mukunda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The South is part of the United States. and went on to screech at me that I am a bigoted so and so. I made it very clear that my Confederacy statements were metaphorical, but nevertheless the facts are as they are. A clear majority of the

Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-16 Thread David Brin
Go to hell. You are a snob and a coward. I regret that I was goaded BY name-calling into performing name-calling. I retract that. Nevertheless, please note, while I defend policies favoring the working poor, Gautam throws mud accusing me of CULTURALLY hating the working poor. He does not

Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-16 Thread David Brin
More utter and completely tendentious bullshit. your image of events certaily (i see) comforts you... tho it bears no relationship in objective reality to my behavior, beliefs, values... or the actual policies that should guide our civilization. I do know this. You could like southerners in

Re: Brin: Democrats Moving Left Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-16 Thread David Brin
1) any attempt to call Gautam and me equal in the personal attack department is positively insane. I was goaded into the ONE AND ONLY personal remark that I made toward him and I immediately retracted it. As for service, while the US Navy ultimately canceled my induction into Rickover's

Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-16 Thread David Brin
--- John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: At 03:36 PM 9/16/2004 -0700 David Brin wrote: Please notice, he still does not address issues that are related to policy. No, he resorts to the chief GOP weapon for 12 years (with a brief hiatus during the Dole Campaign) of personal attack

Re: Brin: Democrats Moving Left Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-16 Thread David Brin
Gautam also pointed out the vast litany of social issues on which Democrats are perceived as having moved left - abortion, gay marriage, religion in the public square, defense of pornography and obscenity on television, etc. More bullshit. Obscenity pornography have not worsened in 20

Re: Brin: political balance

2004-09-16 Thread David Brin
If this is the case - then I would recommend that you restrict your use of the self-description of balance to this context , and avoid stating that you are balanced between Democrats and Republicans, when you plainly are not. I think a more accurate descriptor might be to say that you

Re: Brin: Pax Americana Re: Brin: political balance

2004-09-16 Thread David Brin
Actually, Russia and China both voiceferously opposed the Serbia War.If there was a Pax Americana consensus - it hardly included Russia and China who were making their concern about a unipolar world quite plain all throughout this time period. Another good point. And my answer is it

Please remove Brin: symbol from Subject line

2004-09-16 Thread David Brin
And now I must say enough. I am a busy person and I do not like getting overwrought over frustrations that I cannot change. It looks as if Prexy will get a few more years - representing a serious repudiation of my vaunted belief in the comman citizen (See:

Re: Brin: Democrats Moving Left Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-17 Thread David Brin
--- Nick Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hmmm... While what you say is true in a sense, I think it's important to recognize that the Internet has made it far more available. Is it moving to the left to stay still when the target is moving? Not that I think either party has anything

Re: Brin: Democrats Moving Left Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-17 Thread David Brin
--- Gautam Mukunda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That loyal and partisan Democrat, Rudy Giuliani, who proudly spoke at the Democratic convention in Boston about how the treasonous Republican party made his job so much harderoh, wait a second, something's wrong with the previous statement.

Re: Brin: Democrats Moving Left Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-17 Thread David Brin
--- Gautam Mukunda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: --- Nick Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hammer all you like, you're not even in the vicinity of what I believe. Nick Well Nick, I'm a fairly literate guy, so if I have no idea what you're saying after several attempts at trying to

Re: Brin: some thoughts and quotes.

2004-09-17 Thread David Brin
--- Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is there any indication that their treatment of workers is unusual for retail? We do know that without Wal-marts, K-marts, Targets, etc., lower income people would have a much lower effective standard of living. I'm willing to change my mind if


2004-09-20 Thread David Brin
No sweat Nick. See you at November 5-7: Accelerating Change 2004 Conference at Tresidder Union, at Stanford University, California. (SEE events) d --- Nick Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: David Brin wrote: NOW PLEASE REMOVE BRIN: FROM THE SUBJECT LINE

Re: TESTING: Brin test

2004-09-20 Thread David Brin
Nick, don't panic. All's well if there are lingering messages. I ain't mad. Don't sweat it. Just thrive. --- Nick Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This is a test to see if we can, indeed, moderate all messages with Brin: in the subject, so that we can easily shut off the message flow

Re:Kerry Opposes Kosovo War

2004-09-25 Thread David Brin
More arrant nonsense. Kerry is his own man and he can express his own opinions. I do not have to agree with all of them in order to see in him a homosapiens who can be reasoned with, holding values that stand in the same general universe as those which will help my country. I am writing an

RE: Kerry Opposes Kosovo War

2004-09-26 Thread David Brin
Irrelevant. 1) Since no American died in the Balkans, it is arguable that we toppled a dictator WITHOUT going to war. - 2) These liars NEVER expected to find WMD, any more than real navy ships were attacked by real North Vietnamese gunboats in the Tonkin Gulf. Let's get it truly straight.

re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-11 Thread David Brin
alliance of kleptocrats, apocalypts and neocon Imperialists. Any concerned American conservatives are welcome to drop by and argue pros and cons sensibly. With cordial regards, David Brin

Re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-11 Thread David Brin
--- Dan Minette answered: So?Bush got a higher percentage than Clinton did in 1992. with: The point is that he got less than Gore did in 2000. More people wanted Clinton than wanted either Bush or Perot. Fewer people wanted Bush than wanted Gore. ALSO ! Perot's voters split

Re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-11 Thread David Brin
And the point is,a higher percentage of Americans were happy with the outcome of the 2000 elections than the 1992 elections. Typically and utterly and diametrically opposite to the truth. I showed how in my last message. What utter sophistry. ___

Re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-11 Thread David Brin
Let's see the full list, John. Giving the dems ME and NH bodes ill for this being untendentious, given a scan of voting history. ___

re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-11 Thread David Brin
the apocalypts call W one of us. --- JDG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: At 01:07 PM 10/11/2004 -0700 David Brin wrote: A low blow. The only word I quoted before was officially. The point of the quote was to draw attention to the fact that the sort of millenialist movement you were describing

re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-11 Thread David Brin
They aren't lies if you sincerely believe them to be true. Far, far, far worse. To be led into war by men who believed such fantasies. History shows they are following the Tonkin Gulf script to the letter. And now imaginary blueprints for brave South Vietnamese... er... Iraqi local forces

Re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-11 Thread David Brin
--- John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: At 01:46 PM 10/11/2004 -0700 David Brin wrote: And the point is,a higher percentage of Americans were happy with the outcome of the 2000 elections than the 1992 elections. Typically and utterly and diametrically opposite to the truth

Re: Brin: The latest ripoff

2004-10-12 Thread David Brin
--- Dave Land [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: $101 million for NASCAR tracks. Of course, we all know that this is The Good Doctor's real problem with this bill ;-). Har! ;-) People are not only sheep, they are very dim sheep. Uh oh... now watch it, Dave. My biggest rant is IAAMOAC. There

Re: Brin: The latest ripoff

2004-10-12 Thread David Brin
evidence that these guys are monsters. As for the groups you mention, I really don't mind NASCAR. I'll be posting a Second Salvo (maybe tonight) that detailed-dissects the Neoconservative alliance. db --- Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: - Original Message - From: David Brin

Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
--- JDG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: At least the Red States will control the nukes this time around! ;-) ducking That was genuiely funny, don't duck. Though in the category of I feel it but can't back it up (the category that covered nearly ALL of the right's venom toward Clinton), I

Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
--- Alberto Monteiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Civil War is the logical consequence of a uni-polar world. Ah for Clinton's day, when we worried that, maybe, China might start getting uppity by 2020. Alberto is right and the neocons are insane to believe that Pax Americana will last

Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
--- Gautam Mukunda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: in this country are actually quite close together in terms of their political and social views? Yes, precisely! I write elsewhere about the fantastic consensus to reject racism and sexism that has transformed this country... and our progress in

Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
--- Damon Agretto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ah. Rich is right. Did some research. The Social War was in the 90's. I was thinking of some of the conflicts between the Plebes and the Patricians (which didn't amount to armed warfare, so it would seem, or at least not in the same vein as the

Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
--- John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: At 11:27 AM 10/14/2004 -0700 David Brin wrote: Though in the category of I feel it but can't back it up (the category that covered nearly ALL of the right's venom toward Clinton), I seriously worry about what W might do if he saw power slipping

Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
The Roman Empire lasted for what, 500 years minimum? America just got going really since 1945. Moreover, even the best estimates for China don't have them overtaking us for at least 50-100 years, minimum. It looks to me like we have plenty of time to shape the world of our future.

Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
--- Gautam Mukunda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This is absurd. I can just imagine the Russians - who think the largest long-term threat to their security is the Chinese This is coldwar thinking. Not 21st Century thinking. We do not have to face an equal number of nuclear weapons in order

Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
--- Gautam's rationalizations below are sad. Since a security guard is likely a republican, his rationalizations are similar to the Swift Boaters for truth. I prefer looking at Kerry's comrades in arms, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF WHICH stepped forward to be with him, expressing admiration and

Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
exchanges, though. I wish you all well and pray daily for Western Civilization. With cordial regards, David Brin ___

Re: India Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
will not look lower down. You and I are done for now, John. Thrive. Enjoy the cult. If they win, I may someday badly need friends who had supported them, so I apologize for anything you found offensive. --- JDG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: At 02:10 PM 10/14/2004 -0700 David Brin wrote: Today, relations

Re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
JDG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: At 01:12 PM 10/11/2004 -0700 David Brin wrote: W ENTERED OFFICE WITH A CLEAR MAJORITY HAVING VOTED AGAINST HIS PROGRAM. Yet, he proceeded NOT to reach out, but to declare a MANDATE. Never ever meeting with opponents. This is a lie. Bush very famously had Ted Kennedy

Re: India Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
--- Dave Land [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sounds like you're afraid you'll be one of the first up against the wall in that event. I have lived my life as a contrarian, peoud to engage everybody I meet, over any conceivable issue - exactly opposite to W's proud isolation. I know that any other

Re: Brin: BASIC implementation

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
--- Ronn!Blankenship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm not sure if you're still interested in finding a BASIC interpreter, Dave helped me solve the immediate problem with the delightful Chipmunk Basic which, on a Mac, simply and charmingly works. It clearly will fall down when I later get to more

Re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
--- Dave Land [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Oct 14, 2004, at 4:03 PM, JDG wrote: At 05:07 PM 10/11/2004 -0500 Gary Denton wrote: Typically meaningless - Clinton had by far the highest percentage of vote of the candidates. Clinton governed centrist, One thing I love about liberals

Re: India Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
--- Gautam In that case, I will simply cut my losses and stop irritating you, Gautam. I hope it will make you feel slightly better that here, in NON-battleground California, I am thinking about voting Libertarian! I will certainly do so for several lower offices. Only the Gore Effect stops

Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
--- Nick Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: While I think that's what you're asking others to do, David, I find that it works better for me to give myself those reminders, rather than others. And yet this posting itself could easily be construed as such advice... and it probably is,

Re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In a message dated 10/14/2004 7:17:33 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: O.k. Bob, but if your interpretation of what Kerry said is more accurate - then what do you believe would be required to pass this global test ... SImple. Start

Re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
And why is it that the first Gulf War, with a gold-plated UN Security Council endorsement and a vast coalition did not pass this global test? False distraction. If Kerry opposed the 91 campaign, I have yet to see evidence for that. In any event, if he did, that is but one strike against

Re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
--- Julia Whatever else may have happened *since* Bush took office as President, he went in wanting to act without partisanship. This is a subjective impression and I am glad you show such optimistic interpretations. I saw nothing but bellicosity from day one. Starting with appointing

Re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
years. I have had enough talking about fanatical shrubs. --- Gautam Mukunda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: --- David Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: False distraction. If Kerry opposed the 91 campaign, I have yet to see evidence for that. In any event, if he did, that is but one strike against

Re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-14 Thread David Brin
: --- David Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This is a valid and interesting criticism of Kerry. I appreciate your saying that, Dr. Brin. This is actually helping me think through my own decision. Here, perhaps is where we disagree (and please, correct me if I'm misinterpreting you - I'm trying

RE: India Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-15 Thread David Brin
--- Gautam Mukunda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That's interesting. The story I've heard from people I know in the Indian diplomatic service is exactly the opposite. They felt completely ignored under Clinton, Now this is just absurd. BC initiated a major campaign aimed at India upon

Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-15 Thread David Brin
--- Doug Pensinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Don't you see Iran being the big winner if we pull out? What kind of threat to the stability of the region would an Iraq/Iran alliance be? What if they formed a close relationship to the EU and/or Russia? Will they be a threat to the

Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-15 Thread David Brin
--- Damon, apologies. I see you were setting up the imbecility in Iraq, not defending it. You do seem aware of Vietnam. From the TokinGulf Lying Pretext to hearts and minds to never telling the truth about zones of control. (Yesterday even the Green Zone became a killing ground. On my blog, I

Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-15 Thread David Brin
October 15, 2004 OP-ED COLUMNIST Block the Vote By PAUL KRUGMAN Earlier this week former employees of Sproul Associates (operating under the name Voters Outreach of America), a firm hired by the Republican National Committee to register voters, told a Nevada TV station that their supervisors

Re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-15 Thread David Brin
as I can tell, every major act in Kerry's political career can be explained by asking the question What could he do that will best advance his short term ambitions? Like his leadership in pushing to find answers about our Vietnam MIAs, back when the nation wanted to just forget it all ever

RE: India Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-15 Thread David Brin
Would you care to make a wager on it? Absolutely! $100 right up top. ___

Re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-15 Thread David Brin
--- Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I agree with you that his tax policy is very wrong. But, unlike you, I think he is just a true believer in Reaganomics. Yes, even though it has been decisively repudiated by economists, has failed all experimental evidence in the real world, and is

RE: India Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-15 Thread David Brin
Oh I should not have bothered. You go for the most absurdly dramatic interpretation instead of one that's pragmatically measurable. How about this. By 2008, several times as many officials of the 4-year GWB admin will have copped pleas or been sentenced for malfeasance or corruption of some

Re: brin: religious reformers

2004-10-15 Thread David Brin
--- Alberto Monteiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What nonsense! Every Evangelical leader should place Muhammad among the precursors of the Reform, a minor reformism before Luther did the right thing! :-) Reform means many things. Muhammed was a reformer from polytheism to structured

Re: Scandals RE: India Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-15 Thread David Brin
Weren't Henry Cisneros and Mike Espy indicted? Its been a long time now, but I seem to recall that they were. AFAIK charges dismissed Also, Bill Clinton was indicted - its called impeachment Indictment is a specific term... but I'll give you an indictment... leading to aquittal - and

Re: brin: My big salvo

2004-10-15 Thread David Brin
I'm sure he wants to curry favor with a longtime family business partner. Why? He's _President of the United States_ - in Bill Clinton's remarkably crass phrase, he has high earning potential after he leaves office. Apart from which, the extent to which the Bushes and the Saudis

Re: Scandals RE: India Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-15 Thread David Brin
How many senior Bush people will have to be indicted and/or flee the country to avoid prosecution before I have to pay you? How few before you have to pay me? How few would it take for a one-term administration to look more corrupt that a two term that had one (totally politically stage

Re: Scandals RE: India Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-16 Thread David Brin
Coda: I've been trying to conjecture what would make this bunch so absolutely reliably serve the interests of a hostile foreign power. Past theories have focused on money. But I don't think mere greed, as insatiable as their greed is, can explain it. Then I thought of a parallel... J Edgar

Re: Brin: Second Salvo

2004-10-16 Thread David Brin
--- Maru [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dr. Brin, good article. But you say that the Fundamentalists are promised the Supreme Court, and then say that all three groups have gotten their reward, but demand more (their in-'satiability' as you put it.). Now, I don't recall any Supreme Court

Re: India Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-16 Thread David Brin
--- Gautam Mukunda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Well, I don't believe in anonymous speech, I agree. Such veils lull outspoken people into imagining that elites could not (trivially) track them down. We must all recognize that preventing tyranny is vastly better than hiding from one when it does

Re: Brin: Re: The opinion of heaven?

2004-10-02 Thread David Brin
Ah, more BS. Of COURSE the widely circulated illustration was tendentious and exaggerated to the point of lying. Duh. You are right that the storm tracks are - even at highest intensity - tens of miles wide. Poor St. Lucie County got whacked bad. A Gore state. So? I don't claim God is

Re: Brin: Re: The opinion of heaven?

2004-10-02 Thread David Brin
--- Ronn! quoted on eof my least-favorite apostles. But there are some good lines, especially the ones likely actually spoken by Jesus. This one Ronn quoted is a good un. That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the

Re: Brin: Re: The opinion of heaven?

2004-10-02 Thread David Brin
The above is a gross caricature of Christianity, and instead reflects the view of only a narrow sect. Yes, that is completely true and it has nothing at all to do with the Christianity practiced by Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton or Bob Dole. What it DOES accurately reflect is the LEFT BEHIND

Re: Brin: Re: The opinion of heaven?

2004-10-02 Thread David Brin
--- John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: At 08:06 PM 10/2/2004 -0700 David Brin wrote: It is ludicrous to call it a, quote, official viewpoint of Christianity Your use of quotes here is dishonest to a degree that borders on despicable.. Despicable? On what possible

Re:RE: Kerry Opposes Kosovo War

2004-10-02 Thread David Brin
So, Dr. Brin, would you say that John Kerry and Bill Clinton also, quote, NEVER expected to find WMD in Iraq?They're both on the record as being convinced that Iraq had such WMD's as well. If I weren't sick of your sophistry I would ask to see the proof. In any event, it's ridiculous.

Re: Brin: Re: The opinion of heaven?

2004-10-03 Thread David Brin
I did not intend to question your faith or otherwise pass judgment on you. I meant to offer my opinion on the way you paraphrased David, which I think was unfair. Unfair paraphrasing is bad enough. Outright use of quotation marks plus cramming words into my mouth that I never used,

Re:Re: The opinion of heaven?

2004-10-03 Thread David Brin
Final note as I ask once again that Brin: be removed from the subject header (as I have done here.) I will be back in a week with a major political salvo I've been preparing. At that time I'll be happy to slog it out. Till then, consider this. Gregory Benford is thinking this year not only

Re: Brin: needing to set up a blog

2004-10-04 Thread David Brin
--- Julia Thompson wrote: Dan has a blog at his own domain, using Moveable Type as the blogging software. This looks like an ideal approach to host discussions at Thanks. I'll bring it up with my webmaster. But it looks a bit complicated to set up and right

Re: Brin: needing to set up a blog

2004-10-04 Thread David Brin
--- Warren Ockrassa wrote:Or were you thinking it'd have a different visual style, or what? (The dashboard can handle a lot of the visual settings...) On a Mac I am now looking at it using Netscape and MS/internet Explorer. Netscape cuts off the upper part including the blog title. Explorer

needing to set up a blog

2004-10-05 Thread David Brin
Thanks Warren. I've changed the settings at and edited. It's a bit better. People are welcome to test the blog. I hope to check in with my Big Salvo withing the week. All best db ___

Re: Brin: Second Salvo

2004-10-17 Thread David Brin
: From: David Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Brin: Second Salvo True enough. A better example of their obsession with form over substance would be abortion. Abortion RATES went down under Clinton and climbed under both Bushes. Pragmatically speaking, lessening the number

Re: Brin: Second Salvo

2004-10-18 Thread David Brin
--- JDG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: At 04:06 PM 10/16/2004 -0700 David Brin wrote: But let's be fair. If infanticide were legal, a ten % drop in the rate would not stop you from being boiling mad. The real problem isn't pragmatic but philosophical. As romantics, each neocon subgroup must

Re: Brin: Second Salvo

2004-10-18 Thread David Brin
Finally, the belief in absolutes is not a Romantic notion. Faith in thetrancendental is definatly a part of the enlightenment. Kant, the quintessential Enlightenment philosopher, speaks very clearly towards that.Jefferson penned such a faith statement in the Declaration of Independance.

Re: Brin: Second Salvo

2004-10-18 Thread David Brin
Maru [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: IMOO, I think the Left is slowly moving, as fast as is acceptable, to a sentience definition of humanity, which is to say, the more counsciousness one possesses, the more 'human'. yes and this angers those who want prim dividing lines. But That's not what

Re: Brin: Enlightened Thinking L2

2004-10-19 Thread David Brin
Gautam Mukunda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Depends on when in Jefferson's career you're talking about. Quite right. I consider him incredibly complex. Back to the election. The ENTIRE issue of American Conservative is devoted to hand wringing over an agonizing choice in the

Re: Brin: conservatives abandoning sinking ship

2004-10-19 Thread David Brin
Let me add this. The only place where I have spoken in the last 3 months with any people who both have a postgraduate degree and are still supporting Bush is... ... here on Brin-l... Kerry’s the One By Scott McConnell There is little

Re: Brin: conservatives abandoning sinking ship

2004-10-19 Thread David Brin
Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: **To make sure someone doesn't misunderstand me, I'm not accusing David of bad technique...I'm stating the opinion that the folks he knows are not a random sample of those with graduate degrees. Fair enough. You are certainly right. E.G. today I spoke

Re: Brin: conservatives abandoning sinking ship

2004-10-20 Thread David Brin
I spoke to MBAs and engineers at Imation in Minnesota last week. And while the polling was not as thorough, those expressing opinions during cocktail party were similarly universal. Just look at American Conservative magazine. Look at it. Imagine a group of MBA's -- Erik Reuter

Re: Scandals RE: India Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-20 Thread David Brin
Here's a question for you. Name one example of Bill Clinton taking a policy position directly contrary to the Saudis. Anything intended to balance budgets, keep our readiness up and make friends in the Muslim world. All three destroyed by Bush , helping Al Jazeera stir up pan Islam

Re: Scandals RE: India Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-20 Thread David Brin
Today, giving a speech at Microsoft and touring labs, I found not one open Bush supporter. Tons of conservatives admitting it was their turn to clean house. And today, of all people, Pat ROBERTSON joined Pat Buchanan talking about holding his nose in order to support Bush... if possible.

Re: Scandals RE: India Re: Brin: W and the apocalypts

2004-10-20 Thread David Brin
This one's less surprising. William Gibson appears to be among those of us obsessed with getting rid of Dubya: ___

Re: Brin: Second Salvo

2004-10-21 Thread David Brin
I am sure that even you would agree, Dr. Brin, that there are some situations that do not call for pragmatic compromise. I agree with that leading statements, though it all depends on the pragmatic tradeoffs. Read LeGuin's Those who walk away from Omelas. Indeed, there are many times to

Re: Brin: Second Salvo

2004-10-21 Thread David Brin
JDG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: At 09:54 PM 10/18/2004 -0700 David Brin wrote: Stopping baby killers (without ever doing anything to help the babies you then stick poor moms with) This is just plain false. Pro-Life activists donate extensively to Crisis Pregnancy Centers, and charities

Re: Brin: Abortion Stats

2004-10-22 Thread David Brin
Squirming stats to deny Clinton credit for declining abortion is legitimate politics so go ahead, John, even though GHWBush pursued no policies that he even CLAIMED could take credit for the decline and it was a major decline and despite a blip it spanned all of Clinton's presidency. (What had

Re: Brin: US Budget

2004-10-22 Thread David Brin
--- Dan M offered interesting statistics. But the core thing is this. Clinton asked THIS generation to pay for our own expenses. W is demanding that our children pay for a trillion dollar gift to his friends... ...on the excuse that his frat brothers will tthen invest in jobs at home (they

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