[Haskell] [ANN] HyperHaskell -- the strongly hyped Haskell interpreter

2016-10-17 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Dear all,

it is my pleasure to announce the first release of

  the strongly hyped Haskell interpreter

version ! It is open source and available on Github, where you 
can also find screenshots and further information about installation:


HyperHaskell is a graphical Haskell interpreter (REPL), not unlike GHCi, 
but hopefully more awesome. You use worksheets to enter expressions and 
evaluate them. Results are displayed using HTML.

HyperHaskell is cross-platform and should run on Linux, Mac and Windows. 
That said, the binary distribution is currently only built for Mac. Help 
is appreciated!

This is a very first release. Basic features are working, but there is 
plenty of room to grow. Please send me any feedback, suggestions, bug 
reports, contributions ... that you might have!

The long term goal of HyperHaskell is to break the boundaries between 
textual programming ("verbal language") and visual input ("nonverbal 
language"). This includes graphical output, but also editing code while 
it's running ("live coding", planned) and interactive output (e.g. 
"tangible values", planned). This territory is still largely uncharted 
from a purely functional perspective, probably due to a lack of easily 
installed graphical facilities. It is my hope that HyperHaskell may 
provide a common ground for exploration and experimentation in this 

Related projects that I know of:

* IHaskell- https://github.com/gibiansky/IHaskell
* Haskell for Mac - http://haskellformac.com/

Unfortunately, the first has a reputation for being difficult to 
install, and the second is partially proprietary and Mac only. Hence 
this new effort.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll plea: State of GUI graphics libraries in Haskell

2013-10-06 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Sven Panne wrote:

2013/9/27 Conal Elliott co...@conal.net:

[...] Am I mistaken about the current status? I.e., is there a solution for
Haskell GUI  graphics programming that satisfies the properties I'm looking
for (cross-platform, easily buildable, GHCi-friendly, and
OpenGL-compatible)? [...]

Time warp! ;-) Point your browser at the g...@haskell.org archives a
decade ago... I think the consensus at that time was a bit
disappointing: Either one could have something portable but hard to
install and alien-looking, or something non-portable but easy to
install and native-looking. The fundamental UI concepts on the various
platforms differed so much that there was no hope for a grand unified
pretty UI library, so those GUI efforts basically ended. I think the
reasoning behind this hasn't changed recently, but I would love being
proven wrong.

Well, the advent of modern browsers has changed the first alternative to 
portable, easy to install and alien-looking. That's the niche I'm 
belaboring with threepenny-gui.

Personally, I think that the easy to install criterion beats all the 
others -- it is hard to use a GUI library that you can't install.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll plea: State of GUI graphics libraries in Haskell

2013-10-06 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Sven Panne wrote:

2013/9/27 Heinrich Apfelmus apfel...@quantentunnel.de:

Actually, I'm reading about WebGL right now, and it appears to me that it
should be very easy to support in Threepenny. [...]

I am not sure if WebGL is enough: WebGL is basically OpenGL ES 2.0,
which is again basically OpenGL 2.0 plus some extensions. OpenGL
itself is currently at 4.4, and the situation regarding the supported
shading language versions is even worse. In a nutshell: WebGL =
ancient OpenGL. If it's enough for your purposes, fine, but otherwise
I guess a lot of people want something more recent.

Fair enough. I have never really worked with OpenGL and its variants, so 
I wouldn't know.

That said, from a cursory look, I get the impression that OpenGL ES 2.0 
was the recent standard on mobile platforms. For instance, iOS 7 just 
recently introduced OpenGL ES 3.0 support.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Store type-class polymorphic values generically

2013-10-04 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Christopher Done wrote:

It's very easy to state this problem without enough details and mislead
people into providing a solution for a different problem, so I'll try to
include all the information and use-case. I need a function that can
store a value in a concrete opaque type. I know the type of the value
when I store it, and I know the type of the value when I extract it,
insofar as I know the type inclusive of a class constraint context. But
the container must store many different things at once. Given that I
know the type of the thing when I store it and when I extract it, there
ought to be a “safe’ way to do this, in the same way that Data.Dynamic
is “safe”.


I have to ashamedly admit that I didn't read your problem description in 
its entirety, but maybe my  vault  package can help?


In particular, the  Locker  stores arbitrary values like  Dynamic , 
except that values are extracted and removed with the help of a  Key . 
This gets rid of the  Typeable  constraint.

Note that there is a fundamental problem with storing polymorphic types, 
which is related to the value restriction for reference types. One of 
the main points of the Typable class is actually that it enforces 
monomorphic types. Similarly, the  vault  library enforces monomorphic 
types by having  newKey  in the IO monad.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Store type-class polymorphic values generically

2013-10-04 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Christopher Done wrote:

On 4 October 2013 10:56, Heinrich Apfelmus apfel...@quantentunnel.de wrote:

In particular, the  Locker  stores arbitrary values like  Dynamic , except
that values are extracted and removed with the help of a  Key . This gets
rid of the  Typeable  constraint.

lock :: Key a - a - Locker

I can't pass anything with class constraints to that.

I don't know what something with a class constraint means. But I guess 
you want to pass a value with a *polymorphic* type? This is no problem, 
but requires impredicative polymorphism:

a = (forall b. Show b = b - IO ())

lock :: Key (forall b. Show b = b - IO ())
 - (forall b. Show b = b - IO ())
 - Locker

Unfortunately, GHC's support for that is a little shaky, but a solution 
that always works is to put it in a new data type.

data Dummy = Dummy { unDummy :: forall b. Show b = b - IO () }

lock :: Key Dummy - Dummy - Locker

It seems to me that your problem decomposes into two problems:

1. A heterogenous store for values of different types.
2. Values with polymorphic instead of monomorphic types.

Solution for problem 1 are usually restricted to monomorphic types, but 
you can work around it.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-04 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Tom Ellis wrote:

On Wed, Oct 02, 2013 at 11:24:39AM +0200, Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

I'm not sure whether the  Eq  instance you mention is actually
incorrect. I had always understood that  Eq  denotes an equivalence
relation, not necessarily equality on the constructor level.

There's a difference between implementors being able to distingush equals,
and application programmers.  Internal implementations are allowed to break
all sorts of invariants, but, by definition, APIs shouldn't.

Are there examples where application programmers would like there so be some
f, a and b such that a == b but f a /= f b (efficiency concerns aside)?  I
can't think of any obvious ones.

I think the trouble here is that the instance

data Foo = Bar | Baz
instance Eq Foo where _ == _ = True

is perfectly fine if the possibility to distinguish between  Foo  and 
Bar  is not exported, i.e. if this is precisely an implementation detail.

The LVish library sits between chairs. If you consider all Eq instances 
Safe in the sense of SafeHaskell, then LVish must be marked Unsafe -- it 
can return different results in a non-deterministic fashion. However, if 
only Eq instance that adhere to the exported functions preserve 
equivalence law are allowed, then LVish can be marked Safe or 
Trustworthy, but that assurance is precisely one we lack.

I think the generic form of the problem is this:

   module LVish where
   -- | 'foo' expects the invariant that the
   -- first argument must be 'True'.
   foo :: Bool - String
   foo False = unsafeLaunchMissiles
   foo True  = safe

   module B where
   goo = foo False

What status should SafeHaskell assign to the modules LVish and B, 

It looks like the right assignment is:

   LVish - Unsafe
   B - Trustworthy

If LVish cannot guarantee referential transparency without assumptions 
on external input, then it stands on a similar footing as  unsafePerformIO .

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Ryan Newton wrote:

Here are some examples:

data Foo = Bar | Baz

instance Eq Foo where
  _ == _ = True

instance Ord Foo where
  compare Bar Bar = EQ
  compare Bar Baz = LT
  compare _   _   = error I'm partial!

These would allow LVish's runPar to non-determinstically return Bar or
Baz (thinking they're the same based on Eq).  Or it would allow runPar to
nondeterministically crash based on different schedulings hitting the
compare error or not [1].


[1] If you're curious why this happens, its because the Ord instance is
used by, say, Data.Set and Data.Map for the keys.  If you're inserting
elements in an arbitrary order, the final contents ARE deterministic, but
the comparisons that are done along the way ARE NOT.

I'm not sure whether the  Eq  instance you mention is actually 
incorrect. I had always understood that  Eq  denotes an equivalence 
relation, not necessarily equality on the constructor level.

One prominent example would be equality of Data.Map itself: two maps are 
equal if they contain the same key-value pairs,

map1 == map2  =  toAscList map1 == toAscList map2

but that doesn't mean that their internal representation -- the balanced 
tree -- is the same. Virtually all exported operations in Data.Map 
preserve this equivalence, but the library is, in principle, still able 
to distinguish equal maps.

In other words, equality of abstract data types is different from 
equality of algebraic data types (constructors). I don't think you'll 
ever be able to avoid this proof obligation that the public API of an 
abstract data type preserves equivalence, so that LVish will yield 
results that are deterministic up to equivalence.

However, you are mainly focused on equality of keys for a Map. In this 
case, it might be possible to move towards pointer equality and use 
things like  Hashable  or  StableName .

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fwd: [GSoC 2013] Porting Charts to Diagrams - Final Report

2013-09-28 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Jan Bracker wrote:

Hello everybody,

I am sorry to send this a second time. Someone hinted out that I would not
reach everybody on the mailing list through the Google Groups address. I
should have looked a bit more thoroughly.

The Google Summer of Code 2013 is over! My project to port the charts [0]
library to use diagrams [1] as an alternative to cairo [2] was a full


[0]: https://github.com/timbod7/haskell-chart/wiki
[1]: http://projects.haskell.org/diagrams/

Congratulations! I think the library looks great and I will consider 
using it for my next plot.

Is it possible to change fonts? I have found that fonts (and shadows) 
have a huge impact on the wow-factor of a plot. In fact, I could not 
help but ask a speaker during a talk what font he used for a particular 
plot... it just looked great!

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll plea: State of GUI graphics libraries in Haskell

2013-09-27 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Conal Elliott wrote:

I'm polling to see whether there are will and expertise to reboot graphics
and GUIs work in Haskell. I miss working on functional graphics and GUIs in
Haskell, as I've been blocked for several years (eight?) due to the absence
of low-level foundation libraries having the following properties:

* cross-platform,
* easily buildable,
* GHCi-friendly, and
* OpenGL-compatible.

The last several times I tried Gtk2hs, I was unable to compile it on my
Mac. Years ago when I was able to compile, the GUIs looked and interacted
like a Linux app, which made them awkward and upleasant to use. wxHaskell
(whose API and visual appearance I prefered) has for years been
incompatible with GHCi, in that the second time I open a top-level window,
the host process (GHCi) dies abruptly. Since my GUI  graphics programs are
often one-liners, and I tend to experiment a lot, using a full compilation
greatly thwarts my flow. For many years, I've thought that the situation
would eventually improve, since I'm far from the only person who wants GUIs
or graphics from Haskell.

About three years ago, I built a modern replacement of my old Pan and
Vertigo systems (optimized high-level functional graphics in 2D and 3D),
generating screamingly fast GPU rendering code. I'd love to share it with
the community, but I'm unable to use it even myself.

Two questions:

* Am I mistaken about the current status? I.e., is there a solution for
Haskell GUI  graphics programming that satisfies the properties I'm
looking for (cross-platform, easily buildable, GHCi-friendly, and
* Are there people willing and able to fix this situation? My own
contributions would be to test and to share high-level composable and
efficient GUI and graphics libraries on top of a working foundation.

Hello Conal,

I have been similarly dissatisfied with the state of GUI libraries in 
Haskell and have finally started working on one myself: [threepenny-gui][1].

Threepenny-gui uses the web browser as a display, which means that it's 
cross-platform, easy to install and works from GHCi! On the flip side, 
it doesn't support native OpenGL.

  [1]: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Threepenny-gui

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll plea: State of GUI graphics libraries in Haskell

2013-09-27 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Tikhon Jelvis wrote:

Could threepenny work with webGL, or is that too far out of the scope of
the project? I guess the overhead of having a server--even locally--and
using a web browser might just be too much for many use cases.

Actually, I'm reading about WebGL right now, and it appears to me that 
it should be very easy to support in Threepenny.

While the communication between browser and server is comparatively 
slow, most of the hard work is done in the shading language anyway. The 
browser retrieves shading code from a `script` tag. It's straightforward 
to create such a tag in Threepenny, populate it, and make a few 
JavaScript FFI calls to start the rendering process.

I currently have no plans to add WebGL support myself, but all the 
ingredients are in place. (Maybe wait until threepenny-0.4 , as I'm 
currently simplifying the FFI a bit.)

PS: Conal, if you want to see whether the Threepenny + WebGL route is 
viable for you, it's probably a good idea to do a quick test in plain 
HTML + JS first, to see whether performance is good enough for your purpose.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Mistakes in documentation for weak pointers?

2013-09-10 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Dear café,

I'm currently studying weak pointers in order to implement garbage 
collection for a small JavaScript FFI used by the threepenny-gui library 

While the paper [2] is fairly clear, it seems that the documentation in 
System.Mem.Weak [3] differs in certain aspects. Could someone help me 
and clarify this? I have two questions:

1. The sentence in the documentation

References from the finalizer to the key are treated in the same way as 
references from the value to the key: they do not keep the key alive.

seems incorrect in the subordinate clause. Namely, the paper only states 
that the weak pointer object does not keep the key alive. However, I 
understood that it is perfectly acceptable for the value to keep the key 
alive, and that this relation is not changed by  mkWeak . Is this still 

(The memo table example in the paper never stores the value itself, only 
a weak pointer to it, so it doesn't matter whether the value is 
reachable from the key or not.)

2. The sentence in the documentation

A heap object is reachable if: ... It is a weak pointer object whose 
key is reachable.

seems to differ from the paper, which states that while weak pointers 
are always retained if their keys are alive, they can very much be 
unreachable. But if I think about it, the formulation in the 
documentation seems to be equivalent to the paper (as far as the 
semantics are concerned, it does not matter whether unreachable weak 
pointers are tombstoned or not.). Is that correct?

  [1]: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Threepenny-gui
  [2]: http://community.haskell.org/~simonmar/papers/weak.pdf

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FLTK GUI Binding in progress. Call for participation.

2013-09-09 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

aditya siram wrote:

Thanks for your input.

However from an API coverage standpoint I think I further along than that
project. Also it hasn't been updated since 2008.

That said it seems to have a nice interface. Should I emulate that?

One of my main goals for starting this thread (besides getting help) was to
start a discussion about what the higher level abstraction should look
like. There's so many choices.

WxHaskell has a particularly well-designed API, see also


However, I think that event handling can be done even more elegantly 
and, in particular, integrated with functional reactive programming 
(FRP). See my recent project


for a post-wxHaskell take on a GUI API.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proposal: Hackage's packages should be seperated by buildable

2013-08-26 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

He-chien Tsai wrote:

I'm sick for checking whether package is obsolete or not.
I think packages build failed long time ago should be collected and moved
to another page until someone fix them, or hackage pages should have a
filter for checking obsolete packages.

People are working on it.


Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] [ANN] Initial release of the threepenny-gui library, version

2013-07-21 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Sun, 21 Jul 2013, Sergey Mironov wrote:

Hi, I have a Path problem when installing threepenny-gui from Hackage.
Probably somtething trivial.

I have written a small script cabal-upload that tries to compile a 
package before uploading it to Hackage. That helps to assert that all 
required files are registered in the cabal file.


Nice! However, I can't find the  cabal-test  executable after installing 
your package?

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Music / MIDI help

2013-07-11 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Mark Lentczner wrote:

I'm a little lost in the bewildering array of music packages for Haskell,
and need some help.

I'm looking to recreate one of my algorithmic music compositions from the
1980s. I can easily code the logic in Haskell.

I'm looking for a the right set of packages and SW so that I can:
a) generate short sequences and play them immediately, preferrably in ghci,
-- but 'runHaskell Foo.hs | barPlayer' would be acceptable
2) generate MIDI files

I'm on OS X.

So far what I've found is: Haskore, the midi package, and the jack package
- and then I'd need some MIDI software synth for the Mac, and Jack based
patcher Or perhaps I want SuperCollider, and the Haskell bindings - but
that seems rather low level for my needs here (I don't really need to patch
together my instruments, and I don't want to have re-write the whole timing
framework from scratch.)

So - What's a quick easy path here?

I'm also on MacOS X and had the same problem.

For immediate sound output, I liked Rohan Drape's [SuperCollider 
bindings][hsc3], though I started to write my [own 
library][tomato-rubato] that abstracts away from the internals and 
presents a simpler interface. Maybe you can find something interesting 
here. It's currently dormant because the feedback loop in GHCi is still 
too long for my taste, though.

I found Henning Thielemann's [midi][] package very useful for reading 
MIDI files, I guess it's equally useful for writing MIDI files.

  [hsc3]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hsc3
  [midi]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/midi
  [tomato-rubato]: https://github.com/HeinrichApfelmus/tomato-rubato

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HTML framework for web-ui

2013-05-23 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Vlatko Basic wrote:

Hi Heinrich,

Looks simple and interesting. I browsed the git, but not much docs yet.
Just examples, or have I looked at wrong places?

Thanks! Only examples and Haddock documentation so far, though the 
latter is extensive.

I see that API is still under heavy design. When do you expect the API 
might stabilize?

The current API probably won't change much until the first release, but 
I can't guarantee anything beyond that. It involves lots of aesthetic 

(BTW, examples in Readme do not work.)

That would be one of the corners where it's not ready for public 
consumption yet. ;)

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HTML framework for web-ui

2013-05-22 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Vlatko Basic wrote:
I'd like to start using web pages as the UI for apps. I found out for 
yesod, snapp and happstack as the candidates.
Would you recommend any of them as better for app ui (not classical 
web pages)? Or maybe another one?

Not sure if that's what you are looking for, but with help from Daniel 
Austin, I'm currently working on a small GUI library that use the web 
browser to display GUI elements.


It's derived from Chris Done's former Ji project.

It's not quite ready for public consumption yet, but any feedback is 
appreciated, of course.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC proposal: Data Visualization

2013-04-15 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Ernesto Rodriguez wrote:

For me it would already be a huge advantage if I
could edit and re-evaluate expressions interactively (in a comfortable GUI,
not ghci). Also a plot widget with sliders would also help. I was wondering
if you know any reason the project has not been worked on for various
months (as I see in the repo). Is there anyone working in this project and
has a later version? I mean these are features that are even available in
free math packages such as Sage.

I was actually the initial mentor for this project. I'm not particularly 
happy about the result. As you can see, it hasn't been picked up by 
anyone else, including me, and I think that's because it missed the 
modularity goals I had in mind.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC proposal: Data Visualization

2013-04-13 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Ernesto Rodriguez wrote:

Dear Haskell Community,

During the last months I used Haskell for machine learning, particularly in
the field of Echo State Neural Networks. The main drawback I encountered is
that its difficult to visualize and plot data in Haskell in spite the fact
there are a couple of plotting libraries. Data visualization is very
important in the field of machine learning research (not so much in machine
learning implementation) since humans are very efficient to analyze
graphical input to figure out what is going on in order to determine
possible adjustments. I was wondering if other members of the community
have experienced this drawback and would be interested in improved data
visualization for Haskell, especially if there is interest to use Haskell
for machine learning research. I collected my ideas in the following page:
 https://github.com/netogallo/Visualizer . Please provide me with feedback
because if the proposal is interesting for the community I would start
working with it, even if it doesn't make it to this GSoC, but a project
like this will need a lot of collaboration for it to be successful.

Your project is very ambitious! In fact, too ambitious.

Essentially, you want to build an interactive environment for evaluating 
Haskell expressions. The use case you have in mind is data visualization 
for machine learning, but that is just a special case. If you can zoom 
in and out of plots of infinite time series, you can zoom in and out of 
audio data, and then why not add an interactive synthesizer widget to 
create that audio data in the first place.

Your idea decomposes into many parts, each of which would easily fill an 
entire GSoC project on their own.

* GUI. Actually, we currently don't have a GUI library that is easy to 
install for everyone. Choosing wxHaskell or gtk2hs immediately separates 
your user base into three disjoint parts. I think it's possible to use 
the web browser as GUI instead 

* Displaying Haskell values in a UI. You mentioned that you want 
matrices to come with a contextual menu where you can select different 
transformations on them. It's just a minor step to allow any Haskell 
function operating on them. I have a couple of ideas on how to do this 
is in a generic fashion. Unfortunately, the project from last year 
http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/summer-of-code/ticket/1609 did not 
succeed satisfactorily. There were some other efforts, but I haven't 
seen anything released.

* UI programming is hard. You could easily spend an entire project on 
implementing a single visualization, for instance an infinite time 
series with responsive zoom. It's not difficult to implement something, 
but adding the right level of polish so that people want to use it takes 
effort. There's a reason that Matlab costs money, and there's a reason 
that your mentor relies on it.

* Functionality specific to machine learning. Converting Vector to a 
format suitable for representation of matrices, etc. This is your 
primary interest.

Note that, unfortunately, the parts depend on each other from top to 
bottom. It's possible to write functionality specific to machine 
learning, but it would be of little impact if it doesn't come with a 
good UI.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-29 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Peter Althainz wrote:

Hi Heinrich:

Its simply the types are more cumbersome, now. In netwire you basically 
have one type, which is Wire  with some type parameters 
(underlying monad, inhibition type, in-type, out-type), When underlying 
monad and inhibition type is choosen, you can define a type synonym and 
all boils done to GameWire a b in all types, events (GameWire a a), 
behaviours (GameWire a b), what you want. Signal inhibition makes Events 
and Behviours looks equal. Also the overall network has this type. And 
by the way, no generalized datatypes (forall t. ), which I'm also 
not too comfortable with.

In reactive banana we have considerably more types then in netwire:

- One tpye for Behaviours

- One type for Events

- sinks in addition: sinkoutput[text:==showNumber$result]- what is 
that? (I know it has something to do with feedback loops)

- scary type for the network description: forallt.Frameworkst=Momentt()

Thanks Peter!

The distinction between Behavior and Event is something fundamental that 
I don't want to give up easily. They behave differently under products 
and coproducts, they correspond to modalities in temporal logic and they 
are also very useful for recursion.

Concerning the  sink  combinator, it's actually part of the GUI bindings 
and not of the core library. It's used to bind, say the text value of an 
edit widget to display the value of a  Behavior String .

Likewise, the  forall t. Frameworks t = Moment t ()  type signature is 
used when binding to a GUI framework. The explicit  forall  is only used 
to be get the right name for the type  t , usually you would just write 
 Frameworks t = Moment t () .

Overall, I like to think that the complexity is only superficial. I 
agree that the type parameter t is somewhat annoying, but it's necessary 
for fundamental reasons. Fortunately, it has a nice conceptual 
interpretation as starting time.

In the case of  HGamer3D, the  sink  combinator would replace the need 
to declare a final wire which runs all the wires at each step. It 
feels a bit weird to me to have wires like  guiSetPropW  that perform 
side effects, i.e. where it makes a different whether you observe their 
results or not. That's a complexity where I feel that something has 
been swept under the rug.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-24 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus apfel...@quantentunnel.de wrote:

You said that reactive-banana didn't feel as simple after the
introduction of dynamic event switching, though. Could you pinpoint
some particular thing that made you feel like that? Maybe a type
signature or a tutorial or something else? I took great care trying to
make the dynamic event switching stuff entirely optional, so you can
use reactive-banana without understanding it at all, but I'm not sure
if I succeeded.

I think this is less of an issue with reactive-banana than with classic
FRP in general.  The type signatures of Netwire can be scary at first
sight, but they are consistent throughout the entire library.  Once you
understand one of these type signatures you understand all of them.
Once you know how to use one wire, you know how to use all others.

Let me pinpoint something in particular: events.  In reactive-banana
events are special, in Netwire they are not.  This makes dynamic
switching special in reactive-banana and natural in Netwire.  Let me
show you an example:  You want to dispaly one for ten seconds, then
two for twelve seconds, then start over:

myWire =
one . for 10 --
two . for 12 --

Events and particularly dynamic event switching is one of the main
problems Netwire solves elegantly.  You can add this to reactive-banana,
too, but it would require changing almost the entire event interface.

I concur that chaining wires with the  andThen  combinator is very 
slick, I like it a lot. Wolfgang Jeltsch recently described a similar 
pattern for classical FRP, namely a behavior that doesn't live forever, 
but actually ends at some point in time, which can be interpreted as an 
event occurrence. (It ends with a bang!)

However, do note that the  andThen  combinator in netwire can only be so 
slick because switching restarts time (as the documentation puts it). 
I don't see a nice way to switch between wires that have accumulated 
state. How would you express the TwoCounters example [1] using dynamic 
event switching in netwire? (The example can be implemented without 
dynamic event switching, but that's not what I mean.) What about the 
BarTab example [2]?


  [2]: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Reactive-banana/Examples#bartab

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-24 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus apfel...@quantentunnel.de wrote:

I concur that chaining wires with the andThen combinator is very
slick, I like it a lot. Wolfgang Jeltsch recently described a similar
pattern for classical FRP, namely a behavior that doesn't live
forever, but actually ends at some point in time, which can be
interpreted as an event occurrence. (It ends with a bang!)

Well, that would work, but I wonder why then you wouldn't want to go all
the way to signal inhibition.  You don't need AFRP to have it.  It's
actually quite a light-weight change.  Allow behaviors not to produce a
value, i.e. somewhere in your library replace a by Maybe a.

I think that the  andThen  combinator is slick, but I'm not sure whether 
I find the underlying model -- signal inhibition -- to be equally 
pleasing. In the context of GUI programming, chaining several events 
with the  andThen  combinator is almost never needed, so I've postponed 
these questions for now.

How would you express the TwoCounters example [1] using dynamic event
switching in netwire? (The example can be implemented without dynamic
event switching, but that's not what I mean.) What about the BarTab
example [2]?

I've been asked that via private mail.  Let me just quote my answer:

This is a misconception caused by the very different nature of
Netwire.  In Netwire everything is dynamic.  What really happens in
w1 -- w2 is that at the beginning only w1 exists.  When it inhibits
it is removed from the network and w2 takes its place.  The missing
ingredient is that w2 is not actually produced by a wire, but this
is equally easy and natural.  Just consider the context wires:

context id w

This wire will dynamically create a version of 'w' for every
different input, so it acts like a router that will create wires if
they don't already exist.  Deletion works similarly:

contextLatest id 1000 w

This is a version that only keeps the 1000 latest contexts.

So  context  has the same purpose as Conal's  trim  combinator [1]. 
However, I believe that it is too inconvenient for managing very dynamic 
collections that need to keep track of state, as the  context  function 
significantly limits the scope of the stateful wire. That's why I've 
opted for a more flexible approach in  Reactive.Banana.Switch  , even if 
that introduces significant complexity in the type signatures. Again, I 
would be interested in an implementation of the BarTab example [2] to 
compare the two approaches.


  [2]: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Reactive-banana/Examples#bartab

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-23 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Peter Althainz wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Of course, I have to ask: what influenced your choice of FRP library in
favor of  netwire  instead of  reactive-banana ?

good question, actually I need to thank you for your excellent tutorials
on FRP and GUI on the WEB. I tried the version of reactive-banana
without switches as the first FRP framework to have contact with and I
liked its simplicity and the cool introduction around Excel cells you 
gave on the Web.

My pleasure. :) I have to thank Peter Minten for writing the tutorial 
with Excel cells, though.

HGamer3D is my personal way to get more insight into FP and Haskell
especially and from the beginning I wanted to have a FRP API to try it
with game examples. So your intro on FRP and the examples were very
helpful with that.

After reading a lot on the web it became clear, that currently
reactive-banana and netwire are good candidates to start with. So why in
the end I decided to use netwire for the binding?

It's some personal things and I do not claim to have done a proper
evaluation or comparison. I also cannot judge on performance or other
relevant topics. Having said that, I can give you some points why I 
choosed netwire:

- The cool simplicity of reactive-banana API seems to have suffered a
little bit after the introduction of the switch functionality.
- After getting around Monads and Applicative by great help of Learning
a Haskell for great good I was shocked to see, there is even more to
learn, when I detected Arrows. So I started to look at it and discovered
some nice tutorials for Arrows.
- What struck me was introduction of netwire author Ertugrul Söylemez on
Arrows and the explanations of local state, which can be kept into an
arrow. Since I was also curious on OOP and FP and game state handling,
actually this raised some interest. So I think this Arrows keep local
state argument was the killer feature. But also behaviours keep
local state and maybe I got misguided here.
- I then did some trials with netwire and I felt it's a quite
comprehensive and nice API, so I got started with that.

I'm mainly asking because it helps me learn about issues with 
reactive-banana that could be fixed. Looking at other FRP libraries for 
fun and learning is definitely something that should be encouraged and 
not something that should be fixed, so that's cool. :)

You said that reactive-banana didn't feel as simple after the 
introduction of dynamic event switching, though. Could you pinpoint some 
particular thing that made you feel like that? Maybe a type signature or 
a tutorial or something else? I took great care trying to make the 
dynamic event switching stuff entirely optional, so you can use 
reactive-banana without understanding it at all, but I'm not sure if I 

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - featuring FRP based GUI and more

2013-03-19 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Peter Althainz wrote:

Dear All,

I'm happy to announce release 0.2.1 of HGamer3D, the game engine with 
Haskell API, featuring FRP based API and FRP based GUI. The new FRP API 
is based on the netwire package. Currently only available on Windows: 

Nice work!

Of course, I have to ask: what influenced your choice of FRP library in 
favor of  netwire  instead of  reactive-banana ?

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: MFlow 0.2

2013-01-22 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Alberto G. Corona wrote:

The template look is very simple but it uses a lot of dynamic code behind

I changed the template to something more light.


Much better, thanks!

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: MFlow 0.2

2013-01-18 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Alberto G. Corona wrote:

Hello. haskellers and, specially, web developpers.

This is the second version of MFlow, a deep-first effort in the development
of a platform for web applications at the higher level, by including as
much haskell magic as possible. It is at the same time experimental and
intended to be used in industry. I believe that haskell will not have its
chance in the Web if it does not bring unique advantages and challenging
paradigms beyond speed and type safety.

Deep-first means that the effort is more in the addition higher level
features rather than in being complete and bug free, with the conviction
that feedback from real usage at the highest level is the best guide for

Rather than to mimic other platforms in other languages, MFlow is as
Haskell'ish as possible, and introduces new approaches like  statefulness,
 event sourcing, back-execution, composable, active, self contained widgets
and persistent STM. All of them collaborate to create a high level
environment for web programming.

This release adds bidings for WAI, blaze-html, stateful AJAX, active
widgets,  requirements, content management, multilanguage and URLs to pages
inside stateful procedures.

The package:

The entry in my blog, with the announcement and the philosophy behind

For some reason, your blog posts are not displayed in my browser 
(Chrome). I block all cookies and I'm using adblock, though.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Object Oriented programming for Functional Programmers

2012-12-31 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Daniel Díaz Casanueva wrote:

Hello, Haskell Cafe folks.

My programming life (which has started about 3-4 years ago) has always been
in the functional paradigm. Eventually, I had to program in Pascal and
Prolog for my University (where I learned Haskell). I also did some PHP,
SQL and HTML while building some web sites, languages that I taught to
myself. I have never had any contact with JavaScript though.

But all these languages were in my life as secondary languages, being
Haskell my predominant preference. Haskell was the first programming
language I learned, and subsequent languages never seemed so natural and
worthwhile to me. In fact, every time I had to use another language, I
created a combinator library in Haskell to write it (this was the reason
that brought me to start with the HaTeX library). Of course, this practice
wasn't always the best approach.

But, why I am writing this to you, haskellers?

Well, my curiosity is bringing me to learn a new general purpose
programming language. Haskellers are frequently comparing Object-Oriented
languages with Haskell itself, but I have never programmed in any
OO-language! (perhaps this is an uncommon case) I thought it could be good
to me (as a programmer) to learn C/C++. Many interesting courses (most of
them) use these languages and I feel like limited for being a Haskell
programmer. It looks like I have to learn imperative programming (with side
effects all over around) in some point of my programming life.

So my questions for you all are:

* Is it really worthwhile for me to learn OO-programming?

* If so, where should I start? There are plenty of functional programming
for OO programmers but I have never seen OO programming for functional

* Is it true that learning other programming languages leads to a better
use of your favorite programming language?

* Will I learn new programming strategies that I can use back in the
Haskell world?

Personally, I don't think that learning an imperative OO language will 
expand your mind in a way that Haskell does. I have started with 
Pascal and later C, but once I learned about Haskell, I switched to it 
immediately for virtually all my programming tasks and never looked back.

The only thing that OO languages are good for are legacy systems, 
where no Haskell compiler is readily available. If you have a concrete 
project in mind, like an Android or iPhone app, or a client-heavy web 
application, it is certainly worthwhile to learn the relevant language 
(Java, Objective-C, JavaScript) in order to make your ideas a reality. 
But other than that, you already know Pascal and programming in these 
languages is not very different.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Observer pattern in haskell FRP

2012-12-18 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Nathan Hüsken wrote:

On 12/08/2012 10:32 AM, Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Fair enough, but I don't see how this can be fitted into a general
pattern. If the animation state is coupled tightly to the game logic
state, then the question whether the animation is part of the game
logic or not does not have a clear answer anymore. Hm.

I see it like this: The logic state may not depend on the rendering
state. If for example the animation of an asteroid changes how or when
objects collide with it, than the animation is part of the logic.
If however the physics of the game treat the asteroid as a object whose
shape does not change depending in the animation, than the animation is
part of the rendering state.
So the coupling may only be logic-rendering.

Maybe discussing a concrete example could be very helpful. Could you
give a minimal example that still contains the key difficulties?

I put a pseudo C++ example below the mail. I use the terms model and
view for the game logic and rendering respectively.
The example is a little different. Asteroids explode when they collide.
The moment asteroids explode, they are removed from the model (the game
logic) while in the view (rendering) they still exist until the
explosion animation is over.

(Sorry for the late reply.)

I see, that's a nice example.

Indeed, if you try to model this situation with dynamic collections

  galaxyModel :: Behavior [AsteroidModel]
  galaxyView  :: Behavior [AsteroidView]

then you have to keep track of IDs in some way, because a change in the 
collection of asteroid models needs to be reflected in a corresponding 
change in the collection of asteroid views.

  identifier :: AsteroidModel - ID

  eCollisions :: Event [ID]
  eCollisions = collisions $ galaxyModel @ eTick
  collisions asteroids = [identifier a | a - asteroids,
  b - asteroids, a `collides` b]

  galaxyModel = accumB initialAsteroidModels
  $ removeFromList $ eCollisions

  galaxyView  = accumB initialAsteroidViews
  $ startExplosions $ eCollisions

That said, do note that any significant use of pointers in an imperative 
program translates to the use of identifiers in the purely functional 
variant. This is very much *independent* of FRP! In other words, if you 
find that giving certain game objects an identity is a good way to 
structure your code, then you need to use identifiers, regardless of 
whether you use FRP or not.

Of course, as you note in another message, there are other ways to 
structure this code. For instance, the second idea would be to use a 
data type

   type Asteroid = (Maybe AsteroidModel, AsteroidView)

which represents live asteroids as  (Just positionEtc, view)  and dead 
asteroids as  (Nothing, explosionView) . Then again, one unsatisfactory 
point about this approach is that an exploding asteroid is now 
represented explicitly in the game logic as a  Nothing  value.

A third approach would be to keep an explicit list of explosions.

   data AsteroidModel =
AsteroidModel { view :: AsteroidView, pos :: Position }
   data AsteroidView  =
AsteroidView  { rotation :: Angle }
   data Explosion =
Explosion { posExp :: Position }

   galaxyView :: Behavior ([AsteroidView], [Explosion])
   galaxyView = (,) $ (map view $ galaxyModel) $ explosions

   explosions = accumB [] $ startExplosions $ eCollisions

You do need an event to communicate which asteroids have exploded, but 
an exploding asteroid will not appear in  galaxyModel  anymore. Instead, 
it will be added as an anonymous explosion to the rendering logic. (In 
a sense, the asteroid views with the state variables  dead = false  and 
 dead = true  have been split into different types.)

I find the third approach to be quite satisfactory. What is your opinion?

The more I think about this example, the more I think that the 
underlying difficulty is not FRP, but the use of pointers / identities.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] education or experience?

2012-12-09 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Christopher Howard wrote:

I'm at something of a crossroads, and I'm hoping to get a bit of free
career advice. I really enjoy programming with Haskell (and a few other
exotic languages), and was hoping I could eventually make a living in
that sort of field. Not rich and famous, necessarily, just enough to get
by comfortably. I'm trying to decide, however; should I go back to
school, finish my B.S. and pursue a Masters in CompSci? Or would the
time (and money) be better spent aggressively pursuing volunteer work
for companies, hoping to eventually get the experience and contacts that
lead to a paying job?

To be honest, I don't really want to go back to school, because I learn
a lot faster (and more economically) on my own. However, I'm not sure
which path is the fastest, and safest, approach to an actual paycheck.

Concerning a university education, there are two approaches:

1. I want to learn as much as possible
2. I want to learn just enough to get a high-paying job

University is great at serving the first approach, not only because you 
have the freedom to skip lectures that you already know, but also 
because professors have a lot of interesting things to teach if you let 
them, and because some of your classmates will be equally interested and 
interesting. In other words, if you want to learn everything, then 
university is the right environment.

On the other hand, approaching university from the second point of view 
usually does not justify the cost for the little benefit you obtain this 
way. Unfortunately, it seems to me that the tuition costs in the U.S. 
strongly suggest the second approach. To avoid this, I recommend to 
either go abroad or become very good and acquire a scholarship.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Observer pattern in haskell FRP

2012-12-08 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Nathan Hüsken wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

In that light, the separation seems straightforward to me. Given the 
time-varying values that represent game objects,

   bSpaceShipPosition :: Behavior Position
   bAsteroidPositions :: Behavior [Position]
   bTime  :: Behavior Time

you can transform and combine them into a graphic, for instance like this

   bSpaceShipPicture :: Behavior Graphic
   bSpaceShipPicture =
   blinkenLights $ bTime * bSpaceShipPosition

   bAsteroidPictures = map drawAsteroid $ bAsteroidPositions

   bPicture = overlay $
   ((:) $ bSpaceShipPicture * bAsteroidPictures)

In other words, you just combine old time-varying values into new 
ones, much like you would combine combine graphical plots. Also note 
that you can add animation a posteriori; it doesn't have to be part of 
the values representing a space ship.

Yes, but these examples are extremely simple. The animation has no 
internal state. What if every Asteroid also has a animation state 
(which I would want to add a posteriori) and can be destroyed.
Than the connection between the asteroids game logic value, and 
rendering value needs some kind of bookkeeping to be maintained.

Fair enough, but I don't see how this can be fitted into a general 
pattern. If the animation state is coupled tightly to the game logic 
state, then the question whether the animation is part of the game 
logic or not does not have a clear answer anymore. Hm.

You mentioned that in an imperative setting, you would use something 
similar to the observer pattern. Judging from the wikipedia page 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_pattern, it seems to me that 
this is just the Event type, though, so I don't understand how this 
helps with the problem at hand.

Maybe discussing a concrete example could be very helpful. Could you 
give a minimal example that still contains the key difficulties? Maybe a 
collection of asteroids that float in space, can be added or removed 
with a button click and who are animated as rotating rocks, all starting 
in a certain position when they are created? How would you use the 
observer pattern in this case?

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can not use ST monad with polymorphic function

2012-12-02 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

David Menendez wrote:

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 7:50 AM, Dmitry Kulagin dmitry.kula...@gmail.comwrote:

Thank you, MigMit!

If I replace your type FoldSTVoid with:
data FoldMVoid = FoldMVoid {runFold :: Monad m = (Int - m ()) - m ()}

then everything works magically with any monad!
That is exactly what I wanted, though I still do not quite understand why
wrapping the type solves the problem

Short answer: It's because GHC's type system is predicative.

Basically, quantified types can't be given as arguments to type
constructors (other than -, which is its own thing). I'm not entirely sure
why, but it apparently makes the type system very complicated from a
theoretical standpoint. By wrapping the quantified type in a newtype, the
argument to IO becomes simple enough not to cause problems.

GHC has an extension -XImpredicativeTypes that lifts this restriction, 
but in my experience, it doesn't work very well. A newtype

 data Foo = Foo { bar :: forall a . baz a }

usually works best.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Haskell stars in experimental film

2012-11-29 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:


You may enjoy this weird 2-minute video: 

It stars our cat (who is called Haskell at my children's insistence)
in an experimental concrete music video, created by a Cambridge
undergrad music student.  Enjoy!  (What is concrete music, btw?)

Ah, so *this* is the famous Glasgow Haskell Cat. I had always wondered 
what the abbreviation GHC stands for.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Observer pattern in haskell FRP

2012-11-29 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Nathan Hüsken wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Personally, I would recommend is a complete change in perspective.

The main idea of FRP is that it is a method to describe the evolution of
values in time. What is a game? It's just a picture that evolves in
time. The user can exert influence on the evolution by clicking certain
buttons on a mechanical device, but in the end, all he sees is a picture
that moves. [..]

That perspective certainly make sense. But couldn't one also describe a
game as a set of entities (spaceships) that react to the clicking of

Of course, generally speaking, you can describe it any way you like, FRP 
is just a perspective, not a dictatorial doctrine.

But you probably mean that you want to describe spaceships within the 
FRP perspective, though independent of how they are displayed. That's a 
good point, which I missed. (The guideline of working backwards from the 
very final result has served me very well when developing in FRP style, 
though, hence my insistence on it.)

In the FRP perspective, I would use a slightly different language, 
though. Namely, I would not say that spaceships are entities that react 
to button clicks, but rather that they are represented by time-varying 
positions that depend on past button clicks. The change is subtle but 
important: you invert the direction of control. Instead of having a 
button click do something to the spaceship (push), you have a 
spaceship whose present position depends on past button clicks (pull).

The FRP perspective is also more holistic: you can think of a 
spaceship and other time-varying values as if you knew their values for 
all points in time, as if you were given graphical plots. (I have drawn 
a few pretty pictures in the slides linked to here 

If I take for example the breakout game from here [1]. It outputs an
object scene of type Picture. But this picture is calculated from the
objects ballPos and paddlePos. So first a game state (ballPos,
paddlePos) is created and than transformed to something renderable.

I believe all examples I have seen for games with FRP follow this
pattern, and I would I want to do is seperate the steps of calculating
the game state and calculating the renderable from it.

In that light, the separation seems straightforward to me. Given the 
time-varying values that represent game objects,

   bSpaceShipPosition :: Behavior Position
   bAsteroidPositions :: Behavior [Position]
   bTime  :: Behavior Time

you can transform and combine them into a graphic, for instance like this

   bSpaceShipPicture :: Behavior Graphic
   bSpaceShipPicture =
   blinkenLights $ bTime * bSpaceShipPosition

   bAsteroidPictures = map drawAsteroid $ bAsteroidPositions

   bPicture = overlay $
   ((:) $ bSpaceShipPicture * bAsteroidPictures)

In other words, you just combine old time-varying values into new ones, 
much like you would combine combine graphical plots. Also note that you 
can add animation a posteriori; it doesn't have to be part of the values 
representing a space ship.

Of course, one important question is whether to represent asteroid 
positions as a time-varying collection  Behavior [Position]  or as a 
collection of time-varying values  [Behavior Position] . The latter form 
tends to require dynamic event switching, while the former form tends 
towards a monolithic  GameState  value, which would forgo many of the 
advantages of FRP.

I don't have enough practical experience to give a useful recommendation 
here, but at the moment, I tend towards breaking it up as much as 
possible, but trying to avoid dynamic event switching. My rule of thumb 
is to model similar objects (asteroids) as a time-varying collection, 
while modeling distinct objects (player space ship) as individual behaviors.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Observer pattern in haskell FRP

2012-11-27 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Nathan Hüsken wrote:


When writing games in other (imperative) languages, I like to separate
the game logic from the rendering. For this I use something similar to
the observer pattern.

With rendering I mean anything only related to how objects are drawn to
the screen. Animation state for example.

On my journey of exploring game programming with haskell (and FRP), I
wonder what a good way of archiving something similar would be.


So I am wondering: Is there (or can someone think of) a different
pattern by which this could be archived? Or asked different: How would
you do it?

Personally, I would recommend is a complete change in perspective.

The main idea of FRP is that it is a method to describe the evolution of 
values in time. What is a game? It's just a picture that evolves in 
time. The user can exert influence on the evolution by clicking certain 
buttons on a mechanical device, but in the end, all he sees is a picture 
that moves.

How to describe picture that moves? Your large picture is probably made 
from smaller pictures, for instance a small picture in the shape of 
something we often call a spaceship. So, you can implement a game by 
describing the evolution of smaller pictures, and then combine these 
into the description of a larger picture.

Now, the smaller pictures tend to have hidden state, which means that 
their future evolution depends a lot on the past evolution of the other 
small pictures. In my experience with programming in FRP, it is very 
useful to describe the individual pictures in terms of tiny state 
machines and then connect these state machines via appropriate events 
and behaviors to each other. The essence here is to decouple the 
individual state machines from each other as much as possible and only 
then to use the FRP abstractions to connect and combine them into a 
large emergent state machine.

(However, it is important to keep in mind that the fundamental 
abstraction is not a state machine, but a time evolution that remembers 
the past. This helps with embracing the new perspective and not 
accidentally fall back to previous ways of thinking. Whether that ends 
up with good code is up to you to find out, but if you decide to apply a 
new perspective, it's best to do it in an extremist way to gain the 
maximum benefit -- this benefit might certainly turn out to be zero, but 
you will never find out if you wet your feet only a little bit.)

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Input Handling, Callbacks, State Machines

2012-11-04 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Daniel Trstenjak wrote:

Hi all,

I'm currently struggling in the search for a nice abstraction for the
input handling of a game (it's a simple platformer with rectangular platforms).

One good example is the level editor of the game. When pressing the left
mouse button the creation of a new platform is started. As long as the
mouse button is hold the platform can be resized by moving the mouse.
When releasing the mouse button the platform is created with the current shape.

The GUI library I'm using is GLFW. There are several callbacks for key,
mouse button and mouse move events.

Firstly I would like to be able to describe application states, like
the creation of a platform or the definition of the movement of a
platform. The state might add something to the current level rendering
and it changes temporary the callbacks. 

So in the case of a platform creation, the mouse move callback would just
resize the platform, the mouse button callback awaits the button release
and the key callback might only allow the quitting of the current creation.

Above the application states it would be nice to be able to describe the
transition from one state to another.

Perhaps FRP might be a solution for this. But I'm still shying away of
it, because a game might have some hairy state changes and I still don't
see, how FRP makes life in this regard that much easier.

Indeed, this looks like a case for FRP to me. (Well, then again, I'm the 
author of the reactive-banana FRP library.)

You may want to have a look at Andreas Bernstein's  breakout  clone


which implements a small game using reactive-banana.

As for complicated state changes, the worst thing that can happen is 
that your FRP code becomes as messy as the imperative equivalent, but 
the thing is that it cannot get any messier because you can translate it 
rather directly, so you don't lose anything.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] total Data.Map.! function

2012-10-04 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Henning Thielemann wrote:

 I wondered whether there is a brilliant typing technique that makes 
Data.Map.! a total function. That is, is it possible to give (!) a type, 
such that m!k expects a proof that the key k is actually present in the 
dictionary m? How can I provide the proof that k is in m?
 Same question for 'lab' (import Data.Graph.Inductive(lab)). That is, 
can there be a totalLab, with (totalLab gr = fromJust . lab gr) that 
expects a proof that the node Id is actually contained in a graph?

I think it's possible. However, if you are able to track keys in a 
meaningful way, you are also able to reify the contents of the map in 
the type! At this point, it's no longer clear whether you really want that.

Here's the reason. Consider the expression

   map' = insert key value map

The idea is that the type of  map'  should now indicate that the  key 
is in the map. Since  map  does not necessarily contain the  key , you 
have to add to the type information. But at this point, why not add the 
*value* to the type as well? Instead of adding just the  key  to the 
type information, you can add a tuple  (key,value)  to the type by 
virtue of some mild form of parametricity. But at this point, you've put 
the whole map into the type.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Call for discussion: OverloadedLists extension

2012-09-28 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Michael Snoyman wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Michael Snoyman wrote:

Note that I wasn't necessarily advocating such a pragma. And a lot of
my XML code actually *does* use two IsString instances at the same
time, e.g.:

Element (img :: Name) (singleton (href :: Name) (foo.png ::
Text)) [NodeComment (No content inside an image :: Text)]

In this particular case, would it make sense to use smart constructors

The idea is that you can put the polymorphism in two places: either make the
output polymorphic, or make the input polymorphic. The latter would
correspond to a type

   element :: (IsString name, IsString s, IsMap map)
   = name - map name s - [Element]
   element name map = Element (toName name) (toMap map)

One benefit would be that the function will accept any list as a map, not
just list literals.

Just to clarify: this would be a *replacement* for OverloadedStrings
usage, right? If used in conjunction with OverloadedStrings, we'd run
into the too-much-polymorphism issue you describe in your initial
email in this thread, since `element foo'` would become `element
(fromString foo)` which would become `Element ((toName . fromString)
foo)`, and `toName . fromString` makes it ambiguous what the
intermediate data type is.

Yes, indeed, it would be an alternative approach.

Assuming this is meant are a replacement, I see two downsides.
Firstly, this would work for construction, but not for deconstruction.
Currently, I can do something like:

handleList :: Element - Element
handleList (Element ul _ _) = ...
handleList e = e

Good point. On the other hand, there is another extension, ViewPatterns, 
which solves the problem of pattern matching on abstract data types in 
full generality, allowing things like

  handleList (viewAsStrings - Element ul _ _) = ...

While more intrusive, the benefit of this extension is that a lot of 
other code could likely become neater as well.

The other is that we've only solved one specific case by providing a
replacement function. In order to keep code just as terse as it is
now, we'd have to provide a whole slew of replacement functions. For
example, consider the code:

handleList (Element ul attrs _) = case Map.lookup class attrs of 

If we get rid of OverloadedStrings, then we need to either provide a
replacement `lookup` function which performs the conversion from
String to Name, or change all lookup calls to explicitly perform that

Ah, I see. Since the  Name  type is abstract, I feel it's alright to add 
the polymorphism to functions like  element , but  Map.lookup  is indeed 
a problem.

One option would be to make a new type  NameMap  specifically for  Name 
 as key, but that seems a little overkill. The other option is to bite 
the bullet and add the conversion by hand  Map.lookup (name class) .

In this case, I think I would go with a lightweight first option and 
simply give a new name to the  Map.lookup  combination and use the 
opportunity to sneak in some polymorphism.

   getAttribute name = Map.lookup (toText name)

In my experience, turning all data types into abstractions works quite 
well, but I can see that you can't avoid an annoying conversion if you 
just want to use a quick  Map.lookup .

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Call for discussion: OverloadedLists extension

2012-09-25 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Michael Snoyman wrote:

Note that I wasn't necessarily advocating such a pragma. And a lot of
my XML code actually *does* use two IsString instances at the same
time, e.g.:

Element (img :: Name) (singleton (href :: Name) (foo.png ::
Text)) [NodeComment (No content inside an image :: Text)]

In this particular case, would it make sense to use smart constructors 

The idea is that you can put the polymorphism in two places: either make 
the output polymorphic, or make the input polymorphic. The latter 
would correspond to a type

   element :: (IsString name, IsString s, IsMap map)
   = name - map name s - [Element]
   element name map = Element (toName name) (toMap map)

One benefit would be that the function will accept any list as a map, 
not just list literals.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Organizaing tests in Haskell

2012-09-24 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Simon Hengel wrote:

On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 06:11:59PM +0200, Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

How do I access internal modules with  cabal test , though? Last
time I tried, I could not find a way to expose in the test section
of the cabal file.

It works, if you add the source directory to hs-source-dirs of the test
suite (in contrast to depending on the library!), e.g.:

  hs-source-dirs: test, src


  hs-source-dirs: test, .

This still has the disadvantage, that the sources are compiled twice.
But I'm not aware of a better way to do it.  If you mostly use GHCi for
development, it's not a big issue.

I got it to work, thanks!

I also had to duplicate the dependency information, but that's alright.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Call for discussion: OverloadedLists extension

2012-09-24 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Roman Cheplyaka wrote:

* Heinrich Apfelmus apfel...@quantentunnel.de [2012-09-23 10:51:26+0200]

Unfortunately, making literals polymorphic does not always achieve
the desired effect of reducing syntax. In fact, they can instead
increase syntax! In other words, I would like to point out that there
is a trade-off involved: is it worth introducing a small syntactic
reduction at the cost of both a small additional conceptual
complexity and some syntactic enlargement elsewhere?

Can't you just disable the extension when you realise that it
makes your life harder?

I thought so, too, but there is actually a social catch.

Namely, a library/DSL can be designed with that extension in mind and 
advocate its use. The [scotty][] library is an example for this.

In particular, the  RoutePattern  type is made an instance of  IsString 
 and the example code uses it extensively. If I want to disable the 
extension, I have to translate the example code first. When learning a 
library for the first time, this can be rather confusing.

  [scotty]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/scotty

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Call for discussion: OverloadedLists extension

2012-09-23 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Michael Snoyman wrote:

(Prettier formatting available at: https://gist.github.com/3761252)

Many of us use the OverloadedStrings language extension on a regular
basis. It provides the ability to keep the ease-of-use of string
literal syntax, while getting the performance and correctness
advantages of specialized datatypes like ByteString and Text. I think
we can get the same kind of benefit by allowing another literal syntax
to be overloaded, namely lists.

Actually, I am already somewhat reserved about the  OverloadedStrings 

The core point of the OverloadedSomething extensions is that they 
address a syntactic issue, namely that we can write


instead of

  (pack example)

The extension does this by making the literal polymorphic.

Unfortunately, making literals polymorphic does not always achieve the 
desired effect of reducing syntax. In fact, they can instead increase 
syntax! In other words, I would like to point out that there is a 
trade-off involved: is it worth introducing a small syntactic reduction 
at the cost of both a small additional conceptual complexity and some 
syntactic enlargement elsewhere?

The increase in syntax happened to me while using one of the json 
libraries. The thing is that if a receiver function is agnostic in the 
string used, or if it is otherwise polymorphic,

receive1 :: IsString s = s - Foo
receive2 :: JSON s = s - Foo

then I have to specify the type of the overloaded argument (either by a 
type annotation or a monomorphic function call).

In other words, without  OverloadedStrings , I was able to write

receive2 example

but with the extension, I now have to write

receive2 (pack example)

A similar effect can be seen with the good old numeric literals. 
Sometimes, you just have to introduce a type signature (:: Int) to make 
a program unambiguous.

In this light, I don't think that the trade-off made by the 
OverloadedLists extension is big enough.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Organizaing tests in Haskell

2012-09-23 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Simon Hengel wrote:

Of course others are still able to import your Internal modules

That is not necessarily true.  For libraries, you can list internal
modules as other-modules (in contrast to exposed-modules) in you Cabal
file.  That way they are not part of the public interface of your

How do I access internal modules with  cabal test , though? Last time I 
tried, I could not find a way to expose in the test section of the cabal 

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Compositional Compiler Construction, Oberon0 examples available

2012-08-21 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Doaitse Swierstra wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

I have a small question: Last I remember, you've mainly been using
your UUAGC preprocessor to write attribute grammars in Haskell,
especially for UHC. Now that you have first-class attribute
grammars in Haskell (achievement unlocked), what do you intend to
do with the preprocessor? How do these two approaches compare at
the moment and where would you like to take them?

On the page http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/bin/view/Center/CoCoCo there is
a link (http://www.fing.edu.uy/~mviera/papers/VSM12.pdf) to a paper
we presented at LDTA (one of the ETAPS events) this spring. It
explains how UUAGC can be used to generate first class compiler

We have also a facility for grouping attributes, so one can trade
flexibility for speed. The first class approach stores list of
attributes as nested cartesian products, access to which a clever
compiler might be able to optimize. This however would correspond  a
form of specialisation, so you can hardly say that we have really
independent modules; as always global optimisation is never
compositional). From the point of view of the first class approach
such grouped non-termionals are seen as a single composite

Ah, I see. So the custom syntax offered by UUAGC is still appreciated, 
but you now intend to compile it to first-class attribute grammars 
instead of bare metal Haskell. Makes sense. Thanks!

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] [Announce] Compositional Compiler Construction, Oberon0 examples available

2012-08-19 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Doaitse Swierstra wrote:

Over the years we have been constructing a collection of Embedded
Domain Specific Languages for describing compilers which are
assembled from fragments which can be compiled individually. In this
way one can gradually ``grow a language'' in a large number of small
steps. The technique replaces things like macro extensions or
Template Haskell; it has become feasible to just extend the language
at hand by providing  extra modules. The nice thing is that existing
code does not have to be adapted, nor has to be available nor has to
be recompiled.

Recently we have been using (and adapting) the frameworks such that
we could create an entry in the ldta11 (http://ldta.info/tool.html)
tool challenge, where one has to show how one's tools can be used to
create a compiler for the Oberon0 language, which is used a a running
example in Wirth's compiler construction book.

We have uploaded our implementation to hackage at:

More information can be found at the wiki:

You may take a look at the various Gram modules to see how syntax is
being defined, and at the various Sem modules to see how we use our
first class attribute grammars to implement the static semantics
associated with the various tasks of the challenge.

We hope you like it, and comments are welcome,


I have a small question: Last I remember, you've mainly been using your 
UUAGC preprocessor to write attribute grammars in Haskell, especially 
for UHC. Now that you have first-class attribute grammars in Haskell 
(achievement unlocked), what do you intend to do with the 
preprocessor? How do these two approaches compare at the moment and 
where would you like to take them?

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Platform Versioning Policy: upper bounds are not our friends

2012-08-17 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Brent Yorgey wrote:

Yitzchak Gale wrote:

For actively maintained packages, I think the
problem is that package maintainers don't find
out promptly that an upper bound needs to be
bumped. One way to solve that would be a
simple bot that notifies the package maintainer
as soon as an upper bound becomes out-of-date.

This already exists:


Indeed. It even has RSS feeds, like this


Extremely useful!

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data structure containing elements which are instances of the same type class

2012-08-12 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Antoine Latter wrote:

It should be pretty easy to write an adapter function of type String -
(Show a = a).

The type needs to be

   String - (exists a. Show a = a)

which is equivalent to

   String - (forall a. Show a = a - c) - c

Here is the implementation of the adapter

   newtype ExistsShow = E { showE :: String }
   instance Show ExistsShow where
   show = showE

   withShow :: String - (forall a. Show a = a - c) - c
   withShow s f = f (E s)

Essentially, the point is that the types are equivalent

   ExistsShow  ==  exists a. Show a = a

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Key-Parametrized Lookup Table

2012-08-01 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Alexander Foremny wrote:

At first glance I noticed some problems with the vault library for my
particular approach.

Despite from being unique, Key values don't appear to carry any
information like the Label I need. However, it might be possible to
work around that.

The more grave problem seems to be that a Key cannot be
(de-)serialized. This might be impossible due to the type parameter a
in Key a.

Vault is intended to be a store for values of any type, so it doesn't 
include any restriction on the type  a  in  Key a . For reasons of type 
safety, this means that keys have to be abstract. You can't create a 
typed key from an untyped label alone, because this would allow you to 
coerce a value to a different type (just create two keys of different 
types from the same label).

However, it is no problem to fix the types of values to some finite collection.

That should work. You have to reify the type  a  in  Key a  in the value 
of the key. I think it's possible to use a data type family for the map 

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Unambiguous choice implementation

2012-06-27 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Bartosz Milewski wrote:

I see. So your current implementation is not push, is it?

Reactive-banana includes two implementations: a pull-based model 
implementation that specifies the semantics and a push-based 
implementation for actual work. So, yes, reactive-banana is push-based.

Note that the qualification push-based is not straightforward to 
obtain. For instance, Elm is implementation in a style that looks 
push-based, but it doesn't optimize the case where no event / change 
happens, so it has the same efficiency as a pull-based implementation.

Conal's  unamb  combinator may have a similar problem, but I'm not sure.

The original
pull implementation in Fran also used Maybe events, but that was considered
inefficient. How is Reactive Banana better then Fran then?

I don't know much about the implementation of  Fran , but if I remember 
correctly, it uses the representation  Behavior a = Time - a  and this 
introduces other efficiency problems not present in reactive-banana.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Unambiguous choice implementation

2012-06-26 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Bartosz Milewski wrote:

Thanks, Heinrich. I looked at the examples and at the references you
provided. I understand the semantic model, so I guess I'm mostly trying to
understand the implementation.

Ok. As I mentioned, if you just want to use the library there is no need 
to understand the implementation.

Conal's paper was mostly about refining data
structures in order to provide better implementation. It's all beautiful up
to the point where he introduces the unamb hack. How did you manage to work
around this problem and implement event merging efficiently?

Essentially, Conal implements events as

type Event a = [(Time,a)]

The trouble is that when merging events, this representation forces you 
to wait for both events. In other words, the pattern match

union ((t1,x1):e1) ((t2,x2):e2) = ...

needs to know the times of occurrences of both events before it can 
return the earlier one. The trouble is that the  merge  function should 
have returned the earlier one right away, before knowing exactly when 
the later one happens. The purpose of the  unamb  hack is circumvent 
that problem.

Reactive-banana's very simple solution to this problem is to represent 
events as

type Event a = [(Time, Maybe a)]

and impose the additional invariant that all events in your program are 
synchronized, in the sense that they indicate their occurrences at the 
same times^1. If they don't occur at that time, they use  Nothing . 
Then, you can implement  merge  simply as

union ((t1,x1):e1) ((t2,x2):e2) = -- we always have  t1 = t2
(t1, combine x1 x2) : union e1 e2
combine (Just x) Nothing  = Just x   -- only left occurs
combine Nothing  (Just y) = Just y   -- only right occurs
combine (Just x) (Just y) = Just x   -- simultaneous occurrence
combine Nothing  Nothing  = Nothing  -- neither occurs

Since the times are given globally, we can also remove them and obtain

type Event a = [Maybe a]

This is how  Reactive.Banana.Model  does it.

Of course, keeping track of a lot of  Nothing  is something that can be 
optimized. The optimization to apply here is to transform the 
implementation into a push-driven style. I haven't published the details 
yet, but some design notes can be found here.


^1: Note that the times do not need to follow a uniform time step.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Unambiguous choice implementation

2012-06-25 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Bartosz Milewski wrote:
I'm trying to understand Reactive Banana, but there isn't much 
documentation to go about.

I haven't written any beginner documentation yet because the API is 
still in flux. The homepage


and Stackoverflow


are great resources, though. Feel free to drop me a line if you have 
questions as well.

How is RB positioned vis a vis Elliott (and then 
there is the earlier Elliot and Hudak, and the later Elliot with the push 
implementation and type classes).

The semantics from Elliott (double 't', by the way) and reactive-banana 
are essentially the same, but I have taken the liberty to modernize many 
function names. You can pretty much directly translate Conal's examples 
to reactive-banana, except for those involving the  switcher  combinator.

The approaches to implementation are very different, though. Functional 
reactive programming is one of the cases where you have to learn the API 
without understanding its implementation. (But have a look at the 
Reactive.Banana.Model module, which provides a simplified model 

Do you have a toy applet that 
demonstrates the use of Reactive Banana, something like Elliotts Bezier 
editor,  http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/69665/deop-tr.pdf  ? 

Reactive-banana comes with a lot of examples, mentioned here:


By the way, Conal's Bezier editor doesn't make much use of the  switcher 
 combinator, so you can directly translate it into reactive-banana.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Unambiguous choice implementation

2012-06-24 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Bartosz Milewski wrote:

I'm reading Conal Elliot's paper, Push-Pull FRP. At some point he needs an
unambiguous choice operator, essentially to implement select: a future that
waits for one of its future arguments to fire. His implementation of unamb
creates two threads racing on a shared MVar. By his own admission, this is
very inefficient. My question is, is there a better implementation?

The thing about unambiguous choice is that it goes beyond the dynamic 
semantics of the Haskell language. To implement it, you either need a 
new evaluation model built into the compiler, or you have to fake it 
somehow and that is likely to be inefficient.

Also note that Conal's paper describes just one possible implementation 
of FRP. My reactive-banana library uses an implementation that doesn't 
require unambiguous choice at all. For a basic model, see


The key idea is to keep all events synchronous and to reify some cases 
of this event does not occur right now.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The use of continuation monad in C++

2012-06-21 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Bartosz Milewski wrote:

I published a blog for C++ programmers about the advantages of using the
continuation monad in dealing with asynchronous API, concurrency, and
parallelism. I explained the concepts in Haskell and the translated them
into C++.

I always found the continuation monad to be hard to understand. An 
easier yet equivalent approach is presented in my Operational Monad 
Tutorial [1].

  [1]: http://themonadreader.wordpress.com/2010/01/26/issue-15/
  [2]: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Operational

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mac and Gtk2hs problem

2012-06-07 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Tanja Piechnick wrote:
All right. 
After a re-installation I could load my GTK2HS example successfully. 
But I received another error. What is the meaning of that?

A wrong architecture? 

Prelude :l guitest.hs 
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( guitest.hs, interpreted )

Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main main
Loading package transformers- ... linking ... done.
Loading package mtl- ... linking ... done.
Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
Loading package containers- ... linking ... done.
Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done.
Loading package cairo- ... linking ... done.
Loading package glib- ... can't load .so/.DLL for: intl 
(dlopen(/usr/local/Cellar/gettext/, 9): no suitable 
image found.  Did find:
/usr/local/Cellar/gettext/ mach-o, but wrong 

That's a 64bit / 32bit problem. The gtk library you installed via 
homebrew is probably 64bit while the GHC you use (7.0.4) seems to be 
32bit. Either you reinstall GTK with 32bit support, or you use the 64bit 
version of the recently released Haskell Platform.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] heterogeneous environment

2012-05-02 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Ben wrote:

while working on an STM-like library, i ran into the issue of trying
to create a transaction log for reads / writes of heterogeneous
reference types.  i don't have a good answer to this problem.  the
problem is twofold : first, the general heterogeneous collection
problem, and second, connecting a reference to its log.

I've had similar problems while implementing my reactive-banana library. 
The solution is described here


and also available as a cabal package


Note that the  Vault  data type is probably not quite what you are 
looking for as it represents a whole collection of references. But have 
a look at the type  Data.Vault.Locker  in the vault-0.2 package which I 
have just uploaded to hackage.

Oleg's email describes essentially the same solution.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] why are applicative functors (often) faster than monads? (WAS Google Summer of Code - Lock-free data structures)

2012-04-21 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Ben wrote:

however, this does bring up a general question : why are applicative
functors (often) faster than monads?  malcolm wallace mentioned this
is true for polyparse, and heinrich mentioned this is true more
generally.  is there a yoga by which one can write monadic functors
which have a specialized, faster applicative implementation?

I'm not knowledgeable enough on the multicore stuff, but I can comment 
on the monad vs applicative issue.

Applicative functors are not per se faster than monads, it's just that 
the former can encode static analysis while the latter can't. As you can 
see from the type of bind

   (=) :: m a - (a - m b) - m b

the structure of the computation in the second argument, i.e. its 
various side effects, can depend on a value of type  a  , which is only 
available at run-time.

In contrast, the type of apply

   (*) :: m (a - b) - m a - m b

makes it clear that the side effects are the same, no matter what the 
value of  a  will be at run-time. In other words, the structure of the 
computation is known statically.

For parsers, interesting analyses are

* Does a parser accept the empty set?
* What are the first characters that a parser can accept?

The answers can be obtained easily enough from an applicative functors, 
for instance

acceptsEmpty (pure x)  = True
acceptsEmpty (f * g) = acceptsEmpty f  acceptsEmpty g

But the corresponding analysis for monadic parsers is either harder or 
hopelessly inefficient because we don't know the structure of the parser 
until we run it on some input.

See also this answer on StackOverflow:


Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code - Lock-free data structures

2012-04-06 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Ben wrote:

perhaps it is too late to suggest things for GSOC --

but stephen tetley on a different thread pointed at aaron turon's
work, which there's a very interesting new concurrency framework he
calls reagents which seems to give the best of all worlds : it is
declarative and compositional like STM, but gives performance akin to
hand-coded lock-free data structures.  he seems to have straddled the
duality of isolation vs message-passing nicely, and can subsume
things like actors and the join calculus.


he has a BSD licensed library in scala at


if someone doesn't want to pick this up for GSOC i might have a hand
at implementing it myself.

That looks great! While I didn't take the time to understand the 
concurrency model in detail, the overall idea is to use arrows that can 
be run atomically

   runAtomically :: Reagent a b - (a - IO b)

This is very similar to STM: combining computations within the 
monad/arrow is atomic while combining computations outside the 
monad/arrow can interleave them.

   runAtomically (f . g)  -- atomic
   runAtomically f . runAtomically g  -- interleaving

Actually, it turns out that the  Reagent  arrow is also a monad, but the 
author seems to claim that the static arrow style enables certain 
optimizations. I haven't checked his model in detail to see whether this 
is really the case and how exactly it differs from STM, but we know that 
situations like this happen for parser combinators. Maybe it's enough to 
recast reagents as an applicative functor?

To summarize: the way I understand it is that it's apparently possible 
to improve the STM monad by turning it into an arrow. (I refer to STM 
in a very liberal sense here: whether memory is transactional or not is 
unimportant, the only thing that matters is a computation that composes 

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this a correct explanation of FRP?

2012-04-01 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Peter Minten wrote:

The updated document, which now lives at
contains a Making the example runnable section which shows how connect
the example with the outside world.

I have added a link from the reactive-banana project homepage. Thanks 
for your great explanation!

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this a correct explanation of FRP?

2012-03-30 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Peter Minten wrote:

I've been trying to get my head around Functional Reactive Programming
by writing a basic explanation of it, following the logic that
explaining something is the best way to understand it.

Am I on the right track with this explanation?

I think so. Your explanation looks fine to me, except for one really 
subtle but really important issue:

Stepped sounds a lot like stepper and we can create that function by
making a few small adjustments.

type Time = Int
stepper :: a - [(Time, a)] - (Time - a)
stepper d es = \t - case takeWhile (\(t', _) - t' = t) es of
[] - d
xs - snd (last xs)

The correct definition of  stepper  usesinstead of  =

... case takeWhile (\(t', _) - t'  t) es of ...

In other words, at the moment  t == t' , the behavior still returns the 
old value, not the new value from the event. This important because 
it allows for recursive definitions, like

let b = accumB 1 e
e = (+) $ b @ eKey

If you were to use  =  here, then the new value of the behavior would 
depend on itself and the result would be undefined.

(Actually, even if you use the correct definition for  stepper,  trying 
to implement Event and Behavior in terms of  [(Time,a)]  and  Time - a 
 in Haskell would give undefined on this recursive example. That's 
because the data types still aren't lazy enough, you have to use another 
model. That's one reason why implementing FRP has traditionally been hard.)

P.S. Sorry about the long mail, the explanation ended up a little longer
than I originally expected. :)

I know it was time to get a blog when my mailing list posts got too long. ;)

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this a correct explanation of FRP?

2012-03-30 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Michael Snoyman wrote:

First you state that we shouldn't use `union` for the `ePitch` Event,
and then you used it for `bOctave`. Would it be more efficient to
implement bOctave as someting like:

eOctave :: Event t (Int - Int)
eOctave =
filterJust toStep $ eKey
toStep '+' = Just (+ 1)
toStep '-' = Just (subtract 1)
toStep _ = Nothing

bOctave :: Behavior t Octave
bOctave = accumB 0 eOctave

It's largely a matter of efficiency in notation rather than efficiency 
in run-time.

Also, I'm left wondering: how would you create a new event stream in
the first place? You're telling us to just rely on `eKey`, which is
fair, but a great follow-up would demonstrate building it. Looking
through the docs I found `newEvent`, but I'm not quite certain how I
would combine it all together.

It's best to look at the example for that and peruse the documentation 
in  Reactive.Banana.Frameworks  in case something is unclear.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code - Lock-free data structures

2012-03-29 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Florian Hartwig wrote:

Hi everyone,
I would like to do the GSoC project outlined in

One of Haskell's great strengths is its support for all kinds of concurrent
and parallel programmming, so I think that the Haskell ecosystem would
benefit from having a wider range of efficient concurrent data structures.
Also, more selfishly, I remember reading the article in CACM last summer and
thinking that the whole idea of updating data structures directly using
atomic compare-and-swap was really cool, so I would love to have an excuse
to play around with it.

Some (initial) ideas for lock-free data structures worth implementing:
1. A lock-free priority queue, e.g. using the approach based on skip-lists
explained in [2]
2. Stacks, see [1] and [3]
3. Hash tables [4]
but if anyone has other suggestions, I would obviously happy to hear them.

Since I don't know much about concurrency, I have a simple question: 
what is the difference between atomic compare-and-swap and software 
transactional memory? Both are lock-free? Is it possible to implement 
every data structure based on CAS in terms of STM? What are the 
drawbacks? The other way round?

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a code that cannot compile with or without NoMonomorphismRestriction

2012-03-29 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Ketil Malde wrote:

Ting Lei tin...@hotmail.com writes:

(f1, f2) =
let commond_definitions = undefined in
let f1 = id.show 
f2 x = ( x) 

  (f1, f2)

I think the type signatures should be:

  f1 :: Show a = a - String


  f2 :: Ord b = b - b - Bool 

When I define these separately, this works:

  f1 :: Show a = a - String
  f1 = id . show

  f2 :: Ord b = b - b - Bool 
  f2 = flip ()

But when I define them as a pair

  f1 :: Show a = a - String
  f2 :: Ord b = b - b - Bool 
  (f1,f2) = (id . show, flip ())

I get an error message:

Line 9: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Couldn't match expected type `forall a. Show a = a - String'
with actual type `a - String'
When checking that `f1'
  has the specified type `forall a1. Show a1 = a1 - String'

Defining the pair at once works:

  p :: (Show a, Ord b) = (a - String, b - b - Bool)
  p = (id . show, flip ())

I guess that didn't help a lot, somebody with deeper GHC-fu than me will
have to step in.

The problem is that f1 and f2 are polymorphic functions. To put 
polymorphic functions in a pair, you need *impredicative polymorphism*.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code - Lock-free data structures

2012-03-29 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Florian Hartwig wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

So while the two are related, CAS is a machine primitive that works
for a single operation and on a single word while STM is a software
abstraction that isolates sequences of operations on multiple memory
locations from each other.

Is it possible to implement every data structure
based on CAS in terms of STM? What are the drawbacks? The other way round?

I think so. Atomically reading and writing a single memory location
(which CAS does) is just a very simple transaction. But using a CAS
instruction should be more efficient, since STM has to maintain a
transaction log and commit transactions, which creates some overhead.

Ah, I see. In that case, it may be worthwhile to implement the CAS 
instruction in terms of STM as well and measure the performance 
difference this makes for the final data structure. After all, STM is a 
lot more compositional than CAS, so I'd like to know whether the loss of 
expressiveness is worth the gain in performance.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mathematics and Statistics libraries

2012-03-25 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Tom Doris wrote:

If you're interested in UI work, ideally we'd have something similar
to RStudio as an environment, a simple set of windows encapsulating an
editor, a repl, a plotting panel and help/history, this sounds
superficial but it really has an impact when you're exploring a data
set and trying stuff out.

Concerning UI, the following project suggestion aims to give GHCi a web GUI


But one of your criteria is that a good UI should come with a help 
system, too, right?

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Open-source projects for beginning Haskell students?

2012-03-25 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

John Lato wrote:

From: Heinrich Apfelmus

Also, as far as I am aware, you can't do low-level audio programming in
SuperCollider, i.e. play a list of samples that you've calculated
yourself. That's cool if you're only interested in sound design, but bad
for learning how audio programming works.

I think this charge is a bit unfair.  If you really want to do
low-level stuff, it's possible within SC.  You just have to work in
SuperCollider, not Haskell (AFAIK).

Ah, right, I meant from within Haskell, i.e. by communicating with the 
SC3 server component. Even in SC you have to write unit generators in C, 
I think, but I may well be mistaken.

However, it is possible to transfer audio data between Haskell and
Csound, in several ways.  The hCsound package comes with some examples
of transferring the audio input and output streams between csound and
haskell.  Named channels provide for even more complicated routing if
you like.

I didn't know about the hCsound package, that might have saved me some work.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Open-source projects for beginning Haskell students?

2012-03-23 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

erik flister wrote:

a real-time audio synthesizer in the style of functional reactive

you know about yampasynth right?

Yes. In fact, their glue code was extremely helpful for understanding 
OpenAL. As for the FRP, I prefer a style without arrows, though, see my 
reactive-banana library.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Open-source projects for beginning Haskell students?

2012-03-23 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Tom Murphy wrote:

 If you want to do Haskell audio synthesis, you could also use
hsc3 (good start here: http://slavepianos.org/rd/ut/hsc3-texts/). With
hsc3 you can start on serious audio synthesis with only a few lines of
Haskell. In my opinion it could use a much larger community.

While Rohan's bindings to SuperCollider are great, I have found that 
SuperCollider itself is quite difficult to understand for a new user. 
(My tomata-rubato project aims to be much easier to learn.)

Also, as far as I am aware, you can't do low-level audio programming in 
SuperCollider, i.e. play a list of samples that you've calculated 
yourself. That's cool if you're only interested in sound design, but bad 
for learning how audio programming works.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Open-source projects for beginning Haskell students?

2012-03-22 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

serialhex wrote:

On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Heinrich Apfelmus
apfel...@quantentunnel.de wrote:

The task is to implement a small audio synthesizer in Haskell.

seriously?!?!  i'm not in his class, but i'm game!  i learn better
when i'm working on something interesting, and i want to make my
(currently pretty pathetic) haskell better and i *LOOOE*
audio!  a haskell-based synth (or series of synths) would be really
spiffy!  what do i have to know / learn / do?

Well, it's up to you, really. You need to learn a bit how audio 
synthesis works, for instance starting with the following links.


Then, it's best to learn by programming various wave forms yourself and 
playing around with them. I just finished implementing the necessary 
Haskell backend for playing raw audio data. You can find it here:


The  testSine  function demonstrates how it works.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] We *have* been accepted into the Google Summer of Code

2012-03-18 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Sajith T S wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus apfel...@quantentunnel.de wrote:

Just for reference, here the direct link that is now online:


How up-to-date/relevant are the projects in the ideas page?  


(For example, I believe build multiple Cabal packages in parallel is
a successful project from last year's summer of code.)

The newly created project suggestions are definitely up-to-date, but the 
older ones may be outdated. To know for sure, you can ask about specific 
projects on the mailing list, which is a good idea anyway.

I'm sorry that the list is not in top shape, but that's probably because 
 there is no curator.

Also, why is Mentor: not-accepted for many (all?) of them?

The Mentor field has no significance, simply ignore it.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] We *have* been accepted into the Google Summer of Code

2012-03-17 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Edward Kmett wrote:

Just to clarify, since I've been getting a ton of emails on the topic, we
*have* been accepted to the Google Summer of Code this year.

The list on their site is still updating, and we should appear there

Just for reference, here the direct link that is now online:


Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Open-source projects for beginning Haskell students?

2012-03-17 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Brent Yorgey wrote:

I am currently teaching a half-credit introductory Haskell class for
undergraduates.  This is the second time I've taught it.  The last
time, for their final project I gave them the option of contributing
to an open-source project; a couple groups took me up on it and I
think it ended up being a modest success.

So I'd like to do it again this time around, and am looking for
particular projects I can suggest to them.  Do you have an open-source
project with a few well-specified tasks that a relative beginner (see
below) could reasonably make a contribution towards in the space of
about four weeks? I'm aware that most tasks don't fit that profile,
but even complex projects usually have a few simple-ish tasks that
haven't yet been done just because no one has gotten around to it

Finding a suitable project seems tricky to me as most real-world 
projects usually involve at least one nasty corner like interfacing with 
a C library, which is usually too hard for someone who just became 
comfortable with the traditional list origami.

With that caveat, I do have a small task that may be suitable and that 
is useful to me in the context of my reactive-banana library and my yet 
undisclosed tomato-rubato project.

The task is to implement a small audio synthesizer in Haskell. Of 
course, implementing high-performance audio synthesis is too challenging 
a task for a Haskell beginner, but there is one particular approach that 
I would like to see performance measurements of.

More specifically, the idea is the following:
1a. Implement a handful of combinators for generating audio as a lazy 
list of samples

type Audio = [Sample]

1b. Get it out of the speakers. (I can find a library for that.) This 
will be slooow.
2. Implement the same handful of combinators for a different 
representation, namely a lazy list of memory blocks with 64 samples each

type Block = Data.Vector.Vector  -- 64 samples
type Audio = [Block]

In other words, each block is filled in an aggressively optimized inner 
loop while the blocks are shuffled around with ordinary Haskell functions.
3. Do performance measurements on 2 and test whether it can be run in 

So, the task does involve an external library and some knowledge about 
GHC's optimization, but hopefully nothing too fancy.

How is this task useful for me? If the performance is good enough, I can 
replace the lazy lists with  Event / Behavior  from reactive-banana , 
giving a real-time audio synthesizer in the style of functional reactive 
programming. If it doesn't work out, then the students had a fun project 
to work on, which is just as well.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Prettier pretty-printing of data types?

2012-03-14 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Christopher Done wrote:

Maybe an Emacs script to expand the nodes nicely:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ofEZQ7XoEA I don't find mere pretty
printing that useful compared to the “expanding” paradigm I'm used to in
Chrome and Firebug.

Great demo video. My recent GSoC project suggestions aims to make that 
available to non-Emacsers, via the web browser.


Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Summer of Code idea: Haskell Web Toolkit

2012-03-11 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Jurriën Stutterheim wrote:

Currently, however, it is still a bit of a pain to compile larger UHC
JS projects, since Cabal support for UHC's different backends is
limited. This could be one potential goal for your GSoC project: make
it possible to type `cabal configure  cabal build` and find a
complete JS application in your dist folder. [..]

I think this would make a nice GSoC project. The scope of the above
should be about right, but if you would be done way ahead of time,
there are plenty of relevant related things you could work on (e.g.,
a UHC JS-specific Haskell Platform-like package). If this sounds
interesting to you, let me know and I can send you some more detailed
information about the UHC JS backend.. As for mentoring, I might be
able to help out there, but since the above project would revolve
more around Cabal and not so much around the UHC internals, there
might be more suitable mentors out there.

This sounds like a great GSoC project to me. Maybe you can add it to the 
list of project suggestions, Jurriën?


Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2012-03-09 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

Personally I hate thinking about bottom as value. I don't do this. I
NEVER teach that. And, I am a lazy guy, almost all my Haskell programs
are strongly based on laziness.

I'll tell you what I teach, and you might throw some tomatoes...
The fundamental thing that differentiates Haskell from other languages
and the source of it power - if I might cite you - is that we don't see
the difference between an object and the process which creates it.  (The
difference demands that we speak about the call-by-need, etc...)
The bottom, as sin (2*pi), or Text may be seen as processes. Anyway, a
lazy list IS a process /par excellence/. The _|_ entity is a process
which refuses to give you a value (or does it in a deadly way). Your
program manipulates processes. A process in some computational context
must do something - or not. The bottom never does anything useful.

While it's ultimately an issue of nomenclature, applying the terminus 
value to _|_ is a good idea, because it allows us to answer questions 
like the following:

Question: What is (the denotation of, the value of)

   x = and $ take 5 $ cycle [True,False]
   where cycle xs = fix (xs++)


   x = False

If you treat _|_ as a value, this answer can be obtained by 
straightforward algebraic manipulation. If you treat _|_ as an 
operational construct, you will have to perform graph reduction to see 
the answer, but then you have to worry about the *order* in which you 
perform your reduction steps.

It's not wrong to perform graph reduction, and any student should do it 
at one point in their lives, but the restriction to operational 
semantics would miss an important abstraction that is part of the 
Haskell spirit.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Summer of Code idea: Haskell Web Toolkit

2012-03-08 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Chris Smith wrote:

My first impression on this is that it seems a little vague, but
possibly promising.

My impression is also that this project proposal is rather vague. The 
general goal Haskell as client-side language for websites is clear and 
worthwhile, but I can't tell from the proposal whether the project will 
succeed or not, or, more importantly, *what* it will succeed at.

The way I see it is that a successful GSoC proposal has to embody four 
key points:

1. One specific goal - I want to compile Haskell to JS via UHC's backend
2. in a larger context - as a step towards Haskell as a client-side 
language for websites.
3. that is accompanied by a successful example - To demonstrate that 
this works, I will write a small Asteroids game with HTML5 and Haskell
4. and that others can build upon - Moreover, I want to make it really 
easy for others to use the Haskell-JS compilation from cabal.

The last point is extremely important: you don't want to build a hobbled 
prototype that languishes in a dark corner of github, you want to build 
a great software that changes the world by solving an important problem 
and making this solution really easy to use!

Alejandro, your proposal mentions several different specific goals, each 
of which can be the basis for a successful GSoC project:

* Make UHC's Haskell-JS compilation easy to use.
* Design combinators for DOM manipulation in functional style, f.i. 
zippers. Note that this goal does *not* involve running Haskell on the 
client-side, the focus is solely on the design of combinators. This 
means that you'd have to use another example, for instance XML parsing. 
Of course, the idea is that this can be reused when someone else manages 
to run Haskell on the client.
* Design combinators for remote procedure calling via HTTP/AJAX. 
Again, there is no Haskell running in the browser, the showcase would be 
two Haskell processes that communicate with each other via HTTP/AJAX.

Each of these goals is a tangible improvement on the status quo and 
specific enough to be completed in a single GSoC project.

Of course, the one specific goal is not supposed to be a limit, it is 
meant to be a foundation. If there is time remaining, the student is 
free to work on whatever he dreams of. By all means, don't hesitate to 
reach for the sky, but help us climb to the tree top first.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell showcase in 5 minutes

2012-02-28 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Arnaud Bailly wrote:

Hello Cafe,

I will be (re)presenting Haskell in a Batlle Language event Wednesday
evening: A fun and interactive contest where various programming language
champions try to attract as much followers as possible in 5 minutes.

Having successfully experimented the power of live coding in a recent
Haskell introduction for the Paris Scala User Group, I would like to do the
same but given the time frame I need a simpler example than the music
synthesizer program.

So I would like to tap in the collective wisdom looking for some concise,
eye-opening, mind-shaking and if possible fun example of what one can
achieve in Haskell. Things that sprung to my mind are rather dull: prime
factors, fibonacci numbers.

A morse code decoder, perhaps?


Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Best FRP package for newbie

2012-02-19 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

edgar klerks wrote:

As beginner I really liked reactive-banana. I used it in a inhouse
project for the graphical user interface (wx) and I found it easier to
use than the imperative approach. Unfortunately the
reactive-banana-wx package seems to be broken on 7.2.

Actually, it's a weird bug in GHC 7.2 that break reactive-banana-wx. 
Watching the build log on Hackage is fun: sometimes it doesn't build, 
then it does build, then not. Fortunately, everything works fine on GHC 
7.0.4 .

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Best FRP package for newbie

2012-02-17 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Arnaud Bailly wrote:

I am interested in exploring more in depth FRP. I had a look at the wiki
page and started to explore reactive which looked promising at first
glance and backed by quite a few articles and tutorials, but 1) it did not
install properly on my haskell platform and 2) from the mailing-list
archives it seems to have died a couple of years ago.

So my question is : What package would you recommend me to get my hands
dirty with FRP? I am mostly interested in things related to music and
network programming, if that matters.

Of course, I recommend my reactive-banana library.


Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code 2012 Announced

2012-02-14 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Andrei Varanovich wrote:

One question to more experienced GSoC'ers. I do understand that this is
important to find mentors in advance.
As soon as I think nowadays it is critical for the programming language
ecosystem to handle BigData [1], have a proposal to implement HDFS [1]
support for CloudHaskell [2] with some MapReduce abstractions.

What would be the right way to communicate with potential mentors? I
looked at http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/summer-of-code/ and it seems
there is not so much going on there. Or, perhaps, this mailing list is just

I think that Johan Tibell's advice applies to students as well: if you 
have a project idea, then

1. Write a proposal that will make people cheer and swoon. In 
particular, it should be useful to a lot of people from the Haskell 
community and you should demonstrate why you're capable of completing 
it, for instance by finding a very good scope for the project or maybe 
because your first name rhymes with Simon.

2. Advertise it on the mailing list and/or reddit and/or Google+, so 
that people can read it and give feedback. Incorporating said feedback 
is a good idea.

3. If the proposal piques everyone's interest, I'm sure that someone 
will volunteer to be a mentor.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code 2012 Announced

2012-02-14 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Sergiu Ivanov wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

What's the time frame for project proposals? I have two ideas in my head
that I think are unusually cool. To make a successful SOC project, they need
a bit of preparation on my part, though, so I'm wondering how much time I
have to implement a proof of concept or two.

This is the official timeline:

Looking forward to reading your übercool proposals :-)

Ok, I gather that project proposals should be ready around 17 March 2012.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code 2012 Announced

2012-02-14 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Johan Tibell wrote:

Hi all,

Here's a heads-up that this year's Google of Code is kicking off. My
experience from the last few years is that we can maximize the output we
get from GSoC by being proactive and writing down semi-detailed
explanations of what kind of projects we'd like to see, instead of letting
the students pick themselves.

Here we go, I've written up a proposal:


Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code 2012 Announced

2012-02-13 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Johan Tibell wrote:

Here's a heads-up that this year's Google of Code is kicking off. My
experience from the last few years is that we can maximize the output we
get from GSoC by being proactive and writing down semi-detailed
explanations of what kind of projects we'd like to see, instead of letting
the students pick themselves*.

What's the time frame for project proposals? I have two ideas in my head 
that I think are unusually cool. To make a successful SOC project, they 
need a bit of preparation on my part, though, so I'm wondering how much 
time I have to implement a proof of concept or two.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fancy REPL

2012-02-10 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

serialhex wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

I'm not so sure about the soon part, but yes, using FRP to make music is
part of the plan.

you know, i've been thinking about this recently, and while i need more
haskell skillz if i want to do some sound synthesis, i think it would be
really spiffy to work on something like that!  are you working on this
privately or do you have a public repo one can clone?  a fully-haskell
sound synth program would be really spiffy!!  (esp if one could code new
synths in real-time in haskell)

Folks have been doing sound synthesis in Haskell for a long time; in 
particular, I'm currently building on Rohan Drape's bindings to 


There's also Henning Thielemann who managed to do real-time audio 
editing in Haskell by performing run-time compilation with LLVM


Still, I think there's a need (I certainly have it) for a simple-to-use 
package that makes it really easy to play with sound synthesis in 
Haskell, i.e. that supports instant gratification. I'm currently working 
on a project called 'tomato-rubato' that aims to do precisely that. I'll 
put up a github repo once I have something that is glued together by 
duct tape rather than spit.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fancy REPL

2012-02-09 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Dear list,

the  Show  class is extremely useful for exploring Haskell in a 
terminal, but sometimes, I just want something fancier. For instance, 
I'm currently dabbling with sound generation and it is only natural that 
I want to hear the sound instead of seeing a textual representation. 
Another example would be graphics, that are simply drawn on screen 
whenever you evaluate their value.

Of course, this is simple to implement with a class

class Demonstrable a where
demo :: a - IO ()

instance Demonstrable Sound where demo = play
instance Demonstrable Sound where demo = draw
instance Demonstrable GUI   where demo = run

However, I don't want to reinvent the wheel, small as it may be, hence 
my question: is there a package on hackage that already defines a class 
similar to  Demonstrable ? Or any other projects in this direction, 
like, say, a fancy REPL built on wxHaskell?

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fancy REPL

2012-02-09 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Tom Murphy wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

For instance, I'm currently
dabbling with sound generation and it is only natural that I want to hear
the sound instead of seeing a textual representation. 

 Does this mean we're going to see music FRP examples soon?!

I'm not so sure about the soon part, but yes, using FRP to make music 
is part of the plan.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] space-efficient, composable list transformers [was: Re: Reifying case expressions]

2012-01-03 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Jan Christiansen wrote:

On Jan 2, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Without an explicit guarantee that the function is incremental, we can't do 
anything here. But we can just add another constructor to that effect if we 
turn  ListTo  into a GADT:

   data ListTo a b where
   CaseOf   :: b -  (a - ListTo a b)  - ListTo a b
   Fmap :: (b - c) - ListTo a b   - ListTo a c

   FmapCons :: b - ListTo a [b] - ListTo a [b]

I did not follow your discussion but how about using an additional GADT for the 
argument of Fmap, that is

data Fun a b where
  Fun :: (a - b) - Fun a b
  Cons :: a - Fun [a] [a]

data ListTo a b where
  CaseOf   :: b -  (a - ListTo a b) - ListTo a b
  Fmap :: Fun b c - ListTo a b   - ListTo a c

and provide a function to interpret this data type as well

interpretFun :: Fun a b - a - b
interpretFun (Fun f)  = f
interpretFun (Cons x) = (x:)

for the sequential composition if I am not mistaken.

(.) :: ListTo b c - ListTo a [b] - ListTo a c
(CaseOf _ cons) . (Fmap (Cons y) b) = cons y . b
(Fmap f a)  . (Fmap g b) = Fmap f $ a . (Fmap g b)
a . (CaseOf nil cons)= CaseOf (interpret a nil) ((a .) . cons)
a . (Fmap f b)   = fmap (interpret a . interpretFun f) b

-- functor instance
instance Functor (ListTo a) where
  fmap f = normalize . Fmap (Fun f)

normalize :: ListTo a b - ListTo a b
normalize (Fmap (Fun f) (Fmap (Fun g) c)) = fmap (f . g) c
normalize x = x

Cheers, Jan

Nice, that is a lot simpler indeed, and even closer to the core of the idea.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] space-efficient, composable list transformers [was: Re: Reifying case expressions]

2012-01-02 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Sebastian Fischer wrote:

Your `ListTo` type achieves space efficiency for Applicative composition of
list functions by executing them in lock-step. Because of the additional
laziness provided by the `Fmap` constructor, compositions like

interpret a . interpret b

can also be executed in constant space. However, we cannot use the space
efficient Applicative combinators again to form parallel compositions of
sequential ones because we are already in the meaning type.

We could implement composition for the `ListTo` type as follows

(.) :: ListTo b c - ListTo a [b] - ListTo a c
a . b = interpret a $ b

But if we use a result of this function as argument of *, then the
advantage of using `ListTo` is lost. While

interpret ((,) $ andL * andL)

runs in constant space,

interpret ((,) $ (andL . idL) * (andL . idL))

does not.

The ListTransformer type supports composition in lock-step via a category
instance. The meaning of `ListTransformer a b` is `[a] - [b]` with the
additional restriction that all functions `f` in the image of the
interpretation function are incremental:

xs `isPrefixOf` ys  ==  f xs `isPrefixOf` f ys


The Applicative instance for `ListTransformer` is different from the
Applicative instance for `ListTo` (or `ListConsumer`). While

interpret ((,) $ idL * idL)

is of type `[a] - ([a],[a])`

transformList ((,) $ idL * idL)

is of type `[a] - [(a,a)]`. 

Ah, so  ListTransformer  is actually quite different from  ListTo 
because the applicative instance yields a different type. Then again, 
the former can be obtained form the latter via  unzip .

I have a gut feeling that the laziness provided by the `Fmap` constructor
is too implicit to be useful for the kind of lock-step composition provided
by ListTransformer. So I don't have high hopes that we can unify
`ListConsumer` and `ListTransformer` into a single type.

Do you have an idea?

Well, the simple solution would be to restrict the type of  (.)  to

(.) :: ListTo b c - ListTransformer a b - ListTo a c

so that the second argument is guaranteed to be incremental. Of course, 
this is rather unsatisfactory.

Fortunately, there is a nicer solution that keeps everything in the 
ListTo  type. The main problem with  Fmap  is that it can be far from 
incremental, because we can plug in any function we like:

example :: ListTo a [a]
example = Fmap reverse

Without an explicit guarantee that the function is incremental, we can't 
do anything here. But we can just add another constructor to that effect 
if we turn  ListTo  into a GADT:

data ListTo a b where
CaseOf   :: b -  (a - ListTo a b)  - ListTo a b
Fmap :: (b - c) - ListTo a b   - ListTo a c

FmapCons :: b - ListTo a [b] - ListTo a [b]

The interpretation for this case is given by the morphism

interpret (FmapCons x g) = fmap (x:) $ interpret g

and sequential composition reads

-- sequential composition
-- interpret (a . b) = interpret $ interpret a $ b
(.) :: ListTo b c - ListTo a [b] - ListTo a c
(CaseOf _ cons) . (FmapCons y b) = cons y . b
(Fmap f a)  . (FmapCons y b) = Fmap f $ a . (FmapCons y b)
(FmapCons x a)  . (FmapCons y b) = FmapCons x $ a . (FmapCons y b)
a . (CaseOf nil cons) = CaseOf (interpret a nil) ((a .) . cons)
a . (Fmap f b)= fmap (interpret a . f) b

Of course, the identity has to be redefined to make use of the new guarantee

idL :: ListTo a [a]
idL = caseOf [] $ \x - FmapCons x idL

I'm going to omit the new definition for the applicative instance, the 
full code can be found here:


With all these combinators in place, even examples like

liftA2 (,) (andL . takeL 3) (andL . idL)

should work as expected.

While nice, the above solution is not perfect. One thing we can do with 
 ListTransformer  type is to perform an apply first and then do a 
sequential composition.

a . (b * c)

This only works because the result of  *  is already zipped.

And there is an even more worrisome observation: all this work would 
have been superfluous if we had *partial evaluation*, i.e. if it were 
possible to evaluate expressions like  \xs - f (4:xs)  beneath the 
lambda. Then we could dispense with all the constructor yoga above and 
simply use a plain

 type ListTo a b = [a] - b

with the applicative instance

 instance Applicative (ListTo a) where
 pure b = const b
 (f * x) cs = case cs of
 [] - f [] $ x []
 (c:cs) - let f' = f . (c:); x; = x . (c:) in
   f' `partialseq` x' `partialseq` (f' * x')

to obtain space efficient parallel and sequential composition. In fact, 
by using constructors, we are essentially doing partial evaluation by hand.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-30 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Steve Horne wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Maybe it helps to try to find an example of a function  f :: A - B  
for some cleverly chosen types A,B that is not pure, i.e. does not 
return the same values for equal arguments.

For your specific challenge, place that as a left-hand argument in a 

f :: Int - IO Int
f = getAnIntFromTheUser = \i - return (i+1)

Well, the value of i isn't decidable until runtime. The value of i+1 is 
not decidable until runtime. The value of return (i+1) is not decidable 
until runtime and so on. It can only be partially evaluated at 
compile-time, but when it is fully evaluated, you get a different IO 
action returned by f depending on what Int you got from the user.

The function

  f :: Int - IO Int
  f x = getAnIntFromTheUser = \i - return (i+x)

is pure according to the common definition of pure in the context of 
purely functional programming. That's because

  f 42 = f (43-1) = etc.

Put differently, the function always returns the same IO action, i.e. 
the same value (of type  IO Int) when given the same parameter.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-30 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Conal Elliott wrote:

I wrote that post to point out the fuzziness that fuels many
discussion threads like this one. See also 
http://conal.net/blog/posts/notions-of-purity-in-haskell/ and the


I almost never find value in discussion about whether language X is 
functional, pure, or even referentially transparent, mainly

because those terms are used so imprecisely. In the notions-of-purity
post, I suggest another framing, as whether or not a language and/or
collection of data types is/are denotative, to use Peter Landin's
recommended replacement for functional, declarative, etc. I
included some quotes and a link in that post. so people can track
down what denotative means. In my understanding, Haskell-with-IO is
not denotative, simply because we do not have a
(precise/mathematical) model for IO. And this lack is by design, as
explained in the toxic avenger remarks in a comment on that post.

I often hear explanations of what IO means (world-passing etc), but I
don't hear any consistent with Haskell's actual IO, which includes 
nondeterministic concurrency. Perhaps the difficulties could be

addressed, but I doubt it, and I haven't seen claims pursued far
enough to find out.

Personally, the operational semantics given in SPJ's Tackling the 
Awkward Squad always struck me as an accurate model of how GHC performs IO.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-30 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Conal Elliott wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

The function

 f :: Int - IO Int
 f x = getAnIntFromTheUser = \i - return (i+x)

is pure according to the common definition of pure in the context of
purely functional programming. That's because

 f 42 = f (43-1) = etc.

Put differently, the function always returns the same IO action, i.e. the
same value (of type  IO Int) when given the same parameter.

Two questions trouble me:

How can we know whether this claim is true or not?

What does the claim even mean, i.e., what does the same IO action mean,
considering that we lack a denotational model of IO?

I think you can put at least these troubles to rest by noting that  f 42 
 and  f (43-1)  are intentionally equal, even though you're not 
confident on their extensional meaning.

The idea is to represent IO as an abstract data type

type IO' a = Program IOInstr a

data Program instr a where
Return :: a - Program instr a
Then   :: instr a - (a - Program instr b) - Program instr b

instance Monad (Program instr) where
return = Return
(Return a)   = g = g a
(i `Then` f) = g = i `Then` (\x - f x = g)

date IOInstr a where
PutChar :: Char - IOInstr ()
GetChar :: IOInstr Char

So, two values of type  IO' a  are equal iff their program codes are 
equal (= intensional equality), and this is indeed the case for  f 42 
and  f (43-1) . Therefore, the (extensional) interpretations of these 
values by GHC  are equal, too, even though you don't think we know what 
these interpretations are.

(Of course, programs with different source code may be extensionally 
equal, i.e. have the same effects. That's something we would need a 
semantics of IO for.)

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-29 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Steve Horne wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Purity has nothing to do with the question of whether you can express 
IO in Haskell or not.

The beauty of the IO monad is that it doesn't change anything about 
purity. Applying the function

   bar :: Int - IO Int

to the value 2 will always give the same result:

Yes - AT COMPILE TIME by the principle of referential transparency it 
always returns the same action. However, the whole point of that action 
is that it might potentially be executed (with potentially 
side-effecting results) at run-time. Pure at compile-time, impure at 
run-time. What is only modeled at compile-time is realized at run-time, 
side-effects included.

Well, it's a matter of terminology: impure /= has side effects. The 
ability of a language to describe side effects is not tied to its 

Again, purity refers to the semantics of functions (at run-time): given 
the same argument, will a function always return the same result? The 
answer to this question solely decides whether the language is pure or 
impure. Note that this depends on the meaning of function within that 
language. In C, side-effects are part of the semantics of functions, so 
it's an impure language. In Haskell, on the other hand, functions will 
always return the same result, so the language is pure. You could say 
that side effects have been moved from functions to some other type 
(namely IO) in Haskell.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-29 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Gregg Reynolds wrote:

Donn Cave wrote:

Quoth Gregg Reynolds wrote:

Look again at the sentence you trimmed off the end:

Of course, the point is that this result is an *IO action* of 
type IO Int, it's not the Int you would get when executing

this action.

I believe that more or less points to the key to this discussion. 
If it didn't make sense to you, or didn't seem relevant to the 
question of pure functions, then it would be worth while to think 
more about it.

Ok, let's parse it out.  …it's not the int you would get 'when
executing this action.  Close, but no cooky: it's not any kind of
int at all (try doing arithmetic with it).  IO Int is a piece of
rhetoric for the mental convenience of the user; Haskell does not and
cannot know what the result of an IO action is, because it's outside
the scope of the language (and computation).  (The Int part of IO
Int refers to the input, not the output; it's just a sort of type
annotation.)  It's not even a computation, unless you want to take a
broad view and include oracles, interaction, etc. in your definition
of computation.

Why would  IO Int  be something special or mysterious? It's an ordinary 
value like everything else; it's on the same footing as [Char], Maybe 
Int, Int - String, Bool, and so on. I see no difference between the 
list  [1,2,3] :: [Int]  and the action  pick a random number between 1 
and 6 :: IO Int  .

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-29 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Steve Horne wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Again, purity refers to the semantics of functions (at run-time): 
given the same argument, will a function always return the same 
result? The answer to this question solely decides whether the 
language is pure or impure. Note that this depends on the meaning of 
function within that language. In C, side-effects are part of the 
semantics of functions, so it's an impure language. In Haskell, on the 
other hand, functions will always return the same result, so the 
language is pure. You could say that side effects have been moved from 
functions to some other type (namely IO) in Haskell.

Anyway, if you're using IO actions, your code is not referentially 
transparent and is therefore impure - by your own definition of 
impure. Causing side-effects may not be pedantically the issue, but 
the mix of causing and reacting to them - ie interacting with the 
outside - clearly means that some of your function results are 
dependent on what's happening outside your program. That includes 
side-effects outside your program yet caused by program program.

No, that's not my definition of impure. Also, my Haskell code is 
referentially transparent even though I'm using IO actions. If this 
sounds paradoxical, then it's probably worth mulling about some more. 
Maybe it helps to try to find an example of a function  f :: A - B  for 
some cleverly chosen types A,B that is not pure, i.e. does not return 
the same values for equal arguments.

Chris Smith explains it very eloquently and Donn Cove and Jerzy 
Karczmarczuk say the same thing.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-28 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Steve Horne wrote:
This is just my view on whether Haskell is pure, being offered up for 
criticism. I haven't seen this view explicitly articulated anywhere 
before, but it does seem to be implicit in a lot of explanations - in 
particular the description of Monads in SBCs Tackling the Awkward 
Squad. I'm entirely focused on the IO monad here, but aware that it's 
just one concrete case of an abstraction.

Warning - it may look like trolling at various points. Please keep going 
to the end before making a judgement.

To make the context explicit, there are two apparently conflicting 
viewpoints on Haskell...

1. The whole point of the IO monad is to support programming with
   side-effecting actions - ie impurity.
2. The IO monad is just a monad - a generic type (IO actions), a couple
   of operators (primarily return and bind) and some rules - within a
   pure functional language. You can't create impurity by taking a
   subset of a pure language.

My view is that both of these are correct, each from a particular point 
of view. Furthermore, by essentially the same arguments, C is also both 
an impure language and a pure one. [...]

Purity has nothing to do with the question of whether you can express IO 
in Haskell or not.

The word purity refers to the fact that applying a value

   foo :: Int - Int

(a function) to another value *always* evaluates to the same result. 
This is true in Haskell and false in C.

The beauty of the IO monad is that it doesn't change anything about 
purity. Applying the function

   bar :: Int - IO Int

to the value 2 will always give the same result:

   bar 2 = bar (1+1) = bar (5-3)

Of course, the point is that this result is an *IO action* of type  IO 
Int , it's not the  Int  you would get when executing this action.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell meta-programming

2011-12-28 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

John Lato wrote:

From: Heinrich Apfelmus apfel...@quantentunnel.de

* Meta-programming / partial evaluation. When designing a DSL, it is
often the case that you know how to write an optimizing compiler for
your DSL because it's usually a first-order language. However, trying to
squeeze that into GHC rules is hopeless. Having some way of compiling
code at run-time would solve that. Examples:
** Conal Elliott's image description language Pan
** Henning Thielemann's synthesizer-llvm

I've been thinking about this, and I suspect that meta-programming in
Haskell may not be that far off.  Suppose you have a Meta monad

data Meta a = Meta { runMeta :: a}

with the magical property that the compiler will optimize/recompile
expressions of type `Meta a` when they are run via `runMeta`.  That
would provide usable metaprogramming, and I think it would have all
the desired type properties etc.

Of course no compiler currently has that facility, but we could use a
different monad, perhaps something like this:

data ThMeta a = ThMeta { runThMeta :: Language.Haskell.TH.ExpQ }

now we just need to get the compiler to run an arbitrary TH splice and
check that the types match after `runThMeta` is called.  I think this
is already possible via the GHC api.  It would have the undesirable
property that some expressions could be ill-typed, and this wouldn't
be known until run-time, but it's a start.

That's about as far as I got before I discovered a much more
worked-out version on Oleg's site (with Chung-chieh Shan and Yukiyoshi
Kameyama).  Of course they've tackled a lot of the awkward typing
issues that my simple construct rudely pushes onto the user.

I'm probably showing my naivety here, and I haven't fully digested
their papers yet, but I wouldn't be surprised to see applications
using Haskell metaprogramming within a relatively short time.

You are probably referring to the paper

  Kameyama, Y; Kiselyov, O; Shan, C.
  Computational Effects across Generated Binders:
Maintaining future-stage lexical scope.

As far as I understand, they are dealing with the problem of binding 
variables in your ThMeta thing.

While this is certainly useful, I think the main problem is that GHC 
currently lacks a way to compile Template Haskell splices (or similar) 
at runtime. For instance, Henning is currently using LLVM to dynamically 
generate code, but the main drawback is that you can't freely mix it 
with existing Haskell code.

Put differently, I would say that DSLs often contain stages which are 
first-order and thus amenable to aggressive optimization, but they 
frequently also contain higher-order parts which should at least survive 
the optimization passes. A simple example would be list fusion on [Int 
- Int]: the fusion is first-order, but the list elements are 
higher-order. You need some kind of genuine partial evaluation to deal 
with that.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Reifying case expressions [was: Re: On stream processing, and a new release of timeplot coming]

2011-12-27 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Sebastian Fischer wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Likewise, each function from lists can be represented in terms of our new
data type [...]

   length' :: ListTo a Int
   length' = CaseOf
   (\x - fmap (1+) length')

   length = interpret length'

This version of `length` is tail recursive while the previous version is
not. In general, all functions defined in terms of `ListTo` and `interpret`
are spine strict - they return a result only after consuming all input list

This is what Eugene observed when defining the identity function as

idC = CaseOf [] (\x - (x:) $ idC)

This version does not work for infinite lists. Similarly, `head` and `take`
cannot be defined as lazily as in the standard libraries.

Indeed, the trouble is that my original formulation cannot return a 
result before it has evaluated all the case expressions. To include 
laziness, we need a way to return results early.

Sebastian's  ListTransformer  type does precisely that for the special 
case of lists as results, but it turns out that there is also a 
completely generic way of returning results early. In particular, we can 
leverage lazy evaluation for the result type.

The idea is, of course, to reify another function. This time, it's going 
to be  fmap

data ListTo a b where
Fmap   :: (b - c) - ListTo a b - ListTo a c
CaseOf :: b - (a - ListTo a b) - ListTo a b

(GADT syntax due to the existential quantification implied by Fmap ). To 
see why this works, have a look at the interpreter

interpret :: ListTo a b - ([a] - b)
interpret (Fmap f g)= fmap f (interpret g)
interpret (CaseOf nil cons) = \ys - case ys of
[] - nil
(x:xs) - interpret (cons x) xs

In the case of functions, fmap  is simply function concatenation

fmap f (interpret g) = f . interpret g

Now, the point is that our interpretation returns part of the result 
early whenever  the function  f  is lazy and returns part of the result 
early. For instance, we can write the identity function as

idL :: ListTo a [a]
idL = CaseOf [] $ \x - Fmap (x:) idL

When interpreted, this function will perform a pattern match on the 
input list first, but then the  Fmap  will ensure that we return the 
first element of the result. This seems incredible, so I encourage the 
reader to check this by looking at the reduction steps for the expression

interpret idL (1:⊥)

To summarize, we do indeed have  id = interpret idL .

Of course, the result type is not restricted to lists, any other type 
will do. For instance, here the definition of a short-circuiting  and

andL :: ListTo Bool Bool
andL = CaseOf True $ \b - Fmap (\c - if b then c else False) andL

testAnd = interpret andL (True:False:undefined)
-- *ListTo testAnd
-- False

With the right applicative instance, it also possible to implement  take 
and friends, see also the example code at


Essentially, the  Fmap  constructor also allows us to define a properly 
lazy function  const .

To avoid confusion, I chose new names for my new types.

data ListConsumer a b
  = Done !b
  | Continue !b (a - ListConsumer a b)

I know that you chose these names to avoid confusion, but I would like 
to advertise again the idea of choosing the *same* names for the 
constructors as the combinators they represent

data ListConsumer a b
= Const b
| CaseOf b (a - ListConsumer a b)

interpret :: ListConsumer a b - ([a] - b)
interpret (Const b) = const b
interpret (CaseOf nil cons) = \ys - case ys of
[] - nil
(x:xs) - interpret (const x) xs

This technique for designing data structures has the huge advantage that 
it's immediately clear how to interpret it and which laws are supposed 
to hold. Especially in the case of lists, I think that this approach 
clears up a lot of confusion about seemingly new concepts like Iteratees 
and so on: Iteratees are just ordinary functions [a] - b, albeit with a 
slightly different representation in terms of familiar combinators like 
 case of, const, or fmap.

The turn combinators into constructors technique is the staple of 
designing combinator libraries and goes back to at least Hughes' famous 

  John Hughes. The Design of a Pretty-printing Library. (1995)

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] MIDI-controlled application

2011-12-27 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Stephen Tetley wrote:

Events in FRP / Yampa are typically key presses / mouse movement, so a
MIDI controller generating Note-on / Note-off events would be a direct
analogue to key presses.

More problematic is that FRP models hybrid (continuous and discrete)
systems. For me at least, MIDI seems essentially discrete - a stream
of control events. In MIDI files control events are twinned with a
time stamp so they can be played. Presumably events are instantaneous
in real-time interactive MIDI - not something I've looked at.

Working with an FRP system like Yampa might add a lot of complexity,
which admittedly you should be able to ignore - but initially it might
be difficult to identify what parts are needed for a mostly discrete
system like MIDI. (If you are time-stamping MIDI events yourself you
will presumably need to sample a running clock which seems like a
continuous behaviour...)

Unfortunately I can't think of any systems in Haskell that are more
discrete than continuous so you might have to choose a FRP system

Concerning FRP, I would like to advertise my reactive-banana library
here, which tries to follow Conal Elliott's semantics with behaviors and 


I intend to do audio / MIDI programming in the future, so it's going to
be well-supported for your particular purpose, even. That said, I
haven't started to use it for MIDI myself yet, so I appreciate any kind
of feedback!

If you want to learn reactive-banana, I recommend that you have a look
at the source code of the model implementation in Reactive.Banana.Model.
It's intended to be really simple to understand and it's the
authoritative reference for the semantics of the actual implementation
(which is far from simple to understand). As you can see, the model uses
infinite lists. The advantage of the actual implementation, especially
for MIDI, is that it is *real-time*, something which is tricky to do 
with infinite lists. Still, you could probably use the model as a guide 
for cooking up your own FRP library.

Incidentally, I've been working on a MIDI animation language for the
last couple of days based on the animation language in Paul Hudak's
book. I've wanted continuous behaviours to model modulating volumes
(crescendos, decrescendos) and panning, but I've found the work tough
going for modelling the note lists where I want the system discrete in
both input (specification) and output.

Consider me interested. How does your approach compare to
Conal-style FRP with behaviors and events?

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Reifying case expressions [was: Re: On stream processing, and a new release of timeplot coming]

2011-12-25 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Eugene Kirpichov wrote:

In the last couple of days I completed my quest of making my graphing
utility timeplot ( http://jkff.info/software/timeplotters ) not load the
whole input dataset into memory and consequently be able to deal with
datasets of any size, provided however that the amount of data to *draw* is
not so large. On the go it also got a huge speedup - previously visualizing
a cluster activity dataset with a million events took around 15 minutes and
a gig of memory, now it takes 20 seconds and 6 Mb max residence.
(I haven't yet uploaded to hackage as I have to give it a bit more testing)

The refactoring involved a number of interesting programming patterns that
I'd like to share with you and ask for feedback - perhaps something can be

The source is at http://github.com/jkff/timeplot

The datatype of incremental computations is at
https://github.com/jkff/timeplot/blob/master/Tools/TimePlot/Incremental.hs .
Strictness is extremely important here - the last memory leak I eliminated
was lack of bang patterns in teeSummary.

Your  StreamSummary  type has a really nice interpretation: it's a 
reification of  case  expressions.

For instance, consider the following simple function from lists to integers

length :: [a] - Int
length xs = case xs of
[] - 0
(y:ys) - 1 + length ys

We want to reify the case expression as constructor of a data type. What 
type should it have? Well, a case expression maps a list  xs  to a 
result, here of type Int, via two cases: the first case gives a result 
and the other maps a value of type  a  to a function from lists to 
results again. This explanation was probably confusing, so I'll just go 
ahead and define a data type that represents functions from lists  [a] 
to some result of type  r

data ListTo a r = CaseOf r (a - ListTo a r)

interpret :: ListTo a r - ([a] - r)
interpret (CaseOf nil cons) xs =
case xs of
[] - nil
(y:ys) - interpret (cons y) ys

As you can see, we are just mapping each  CaseOf  constructor back to a 
built-in case expression.

Likewise, each function from lists can be represented in terms of our 
new data type: simply replace all built-in case expressions with the new 

length' :: ListTo a Int
length' = CaseOf
(\x - fmap (1+) length')

length = interpret length'

The CaseOf may look a bit weird, but it's really just a straightforward 
translation of the case expression you would use to define the function 
 go  instead.

Ok, this length function is really inefficient because it builds a huge 
expression of the form  (1+(1+...)). Let's implement a strict variant 

lengthL :: ListTo a Int
lengthL = go 0
go !n = CaseOf (n) (\x - go (n+1))

While we're at it, let's translate two more list functions

foldL' :: (b - a - b) - b - ListTo a b
foldL' f b = Case b (\a - foldL' f $! f b a)

sumL:: ListTo Int Int
sumL= foldL' (\b a - a+b) 0

And now we can go for the point of this message: unlike ordinary 
functions from lists, we can compose these in lock-step! In particular, 
the following applicative instance

instance Applicative (ListTo a) where
pure b = CaseOf b (const $ pure b)
(CaseOf f fs) * (CaseOf x xs) =
CaseOf (f x) (\a - fs a * xs a)

allows us to write a function

average :: ListTo Int Double
average = divide $ sumL * lengthL
divide a b = fromIntegral a / fromIntegral b

that runs in constant space! Why does this work? Well, since we can now 
inspect case expressions, we can choose to evaluate them in lock-step, 
essentially computing  sum  and  length  with just one pass over the 
input list. Remember that the original definition

average xs = sum xs / length xs

has a space leak because the input list xs is being shared.

1. Reified case expressions are, of course, the same thing as Iteratees, 
modulo chunking and weird naming.

2. My point is topped by scathing irony: if Haskell had a form of 
*partial evaluation*, we could write applicative combinators for 
*ordinary* functions  [a] - r  and express  average  in constant space. 
 In other words, partial evaluation would make it unnecessary to reify 
case expressions for the purpose of controlling performance / space leaks.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-22 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Alexander Solla wrote:

And denotational semantics is not just nice. It is useful. It's the best
way to understand why the program we just wrote doesn't terminate.

Denotational semantics is unrealistic.  It is a Platonic model of
constructive computation.  Alan Turing introduced the notion of an oracle
to deal with what we are calling bottom.  An oracle is a thing that
(magically) knows what a bottom value denotes, without having to wait for
an infinite number of steps.  Does Haskell offer oracles?  If not, we
should abandon the use of distinct bottoms.  The /defining/ feature of a
bottom is that it doesn't have an interpretation.

Huh? I don't see the problem.

Introducing bottom as a value is a very practical way to assign a 
well-defined mathematical object to each expression that you can write 
down in Haskell. See


It's irrelevant whether _|_ is unrealistic, it's just a mathematical 
model anyway, and a very useful one at that. For instance, we can use it 
to reason about strictness, which gives us information about lazy 
evaluation and operational semantics.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-20 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Tillmann Rendel wrote:


Robert Clausecker wrote:

Image you would create your own language with a paradigm similar to
Haskell or have to chance to change Haskell without the need to keep any
compatibility. What stuff would you add to your language, what stuff
would you remove and what problems would you solve completely different?

I would try to improve the language's support for the embedding of 
domain-specific embedded languages (aka. combinator libraries). Such 
embedding requires the integration of a domain-specific language's 
syntax, static semantics and dynamic semantics. Some (more or less far 
fetched) ideas about these three areas follow.

I think this is a very good point. The things I would like to see:

* Better syntax for observable sharing. Doaitse Swierstra proposed a 
grammer construct that is basically a  let  statement where the binder 
names can be observed. I'm not entirely sure whether that is the most 
general or sufficient syntax, but something along these lines.

* Meta-programming / partial evaluation. When designing a DSL, it is 
often the case that you know how to write an optimizing compiler for 
your DSL because it's usually a first-order language. However, trying to 
squeeze that into GHC rules is hopeless. Having some way of compiling 
code at run-time would solve that. Examples:

** Conal Elliott's image description language Pan
** Henning Thielemann's synthesizer-llvm

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Platform

2011-11-27 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Jeremy O'Donoghue wrote:

Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

Does anybody care about wxHaskell?

Actually there has been quite a bit of work on wxHaskell recently, although
most has not made it into the mainline yet. The archives of wxhaskell-users
and wxhaskell-devel (both at Sourceforge) contain the details, but a short
summary below:


In short, while there has not been much headline grabbing activity, we
actually have a lot going on, and I hope it will be ready for wider use in
the next month or two. This is mostly dependent on me getting my act
together as lead maintainer.

Awesome work!

For those interested in wxHaskell, I would like to mention that it's now 
possible to program GUIs in a purely functional style, using functional 
reactive programming (FRP). See also


Jeremy, I would love to be able to use wxHaskell from ghci on MacOS X; 
that would speed up my GUI development cycle considerably.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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