Re: [meteorite-list] Matt's SPADE impact melt breccia

2003-08-26 Thread Sharkkb8
Bernd: got my thin L'Aigle slice today that I had bid on on EBay. Wow, how happyI am about this little L6 - "only" an L6, but the "history-laden" L'Aigle chondrite,that, along with Barbotan, convinced the last conservative bunch of enlightenedscientists, that stones do fall from the skies. I lov

[meteorite-list] yet more ebay junk

2003-08-30 Thread Sharkkb8 you what material is see the dealer no wantanalyzed this and it d

Re: [meteorite-list] yet more ebay junk

2003-08-30 Thread Sharkkb8
now we have the Estate meteorite Yes, but in this seller's defense, he closed his previous auction of this rock, and inserted this into the description in the new listing:  "THIS IS BEING OFFERED AS FOUND AND NOT SURE

Re: [meteorite-list] yet more ebay junk

2003-08-30 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I dont know why you guys keep bothering. I realizethat most (But not all) of you have honest intentions Well, thanks for your approval of some (But not all) of us.    << but you are wasting your time. >>   At least we're trying to do some good, donating some time and t

Re: [meteorite-list] DAG 670 & 476

2003-09-02 Thread Sharkkb8
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: DAG 476 referred to as "Lucky 13" Why is it lucky 13? It was the thirteenth Mars meteorite discovered.or at least classified.  If memory serves, there were a few higher-numbered DaG's that turned out to be Martian, which were technically found prior to 476.  (Conf

[meteorite-list] threatened slander suits?

2003-09-07 Thread Sharkkb8
Anyone know the deal with [EMAIL PROTECTED], who possibly answers to the name of "R. A. MasFrank"?   He's been threatening yet-to-be-defined legal action against various and sundry dealers and meteoritical scientists for a couple of years now.   I'd like to chat with this person one-on-one, to fi

Re: [meteorite-list] Denver

2003-09-08 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Who else will be there? I will be  -  my first Denver-show.  Anne Black kindly relieved some anxieties by letting me know that there is plenty of good, spicy food in Denver, so (unlike a recent trip to County Fife, Scotland) there will be no need to bring along a jar

Re: [meteorite-list] Denver

2003-09-09 Thread Sharkkb8
 FERNLEA4 writes: I'll be bringing my own sandwiches Figures to be a chilling test of our Customs and border security. ;-)   So Mike F. asked the question - but the Denver-immigration can't be just him, Mark Bostick, the Merry Bagpiper, and me.  Who else is Denver-bound?       Gregory 

[meteorite-list] collector-contact?

2003-09-17 Thread Sharkkb8
I've been emailing a Wichita/Kansas collector named Jerry Calvert, but my emails the last several days have bounced.  Anyone know how to to contact him?  Thanx       Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: [meteorite-list}lottsa nwa's A bird in the hand...

2003-09-26 Thread Sharkkb8
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  << Where they land is of secondary interest. i.e. better a meteorite from NWA than a meteor-wrong from the White House lawn.  >>   Well, surely there's NO ONE who would actually prefer the latter choice.   Presenting it as a choice between a real desert meteorite and a

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteor Humor

2003-10-02 Thread Sharkkb8
find them. Here's my favorite, I had it made into a little placque, and it's displayed on my meteorite shelves   Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] New Orleans fall PHOTOS

2003-10-04 Thread Sharkkb8
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I may think you are the most sour grape in Italy. I would have commented in your pigeon english but I can't figure it out. I don't speak a word of Italian but it seems you intentionaly used mumbo jumbo talk for some vested reason. << Tell me that I'm wrong >> I t

Re: [meteorite-list] Hualapai wash 2 (meteorite economics 101)

2003-10-07 Thread Sharkkb8
  Dave, was it you who pointed out that buyers actually dictate the prices ofmeteorites (I did the same in a post many years ago)?  Sorry if I amslightly anyone here but in a very real sense, this is true.  I've expressed that sentiment a number of times, too.   If sellers alone dicated prices,

Re: [meteorite-list] Hualapai wash 2 (meteorite economics 101)

2003-10-07 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: (who is trying to figure out a way to ask if Gregory and the rest of the Californians have a new gov'na yet and somehow make it relevant to meteorites) Don't get me started..;-)   Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] India

2003-10-07 Thread Sharkkb8
  Mother Theresa made it her home, must have some redeeming qualities,somewhere, maybe Surely says a whole lot more about Mother Teresa than Calcutta.       Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: [MeteoriteCollectors] BS AD: 20% off everything on ...

2003-10-08 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Matteo and Michael Blood should go back to nit wits! C'mon Michael (C.)  -  that doesn't really address Michael (B.)'s inquiry about your "discount" pricing.  If it's just a (moderately-insulting) marketing ploy to get the same net amount of money for a rock

Re: [meteorite-list] BS AD: 20% off 120% rocks

2003-10-08 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: It is something else Okey dokey.    Guess that REALLY makes me a PAST customer.    ;-)   Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] India report #2.

2003-10-10 Thread Sharkkb8
 Matteo: This is my last email I write on thisargument, Does this mean you are leaving the list.again?       Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] Matteo's Challenge Answered(was India #2)

2003-10-11 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: ..infamous B Specks[snip]How do you know, other than the reputation of the seller behind it? How does the average collector know that a 50-gram slice is what the seller says it is?  You, Steve, are certainly sophisticated enough to visually assess a sp

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: [meteoritecollectorsassociation] Intermission/Membra...

2003-10-12 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: What I would like to mention is that the Apple Rubber company in NY (no, they aren't that kind of company) make all sizes of o-rings and are especially noted for the manufacture of silicon o-rings in just about any color you can think of including a translucent uncolo

Re: [meteorite-list] Matteo's Challenge Answered

2003-10-12 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I would have kept this to myself except he [Matteo] asked if anyone had questioned their dealings with him and apparently several of us did. ...and  I know others (myself included) have additional stories, but have decided to keep them quiet out of respect for the res

Re: [meteorite-list] Matteo

2003-10-13 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: << cruelest lie of all was the one you told acouple of weeks ago stating that you were leaving the list.        Regretfully, Michael Blood  >> If enough people filter out his posts, maybe it will amount to the same thing. << Don't accept rides from strange men, and rem

Re: [meteorite-list] Back to meteorites..

2003-10-14 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Kem Kem was only a provisional name and b) it had not been classified yet.  Has anyone heard anything further on whether this meteorite ever became 'legit'?  Recognizing that there are two entirely separate considerations  -  i.e. Classification vs NomCom recogni

Re: [meteorite-list] A Letter From Blaine Reed

2003-10-15 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: my 4 part series regarding factors that keep the meteorite market depressed has met with virtually NO discussion on the list Yep.   Dozens of personal attack and counterattack posts.  Dozens of posts complaining about the attacks and counterattacks.  Dozens of email

[meteorite-list] nitric acid disposal

2003-10-16 Thread Sharkkb8
A while back I thought I'd try my hand at doing some iron-etching.  After a few less than impressive attempts, and with the increasing realization that nitric acid is tremendously nasty stuff, I'm now wanting to get rid of the (almost) gallon I have.  My local city Household Hazmat Disposal Cente

[meteorite-list] Today's meteorite "fall" anniversary

2003-10-17 Thread Sharkkb8   From time to time listees acknowledge meteorite fall anniversaries, and today is such a date, the 14th anniversary of a California fall which is largely unknown by most collectors.   I narrowly missed being struck by this falling "con

Re: [meteorite-list] nitric acid disposal

2003-10-18 Thread Sharkkb8
Many thanks to all who responded, about this daunting (to unscientific-me, anyway) task.  I worked slowly and erred on the side of caution, diluted down to a VERY weak solution, added sodium carb, let steep, and dumped.   What was left over, I'm adding to a pitcher of Herradura margaritas, for a

Re: [meteorite-list] Collecting Habits

2003-10-21 Thread Sharkkb8
ing.   Speaking of "looks-like-an-animal" here's my Imilac rabbit;-)   GregoryJ. Gregory Wilson2118 Wilshire Blvd. #918Santa Monica, CA 90403

Re: [meteorite-list] Beginner Collection

2003-10-21 Thread Sharkkb8
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: What would be a nice way to start a collection? Are there any specific types that are good for beginners? Currently I justhave a few fragments of the recent Indian meteorite fall in Orissa. Well, I would imagine that a lot of collectors reading this might want to tr

Re: [meteorite-list] Dreaming meteorites

2003-10-21 Thread Sharkkb8
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I am overwhelmed by the support and response to a new person like me. I'm guessing this was a better evening for the m-list, than a lot of recent ones.     "Congratulations" to us, we finally got it right.   ;-)   Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] Gueretaro Mexico

2003-10-24 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I'm searching for informations on a more recent find (iron?) from Mexico, Gueretaro (or similar).  Does somebody knows something about? Probably Queretaro  -  it's an H4, found in 1971.   The blurb in the NHM database:   A complete, very weathered individual weighing

Re: [meteorite-list] Stange Happenings in the Shop

2003-11-07 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: The bucket started to bubble (or boil, we are not sure) and anoxious brown cloud that smelt like rotten eggs permeated our shop gaggingeverybody present.  We were tempted to call a hazmat team but decided todeal with the problem ourselves.  We didn't have gas masks so

Re: [meteorite-list] Stange Happenings in the Shop

2003-11-07 Thread Sharkkb8
 Impactika writes: Will you give the high-bidder the bucket (what's left of it) Yes, sounds like the sort of thing that would draw some bids (or some fun, anyway) at Michael Blood's auction in Tucson!   Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] Stange Happenings in the Shop

2003-11-08 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: All Greg had to do to get rid of his Nitric acid was to lable it as a"magic cleaning solution" and sell it to unsuspecting meteorite collectors Although it's the first time I can recall being described as a "hippie".    ;-)     Gregory

[meteorite-list] list-post from Rob Matson

2003-11-08 Thread Sharkkb8
Hi, gang  -   Rob Matson is having difficulty posting to the list, and asked me to forward this to everyone   Gregory ___     Hi All,For those that haven't read the latest MeteoriteTimes offering fromPaul and Jim, it's packed full of interesting art

Re: [meteorite-list] Lunar eclipse

2003-11-08 Thread Sharkkb8
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: How about other list members -- any impressions? In my area of Southern California, I had an unobstructed view of some backlit clouds. ;-)

Re: [meteorite-list] Ownership Claimed for Asteroid 433 Eros

2003-11-09 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  McD refused to negotiate with the lady thatwon that lawsuit, even early on, when her lawyer askedfor little. No doubt McDonald's made the same "mistake" that the rest of humanity did  -  believing that our legal system and litigious society could not possibly be so

Re: [meteorite-list] ? Costa Mesa Show ?

2003-11-11 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: When is the Costa Mesa Show?I have a flier that says "Nov. 13-15, 2004."Did I miss it?Is the year wrong?Someone please straighten me out... According to Marty Zinn's website.   there's one this weekend (and I got a flier from Marvin an

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: Chixculub material testing

2003-11-15 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: a person has to explain how pieces of the Chixculub impactor, presuming significant pieces of it even survived the impact came to be deposited on a Yucatan beach. How about a Venice beach, like Lido di Venezia?    Just askin'. ;-)   Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] Since we are on the subject of testing

2003-11-15 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: We are voting on "Dronino" now.  Results should be announced very soon.jeff Thanks, Jeff.  What about "Oum Rokba"?   Did that ever receieve an NWA number, or is the name "Oum Rokba" itself in the pipe?     GregoryJ. Gregory Wilson2118 Wilshire Blvd. #918Santa Monica,

Re: [meteorite-list] Since we are on the subject of testing

2003-11-15 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Michael Cottingham, Farmer and gang were selling the meteorite first as Oum Rokba, me and Dean Bessey sold lots of the meteorite under the name "NWA 400"[snip]they are the same meteorite in my opinion.  So if it does get an NWA number, not that I am saying it

Re: [meteorite-list] To the all happy persons of the idiot site

2003-11-16 Thread Sharkkb8
Matteo writes: Fairies still the smiles and the struck ones? Or would hit you a lot? If for casefairies it leave of the first category, then you are not for null normal persons. I can't be positive, but something tells me this is insulting to the fairies and the struck ones.   Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] website etc

2003-11-17 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: take your racism elsewhere. Just out of curiosity, to which race do you refer?    Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] nantan

2003-11-26 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Please correct me if I am wrong but is this not just a tektite. Definitely a tektite.  Even with difficult photos, it's a tektite.   Gregory

[meteorite-list] AD - Divnoe and Weston....and some other stuff

2003-12-02 Thread Sharkkb8
Divnoe (ungrouped) and the most historically important American witnessed fall (Weston), closing in an hour+ at (currently) obscenely low prices

Re: [meteorite-list] OT: BCC meteor(wrong) cabochons

2003-12-03 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Note the interesting way of wording their disclaimer...  <<  Due to the exposure of scientific misconduct, BCC Meteorites does not have a reciprocal professional working relationship with the Meteoritical Society nor the Nomenclature Committee. >>   I know the MetSoc

Re: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom is Back!

2003-12-08 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Ain't free speech wonderful? :-) Apparently not, to Matteo.   Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom is Back!

2003-12-08 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: It looks like Proud Tom is NOT back.  I tried to go to the site and got an error message. It WAS back, but Matteo "no like joke" and apparently had it shut down.  Evidently he feels comfortable pronouncing what is Acceptable To Be Seen and what isn't, and we must all

Re: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom is Back!

2003-12-08 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: if you like many this joke, send to me a your photoand a build for you a similar Tom Idiot site thereforethen you laugh of taste Matteo, I am sending you a photo momentarily.  I look forward to the comedy-website you will produce.  Please let us all know when it is re

Re: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom is Back!

2003-12-08 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: we are all subject to his dictates. ..and soon we may all be lucky beneficiaries of his humor.  I sent two pictures, in response to his challenge, so let's see what that funny, funny guy comes up with.   Anyone else want to send him a picture, and encourage him to do

Re: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom is Back!

2003-12-08 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Don't hold your breath. I'm a diverwe're trained not to.   ;-)   Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] The Tucson Show 2004

2003-12-10 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Who is going to attend the up coming Tucson Show?  I'll be there, probably around the 6th - 11th, or thereabouts.  And in a completely unrelated matter ;-) I'm presently mulling the possibility of selling my 1986-vintage Celestron 8" Schmidt Cassegrain (considering an

Re: [meteorite-list] The Pledge, or On The Wagon

2003-12-11 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Who was that woman that liked to post a lot??? and knew it all??? While that last part could (ahem) be said of quite a few women ;-) .you are presumably referring to none other than Julia Swaim, then of [EMAIL PROTECTED].   Ah, the stories that I (and a lot o

Re: [meteorite-list] Re:Identity of Proud Tom - REMOVE ME FROM LIST

2003-12-11 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: any e-mails addressing my comments should be posted to the list for all to see.      OK.   You've been on this list for a year and you STILL don't know that you have to remove yourself from it?      Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] Re:Identity of Proud Tom - REMOVE ME FROM LIST

2003-12-11 Thread Sharkkb8
 GT40dawg writes: Here is, once again, a fine example of what I speak of...and once again (unfortunetly), it generates another unrelated, non-meteorite post.  Randy, you &%#&(@*  ASKED for responses to be posted to the whole list!   Wow.  This is a "tough room".  Sorry to see you go.   Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] Lost Creek may be really lost!!!

2003-12-12 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Does anyone have information on the "Lost Creek" meteorite? [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I am "at a loss" to find "Lost Creek" as well. I know Jerry is an avid collector of Kansas meteorites in particular, and a glance at "Meteorites A-Z" reveals the following Kansas

Re: [meteorite-list] need meteorite info

2003-12-13 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: i am looking for the type, date when found, and tkw of the following meteorites:   selma, al   H4  Dallas County, Alabama  1906  tkw 141 kg vyatka (sp.?) russia   H4/5  -  Kirovskaya, Russia 1992  tkw 32+ tkw odessa, tx   iron IAB fine octahedrite  Ector County, Texa

Re: [meteorite-list] need meteorite info

2003-12-13 Thread Sharkkb8
 Sharkk b8 writes: I also seem to recall a story with Vyatka  -  it used to be called something else, and a large percentage of the TKW was missing, and then it was discovered somewhere else with a different of those kind of stories.  Anyone remember details? There's a word for peo

Re: [meteorite-list] the 2nd person to sell orrissa

2003-12-16 Thread Sharkkb8
Matteo writes: from today in then I will not write never more in this list   "...and they all lived happily ever after."    Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] the 2nd person to sell orrissa

2003-12-16 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: you and many other have boken with this idiocies Well, it lasted an hour and 47 minutes. which, using glass-half-full philosophy, is better than an hour and 46.   Merry Christmas.       Gregory

[meteorite-list] AD - FREE Sikhote Alin prize for ebay auctions winner!

2003-12-28 Thread Sharkkb8   I've put up 21 meteorite auctions which will close next Sunday afternoon/eve Jan 3.  There's a Ureilite, a couple of Carbonaceous Chondrites, 53.8 g of Forrest 002 originally from Bob Haag..

Re: [meteorite-list] A Warning

2003-12-30 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I wanted to inform to the infiltrator in my group that.. I will know who is seen that I have asked to Yahoo of to supply myself all of the data of who have put the images. Someone break the news to Matteo:  Mussolini is dead.   GregoryJ. Gregory Wilson2118 Wilshir

[meteorite-list] SALE - Contest w/free Sikhote Alin meteorites on ebay auctions

2004-01-03 Thread Sharkkb8
27;d be happy to bring any of these along to Tucson in a few weeks...!)   GregoryJ. Gregory Wilson2118 Wilshire Blvd. #918Santa Monica, CA 90403

Re: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom Fun

2004-01-07 Thread Sharkkb8
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: look here fantastic Technically, you're supposed to let OTHER people compliment your work, Matteo.     Your funny website is off a pretty good start, I must admit.  You only need to work a little bit on the "making it funny" pa

Re: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom Fun

2004-01-07 Thread Sharkkb8
  Hehe, I like my Zippy-egghead look :-)  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hehe, I like my Zippy-egghead look :-) The "Egghead" is you?!   Hahaha.   I'm the one by the Wold Cottage monument, and also the one with the "solar lamp" comment.  (Matteo at least had the wisdom to edit out the NHM's Dr Ro

Re: [meteorite-list] good news on my new nevada meteorite,(so far)

2004-01-08 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hi list.Just want to update you all on my meteorite puzzle from nevada. How many pieces were there, and how many of them were sold on ebay?   Just curious.   Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] Catalog of Meterites Question.....

2004-01-15 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Can someone with a new copy of "the book" post the details under the entry for "Glatton" Rob's description on his site was pretty comprehensive - but here's the entry from the NHM Database on CD  -  not sure if the newer (print) copy has anything further:     Glatto

Re: [meteorite-list] Fwd: new litosiderite for sale--open in the meteorite

2004-01-18 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Did any of you receive this email / ad ?    I did.     GregoryJ. Gregory Wilson2118 Wilshire Blvd. #918Santa Monica, CA 90403

Re: [meteorite-list] Name game

2006-02-25 Thread sharkkb8
Anne: It sounds like you don't really Needmore. Au contraire. ;-) King Tut + Cleo(patra) Springs. Lissa + Moora(bie). Cuba + Castro(villari). Shallowater + Deep Springs. Bee(ler) + Pollen. Angelica + Devil Peak. Zhig(ansk) + Zag. Fay(etteville) + Wray. King Solomon + Zulu Queen. Hamlet + E

[meteorite-list] "The Italian Job" ;-)

2004-01-22 Thread Sharkkb8
Is it true?  Has Matteo gone the way of everyone's favorite listee, [*shudder*] Joel Warren?      Gregory . --- Begin Message --- I know that you are are a craven that it has fear to answer to my last email, comfortable to throw me outside the list and not to answer to my email. Y

Re: [meteorite-list] "The Italian Job" ;-)

2004-01-22 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Maybe a late Christmas present from Art? Matteo's response (calling Art nasty names on a different list) demonstrates his "judgment" and people-skills.not that anyone needed a further demonstration.   A childhood tune is now running through my head"Ding Dong, t

[meteorite-list] "The Italian Job" Part II ;-)

2004-01-22 Thread Sharkkb8
I'm receiving numerous off-list emails, folks wanting further details about my list-inquiry concerning Matteo's apparent expulsion.  I attach below all I know about it  -  a post I received this morning, on a different list.   __   Forwarded Message: Subj: [Mete

Re: [meteorite-list] more on Allende

2004-01-22 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: A couple list members have been thinking about making a hunting trip, if you are interested I will let you know the names. There is a history of trouble for gringos in the Allende strewnfield area, if I remember correctly.  Wasn't there some story about a meteorite-h

Re: [meteorite-list] Macovich Auction

2004-01-23 Thread Sharkkb8
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I believe that there is a Macovich auction as usual this year Nope, Darryl opted to "take this year off", but said it would be back in '05.    Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] Attn: Proud Tom

2004-01-24 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Who is Proud Tom? .Should we all contribute one vote for a poll I think it's Matteo.        Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] Stange Meteorite (or not) email

2004-01-24 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Many big Satellite fragment and parts. Extreme Lunar stones with plagioclase feldspar in black glass and matrix also including calcium. Rare blue meteorite from Mars ( 1.000gr ) Many fine Pallasites with olivin and shocked quartz. Allan Hills meteorite ( white ) Wate

Re: [meteorite-list] Tucson late accommodations suggestions?

2004-01-25 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: If anyone can suggest a place for under,say, $160/night, I'm all ears... For many years I used to combine the Tucson show trip with seeing a friend in Phoenix, so I used to stay at the Super 8 Motel in Eloy, just about exactly halfway in between.  It ain't the Four S

Re: [meteorite-list] corrosion question

2004-01-27 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: are there any experiences concerning corrosion behaviour of Gujba and Udei Station meteorites? Any help would be welcome. I've had a fairly sizable slice of Udei Station for 10-12 years, and have had no rusting problem with it whatsoever, despite living 16 blocks from

Re: [meteorite-list] space slag

2004-02-14 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Check out the email that the "Space Slag" freak emailed me. You should actually feel a little slighted, Mike  -  he omitted his usual "I'll see you in court, sir!"    Verbal email-jousting with this guy is recommended only if you're one of those people who can just "

Re: [meteorite-list] Ad - unusual and rare meteorites from NWA

2004-02-20 Thread Sharkkb8
  I believe this material was for sale from Blaine Reed at Tucson Speaking of which, Blaine also had a couple of small baskets of stones displayed, labeled "CV3".  (One basket contained small indiv's, the other contained some cut and polished slices and endpieces).   Obviously they are desert-

Re: [meteorite-list] Glassface found the 33rd Mars Rock

2004-02-22 Thread Sharkkb8
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I just bid ten times in increments of the minimum of sixcents and Gregory is still high bidder at only $1.01  Exactly what I was hoping for  -  I bid $5.00 but I hope that it takes dozens of small-increment-bids for someone to get there, thus cranking up the "numb

[meteorite-list] Re: glassface (without the "gl" ;-)

2004-02-22 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: This is kind of fun, I decided to play.  Note you can bid, $11.00, then bid $11.50 and get two bids in, you cant outbid yourself. Great!  John, you could add few lines to your text (using the "Revise Your Listing" tool) explaining that the immediate explosion of bids

Re: [meteorite-list] Glassface found the 33rd Mars Rock

2004-02-22 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I don't get it, you guys not misleading unless you don't read.I don't get it...  I don't get YOU, Michael  ;-)     -  where here do you read that he's NOT selling this stuff as Martian?   (You sure you're not just re-reading John D.'s retaliatory fake-Martian

Re: [meteorite-list] Glassface found the 33rd Mars Rock

2004-02-22 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: OK, Mr Smartypants,        Send me the ORIGINAL site - I obviously went to the "moc"site.   Mr. Smarty Pants   --- When Jesus said "if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one",

Re: [meteorite-list] It is ridiculous now.

2004-02-27 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: With Bob Haag's and Ron Farrell's advice and great knowledge ... Um. If people want to deal with these  Dealer Wannabes on E-bay who are less than reputable, and not with established World Class Reputable Dealers then it's on them.I personally buy from catalogs

Re: [meteorite-list] Kaali Crater postcards and Joe the Lamp comic

2004-02-29 Thread Sharkkb8
ude=0&userid=sharkkb8   (And speaking of postcards, I'm preparing quite a number auctions of of Meteor Crater postcards, along with some other Meteor Crater memorabilia & brochures, so keep on eye on my seller-link if interested.)   GregoryJ. Gregory Wilson2118 Wilshire Blvd. #918Santa Monica, CA 90403

Re: [meteorite-list] An insight to Amgala and other recent falls

2004-03-02 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: << Dearest Gregory, >> Uh, oh. <<  You are right on on some things and way off on others. >> Story of my life, except for the "right on some things" part. <<  It is that "tone" of the discussion to which Iwas protesting, not the content, itself.  >> I don't like pointle

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite economics revisited

2004-03-03 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: dealers sometimes do set the prices.  It then becomes a matter of trustfor collectors that they are not paying too much.  Spoken from a true seller's perspective.  ;-)   Sellers can think that they set the prices, but they simply don't.  A dollar-per-gram number is not

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite economics revisited

2004-03-03 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: the so-called "rogue" seller was not willing to honor thepublicly made offer to anybody who put in a large order, in other words itwas more for show.  The public perception then became that this material hasnow dropped in price to a certain level even though in most c

Re: [meteorite-list] uhauhauha

2004-03-04 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Dear Dave and Rosemary (Missed ya in Tucson, Rosie)        Actually, "hahahaha" is derived from the Saxon, "huhuhuhu"meaning, "what the hell is going on?" However, in the thirteenthcentury it was in common usage by the Anglos who used it asan _expression_ of humor (wi

Re: [meteorite-list] uhauhauha

2004-03-04 Thread Sharkkb8
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: ( the period of The Great English Bowel Shift) That's Rob Elliott, shortly after the margaritas and jalapenos at Tucson's La Fuente restaurant.   GregoryJ. Gregory Wilson2118 Wilshire Blvd. #918Santa Monica, CA 90403

[meteorite-list] list-crying, ad nauseum

2004-03-05 Thread Sharkkb8
    * sigh *   Longing for a meteorite-list which would have exactly ONE rule:    NO NARCISSISM ALLOWED  -  i.e., no posts like:  "Someone actually dared to write something that wasn't 100% individually tailored to my personal taste.  Golly, it will take me a long time to get over this withering

Re: [meteorite-list] Portales Vally classification?

2004-03-07 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: this unique meteorite deserves it's own group insteadof being shoved into an already existing group. What are your reasons?   GregoryJ. Gregory Wilson2118 Wilshire Blvd. #918Santa Monica, CA 90403

[meteorite-list] AD - vintage Meteor Crater memorabilia, etc AD

2004-03-14 Thread Sharkkb8
for a few pennies! Thanx Gregory

Re: [meteorite-list] Pluto - Part 2 of 2

2004-03-16 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: if it had an orbit around a star it was called aplanet. If it orbited  anything else, like a planet, I would consider it amoon. But by that definition (as opposed to a size/mass-based definition), wouldn't a comet also be considered a planet?   GregoryJ. Gregory Wilso

[meteorite-list] St. Patrick's Day

2004-03-17 Thread Sharkkb8
In hono(u)r of St. Paddy's Day  -  links to one of my favorite collection-items.      GregoryJ. Gregory Wilson2118 Wilshire Blvd. #918Santa Monica, CA 90403

[meteorite-list] The "Old Woman" Meteorite, updates III, IV, and V ;-)

2004-03-24 Thread Sharkkb8
esert Discovery Center in Barstow, CA.   Every time I would drive through the Mojave desert to-or-from Las Vegas or wherever, I would stop and check up on it, usually speaking with either a very sweet, older woman or her son, the two of whom seem

Re: [meteorite-list] Free Giant Shrimp!

2004-03-25 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: what a lame- ass excuse for a cholesterol, saturated fat pusher to attach sleazy advertizing of worthless product to scientific discovery as a way to make americans more unhealthy fast food execs wallets fatter. what's next ?? free smiley-faced burgers from wendy's to

Re: Fw: [meteorite-list] Happy Birthday Park Forest, New 'Rites & Wrong (Park...

2004-03-26 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: If one single soul here can defend that image, I'd like to hear it. I suspect you're essentially alone in wanting to continue with it at all.  Didn't you post  << what's the point of wasting space... >>  just a matter of hours ago?   GregoryJ. Gregory Wilson2118 Wilsh

Re: [meteorite-list] Pluto help

2004-03-28 Thread Sharkkb8
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Sick mime's need to know! But they have to act out their symptoms.     Gregory    

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