Re: Math coloring

2002-04-05 Thread Henrik Holm

[Henrik Holm]

>  [Stephan Lehmke]
>  >  I've made a micro-update of texpower 0.08f which
>  >  now checks for amsmath 2.x. This is also updated
>  >  in the development version of texpower 0.0.9b at
>  >
>  Sorry for the delay -- I'm working very batch-wise nowadays
>  and I haven't been writing any presentations lately.
>  Your fix works great!

Hm.  It turns out that your math coloring fix doesn't work
perfect:  Amsmath implements an equation* environment, which
works in exactly the same manner as the displaymath
environment (I suspect it actually is an alias) in creating an
un'numbered equation.  The peculiar thing is, displaymath gets
colored, but equation* doesn't.

(Naturally, it is not a very big deal, since I can use
displaymath instead.)


Re: Math coloring

2002-04-03 Thread Henrik Holm

[Stephan Lehmke]

>  I've made a micro-update of texpower 0.08f which
>  now checks for amsmath 2.x. This is also updated
>  in the development version of texpower 0.0.9b at

Sorry for the delay -- I'm working very batch-wise nowadays
and I haven't been writing any presentations lately.
Your fix works great!


Re: Math coloring

2002-03-20 Thread Stephan Lehmke

Henrik Holm wrote on 18 Mar 2002 10:14:29 +0100:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{amsmath}
> \usepackage[colormath]{texpower}
> \begin{document}
> Here is some displayed math
> \[
>   e^{-j\pi}+1=0
> \]
> and an equation
> \begin{equation}
>   x = y + z
> \end{equation}
> The equation doesn't get colored when amsmath is loaded (even if it is
> loaded before texpower).
> \end{document}


I have to admit the colormath code is among the most
fragile parts of TeXPower.
It tries to be as minimal invasive as possible, but 
in fact it seems impossible to do this kind of thing
without meddling with a lot of internals, of LaTeX
and of other package intruding into the same areas.
Of course, among other problems, this leads to the
unfortunate situation where any change in any external
package can break the whole thing down.

In this case, it seems the handling of the equation 
environment by amsmath has changed in version 2.x.
Before, it was redefined to be a variant of gather,
so it was handeled by the \everymath hack.
Now, it is treated as a normal displayed math

I've made a micro-update of texpower 0.08f which
now checks for amsmath 2.x. This is also updated
in the development version of texpower 0.0.9b at


  Stephan Lehmke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Fachbereich Informatik, LS I   Tel. +49 231 755 6434 
  Universitaet Dortmund  FAX  6555
  D-44221 Dortmund, Germany 

Re: Math coloring

2002-03-19 Thread Ross Moore

Hello Henrik,

> >  > 
> >  \usepackage{amsmath}  %%  make sure this comes *before* TeXpower...
> >  \usepackage[colormath]{texpower}
> >  %% \usepackage{amsmath} %%  not after it!
> Sadly, this doesn't do the trick -- as the (now minimal)
> example reveals.  But the example is also capable of showing
> that it is amsmath's _fault_.

Your code below works fine for me:

   pdfTeX Version 3.14159-1.00a-pretest-20010806 (Web2C
   Digital Unix, OSF1 (V4.0 1091 alpha).

 and as Wendy says, it doesn't matter which order is used
to load the packages.

The  texpower.sty  package file shows these versions:


and my tpoptions.cfg  and  tpsettings.cfg  are both empty.
My  color.cfg  is the standard one from a TeXLive CD:

> But thanks, I apparently need to be reminded that it is wise
> to load texpower very, very late.

There must be something else wrong too.
Check your  .log  file for a simple job, to track which files
are being loaded. Perhaps you are getting something for dvips
rather than for pdftex ? (Though that should lead to trouble
with all math environments, not just one.)
Maybe you are loading a non-standard version of something,
which has coding that isn't as clean as it could be.

Without seeing a .log file, there's nothing more I can suggest.

Hope this helps,

Ross Moore

> Henrik
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{amsmath}
> \usepackage[colormath]{texpower}
> \begin{document}
> Here is some displayed math
> \[
>   e^{-j\pi}+1=0
> \]
> and an equation
> \begin{equation}
>   x = y + z
> \end{equation}
> The equation doesn't get colored when amsmath is loaded (even if it is
> loaded before texpower).
> \end{document}

Re: Math coloring

2002-03-18 Thread Henrik Holm


thanks for taking the time to run my example.

[Wendy McKay]

>  On a Mac  OS 9.1 using Textures 2.1
>  Your minimal example works no matter where the amsmath
>  package is included, if you intended the text to be blue,
>  and the math to be green.

Interesting.  I think (hope!) that it has to do with different
versions of amsmath, rather than with different operating
systems.  Myself, I am using teTeX-beta (20020207 version) on
a Redhat Linux computer.

>  However, in the first and longer example, all the displayed
>  math is in green except for this one
>  $$   a = b + c  $$   %  but if you change the delimiters to:
>  \[%<--- this will give green math 
>  a = b + c  
>  \]
>  and you will get all the math in green for your example, so
>  the macros seem to work in my configuration as long as you
>  don't use $$...$$ for displays.

Package versions:

>  I am using these versions of amsmath, and texpower:
>  ---
>  Package: amsmath 1997/03/20 v1.2d AMS math features
>  \@mathmargin=\skip43
>  (amstext.sty
>  Package: amstext 1996/10/28 v1.2b
>  (amsgen.sty
>  File: amsgen 1996/10/29 v1.2b
>  ...
>  Package: texpower 2000/06/27 Create Dynamic Presentations with LaTeX. 
>  v0.0.8f
>  (ifthen.sty
>  Package: ifthen 1997/11/02 v1.0n Standard LaTeX ifthen package (DPC)
>  ) (calc.sty
>  Package: calc 1997/11/11 v4.0e Infix arithmetic (KKT,FJ)
>  ...

I seem to be using the same texpower version as you (2000/06/27 v0.0.8f)

For the rest of the packages:  This is what
\RequirePackage{snapshot} gives me:

*{application}{TeX} {1990/03/25 v3.x}
*{format} {LaTeX2e} {2001/06/01 v2.e}
*{file}   {test-math.tex}{/00/00 v0.0}
*{package}{snapshot}{2001/05/24 v1.11}
*{class}  {article} {2001/04/21 v1.4e}
*{file}   {size10.clo}  {2001/04/21 v1.4e}
*{package}{amsmath} {2000/07/18 v2.13}
*{package}{amstext} {2000/06/29 v2.01}
*{package}{amsgen}  {1999/11/30 v2.0}
*{package}{amsbsy}  {1999/11/29 v1.2d}
*{package}{amsopn}  {1999/12/14 v2.01}
*{package}{texpower}{2000/06/27 v0.0.8f}
*{package}{ifthen}  {2001/05/26 v1.1c}
*{package}{calc}{1998/07/07 v4.1b}
*{file}   {tpoptions.cfg}{/00/00 v0.0}
*{package}{color}   {1999/02/16 v1.0i}
*{file}   {color.cfg}   {2001/08/31 v1.1}
*{file}   {dvips.def}   {1999/02/16 v3.0i}
*{file}   {dvipsnam.def}{1999/02/16 v3.0i}
*{file}   {tpsettings.cfg}{/00/00 v0.0}

The tpoptions.cfg and tpsettings.cfg files are the ones that
followed texpower.


Re: Math coloring

2002-03-18 Thread Wendy McKay

On a Mac  OS 9.1 using Textures 2.1
Your minimal  example works no matter where the amsmath package is 
included, if you intended the text to be blue, and the math to be green.

However, in the first and longer example, all the displayed math is in 
green except for this one

$$   a = b + c  $$   %

Re: Math coloring

2002-03-18 Thread Henrik Holm

[Ross Moore]

>  [Henrik Holm]
>  > In many cases, the math coloring works nicely.  However, with
>  > one of my most common ways of displaying equations, it does
>  > not work!  I have included an example -- it isn't strictly
>  > «minimal», but it shows several types of math, some of which
>  > get colored, some don't.  I haven't been able to find a
>  > pattern of which equations do and which don't.
>  Load the packages in a different order!
>  > \documentclass{article}
>  > 
>  \usepackage{amsmath}  %%  make sure this comes *before* TeXpower...
>  \usepackage[colormath]{texpower}
>  %% \usepackage{amsmath} %%  not after it!

Sadly, this doesn't do the trick -- as the (now minimal)
example reveals.  But the example is also capable of showing
that it is amsmath's «fault».

But thanks, I apparently need to be reminded that it is wise
to load texpower very, very late.




Here is some displayed math
and an equation
  x = y + z
The equation doesn't get colored when amsmath is loaded (even if it is
loaded before texpower).

Math coloring

2002-03-17 Thread Henrik Holm

In many cases, the math coloring works nicely.  However, with
one of my most common ways of displaying equations, it does
not work!  I have included an example -- it isn't strictly
«minimal», but it shows several types of math, some of which
get colored, some don't.  I haven't been able to find a
pattern of which equations do and which don't.




Here is some math:
some displayed math
and an equation
  x = y + z
a \TeX\ displayed equation
$$   a = b + c  $$
an unnumbered equation:
  x = y + z
two aligned equations
  x &= y + z  \\
  a &= b + c
two gathered equations
  x = y + z  \\
  a = b + c
The ordinary equation doesn't get colored!