: Sort sort = new Sort(new SortField[]
:         { SortField.FIELD_SCORE, new SortField(customValue, SortField.FLOAT,
: true) });
: indexSearcher.search(q, sort)

that appears to just be a sort on score withe a secondary reversed
float sort on whatever field name is in the variable "customValue" ...
assuming hte field name is "FIELD" that's hte same thing as...

: Sort sort = new Sort(new SortField(customValue, customComparator))
: indexSearcher.search(q, sort)

this is using a custom SortComparatorSource -- code you (or someone else)
has written which is not part of Lucene and which tells lucene how to
order the documents using whatever crazy logic it wants ... for obvious
reasons Solr can't do that same logic (since it doesn't know what it is)

although many things in Solr are easily customizable, just by writting a
little factory and configuring it by class name, i'm afraind
SortComparatorSources aren't once of them.  You could write a custom
RequestHandler which used your SortComparatorSource, or you could write a
custom FieldType that used it anything someone sorted on that field ...
but those are the best options i cna think of.


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