Hi Keith and All,
--- Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >      Hi All,
> >        If the people of Cuba really wanted to help
> >themselves they would overthrow Fidel and the
> >communist.
> >       I've watched as the US has 5 times tried to
> >restart relations with Cuba and each time Fidel has
> >done something like murder people in international
> >waters and other such acts to stop it from
> happening.
> >       I live in Fla amoung the early refugee
> Cubans,
> >the Batista's generation, which I can see why they
> >would want to kick them out. Which, like Fidel,
> they
> >are no better than the other dictators of past of
> >central and so America and worst than many. So I
> don't
> >want them to take power back either.
> >      Until Fidel and the Communist are gone things
> >will not get better there to any degree worth
> >mentioning.
> >      Having visited Cuba in 1979 and following the
> >situation all my life the lives the people have to
> >live is very sad. They have less than nothing most
> of
> >the time.
> >      Just so you know whom you are helping, it's
> >Fidel Castro and the commustist, not it's people
> who
> >get nothing but some beans and rice but not even
> soap.
> >                 jerry dycus
> Hm. No soap, even, eh? Now are you quite sure about
> that, Jerry? I 
> mean, considering the following (which puts them
> somewhat ahead of 
> the US), they probably don't go short of soap
> either:
       Yes Keith, they have little soap. You are 
assuming based on propaganda.
> "Cuba was forced to find alternatives to petrol by
> the American 
> embargo on trade with them. They caught onto the
> idea of using second 
> hand oil that had already been used for cooking.
> Collection vans 
> visit houses and business to take away their waste
> oil and turn it 
> into biodiesel."
     Castro blames everything on the trade embargo
rather than on himself where it belongs. There is 140
plus nations he can trade with. 
     Why doesn't he? 

Because he and his regime is morally and economiclly
     As for used cooking oil for biodiesel, there is
no such thing as waste cooking oil in Cuba. Every bit
is used for food. To make biodiesel from food when his
people are very underfed is criminal.
> BBC - Science - Science Shack - Biodieselsr
> "... nothing but some beans and rice" you say,
> you're sure about that too?
        Yes. Almost all the good stuff goes to the
tourist hotels and the high party members.
> "There's a new revolution on the island nation of
> Cuba; this time in 
> the production of food. The collapse of the Soviet
> Union forced Cuba 
> to turn to small-scale organic farming and urban
> gardens. This 
> dramatic agricultural transformation is unparalleled
> in the world 
> today. American agricultural experts, including some
> Minnesotans, are 
> taking notice..."
   You sound like they do this for enviromental
reasons. Either they do this or starve. They do
organic because they have nothing else. There is like
many other thing in Cuba there is no choice.
   Since Fidel owns all the land he only lets his
favorite people, party members, do this.

> "... Nowadays, most Cubans have enough to eat. Urban
> gardens produce 
> more than half of the fruits and vegetables consumed
> in Cuba. By law 
> no chemicals can be used on any urban gardens...."
       The law is to prevent dollars from leaving the
country, not for any other reason.
       The gardens produce so much of the crops
because the communal farms are such a failure. 
> "... In Havana, a city with slightly less population
> than the Twin 
> Cities, 26,000 people work urban gardens. And so,
> the experts are 
> asking, is Cuba's system of urban gardens worth
> exporting to the U.S. 
> and other countries? Does it make sense that
> valuable urban land be 
> used to grow food?  Oxfam's Minor Sinclair says
> yes..."
    Again these are there because of Fidels failure to
feed his people from his failed regime.

> In 1990 Cuba's cheap supplies of grain, tractors and
> agrochemicals 
> were cut off with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
> Pesticide use 
> halved overnight, as did the calorie intake of its
> citizens. Strapped 
> for cash, Cuba was forced to embrace low-input
> farming or starve. 
> Today, oxen have replaced the tractors, and farmers
> have adopted 
> organic methods, mixing maize with beans and cassava
> and doubling 
> yields in the process, helping average calorie
> intake per person rise 
> back to pre-1990 levels. -- "An Ordinary Miracle",
> New Scientist, 3 
> February 2001.
     The Pre 1990's levels were some beans and rice,
but not enough to have good health. This is the time I
was there. The stores were empty. Were you there? 
I wish you had to live there under those conditions
for a year, your tune would change.
> Despite the US embargo, Cuba has turned a severe
> food crisis into a 
> sustained recovery in food production... Some have
> called Cuba a 
> national laboratory in organic agriculture...
> Imports of pesticides 
> and herbicides actually dropped from 1995 to 1998,
> yet food 
> production rose over the same period... Forty years
> after the birth 
> of the Cuban revolution, Cuba can claim greater
> diversity in its 
> production and in its trading partners than it ever
> has had in modern 
> history. Remarkably, Cuba has brought about this
> dramatic change in 
> agriculture in the middle of a massive economic
> crisis. -- Oxfam 
      This is a bunch of crap for the reasons above..
>All for Fidel Castro, eh, nothing for anybody else?
> Just as long as 
> you're sure of your facts, Jerry.
      Being as I've actually been there and have been
following it for 35 years, yes I do have the real
     You on the other hand take the few small things
and blow them out of proportion.
     How come he has to destroy all the boats except a
few that he keeps guarded well?
     Why won't he let his people go? 
     Why won't he allow free elections? 
     Why won't he allow free speech?
     Why does for the last 5 times we tried to open up
to him he murdered people to stop the openning up
process and ending the trade embargo?
      Because if the embargo was lifted he would lose
power. That's why there is a movement to lift the
embargo unilateraly here in the US.
     I know, it's the bad US that's the fault.
     You need to learn what you are talking about.
     I would like an answer to the questions I've
> Keith Addison
> Journey to Forever

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