Hi there

Here's a set of humanitarian data models for consideration in the making of
the OSM tags for the Haiti Operation to make our data easily readable and
interoperable with other established thematic data sets of relevance and
used by the hum mapping community in the response to the Haiti EQ.


The United Nations Spatial Data Infrastructure for Transport (UNSDIT),
details available at

Light Data model browsable

This model had been developed by the late UN Joint Logistics Centre and is
now used by the UN logistics Centre, the World Food Programme and had been
adopted by many UN agencies to organize their transportation layers
It is interoperable with main transportation data models.
The following projects are using it:

GRIP <http://geoservice.pbl.nl/website/GRIP/> Global Road Information
gROADS <http://www.codata.org/taskgroups/WGglobalroads/index.html> Global
Roads Open Access Data Set
GIST <https://gist.itos.uga.edu/>Geogrpahical information support team:
their public domain road global data set is available under this model


See attached Health Facility Data model in html built up for to support the
MapKibera project with WHO materials

OpenHealth Tagging System

   - Health facility (HFac)

      date of the survey
      - HFacSurvDt
            - Consistency needed there in date format

      health facility UID (country registry code)
      - HFacOUID

      health facility Survey UID
      - HFacUID

      health facility Official name (country registry code)
      - HFacONm

      health facility Current name (survey)
      - HFacCrtNm

      postal address (street number, city, postal code, other; in some
      circumstances, a facility may have some but not all of the postal address
      elements and in these cases the elements that are present should be
      recorded; if the facility has no postal address at all, this
element would
      be omitted)
      - HFacAdr

      main telephone number
      - HFacPhn

      main fax number
      - HFacFax

      main e-mail address
      - HFacEml

      name of the director
      - HFacDirNm

      director’s telephone phone number
      - HFacDirPhn

      facility’s geographic administrative unit level 1
      - AdmU1

      facility’s geographic administrative unit level 2
      - AdmU2

      - Lat

      - Long

      1. Power (a grid and/or functional generator with fuel)

      2. Improved water source within facility (UNICEF definitions)

      4. Toilet facilities for clients (UNICEF definitions)

      3. Room with auditory and visual privacy for patient consultations

      5. Communication equipment

      6. Emergency transport

      7. Overnight beds for 24 hour emergency care

      15. Antenatal Care (ANC)

      16. Facility-based delivery

      17. Family Planning

      18. Child immunization

      20. Sexually transmitted infection (STI) treatment

      19. Sick child care U5 (curative care for children offered daily)

      21. Prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT)

      22. Counseling & Testing for HIV

      23. Palliative care (including treatment of opportunistic infections)

      24. Antiretroviral treatment (ART) or follow up

      25. Tuberculosis (TB) treatment or follow up

and below the structure of WHO Global Health Fac Layer from the shapefile
downloadable on their geonetwork node.

The layer with WHO health facilities dataset is called *

KML link:

The attributes are currently the following:
ID: 34
UnitId: BFH00008
Lat: 14.049
Long: -0.026
Name: DORI
UnitType: 1
Num: 0.0
ISO_Ctry: BF
Name_Ctry: Burkina Faso
UnitTypeNa: Hospital

*Damage assessment*

See attached in html the UNOSAT and ITHACA data models from their last

Damage Assessment Data model in support of OSM tagging

      - Data model from UNOSAT KML
      - IDP Sites
      - Bridges
      - Obstacles
      - Operational Status
         - Closed
         - Restricted
       - ITHACA
      - Data model from ITHACA shp
      - Categories - Classes
         - collapsed buildings
         - damaged infrastructure
         - landslide
         - spontaneous camp

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 75 14 29 70
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
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