On 4/12/2013 8:00 AM, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:
Looking at the profiles of nearby mappers displayed on my profile page's
map, I am astonished to find that most of them have made zero edits.
Those people went through the effort of registering (some even added an
avatar picture) but then did not use their account for anything - no
edits, no traces, nothing.Why ? Are these mere spam registrations or are
we actually losing good potential mappers in the first hours of their
life as Openstreetmap users ?

Looking at a few around here - they probably registered on the spur of the moment to maximize their social media exposure. But they were not spammers in the classic obnoxious sense - just local businesses, or not wanting to miss a possibly important social tool.

As far as the zero edits: I don't have any information on that, but wouldn't be surprised if they had tried to update something but got discouraged. Local mapping groups are the best tool for hands-on assistance to get people started.

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