OSM has got over 1,1 million registered users now. About 20.000 of them
frequently make edits. There's still a lot of opportunities here, because
all registered users at least have some interest in OSM. The question is:
how do we unlock this giant community potential?

Cheers, Johan

2013/4/12 Jean-Marc Liotier <j...@liotier.org>

>  Looking at the profiles of nearby mappers displayed on my profile page's
> map, I am astonished to find that most of them have made zero edits.
> Those people went through the effort of registering (some even added an
> avatar picture) but then did not use their account for anything - no edits,
> no traces, nothing. Why ? Are these mere spam registrations or are we
> actually losing good potential mappers in the first hours of their life
> as Openstreetmap users ? How many of them do we have ? Do we have logs
> that we can analyze to understand how they came to Openstreetmap and how
> they dropped out ?
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