At 23:07 1999-12-25 +0300, Alexander V. Kiselev wrote:
> Hi there!
> On 25 Dec 99, at 12:01, Frank Farance wrote
>     about "Re: Other windows crashes":
> > > Also, you post this on Eudora and you still got that damn line length
> > > set wrong!
> > 
> > My line length in Eudora is set just right.  The problem is a
> > *display* issue, not an E-mail generation issue. 
> You are NOT a betatester then, for if you were, you'd have 
> read the corresponding RFCs.... I'm not going to enlighten you 
> on these, since it's clearly a waiste of *my*, _rather_valuable_, 
> time. I don't care about yours...

Presumably, you mean there are some RFCs that are not satisifed.  Which ones in 
particular?  I can read the RFCs on my own, just point me to the one you think is 

You're right that I'm not a beta tester.  I never claimed I was.  I was just asking 
for technical support information about The Bat.  Can't logical lines be of arbitrary 

Rather than getting all upset, why not just point to the technical information?

Frank Farance, Farance Inc.     T: +1 212 486 4700   F: +1 212 759 1605
Standards, products, services for the Global Information Infrastructure
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