Chet Farmer wrote:

Sure, but "LAMP" has been extended to mean most Linux + Apache + (some open source DB) + (some interprested language). I've seen stuff with Perl or Python plus Postgres referred to as "LAMP" b/c the installation was a simple matter of bringing up another virtual host under apache and installing the right module. Follow?

Typo is part of a whole different tradition (the Rails world). I don't fault it just because of that; I just dislike the additional complexity.
Hi, Chet. I'm running Apache2, Ruby on Rails for my blog ( and honestly, I found the install trivial...

In /etc/apache2/sites-available I have "" which contains:

- - - - - - -
<VirtualHost x.x.x.x>

 # Change this to your email address

 # Change these to be valid paths for your host.  The DocumentRoot path
 # isn't very important because we don't actually use it for anything.
 # For security's sake, it's best that it points to an empty directory,
 # but that's not critical.
 DocumentRoot /home/jkl5groupcom/public_html/blog
 ErrorLog /home/jkl5groupcom/webLogs.d/blog_error.log
 CustomLog /home/jkl5groupcom/webLogs.d/blog_access.log combined

 ServerSignature On

 # This is the important part--it sets up proxying.
 ProxyRequests Off
 <Proxy *>
   Order deny,allow
   Allow from all

 ProxyPass /
 ProxyPassReverse /
 ProxyPreserveHost On

- - - - - - -

In /etc/init.d I have "typo_jkl5blog" which contains:

- - - - - - -
typo start /home/jkl5groupcom/public_html/jkl5blog
- - - - - - -

... "It Just Works". I'm not getting "hundreds of hits per second", of course, but really, this is working just fine. Let me know if you need a bit of info or advice.


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        JKL-5 Telephony Services
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