Hi Markos,

> >They must be escaped java-wise like "\u1234".
> Shinobu I did that and it worked. Thanks.

Welcome.  :)

> Although I find it a bit hard to accept that any resource bundle must be in
> that format. That makes life a bit harder :/

It's all Java stuff.  Java stores data in memory as Unicode, so
everything going into Java must be converted into Unicode.  Currently,
there is no way Java can tell whether a file is ascii or Greek or
Japanese or whatever.  So, you have to Unicode escape the files. 
native2ascii makes life a bit easier.  ;)

> Still I cannot understand why setting the output.encoding to ISO-8859-7 in
> velocity.properties has that effect I mentioned earlier.
> Even more since you pointed out that the output.encoding doesn't matter unless
> you're using VelocityServlet or Anakia and Im using VelocityViewServlet

That IS weird.  Somebody might want to look into that.

Best regards,
-- Shinobu

Shinobu Kawai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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