Dear Gigi,

I look forward to seeing the results of the new test with 10 mm pipe.   Could 
you include some form of drawing that shows the location of the relative pump 
pipe input and output locations.  I am confident that you realize that my 
calculations are based upon a system where the pipe entering the Dewar from the 
pump does not continue directly into the pipe that makes up the return path for 
the coolant.

A continuous pipe would not deliver its load of kinetic energy into the tank.  
That type of system would behave like a heat exchanger.

In most hydraulic systems the power generated by the pump is intended to drive 
some form of hydraulic load such as a cylinder.  In these cases the amount of 
power lost due to kinetic energy transport is negligible.  If you consider a 
typical log splitter for example, most of the time the hydraulic fluid is 
directed to bypass the cylinder by a control valve.  Of course energy is 
imparted upon the fluid by the same process that I calculated in this case due 
to it being accelerated by the pump action.

The typical pump for a log splitter is a constant displacement device where a 
fixed flow rate is generated.  Even when the cylinder is bypassed you will find 
that heat power finds it way into the excess oil storage tank.  Some of that 
heat is due to kinetic energy transport among other reasons.

Why avoid calculations in this particular case?   Many of the cold fusion 
skeptics conclude that LENR is not possible because there is no theory to 
support it.  Here is a simple example of kinetic physics that most high school 
students would be capable of understanding.   You have a mass of water that is 
initially at rest.  It is acted upon by a pump which sets it into forward 
motion along a pipe at a certain velocity that can be established by knowing 
the flow rate and the cross section area of the pipe.  And, the water slows 
down inside a Dewar which must accept the kinetic energy from the flow.

I find it interesting that you and the other skeptics are reluctant to make 
that simple calculation.  Why?  And, where is there a problem with my 
procedure?  Did I make an error in calculating the kinetic energy of the water 
traveling within the pump output pipe?  If you can show me my error I will 
gladly concede the point.

I honestly would like to see a scientific reason that your team finds that 4+ 
watts of excess heat power while at the same time Mizuno measures less than 1 
watt.   Here we both have an opportunity to seek the truth by using scientific 
principles and so far you have avoided that offer.

Unless I missed something, you are still harbor the belief that there is no 
transport of heat from a pump into a relatively large load region in the form 
of lost kinetic energy of the fluid.  The equations that you linked do not 
directly take that into consideration since it becomes a portion of the 
hydraulic load from what I interpret.  The added pressure required to 
accelerate the fluid is not handled as different than normal frictional 
loading.  I contend that it is in fact a different mechanism and is actually 
very measurable in this particular case where there is no intentional hydraulic 

Unfortunately the power lost due to friction inside the pipes is merged with 
this kinetic energy term.  The one thing that is certain is that the heat 
transported in this manner will be 16 times as much as that transported by the 
experiment of Mizuno if pipe is used that is 1/2 the diameter and the fluid 
flow rate and treatment remains equal for both cases.  If instead your test 
system does not treat the circulating water in the same manner then you are not 
performing a valid comparison for replication.

Can we begin a collaboration by agreeing that you are confident that no heat 
power is not transported by means of kinetic energy of the fluid within this 
system?  We must start somewhere if we are to use physical theory to guide our 
hand.  This seems like a logical way to begin since I have derived equations 
that suggest you are wrong in this belief.

Are you willing to make such a stand?  So far I have asked many questions but 
have received few answers.  Theory is important, at least that is what 
physicists state when they attack cold fusion claims!

Forgive me for assuming that you were hiding behind obscure generalities.  I 
was not aware that you were associated with the CSVIT group.  I find it odd 
that you fail to support any theoretical understanding of this system since 
that would appear the most likely method of getting to the truth.  I am willing 
to offer many theoretical stands that you or anyone among your party are 
welcome to prove erroneous.  So far I have not seen a rebuttal to my equations.

I am an electrical engineer as well and have retired from the normal working 
world in most respects.  I hope we can use your experience with radar cooling 
systems to our advantage as we seek the truth about this issue.  Unfortunately, 
I suspect that the systems that you encounter are of a continuous nature where 
this particular cause is hidden from view.   The cooling fluid will likely 
deliver heat into the fluid sink tank that originates as a result of 
acceleration of the coolant by your pumps.  Perhaps you have seen where the 
coolant appears to be hotter than can be accurately attributed to the expected 
pipe friction when the power amplifiers are shut down?  Of course it is 
possible that all excess heating in an environment of this type is attributed 
to frictional losses when it is actually more complicated than many realize.

Take care and lets uncover the real facts,





-----Original Message-----
From: Gigi DiMarco <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Thu, Jan 8, 2015 4:05 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Report on Mizuno's Adiabatic Calorimetry" revised

Dear Dave,

I do not think we need so much calculation; better to perform a new measurement 
on a 10 mm pipe to test you hypotesis. I hate to say that we did it and the 
power dissipation increases a little bit, as any engineer would have expected: 
you will find soon the results here

I advise you to read the full article as well, so you can find all the theory 
you need. Please feel fre to ask any questions you like. 

In case you would like to take a look of the Mizuno 18 hour pump calibration 
you find here the file that Jed can not find anymore

in the very first sheet ("mio") you can find the water temperature increase 
against the room temperature coming from Mizuno's data.

Take your time to think about it. Jed can confirm that the data are the 
original ones.

By the way regarding your statement

I consider it poor form to hide behind obscure generalities

my name is Giancarlo De Marchis and I belong to the GSVIT Group; I thought it 
was clear, sorry.

I'm an electronic engineer and I design water cooling systems [with pumps] for 
RADARs and high power converters. 

Normally they works fine. 



2015-01-08 19:40 GMT+01:00 David Roberson <>:

The flow rate is going to be reasonably close to the 9 liters per minute 
specification from the manufacturer.  I have a graph from Iwaki America that 
shows the expected rate as a function of the lift head facing the pump.  At 
zero meters of head which corresponds to atmospheric pressure the rate is 9 
liters per minute.  At approximately .6 meters of lift the rate is still about 
7 liters per minute.  How much do you calculate as the effective head due to 
friction within the pipe?

The experiment that claimed around 4 watts of pump induced power uses a pipe 
that is 5 mm diameter and about .5 meter in length.  Please do the math if you 
have the equations to determine exactly what flow rate should be expected.  The 
author of that report completely failed to take into account pump power being 
transported by means of the fluid acceleration.  And, it is obvious that he was 
not aware that the faster the fluid moves, the more power it transfers.  This 
is an obvious mistake and I am pointing it out.

As I asked you before, take the time and use whatever equations you can locate 
in the literature to calculate the amount of kinetic energy that is imparted 
upon a liquid by the acceleration due to pump action.  There apparently is no 
need to reinvent the physics of pumps to perform this calculation.  If you do 
this one task, you will find that the heat power comes close to that which is 
measured by the two independent experimenters.

Also, you will find that the amount of power due to this process depends 
greatly upon the area of the pipe carrying a constant amount of fluid mass per 
unit of time.   That power will come out 16 times as much for a pipe that is 5 
mm compared to one that is 10 mm in diameter.  Do the math!  If you counter 
that the flow rates do not match due to changes in size of the pipe, then it 
becomes apparent that the test performed by the skeptic does not agree with the 
one he is attempting to replicate which negates his results.

How can you possibly believe that it is a coincidence that my calculations 
yield a result that is close to what is being measured?  It is quite simple to 
figure out the kinetic energy imparted upon a mass of water that is accelerated 
by some means.  Just read my derivation and tell me where an error is located 
other than just stating that no flow meter was present to prove the rate.  I 
will be happy to review any evidence that you present to support your position. 
  I am as amazed as you are that the calculations came out that well.

Your earlier contention was that there is no energy transport due to 
acceleration of the liquid by pump action which ends up in a holding tank for 
the active liquid.  You pointed out several terrible consequences if that were 
true.   None of those are seen in real life so I assume that you now do not 
hold that position.  Is this true?

Before you continue to shoot down my proposal I expect you to show some 
mathematical support for your contentions.  So far that has not happened.

Take the time to add support to your position or you should back away from 
taking such a negative stance.  I consider it poor form to hide behind obscure 





-----Original Message-----
From: Gigi DiMarco <>
To: vortex-l <>

Sent: Thu, Jan 8, 2015 12:52 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Report on Mizuno's Adiabatic Calorimetry" revised

Sorry Dave but I do not agree at all with your DIY physics about pumps.

1) We actually don't know the actual power flow: you assumed 9 l/m : who told 
you? any flow meter around?

2) The physics of pumps is well known, there is no need to re-invent it

see for example the first equation in the box here

as you can see the mechanical power depends not only on the flow rate (that we 
do not know) but also on the pressure loss, that we do not know either. 

I think we have to wait for the excel file from Jed; there we can find the way 
to solve our problem.



2015-01-08 17:22 GMT+01:00 David Roberson <>:


While Jed is locating that information for you may I request that you make a 
calculation of the kinetic energy contained within the moving water exiting the 
pump?  Then, do the same thing for the kinetic energy of water that is about to 
enter the intake pipe of the pump.  Do you agree that the difference in heat 
must be deposited within the standing liquid?





-----Original Message-----
From: Gigi DiMarco <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Thu, Jan 8, 2015 10:54 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Report on Mizuno's Adiabatic Calorimetry" revised

Mizuno measured the heat added to the system by the pump. There is no point to 
appealing to a theory or hypothesis about how much heat there may be when it 
has actually been measured for 18 hours by running the pump only.

dear Jed,

I could not find anymore the excel file of this 18 hour measurement [it used to 

In that file it was clearly shown that the water temperature, with no excess 
heat, rised by 2.5 °C in a stable way against the room temperature. Is not it 
too much for 0,24 W?

Could you post the file again?

Many thanks

2015-01-08 16:39 GMT+01:00 Jed Rothwell <>:

Gigi DiMarco <> wrote:

This is completely wrong: the pump power is not transformed into kinetic enegy 
of the water, otherwise you will get after a while an infinite velocity, not 
only for the water inside the tube but for cars on motorways as well.

Let me point out again that this entire discussion is irrelevant for two 
reasons, which I clearly explained in the paper, starting on p. 24:

1. Mizuno measured the heat added to the system by the pump. There is no point 
to appealing to a theory or hypothesis about how much heat there may be when it 
has actually been measured for 18 hours by running the pump only.

2. It makes no difference how much heat is added to the system by the pump. 
Whether the temperature goes up 0.6°C, or 6°C or 10°C, and whether this 
temperature represents a half watt, or 5 W, or 10 Watts is completely 
irrelevant. The pump is left running all the time. Therefore all of the heat 
from the pump is in the baseline temperature of the system. Mizuno measures 
from the baseline to the terminal high temperature at the end of the test, just 
as the temperature begins to fall. He does not measure from the ambient 

I wish the people writing these critiques would spend a few moments reading the 
paper, but they never do.

I am not even going to bother adding these remarks to the latest paper. I am 
busy. If someone here would like to, feel free to add these points. It is a 
waste of time, I think.

- Jed

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