John Berry <> wrote:

> Still, plenty of extremely dangerous jobs exist for men, I live in a
> logging town.
> Now that is up there with atlantic fishing in a small boat danger wise.

Okay, so you live there. Do you know any loggers? Have you talked to them,
or read interviews? Think about it. Ask yourself:

Are any women doing those jobs? Probably not.

Would the men welcome women? I doubt it!

Do those jobs pay well? Way better than any job available to women. That is
one of the main reasons men don't want women doing the job. Not because
they crave danger. Generally speaking, skilled and dangerous work pays well.

Could you do that kind of work if you are not an exceptionally strong,
experienced person? Probably not. You would kill yourself. Women on average
are weaker, and they seldom get a chance to work their way up to such
experience in their teenage years. They seldom play football, boxing, or
weigh lifting. It's a cultural thing, because they can lift weights, but
they seldom do. I know some women who learned to use a chainsaw better than
I can, but not many.

This is about averages and there are always exceptions. Japanese women tend
to be smaller than American women, and way smaller than me. But there are
some who are big, and some who are very big, such as the woman wrestler
"Dumptruck" Matsumoto who could pick me up and hurl me across the room. I
expect she could cut large trees with heavy chainsaws. Probably she could
juggle chainsaws. In her prime she looked like this:

Not Madam Butterfly.

I have heard she is a nice person.

- Jed

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